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Thread Title: Shadow of the Ninja Cheat Codes (for NES)

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    Default Shadow of the Ninja Cheat Codes (for NES)

    Beating the armored atrocity

    The best way to beat this armored atrocity is with the bombs that can be found in Stage 2/2. After you collect the bombs, run to the end of the stage and avoid conflict so that you won't waste bombs. When you get to Stage 2/3, you'll see that the weak spot of the tank is at the front of the top section. Jump up to the top, try to avoid shots from the tank guns and aim for the weak spot. Three bombs is all you'll need to put it away. If you don't have the bombs, you can defeat the tank with a weaker weapon. The extra time that it takes, though, will give the tank a chance to retaliate.

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    Default RE: Shadow of the Ninja

    Stronger attack

    Add power to your attack with a super lightning bolt that will blast all of the enemies on the screen. Press and hold the B button for about five seconds and your Ninja will call on a lightning bolt that will come down on every visible enemy. The blast will take about half of your energy, so use the technique sparingly.

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  4. #3
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    Default RE: Shadow of the Ninja


    During a game, hold B for 5 seconds to destroy all enemies on screen. This uses about half of your energy.

    At the Title Screen press A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B. This will let you enter any of the codes below:

    Hold A and B on both controllers and press Start twice on Controller 1 for a Sound test.

    Hold D on Controller 2 and press Start twice on Controller 1, or hold D on Controller 2 while entering any of the codes listed below for invincibility.

    To warp to Stage 1-2, hold B on Controller 2 and press Start twice on Controller 1.

    To warp to Stage 1-3, hold A on Controller 2 and press Start twice on Controller 1.

    To warp to Stage 1-4, hold A and B on Controller 2 and press Start twice on Controller 1.

    To warp to Stage 2-1, hold B and press Start twice on Controller 1.

    To warp to Stage 2-2, hold B on Controller 2, hold B and press Start twice on Controller 1.

    To warp to Stage 2-3, hold B on Controller 2, hold A and press Start twice on Controller 1.

    To warp to Stage 3-1, hold A and B on Controller 2, hold B and press Start twice on Controller 1.

    To warp to Stage 3-2, hold A and press Start twice on Controller 1.

    To warp to Stage 3-3, hold B on Controller 2, hold A and press Start twice on Controller 1.

    To warp to Stage 4-1, hold A on Controller 2, hold A and press Start twice on Controller 1.

    To warp to Stage 4-2, hold A and B on Controller 2, hold A and press Start twice on Controller 1.

    To warp to Stage 4-3, hold A and B press Start twice on Controller 1.

    To warp to Stage 5-1, hold B on Controller 2, hold A and B and press Start twice on Controller 1.

    To warp to Stage 5-2, hold A on Controller 2, hold A and B and press Start twice on Controller 1.

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