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Thread Title: Super Spike VBall Cheat Codes (for NES)

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    Default Super Spike VBall Cheat Codes (for NES)

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    George/Murphy- These guys are O.K. but i would not pick them there "balance" does not help all that much

    Al/John- These guys are useless anybody can superspike and they move way too slow for a good defence

    Billy/Jimmy- I do not like these guys because when they dive they dive too far and miss the dig half of the time.

    Ed/Michael- These guys are the best. Speed is everything. They can superspike just like anyone else, and dig just as good but don't dive way to far, and they can move fast.

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    Default RE: Super Spike VBall


    Defence- When playing defense the computer will go in the opposite corner as you, creating a huge gap for somebody to spike it in, so when playing defence go above the computer and back up just enough so that the computer thinks he is playing front row and you are playing back row, but in fact you both will be playing front row, this leaves one column in the back open that is too far for you to dive to, but no spikes will get in front of you anymore, everything else in the court you can pick up in this defence. when the computer is getting ready to spike just stand in this position, and keep pushing "B" rapidly and you will pick up the spike. Also, never ever block, when you block a superspike you get KABOOMED or if you super block a superspike it will go way out of bounds anyway. so your best bet is to just dig the ball and hope it goes somewhere that is reachable

    Offence- There is not much to playing 0ffence. to play an effective offence just place your spikes where the opponent isn't, and there is only two of them on a huge court so it is not that hard. I usually find it easiest to score by placing my spikes on the front row (front up, front middle, or front down). Also for an unstoppable offence one must superspike every time. To superspike jump up as normal, but instead of pushing "B" once to jump, press it rapidly many times, until your hand starts to be on fire, then you will press "A" and the ball will land HARD on the ground. also the arrows on the pad is where you will hit in the court. If you press the right button (playing from the left court) the ball will go far to the back line. if you press the left button the ball will go straight down (most effective spike). and if you press any of the other keys the ball will go in that respective direction. If no arrow is pushed then the ball will go to the middle of the court. Also, once you start to get experienced at this game you can do a Quickspike, this is where you jump right after passing a good pass to target. you jump before the setter sets, then you sort of cradle the ball when the setter sets it to you and you can spike. this creates a way to catch the opponents defence off guard.

    Serving- I find there is no real best serve, all of them are easily picked up, just do not ever serve standing on the ground those can be spiked right back at you, so when serving press "B" then "A" to hit the ball, this is a jump serve, any serve from the ground can be easily spiked back right off of the serve without a set.

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