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Thread Title: shadowgate Cheat Codes (for NES)

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    Default shadowgate Cheat Codes (for NES)

    Finding the Silver Orb

    To get the Silver Orb. Go to the room with the cylinder and you'll see three handles to the right of it. Pull down the right handle first then the middle and then push the right handle back up. The cylinder will open and you will see the Silver Orb. I found the code to the handles in the room with the sphinx in it. There behind him on the side of the steps are some "strange marks". The marks are for operating the cylinder.

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    Default RE: shadowgate

    Early walkthrough

    At the beginning of the game you'll see a door with a little Skull above it. Open It and Inside will be a key. Grab it and open the door and go to the next room.

    You'll be in a room with two door, a fancy rug and a couple of torches on the wall. First grab the torches. Next you should use that key to open the locked door in the middle of the wall.

    Go through it to the next room and you will in a Hallway. You'll see theres a little ledge with a book on it, in between two torches one torch will be a normal torch but the other one will be different from the rest You'll need this torch later on in the game. Now open the book (but do don't take it or part of the floor will fall and you'll die) and there will be another key. This key is used to open the other door in that room that you were just in. Go back and open it.

    Go inside and you'll be in a cramped closet with two stone ledges. One will have a Sling Shot and the other will have a sword. Take them. Go back to the hallway and notice a Stone Kind of different from the rest. Open it. It's secret passage!! Go through it and you will be in a room with two torches on a wall and a large doorway high up on the ceiling. There will be ledge to get up. Don't try it, it'll just clasp on you. See a arrow on the wall in front of you. Take it and pull down the torch to the left and another secret passage will open. Go through it. Don`t bother taking the torches, there stuck in the wall for good.

    When you go to the next room there will be two stairways. One will be strong and Sturdy and the other one will be weak and won't hold anything (Guess which is which, you`ll see the answer fairly easy). Go up the Sturdy one and you'll be in a room with a Ghost guarding the next door. Remember the torch I was telling you about. Well light it up and the ghost will disappear.

    Take the torches and take the cloat and put it on yourself. Go the next room and there will be bunch of junk lying on a ledge in the ceiling. Take the Bottle 2 and the scroll if you want. (If you got the other bottle you can just throw it out in a later room). You'll see this piece of paper on the wall that says Epor. Look at it two times and the knight will figure out it's a magic spell. Yell it out and the rope lying on the floor will magically float up in the air (If you haven't noticed Epor Spelled backwards is rope). Climb The Rope to the room above you will be in a room with Three mirrors and a broom just lying around take it if you want but I still haven't figured out what it's for in this game. Move back to room behind you.

    You'll be in a room with a bunch of coffins. Only open the one on the right, the one closet to the entrance of the room. Open it and A mummy will come out. Don` t worry he's already dead. Burn him up and A scepter will be there, lying in the coffin. Take it and Move through the main entrance.

    At the room of the cyclops what most things don`t tell you is that you could kill the cyclops for good, and don`t keep throwing stones when ether you go through. When you get there, load your slingshot with those stones that were near the waterfall in an earlier room. Now fling the stone at him. He may look dead now but he isn`t. To make Him dead stab him with the sword and he will die.

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    Default RE: shadowgate

    Finding the key, sling, sword, and book at the very start

    When you start the game, read through the little story. There is a skull on top of the door. Pretty spooky. Maybe that skull is like a doormat. Try to operate it. Now get the key. Get all the torches you can. If it goes dark, you die. Open the door in front of you and go inside. The door to your right is locked. Try using the key you just found. Get the sling and sword. Now go through the door which goes straight. Open the book, but don't take it. Get the key which was inside the book.

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    Default RE: shadowgate

    Get the flute and ring

    At the room of the Cyclops, use the crank on the well. Open the bucket, and take out the gauntlet. Use it on yourself. Then at the room with the fountain, the acidic water will not burn your hand, and you can get the flute. Play it and take the ring from the tree.

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