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Thread Title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cheat Codes (for NES)

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    Default Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cheat Codes (for NES)


    It is mandatory that you collect several scrolls in stage three, because you will need them to fight Shredder. If you don't then you might as well restart the game and start over. By the time you reach Shredder all of your turtles will be low on energy, and even if your turtle is at full power 2 hits from Shredder and you're dead. Without the Scrolls, beating this game is almost impossible. Shredder has 2 life bars just in case you are wondering why his energy didn't move when you hit him the first time.

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    Default RE: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    Stronger hits

    When your turtles start being low on energy, (around 2 1/2 blocks left) their hits start to be more effective. For example, the spiders in the buildings on stage five can be killed with one hit from Raph when he is weak. But if he had full energy, it would take two hits.

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    Default RE: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    Beat Mouser

    An easy way to beat the boss mouser is to get Don, and stand directly under the mouth. When he opens his mouth just slash upward and his long bow will finish him off eventually. You will also be safe from the eye lazers here.

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    Default RE: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    Get pizza over and over

    If you find some pizza near the entrance to a sewer, grab it and when you reenter the sewer the pizza will appear over and over again. You can refresh your whole party like this in no time.

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    Default RE: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    Fighting the first boss

    When you fight the first boss use Don. Jump up on top of boxes, hold down and keep pressing the attack button. Eventually he'll die.

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    Default RE: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    Ledge tip

    When the gap between two ledges is only the width of one brick and the ceiling is Turtle height, an attempted jump will result in a sure fall. In this case, your Turtle of choice should just try to step over the gap instead of leaping. He can walk across. Avoid stopping in the middle, and he'll make it easily!

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    Default RE: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    Stage tips

    In stage 3, collect as many scroll weapons as you can and hang on to them! They are by far the best weapons to use against bosses.

    Stage 6: In the narrow yellow corridor, when the flying soldiers come, simply duck and they will retreat so you can pass.

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    Default RE: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    Captured turtle locations

    Level 3: Notice the triangle of buildings in the middle of the map? The building in the lower right corner of that triangle is where to find a turtle captured in level 3 or further into the game.
    Level 4: Sewer #13 is where to find a captured turtle in this stage.
    Level 5: In the lowest level of the middle building, you will find a captured turtle.
    Level 6: In the lowest part of the first section of the Technodrome, you will find a spike laced floor. Crossing it is a risk, but if you make it to a part where you can go down further, go down, then to the right to find a captured turtle.

    Any time you rescued a captured turtle, they get full life energy, but any weapons they collected before being captured will be lost.

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