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Thread Title: Dragon Warrior: FAQ/Walkthrough by Psycho Penguin

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    Default Dragon Warrior: FAQ/Walkthrough by Psycho Penguin

    IMPORTANT: All questions can be sent to [email protected], and if you
    have anything you would like to add to the guide, send it to
    [email protected]. This is because it is too tough for me to separate
    stuff people want me to add to the guide from basic questions. if you send any
    reader tips to [email protected] or any questions to
    [email protected], they will be deleted. Thanks for understanding.

    Also, Matt Hulbert is no longer a co author of this guide, as his format was,
    in his own words, "outdated", and since he added no information to the guide,
    he has contributed nothing to THIS version. I do thank him for taking the time
    to reformat my guide back in the day, however.

    Dragon Warrior (NES) FAQ/Walkthrough Final Version
    by Psycho Penguin Steve Saunders
    E-mail: [email protected] (Game Related)
    [email protected] (Personal)
    [email protected] (Stuff to add to guide)
    Guide Percentage done (Approx): 100
    Email backlog: 0

    First Version: 5/24/98
    Last Updated: 7/18/02
    Number of Updates: 6
    Current Size: 105.2K

    ---------------------- [D R A G O N W A R R I O R ] -----------------------

       / __ \_________ _____ _____  ____ 
      / / / / ___/ __ `/ __ `/ __ \/ __ \
     / /_/ / /  / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / /
    /_____/_/   \__,_/\__, /\____/_/ /_/ 
     _       __                _           
    | |     / /___ ___________(_)___  _____
    | | /| / / __ `/ ___/ ___/ / __ \/ ___/
    | |/ |/ / /_/ / /  / /  / / /_/ / /    
    |__/|__/\__,_/_/  /_/  /_/\____/_/

    Legal Disclaimer: You may reproduce this guide for NON PROFIT ONLY. I don't
    care who you are. If I am not making money with the guide, then you shouldn't
    either, especially since I worked so darn hard on it. If you decide you want to
    reproduce this guide for non profit uses, and I don't know about it, I will
    Rodney King your ass! All you have to do is email me at [email protected]
    and tell me exactly what you wanna do with my guide. You want to put it on your
    site, go for it, as long as you keep it EXACTLY the same. Otherwise, there will
    be a fight, and I know there's gonna be a fight, cuz I am gonna start it! You
    can turn this guide into HTML if you want, I don't care, just make sure none of
    this info is deleted or changed. If you want to print this guide out, go for
    it. I wrote this guide to help people with this incredible game! Just make sure
    to use this for your own use, and not go around putting it on eBay. As long as
    you keep this guide the way it is, I don't care if you post it on your site.
    Just KEEP IT THE WAY IT IS. Thank you.

    E-mail Rules: I am a very flexible guy when it comes to emailing me. You can
    email me at [email protected] if you want to chat with me, since I like
    talking with people. If you have a gameplay issue or question, email me at
    [email protected]. One last note: Only email me about the game at
    [email protected] , all emails about Silent Hill 2 sent to my other
    e-mail adresses will be deleted and/or ignored. Thanks to all those that have
    emailed me so far, I appreciate it! Check my email backlog. If it's filled up,
    you may have to wait a while before you get a response. I check my email once
    in a while. Please wait for a response, because I will respond to all emails.
    Please read my guide before asking questions, thats why I have a FAQ and Reader
    Tips section. I will only post your question/tip in my guide if it is good, and
    has not been answered in this guide. Thanks.

    One last note: Only email me about the game at [email protected] for game
    questions, or [email protected] for reader tips and suggestions. All
    emails sent to my other email addresses about the game will not be answered.
    Thanks to all those that have emailed me so far, I appreciate it!

    1. Check my email backlog. If it's filled up, you may have to wait a while
    before you get a response.

    2. I check my email once in a while. Please wait for a response, because I will
    respond to all emails.

    3. Please read my guide before asking questions, thats why I have a FAQ and
    Reader Tips section.

    4. I will only post your question/tip in my guide if it is good, and has not
    been answered in this guide.

    New plan: all questions can be sent to [email protected], and if you have
    anything you would like to add to the guide, send it to
    [email protected]. This is because it is too tough for me to separate
    stuff people want me to add to the guide from basic questions. if you send any
    reader tips to [email protected] or any questions to
    [email protected], they will be deleted. Thanks for understanding.

    Basically: [email protected] for FAQ posting requests and personal emails,
    [email protected] for game questions and other things like that, and
    [email protected] for tips, suggestions, corrections, etc.


    Instant Message Rules: Unlike a lot of authors I know, I love getting IM's from
    fans and for people with questions. My AIM name is HeShootsHeGores, and I go on
    it a lot. Just remember this. If you contact me on one of the instant
    messengers, and I do not respond, it probably means I am busy. I am always
    talking with my girl, and friends, so sometimes I just ignore some instant
    messages from people I do not know. Be nice, and I will talk to you, just don't
    come out and ask the question and be all rude if I do not respond in five
    seconds, otherwise I probably will just block you. I will answer all e-mails
    about the game, however.

    --------------------------------{T. O. C.}-------------------------------------

    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Revision History
    3.0 Game Basics
    3.1 Controls
    3.2 Storyline
    3.3 Basics
    3.4 Tips
    4.0 Walkthrough
    5.0 Frequently Asked Questions
    6.0 Lists
    6.1 Weapons
    6.2 Armor
    6.3 Shields
    6.4 Helmets
    6.5 Items
    6.6 Magic
    6.7 Bestiary
    7.0 Shopping Guide
    8.0 Other Information
    8.1 Credits
    8.2 Author Information
    9.0 Conclusion

    _/_ _ _ _ _ _ ' _
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    ----- 1.0 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------

    I hope you all enjoy my guide for this great game! It's an average RPG which
    doesn't really need another guide, but hey, might as well finish what I
    started.. and boy, it's been a LONG time since I started this sucker.

    ----- 2.0 Revision History --------------------------------------------------

    Final 104.5K July 17, 2002
    -Here it is, the newly formatted Dragon Warrior guide. It now doesn't look 4
    years old. Go to my website to see the older version if you wish.

    Final 63.9K May 29, 2001
    -Matt Hulbert did a good job of fixing it up here, but I want it to have a
    total new look now to match my other guides.

    v0.1 24.8K May 24, 1998
    -Wow, it's been forever since the first version of this guide was posted..

    ----- 3.0 Game Basics -------------------------------------------------------

    Here is a listing of all the basic stuff you should know about this game.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
    -------------------------+ 3.1 Controls +-------------------------
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

    How to use the Controller and Displays
    Control Pad:
    *This moves your character Up, Down, Left, and Right.
    *When entering commands, the Control pad moves the Flashing Cursor in the
    Command Window in the same direction.

    A Button:
    *When you press this button, the Command Window appears on the screen and
    you may enter commands. Use the Control Pad to bring the Cursor to the
    command that you wish, then press the A Button.
    *If you press this button when the Cursor is flashing in the Text Window,
    the next Text Window will be displayed.

    B Button:
    *Press this button to Cancel a command.

    The Command Window will appear when you press the A Button while you are in
    the Walkabout Mode.
    Select the command with the Control Pad and execute it by pressing the A
    Button. (Cancel it by pressing the B Button.)

    Your present Status will be displayed in the Status Window.
    *Your Level.
    *Your Hit Points.
    *Your Magic Power.
    *Your Gold.
    *Your Experience.

    Entering Commands During Walkabout Mode

    *When you choose this command, you can speak in the direction you are facing.
    *You can't speak to anybody unless that person is right in front of you.
    However, you can speak to people in Shops and Inns, etc. if you're standing
    at the Counter.
    *Choose the direction in which you want to speak by using the Control Pad.
    Then use the "Talk" command.

    *You can find out just how much strength you possess in many different areas.

    *Place your character on the stairway and choose this command to go Up or
    Down the stairs.
    *This command won't work if you're not directly over the staircase.

    *You can open Doors if you have a Key. Use Keys wisely. You can only use a
    Key once and you need a Key for each Door.

    *You can chant Magic Spells. Use the Control Pad to choose the Spell and
    press the A Button to cast the Spell. This command doesn't work if you
    haven't learned any Spells yet.

    *Choose this command to use the Items that you have acquired. Select an
    Item with the Control Pad, then press the A Button to use that Item.

    *Use this command to Search the area at your feet.

    *Use this command to open Treasure Chests. Move over the Treasure Chest and
    use this command to take what is inside.

    Entering Commands During Fighting Mode

    *When you leave a Castle or Town, lots of monsters will come out to attack
    you. If you happen to bump into one of them, the game will automatically
    enter the Fight Mode.

    *You can Fight monsters with any Weapons you may have or with your bare
    fists (if you have no weapons).
    *In most fights, you won't be able to defeat the enemy with one blow. You
    may suffer some damage, but you can carry on until you've defeated the monster.
    *Carry on fighting while keeping an eye on your hit points until the enemy
    is defeated.

    *As you suffer damage from the Hit Points in the Status Window will
    decrease. When you have no Points left, that's the end of your game. So
    Run away if you think you're dangerously close to that point. Remember,
    Running away can be a very important "fighting" technique.

    *You can chant a Spell instead of using Weapons. In a Fight, Spells can
    Heal wounds or inflict damage on the enemy.

    *Use this command to recover your Life Force with the Herbs you are carrying.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
    -------------------------+ 3.2 Story +-------------------------
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

    Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a kingdom called
    Alfegard. This kingdom lived in peace for many years. One day this all changed.
    Evil monsters came and wrecked all the peace and killed many of the innocent
    people. All hope was not lost however. A brave warrior named Erdrick fought
    this evil with the ball of light and restored peace to the kingdom. This peace
    would not last for long however. The Dragonlord came years later, and stole the
    precious ball of light and hid it in the darkness. This is where you come in.
    You, yes you, must take on a quest to find the Dragonlord and fight him until
    the end, recover the ball of light, and restore peace to the land once again.


    You - The brave warrior who took this quest to save the kingdom of Alfegard.

    King Lorik - A real hypocrite. He wants you to restore peace and defeat the
    Dragonlord and knows you need gold to buy weapons and armor to do so but still
    takes half your gold when you die anyway. It would be cool if you could say
    something like this to him the second time you die: "Yeah, well if you didn't
    take my gold away the first time, then I could have bought that new armor and I
    would have never died again."

    Princess Gwalin - The daughter of Lorik. You must rescue her from the swamp

    The Dragonlord: The ultimate enemy. Defeat him to restore peace to the land!

    Nester - A very confused person.

    Wynn - See this man in Cantlin for information regarding Erdrick's Armor.

    Orwick - Hmm. This guy should really start writing down the places he is
    supposed to meet his girlfriends.

    | Other people: |

    Townsman: Blue and white people. Once in awhile they will have some advice.

    Guards: Guard castles and other places. They usually have good advice.

    Wise Men: Usually very wise, but sometimes they can get on your nerves.

    Soldiers: Guys with swords and shields. Usually have nothing much to say.

    Merchants: The fat guys in green and white. Usually trying to sell something.

    Women: If you came to Alfegard to get a variety of women, you will be
    disappointed. Every single woman looks exactly the same.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
    -------------------------+ 3.3 Basics +-------------------------
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

    Plains - The green grass. There are usually not too many enemies in these.

    Forests - Areas with trees. A lot of enemies lurk in the forests, so watch out!

    Hills - Hills will slow you down a bit. They are also crawling with enemies.
    Unless you want to spend a lot of time there, stay out of the hills.

    Craggy Mountains - The steep gray mountains. You cannot walk on these.

    Water - Also impassable. The only way to get through water is if there is a
    bridge. Be careful though. Each time you cross a bridge, the enemies get

    Swamps - Beware of swamps. Each time you walk on them you will lose two
    hitpoints. Once you get Erdrick's Armor, swamps won't hurt you at all.

    Barriers - The diagonally striped spaces. Everytime you walk on one, you will
    lose 15 hitpoints. Like swamps, you don't lose any damage from them if you have
    Erdrick's Armor.

    Much of the time you spend playing the game will be exploring caves. I have
    listed each cave below and given some information about the cave.

    Erdrick's Cave - Just north of Tantagel Castle. Here you will find the
    Erdrick's Tablet. There are no enemies in this cave and it is very small.

    Mountain Cave - Southeast of Garninham. This the first cave you will explore
    that has enemies. Get the death necklace and fighter's ring here. Sell both of
    them! This cave is a lot bigger than Erdrick's Cave but is very easy to learn
    how to get around in it.

    Swamp Cave - Located in a swamp south of Kol. It serves two purposes. One is,
    that is where you will have to go to rescue the princess. Use a torch or
    radiant when you do this. You will have to fight a Green Dragon in order to
    rescue her and you will also need a magic key. To get to Rimildar you won't
    need a torch or radiant. It is very easy to find your way out of the cave. Just
    go down for a long way until you hear a thumping sound. Then go to the right
    until you hear the same sound. Then down again, right, down, and finally left.
    Then go up the stairs and you will be out of the swamp.

    Grave of Garninham - Use a key in the town of Garninham to reach here. You will
    also need another key when you get inside the grave. The silver harp is here as
    well as many strong enemies. Enemies as strong as Wraith Knight's are hear so
    be careful!


    You shouldn't need this, but some of the language in the game is a little,
    well... ancient. They are pretty easy to understand and some of them are almost
    the same but here is a quick guide anyway.

    Thou - Subjective form of you.
    Thee - Objective form of you.
    Art - Are
    Dost - Do
    Thy - Your
    Hast - Has

    More About Your Character

    *You can examine your Status by choosing the Status Command!

    *This tells you your Level as a Warrior. You're at Level 1 at the beginning
    of the game. As you Fight monsters and gain more Experience, your Level
    goes up, your Strength increases, and you learn more Spells.

    HP (Hit Points):
    *This shows your Life Force. Hit Points will decrease when an enemy
    inflicts damages on you. Don't forget, when this number reaches 0, that's
    the end of you and the game!

    Maximum HP:
    *If your Life Force is very low, it can be restored to Maximum Force by
    staying at an Inn. Also the Maximum HP goes up with each Level and you'll
    be able to withstand more damage.

    MP (Magic Power):
    *This is your Power for chanting Spells. This power goes down each time you
    chant a Spell. Some Spells use more or less MP than others.

    Maximum MP:
    *You can restored your Magical Power to Maximum Strength by staying at an Inn.

    G (Gold):
    *This is the Money you have obtained. You get some Gold for each of the
    monsters you defeat. And when you've saved up enough Gold, you'll be able
    to buy Weapons, Armor, and other Items.

    E (Experience):
    *This is your Fighting Experience. You can gain Experience by defeating the
    enemy, the stronger the enemy, the more Experience you get. As you gain
    Experience, your Level goes up and your Strength increases.

    *This number increases as your Level goes up.

    *Your character becomes faster at higher Levels. This means that you can
    more easily avoid the enemy or Run away.

    Attack Power:
    *The higher this number, the more damage you can inflict on monsters. You
    can increase your Attacking Power by becoming stronger and acquiring more
    powerful Weapons.

    Defend Power:
    *A higher Defense rating means that an enemy's attack will inflict less damage.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
    -------------------------+ 3.4 Tips +-------------------------
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

    -Make sure to save a lot, especially early on in the game, and remember to hold
    down the reset button as you turn the power off!

    -If enemies are running from you a lot, it will be best for you to move on to a
    new area.

    -Spend time leveling up and gaining gold often to keep up to speed with the

    -You need to save with the king.

    -Once you get the heal spell, talk to the man in the southeastern corner of
    Tantegel Castle to regain MP. You never have to use an Inn again!

    ----- 4.0 Walkthrough -------------------------------------------------------

    In case you just can't figure what to do in the game, here is a complete step
    by step walkthrough to help you finish the quest with ease.

    To start off, you will have to read the things the king is saying. After he
    is done babbling, collect the treasure chests. In the chests you will find 120
    gold, a torch and a magic key. Leave the throne room by going down the stairs
    and then keep going south until you exit the castle. When you leave the castle,
    go directly to Breconary before you fight enemies. If be a chance, a slime
    bumps into you, you can fight it because they are pretty weak, even without
    weapons. If it is a red slime, you could still beat it but it is best to run
    because you will lose a lot of energy before you even really started the game.
    When you get to Breconary, go first to the weapons shop. Talk to the fat sales
    man and buy the club and clothes. Then go to the tool shop which is in the
    southeast end of town, inside another building, and buy the Dragon Scale. Put
    the Dragon Scale on and you now will have more than enough protection for now,
    a good weapon to start with and 20 gold, as a bonus to save. Leave Breconary
    and get ready to fight some slimes. Walk back in fourth around Breconary and
    Tantagel until slimes or red slimes appear and fight them. Keep doing this
    until you reach level 2 which will be after 7 experience points. Now you should
    go to the inn and get full HP and then go to the king and save your game.

    After you do this, exit the castle again and go just a little bit north of
    Tantagel Castle, about three quarters of the way to Erdrick's Cave. Here you
    will fight Drakees and Slimes and Red Slimes until level 3. Depending on how
    luck you are, you may and may not have to go to the inn during this level. If
    you get low and the letters turn red, run right away unless you are sure you
    can beat the enemy in one more hit and then go to the inn and come back. You
    will reach level 3 when you have 23 experience points. Now you will also have
    the spell of heal. You also have 5 MP. Heal costs 4 MP so you can only use it
    once in this level. Now go up to the area surrounding Erdrick's Cave where you
    will fight Ghosts, Drakees, Red Slimes and you will also run into magicians but
    don't fight them, run. Keep fighting enemies and collecting experience and
    gold. You should soon be able to afford the leather armor which costs 70 gold.
    When you have 70, go to Breconary, buy the leather armor for 70 and sell the
    clothes for 10. Use the gold you sold the clothes with and go to the inn. Then
    go to the king and save your game. When you leave the castle again, go back to
    where you were fighting and fight until you have 47 experience points and make
    it to level 4. Now you can fight near Garninham.

    When you run low on energy and need to go to the inn now, still go to
    Breconary because the inn in Garninham costs 25 gold. Keep fighting and
    collecting gold until you get 90 gold which is when you will buy the small
    shield. Save your game and go back to fighting again. When you get 110
    experience points, you will be in level 5. Level 5 is a tough one. It is too
    easy to be fighting ghosts because it would take forever to pass the level
    getting 3 points at a time but you are still to weal for many enemies. For
    level 5, you will be strong enough to fight around the outside of Kol. Go to
    Kol and fight Magidrakees, Scorpions, Magicians and sometimes ghosts. If a
    Skeleton appears, you are to weak to fight it so run. Use the hurt spell as
    much as you can because it will effect enemies a lot better than attacking at
    this point. When you run low on energy, stop into to Kol and rest at the inn
    for 20 gold which won't be too bad at this point since you are making a lot
    more gold. While you are in Kol, go to the northern part of town where there is
    a bath that
    supposedly cures Rheumatism.

    Walk directly underneath and take tree steps down and search and you will find
    the Fairy Flute. Now, leave the town and fight some more enemies. When you have
    180 gold, go back to Breconary, buy the Copper Sword, sell your club for 30, go
    to the inn for 6 and go back to the castle and save, then go back to the Kol
    area. You will be able to attack enemies a lot better with this new weapon now.
    Keep on fighting until you reach level 6. You will be stronger now and
    fighting will be easier. This is a low point in the game. You have to fight a
    lot of magidrakees and scorpions to get to level 7 and you also need to save
    300 for the chain mail. When you finally get enough for the chain mail, go to
    Garninham and buy it, then save it and go back to the Kol area. Fight until you
    reach level 7, save and then head for Breconary. Go to the tool shop and buy as
    many torches you can hold. Then save quickly (you can never save too many
    times) go to the mountain cave and go to the bottom floor. Fight every enemy on
    the way. This is a good way to get experience and gold. Find the chest that has
    100-130 gold. Take it.

    Then leave the cave fighting and gaining experience as you leave, and when you
    are outside the cave, go right back in and do it again. Your gold will sky
    rocket fast and you will also find the death necklace. If you have used up all
    your torches and have still not have been lucky enough to find the death
    necklace in the chest instead of the gold, buy some more torches! What do you
    have to lose, you have already made several hundred gold doing this! When you
    finally get the death necklace, go to Kol, and go to the tool shop there ad
    sell the death necklace for 1200 gold. Then go to the weapons shop and buy the
    Hand Axe for 560 gold and sell your Copper Sword for 90 gold. Since you
    probably have several hundred gold from all the treasure chests, go to
    Garninham and buy the large shield.

    You should almost be at level 8 by now. Now, what do you do after all this
    cave exploring? Do it again! The death necklace can only be found once, but you
    still get a lot of experience from the enemies, and a lot of gold each time so
    buy some more torches and get back there! When you have gone enough times to
    have 1000 gold, go to Garninham, buy the Half Plate, save your game and go back
    to Kol for just a little while and fight until you reach level 9. When you
    reach level 9, save and go through the swamp cave to Rimildar. Here you will
    fight Wolves, Warlocks, Metal Scorpions, and Skeletons. Fight them until you
    get enough gold to buy the Broad Sword for 1500 gold. You will have to go to
    the inn often because these enemies are strong and you will use a lot of MP
    using sleep and heal. When you earn about 3000 dollars, go into Rimildar, buy
    the Full Plate, and sell your half plate for 500. Then go to the key shop by
    walking along the outside of the northern part of town and buy 6 magic keys to
    last you a long time. Then go to the inn and go back to fighting to raise your
    level. For now, you will be doing a lot of fighting. You will have to fight
    enemies in this same place until you reach level 11.

    When you reach level 11, either go back to Tantagel Castle, or just kill
    yourself. It is ok to kill yourself by this point because you won't need a lot
    of gold for a long time. While you are in Tantagel Castle, unlock the door that
    is guarding the right side of the castle. Go as far to the right as you can,
    one step right of the castle wall and walk downward to until you see a
    staircase. Go down that staircase and get the Stones of the Sunlight. Then go
    back to the king and save your game. After you have done that, leave the castle
    and head for Garninham. It is now time to retrieve that Harp! When you enter
    Garninham, go to the right until you see a locked door. Open the door and go
    in. Collect the three treasure chests. You will see another locked door with
    two guards. Do NOT open this door. If you talk to the guards they both say "I'm
    too busy, ask the other guard" so it is a waste of a key. In order to enter the
    grave, you will have to go to the top left corner of the screen and find the
    hidden entrance which is about three or four steps from the left corner, When
    you go in there, keep going to the right until you see an old man and a
    staircase. The old man will tell you to stay away from the grave but he is a
    moron so don't listen to him. Go down the stairs, and get ready to explore the

    Turn on radiant and find the locked door, on the first floor. When you do,
    unlock it, go down and then to the left until you see a staircase, take that
    staircase down. Now go down until you, see a staircase and a path that leads to
    the right. Take the path that leads to the right. Now go down the stairs. When
    you get to the next floor, go up right away through the narrow passage for a
    few steps until you can't any further, than go one to the right and follow that
    path, and make a right turn at the first intersection. Then go up (up is the
    only way you can go) and again make a right turn at the first intersection. Now
    you will see a staircase. Go down the stairs, then go around to the other side
    and go up those stairs. You will be in a big room with a treasure chest in the
    middle. Take it and then die. You probably don't have a lot of money anyway,
    because you bought all those keys and the full plate. Save your game while you
    are in the kings room and go towards Kol to go to the Northern Cave as
    explained above. Trade the old man the harp for the Staff of the Rain. Now go
    back and save your game again. Now go to the Rimildar area but keep going
    south, until you cross a bridge. This is the are you will be fighting for
    awhile. You should be able to beat most of the enemies there pretty easily
    except for Wyverns.

    You have to try to put them to sleep which won't always work, but it is the
    best thing to do. When you reach level 12, go to the inn and head for the swamp
    cave and head home. Go to Breconary and buy 6 herbs and save your game. It is
    now time to rescue the princess. Go to the swamp cave and chant the spell of
    radiant. Now go to the right and work your way to a narrow passageway that
    looks like this | | That is where the dragon always is. Heal yourself all the
    way with the heal spell. Step on the square and pray he doesn't attack before
    you're ready. Now chant the spell of sleep. It may work and it may not. When it
    does, keep using the spell of hurt. When the dragon attacks, make sure you use
    an herb for your next move, unless he just breathes fire which only takes 10-14

    If you are persistent, you will eventually beat the dragon, because many times
    it will sleep a long time. If you do get killed, reset the game and try again!
    It is very hard but very possible too. You will just need to work at this to be
    able to do it. When you beat him finally, heal yourself some more. Then go to
    the locked door, unlock it and talk to the princess. Say yes you will bring her
    home, exit the cave and go back, Be careful not to die on the way back because
    you will have to unlock the door over again wasting a key. When you get back,
    talk to the king and he will be grateful Gwaelin will give you a present.

    It is Gwaelin's love. Now go to Breconary, have 6 more herbs and save your
    game. Yup, you are gonna get Erdrick's Armor. In level 12. It is not too hard
    to do either. Go to Hauksness, and heal yourself all the way running away from
    everything. Go to the east side of it where there is a tree and small swamp.
    Stand on the swamp right next to the tree and heal yourself. Now step on the
    square and the Axe Knight will appear. Chant the stopspell immediately. No pray
    he will chant it, wasting his attack. If he doesn't, use an herb. Then you
    should try to put him to sleep. If it doesn't work after 2 tries, screw it.
    Just keep fighting with hurt spell, and herbs, praying he will try to chant the
    sleep spell. With the combination of herbs, and his wasted sleep spells, and
    you possible putting him to sleep, you should be able to beat him. When you do,
    search the ground and you will now have the Erdrick's Armor. Then head back for
    the castle. If you die, reset the game and try again! When you get back to the
    king, save your game of course. Now go back to the Wyvern place south of
    Rimildar and fight until you get to level 13.

    When you get to level 13, it is time to get Erdrick's Sword. First of course,
    you will need Erdrick's token. Do the usual, buy 6 herbs and head for
    Hauksness, only keep going south. You will come to a bridge that is in the
    hills. The enemies are very strong here so run every time. when you cross the
    bridge, keep going north until you see the first bridge to the right. Cross
    that bridge and enter the huge swamp. You won't lose any power now because you
    have Erdrick's Armor. Go all the way to the other side of the swamp, running
    away from enemies and using herbs when needed when you get to the center of the
    right side of the swamp, or 70 40 if you use Gwaelin's love, search the ground
    and find Erdrick's Token. Now go back to the castle, either by walking or death
    and save your game. Now go back to the Wyvern location south of Rimildar and go
    down the staircase. Talk to the old man there. Get the rainbow drop and go to
    Breconary to buy 6 herbs and then save once again. Now head for the Rimildar
    area again but instead of going south, go directly west until you are on sand
    and come to a channel. Stand right in front of the channel and select rainbow
    drop from the items menu.

    The lake will flash many different colors and you will hear lots of sounds.
    Then a bridge will appear. The enemies are very strong here so run and use heal
    when you need to. Now go into the castle and get ready to get that sword! to
    the north until you see barriers and a throne. Cross the barriers and walk
    directly behind the throne and search. A staircase will appear. Now go down the
    stairs to the next floor. Follow the path to the only staircase on that floor.
    On the next floor do the same thing. There is only one staircase that you can
    reach. Be careful. There will now be Blue Dragons and Stonemen. Use heal and
    herbs when needed. The next floor is more complicated. Start by going to the
    right as far as you can, then go down and take the first right. When you can't
    go right any further, go up until you can't go up any further. Now go left
    until you can't go left any further. Then go down and then you will see the
    staircase. Go down the stairs and heal yourself some more. Remember, with
    Erdrick's Armor you heal one point every step so this will help too. At the
    next floor, work your way to the bottom right hand corner. This is pretty to
    do. Now go up until you see a passageway. Do not go down this one. Instead, go
    left for two steps and then down along the other side of that wall. You will
    see a staircase going up. Now, follow the path until you reach another
    staircase, as there is only one on this path. Go down the stairs and you will
    easily see the next staircase to take.

    The next room is similar, there is only one staircase but this one is a little
    bit longer. When you go down the next staircase, you will see a treasure chest.
    Take the chest and you have the Erdrick's Sword. Now, if you have at least 14
    MP, chant the spell outside and then return and go to Breconary and to the inn
    and then save you game, if you do not, just kill yourself, go back to the king,
    and save. This may take several tries and a lot of resetting , sometimes 5
    tries or more, but it is not too difficult too do, and you will be very glad
    you did it when you do. Now it is time to raise those experience levels! The
    best thing to do is to go to one step south of Hauksness and just walk back and
    fourth. The enemies will be a little tough at this level, but you should be
    able to do it with a combination of Erdrick's Sword and Erdrick's Armor. You
    will now be fighting Wyverns, Rouge Scorpions, Wraith Knights, Knights and
    occasionally Demon Knights which will be you biggest challenge at the time.
    When you raise your level to 14, go back and save your game. Then go to the
    same location but further south to the moutainy area and go into the grassy
    plain to the left of it.

    Here you will fight Knights, Demon Knights, Magiwyverns, and occasionally Metal
    Slimes. Make sure you return everytime you are down to about 12 experience
    points and be sure to save your game everytime you go to the inn so you can
    reset from where you died from because you are now saving for the Silver
    Shield. Keep fighting and saving and going to the inn and back until you reach
    level 16. When you reach level 16, buy 6 herbs and save. Then head for Cantlin.
    Go to the place where Erdrick's Token is but instead of going across that
    bridge, keep going up to the last bridge where there is a big swamp. Then you
    will see a town. Go to the town and two steps before it you will see a Golem.
    First use the Fairy Flute to put him to sleep.

    Keep attacking him when he dies and when he wakes up, use the Fairy Flute
    immediately. Then use an herb to heal yourself and attack him again. Keep doing
    this until he dies. Then go into Cantlin and go to the inn. Now you won't have
    to return back everytime you are low, you can just go to the inn but do it
    often so you don't die. When you finally make enough money for the Silver
    Shield, go into Cantlin, and unlock the door that has two shops with your last
    key. Buy the Silver Shield, sell your old one, exit the town, chant the spell
    of Return, go to the inn at Breconary and save. Now go to this same spot to
    fight until you reach level 20. At level 20, you are ready to fight the
    Dragonlord. To do this, first go to Breconary, buy 6 herbs and save your game.
    Now go to Charlock Castle, running from every enemy. When you get to the
    Castle, go down the stairs, you went to behind the throne before. When you are
    in the dark, use a torch instead of Radiant because you will need as much MP as
    you can have for the fight with the Dragonlord. Now follow the path to the next
    floor. Do this again. When you go down the stairs from the second basement to
    the third, it is a little more complicated. Now, go to the right as far as you
    can, then go down and make the first turn to your right. Go right as far as you
    can, then up as far as you can, then left and down and you will see the stairs.
    On the next floor, go to the bottom right hand corner, and go up until you see
    a staircase, and take the first left there. Keep going left until you see a
    stair case. Go down that staircase. On this floor, just follow the path, there
    is only one staircase to go to. The next floor is the same, just go right until
    you reach the final staircase. The last floor, will be lit up so you can
    finally see where you are going. Start by going up and making the first left
    turn, and take the last path that is going upwards. Make the first right turn.
    >From then on, just follow the path until you are standing next to the

    Q. DUN DUN DUN...
    Talk to him, using talk. He will offer you to rule half the land with him. Say
    no, or you will ruin the game and have to reset and leave from where you were
    before you went to the Castle. He will then call you a fool and the battle will
    begin. By this point, the first Dragolord should be easy. Just keep attacking
    him, and hope he attacks or uses Stopspell but not Hurtmore. When he is dead, a
    huge dragon will appear and it will say "The Dragonlord revealed his true
    self." Do NOT under and circumstances try chant any other spell besides
    Healmore during this battle. Attack him, and he will attack you. When your life
    gets low, chant healmore. Keep sustaining and doing this until you defeat him.
    It takes awhile but when you finally do, you will have beaten the game! Now,
    chant the spell of outside, and return, and go inside the castle. The kind will
    be waiting on the first floor. He will congratulate you, and ask you to take
    over the kingdom. You decline his request and go off with Gwaelin to find your
    own kingdom. Then the credits roll on and it is the end.

    After this, you reset and play some more. Now to raise your experience levels,
    go to the Axe Knight in Hauksness and fight him over and over to raise your
    levels fast. You will have to get 4000 points each level now. The highest level
    is 30. The highest experience and gold allowed is 65535. Once you get you will
    be extremely strong. The strongest enemy that will ever run away from you is
    the Wyvern, who will finally run in level 30. That is about it. By then you can
    cream the Dragonlord and that is about all there is to do in the game Dragon

    ----- 5.0 Frequently Asked Questions ----------------------------------------

    If you have any questions about the game, email them to [email protected]
    and I will add them to the guide.

    1. I keep getting killed by stupid enemies early in the game!
    A: Well, you need to buy some armor and weapons first, then you need to equip

    2. Where can I level up easily and quickly?
    A.: I prefer Domdora Desert for getting to 18, then the area around Cantlin to
    get to 25 or so.

    3. How come I lose half my gold whenever I die?
    A.: Blame the king and his evil taxes!

    4. What's the lowest level you ever beat the game at?
    A.: 17. Dragonlord's not that bad, it just takes a while.

    5. Goldmen are cool to fight, right?
    A.: If you need quick gold, there's no one better. However, they are hard to
    find, give crap for experience, and you can spend time fighting enemies who
    give good experience and gold to level up along with gaining gold.

    6. Is there any enemies which give a lot of experience?
    A.: Metal Slimes, but good luck killing one. =P

    7. Does the Fighter Ring even do anything?
    A.: Someone asked me this. Dalez is wrong, sadly. It increases your speed by 2.
    It doesn't increase attack or defense, though.

    8. Ha, is it true I can sell the Dragon's Scale after using it?
    A.: Sure, and you keep the bonuses it gives you. However, you can only do it

    9. This game is rather.. basic.
    A.: Yeah, I know. It's a very old game, and therefore, there's not much to it.

    10. Why make this guide?
    A.: Well, I already had one from a long time ago, so I finished it now.
    Besides, I like this game, and I plan to do guides for all 7 American DW games
    (That includes the 2 GBC games).

    11. Is this the best DW guide?
    A.: Hell no, Colin has the best BY FAR, followed by Dalez. I don't know the
    other ones.

    ----- 6.0 Lists -------------------------------------------------------------

    Here is a complete listing of all the items, weapons, etc. of the game.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
    -------------------------+ 6.1 Weapons +-------------------------
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

    You will get absolutely nowhere on your quest without weapons. There are many
    different types of weapons that will help you along the way. Since there are
    not as many weapons as there items and enemies. Same format as before.

    Name of Weapon: Bamboo Pole
    Attack: 2
    Cost: 10 Gold
    Location: Brecconary/Cantlin
    Description: Cheap and worthless. Never buy it. It is completely ineffective
    and even though it is cheap, it is still a waste of your money.

    Name of Weapon: Broad Sword
    Attack: 20
    Cost: 1,500 Gold
    Location: Rimuldar/Cantlin
    Description: A step above the hand axe, this is a very powerful weapon.
    Although the hand axe is good, you can't use it forever. The broad sword, is
    expensive but a very good weapon.

    Name of Weapon: Club
    Attack: 4
    Cost: 60 Gold
    Location: Brecconary/Cantlin/Garinham
    Description: Although this too isn't too powerful, you should definitely make
    this your first weapon. You can easily afford it in the beginning of the game
    and is much more effective than the bamboo pole.

    Name of Weapon: Copper Sword
    Attack: 10
    Cost: 180 Gold
    Location: Brecconary/Cantlin/Kol/Rimuldar/Garinham
    Description: This will be your first weapon upgrade. Although 180 gold
    doesn't seem like a lot of money, it will take a long time to get this much
    gold, at the beginning of the game. More powerful than the club, but still a
    fairly weak weapon.

    Name of Weapon: Erdrick's Sword
    Attack: 40
    Cost: Not Available
    Location: Charlock Castle
    Description: A magnificent sword with astounding power and its free. Good
    thing too. If they put a price on a sword like this, you'd be collecting gold
    until you were too old and weak to use the damn thing. It is found in Charlock
    Castle. For complete directions on your quest for this, see the walkthrough

    Name of Weapon: Flame Sword
    Attack: 28
    Cost: 9,800 Gold
    Location: Cantlin
    Description: A complete and total waste of money. It is extremely expensive
    and not even that much better than the broad sword. You should go directly from
    the Broad Sword to Erdrick's sword. By the time you are strong enough to fight
    enough enemies to have 9800 gold AND make it to Cantlin, you should be able to
    safely make it to Erdrick's Sword.

    Name of Weapon: Hand Axe
    Attack: 15
    Cost: 560 Gold
    Location: Garinham/Rimuldar
    Description: After you have a lot of experience and really start to earn a lot
    of gold, you should definitely save for this. It is a fairly powerful weapon and
    you will get far with it. If you want to go to Rimildar and fight enemies like
    Wolves and Metal Scorpions, you will need this weapon.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
    -------------------------+ 6.2 Armor +-------------------------
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

    As you have seen, there are many strong enemies, who are out to get you. In
    order to protect yourself, you will need armor. Same format as before.

    Name of Armor: Clothes
    Defense Power: 2
    Cost: 20 Gold
    Location: Brecconary
    Description: Although they are cheap and not too effective, you should buy them
    anyway, at the start of the game. They protect you a little bit and with the
    Dragon's Scale, you will have more than enough protection for that time being.

    Name of Armor: Chain Mail
    Defense Power: 10
    Cost: 300 Gold
    Location: Garinham/Cantlin
    Description: Those annoying letters you get in the mail that you are supposed
    to pass on. No, actually the next step up. You will have this armor for a long
    time because you need to buy the hand axe and large shield before you buy armor
    again so this is a very important armor that is used for much of the game.

    Name of Armor: Erdrick's Armor
    Defense Power: 28
    Cost: Not Available
    Location: Hauksness
    Description: This armor gives you a lot of bang for your buck especially
    considering it is free. It protects you better than anything else. It allows
    you to walk on barriers and swamps without any damage, and you restore 1 hp
    every step you take. Truly an excellent armor. See walkthrough below, to learn
    everything you need to know for obtaining this armor.

    Name of Armor: Full Plate Armor
    Defense Power: 24
    Cost: 3,000 Gold
    Location: Kol/Rimuldar/Cantlin
    Description: This will be the last armor you will have to buy. It is fairly
    expensive but well worth it. If you want to fight bigger enemies and get more
    gold and experience, you will have to save up for this armor.

    Name of Armor: Half Plate Armor
    Defense Power: 16
    Cost: 1,000 Gold
    Location: Garinha,/Kol/Rimuldar/Cantlin
    Description: The first armor you will buy that is actually pretty strong. This
    is a very good armor. You basically buy this armor to make gold faster to buy
    the full plate and the broad sword.

    Name of Armor: Leather Armor
    Defense Power: 4
    Cost: 70 Gold
    Location: Brecconary/Garinham
    Description: Your first Armor upgrade. Stronger than Clothes but still not
    great. They certainly serve their purpose for until you have enough money for
    Chain Mail though.

    Name of Armor: Magic Armor
    Defense Power: 24
    Cost: 7,700 Gold
    Location: Rimuldar/Cantlin
    Description: Like the Flame Sword, this is a complete waste of money. It is
    very expensive and as before, by the time you fight enough enemies to earn 7700
    gold, you should be able to fight the Axe Knight in Huskiness and get Erdrick's
    Armor. If you do decide to get it however, 1 hp is restored every three steps
    you take.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
    -------------------------+ 6.3 Shields +-------------------------
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

    Shields also increase your defense power quite a bit. Since there are only 3
    shields, there is no need for a chart.

    Name of Shield: Iron Shield
    Defense Power: 10
    Cost: 800 Gold
    Location: Garinham/Cantlin
    Description: It costs 800 gold and can be bought in Garninham, Rimildar and
    Cantlin. It is much better than the small shield and without this, you will
    never be able to survive long enough to buy the silver shield.

    Name of Shield: Small Shield
    Defense Power: 4
    Cost: 90 Gold
    Location: Brecconary/Kol
    Description: It costs 90 Gold and can be bought in Breconary, Kol, Garninham
    and Cantlin. It is not very strong but it is inexpensive and definitely serves
    it's purpose.

    Name of Shield: Silver Shield
    Defense Power: 20
    Cost: 14,800 Gold
    Location: Cantlin
    Description: A very expensive shield. Well worth the money. It is definitely
    a good thing to have if you are going to fight the dragonlord, which you are
    because that is why you started on this quest in the first place. Save your
    game constantly when you save for this because if you die you will lose half
    your gold and you can reset and you will not lose much.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
    -------------------------+ 6.4 Items +-------------------------
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

    There are many items that will help you along your way. Here is a listing of

    Ball of Light
    This is the item the Dragonlord has stolen. Your ancestor Erdrick once used
    this precious object to fight demons and now it is up to you to recover it.

    Dragon's Scale
    This should be one the first items you by. Although it doesn't
    increase your defense power greatly, it will help a little. It raises your
    defense power 2 points which is nearly doubled if you buy it in level 1. It is
    not automatic like armor, though. You must don it by selecting it from the
    items menu.

    Erdrick's Tablet
    Not too important to find, but if you do, read it! It was a stone tablet
    Erdirck left you with words of wisdom and motivation.

    Erdrick's Token
    The item you need to show the man in the southern cave that you are really
    Erdrick's descendant. Without this, you cannot get the rainbow drop. It is
    located at 70' South 40' West and the game instructions say you need Gwelin's
    Love but you don't. It is pretty easy it pinpoint the location without knowing
    your distance. It is in the middle of the right side of the large swamp, if you
    have Erdrick's Armor, it will be know problem. Just watch out, very strong
    enemies live there.

    Fairy Water
    Now we all know there is nothing more annoying then a million enemies popping
    up, even if they are simple slimes, when we are trying to go somewhere
    important. The repel spell helps but since you don't get that until level 15,
    Fairy Water helps a lot. It does everything Repel does, but you need keys to
    get it and you need to pay for it too.

    Fairy Flute
    Needed to put Golem to sleep. He is the guy that looks like a Orange left
    handed Goldman, guarding Cantlin. It can be found in the town of Kol. You will
    see a square of water which is supposed to be a bath that cures Rheumatism.
    Walk to the spot directly beneath this fountain and take exactly 5 steps
    downward and search. You will find the fairy flute there.

    Fighter's Ring
    Found in the Mountain Cave. It doesn't do anything. It increases neither your
    Attack or Magic Power. The only thing it is good for is selling and it only
    sells for 15 gold.

    Gwaelin's Love
    After you rescue Gwaelin, she gives you a present. It is some kind of device,
    that lets her talk to you when you are out fighting enemies and in caves (like
    a cell phone.) It is very useful because it tells you how much experience you
    need to get to the next level and although you don't need it for Erdrick's
    Token, it helps a little.

    Do the same as heal spell only more efficiently. They cost 24 gold and you can
    carry up to 6 at once. Very useful for when you are in the middle of a battle
    and have to recover fast or are low on Magic Power and need to heal yourself.

    Magic Key
    Opens locked doors There are three places to buy them. Rimildar for 53 gold,
    Tantagel Castle for 85 gold, and Cantlin for 93. Never buy them in Tantagel
    Castle or Cantlin. Not only are they more expensive, but you need a key just to
    get to both of these shops. Only buy keys in Rimildar.

    Rainbow Drop
    Needed to make the rainbow bridge to get to Charlock Castle. When you get
    Erdrick's Token, Staff of the Rain, and Stones of the Sunlight, bring them to
    the old man in the cave south of Rimildar. He will make them into the rainbow
    drop. Then go to the channel on the sand that is just a little but northwest of
    Rimildar, Walk right in front of it and select Rainbow Drop from items menu and
    the water will flash many colors and you will hear all sorts of sounds and then
    a bridge will appear. You can only do it once and it is really cool to watch.

    Silver Harp
    Found in the Grave of Garninham. When you play it, it attracts enemies. You
    don't want to use it for this however. You want to go to the cave that is way
    up north in the woods and give it to the old man there. To get there go just a
    little west of Kol and you will see a very narrow passage of trees surrounded
    by water on the bottom and mountains on the top. Take that path and then go
    north and you will eventually see the stairs you need to go down.

    Staff Of The Rain
    One of the three items necessary for you to have the Rainbow Drop. You trade an
    old guy the silver harp for it. The directions to the old guy are explained

    Stones Of The Sunlight
    Third item needed for the rainbow drop. Found in the basement of Tantagel
    Castle. In the castle, go to where the northern exit is, and go right and you
    will see a door. Unlock it and go right until you are on grass next to the
    Castle, do NOT walk any further to the right or you will leave the castle and
    have to do it over again. When you are on this grass go straight down and
    eventually you will see another staircase. Take this staircase downstairs and
    you will see an old man with a treasure chest. Take the chest and you will have
    the Stones Of The Sunlight.

    A very cheap way to light up caves. It is only 8 gold but doesn't light
    too well. You can only see for one space around you in each direction, where
    Radiant lets you see for four blocks in each direction but then fades out.
    Serves its purpose until level 9 though and you will need it in Charlock Castle
    when you fight the Dragonlord because you will need as much MP as possible.

    Like the torch, also takes the place of a spell before you get it. You
    can fly directly home to Tantagel Castle with this if you get in a situation
    where you don't think you can make it home alive or you just want to quit and
    don't want to walk all the way back. They are rather expensive, 70 gold, but
    you will never need them after Level 15.

    ----------------------------/ CURSED ITEMS /---------------------------

    Cursed Belt
    Found in two places. The first, in the Grave of Garninham. It
    shouldn't be too hard to find. It is in a treasure chest after you walk up a
    long narrow hallway. The second on the bottom floor of Charlock Castle where
    all those treasure chests are, guarded by a locked door. Don't put it on. Sell
    it at the tool shop for 180 gold.

    Cursed Necklace a.k.a Death Necklace
    Found in the Mountain Cave. On the bottom floor, you will find a chest that
    contains 100-130 gold. The cursed necklace is in that chest at random. If it is
    not there the first time, chant the spell of Outside, go back in and try again.
    Keep trying this until you get it. It may take awhile but you get over 100 gold
    everytime you do it and when you finally get the necklace, you can sell it for
    1200 gold.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
    -------------------------+ 6.5 Magic +-------------------------
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

    Along your quest, you will learn many spells. They are very useful, without
    them, the quest would be a real drag and probably impossible. Back to the old

    Name of Spell: Heal
    Level Learned: 3
    MP Cost: 4
    Description: This will be the first spell you will learn. In level 3, you will
    only be able to use it once. After that, your MP will increase rapidly. Although
    somewhat effective, it does not restore as much as herbs, but is still
    definitly useful.

    Name of Spell: Healmore
    Level Learned: 17
    MP Cost: 10
    Description: Restores almost 100 MP. Extremely important if you are fighting the
    Dragonlord. Since his fire can take away 47 HP, this is definitly a nescisity.
    Only use this if you really have to, because if you use it frequently, you will
    find yourself without any MP, very quickly.

    Name of Spell: Hurt
    Level Learned: 4
    MP Cost: 2
    Description: This spell is great when you get. A lot more powerful than your
    attacks at that time, and only uses 2 mp. It is great for fighting magicians and

    Name of Spell: Hurtmore
    Level Learned: 19
    MP Cost: 5
    Description: Very powerful spell, that can take 60-70 HP away on some enemies.
    With this spell, you will many times be able to kill enemies as strong as Axe
    Knights in one attack. Enemies also know this spell but thank God it is not as
    powerful as yours because if enemies could take away 70 HP at once, you would
    definitly be screwed.

    Name of Spell: Outside
    Level Learned: 12
    MP Cost: 6
    Description: If you are ever stuck inside a cave and don't think you have enough
    energy to make it out alive, or don't want to even try because you are in a
    hurry, than this is the spell for you. It will transport you outside the cave,
    no matter where you are inside of it. Just make sure you save 6 MP, if this
    what you are planning to do.

    Name of Spell: Radiant
    Level Learned: 8
    MP Cost: 3
    Description: Much more effective than the torch, but it costs 3 mp everytime you
    use it and it eventually fades out. I still recomend it over the torch for
    most situations except for Charlock Castle because you will need all the MP you
    can have.

    Name of Spell: Return
    Level Learned: 13
    MP Cost: 8
    Description: Lets you return directly to Tantagel Castle from anywhere in
    Alfegard. It will not work from caves, however. It takes a lot of MP but is
    worth it. Using 8 MP for that is a lot better than using heal twice and trying
    to make it all the way back from a tough situation.

    Name of Spell: Repel
    Level Learned: 15
    MP Cost: 2
    Description: Very useful Spell. Does the same thing as fairy water, but you
    don't have to pay anything for it and it only takes 2 MP to use it. It will not
    work in caves or on enemies stronger than you, so don't even waste your MP
    trying to do it in either of these situations.

    Name of Spell: Sleep
    Level Learned: 7
    MP Cost: 2
    Description: When you get this spell, the game will be a hell of a lot easier.
    You will be able to fight bigger and tougher enemies, and make it to a lot of
    new places. Some enemies especially Demon Knights are not affected by it at
    all. It can be used on just about any other enemy on a regular basis. It will
    also not work on the Dragonlord at all, so don't even bother trying.

    Name of Spell: Stopspell
    Level Learned: 10
    MP Cost: 2
    Description: A very useful spell that blocks enemy spells. It is useful for 2
    reasons. One, you will prevent the enemy's spell from being successful. Two,
    enemies don't know that when you chant stopspell, they aren't supposed to cast
    the spell. Sometimes, they will try over and over and it will just say "But
    that spell hath been blocked" which is a blessing because it saves you from
    losing any HP at all.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
    -------------------------+ 6.6 Bestiary +-------------------------
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

    Here is a listing of all the enemies in the game, listed in alphabetical order.

    Name of Enemy: Armored Knight
    Hit Points: 90
    Experience Points Given: 70
    Gold Given: 140
    Location: Charlock Castle
    Description: Found in the final areas of Charlock Castle, this is what just
    may prevent you from reaching the dragonlord. Never waste your time fighting
    these guys because after you nearly kill yourself trying, he will probably
    chant healmore and you will have to do it over again.

    Name of Enemy: Axe Knight
    Hit Points: 70
    Experience Points Given: 54
    Gold Given: 165
    Location: Charlock Castle
    Description: He is found in Chalock Castle and in Hauskness guarding Erdrick's
    Armor. When you approach him, use the stopspell immidiatly so he can't put you
    to sleep. The Erdrick's Armor location is a great way to get experience points
    in high levels. If you walk on that same space over and over again you will be
    sure to add up points fast.

    Name of Enemy: Blue Dragon
    Hit Points: 70
    Experience Points Given: 60
    Gold Given: 150
    Location: Charlock Castle
    Description: Blue Dragon's are a very strong enemy, but by the time you are
    strong enough to reach them, they should be no problem at all. They don't know
    any spells and are fairly simple to beat.

    Name of Enemy: Demon Knight
    Hit Points: 50
    Experience Points Given: 37
    Gold Given: 150
    Location: Domdora Desert
    Description: These guys are a real pain in the ass. They are pretty strong
    and more than half your attacks will miss and you will hear that annoying sound
    and see "It is dodging!" Spells never work on these guys at all.

    Name of Enemy: Drakee
    Hit Points: 6
    Experience Points Given: 2
    Gold Given: 3
    Location: Erdrick's Cave Overworld
    Description: Very weak, you should easily be able to beat him by level two.

    Name of Enemy: Drakeema
    Hit Points: 20
    Experience Points Given: 11
    Gold Given: 20
    Location: Mountain Cave
    Description: Found in Mountain cave and Grave of Garninham. Don't waste your tme
    fighting these guys. After you've wasted all of your energy trying to kill him,
    he will heal himself.

    Name of Enemy: Droll
    Hit Points: 25
    Experience Points Given: 10
    Gold Given: 25
    Location: Mountain Cave
    Description: Not too strong and don't know ant spells. Good to fight around
    level 6 and 7.

    Name of Enemy: Drollmagi
    Hit Points: 38
    Experience Points Given: 22
    Gold Given: 90
    Location: Grave of Garinham
    Description: A little bit stronger than droll, and only knows stopspell so these
    aren't a very big challenge at all.

    Name of Enemy: Druin
    Hit Points: 22
    Experience Points Given: 7
    Gold Given: 16
    Location: Swamp Cave
    Description: Found mostly in swamp cave. By the time you are ready to make it
    to the swamp cave, they should be no problem at all.

    Name of Enemy: Druinlord
    Hit Points: 35
    Experience Points Given: 20
    Gold Given: 85
    Location: Grave of Garinham
    Description: You won't run into these guys too many times during the course of
    the game. He is moderately strong but again, by the time you reach them, you
    should be strong enough to handle them.

    Name of Enemy: Ghost
    Hit Points: 7
    Experience Points Given: 3
    Gold Given: 5
    Location: Erdrick's Cave
    Description: Fourth weekest enemy in the game. No spells, not too strong, found
    all over the place. It sticks out its tounge like a two year old would which is
    about where its mentality is as well.

    Name of Enemy: Goldman
    Hit Points: 50
    Experience Points Given: 6
    Gold Given: 200
    Location: South Cave
    Description: Fairly strong, live near Wyverns outside of Hauksness and near the
    Southern Castle, just below Rimildar. Give you lots of gold but hardly any

    Name of Enemy: Golem
    Hit Points: 70
    Experience Points Given: 5
    Gold Given: 10
    Location: Cantlin
    Description: Very strong guard of Cantlin. Use fairy flute to put to sleep but
    that is still not enough. You must be very strong to beat this guy. Make sure to
    have lots of herbs when you fight him and to have full HP in case he attacks
    before you're ready.

    Name of Enemy: Green Dragon
    Hit Points: 65
    Experience Points Given: 45
    Gold Given: 140
    Location: Swamp Cave, Charlock Castle
    Description: Weakest member of the dragon family but still very strong. Found
    outside Cantlin, in Hauksness, Charlock Castle, and most importantly, guarding
    Princess Gwaelin in the swamp cave. In order to save her, you will have to
    defeat this guy.

    Name of Enemy: Knight
    Hit Points: 50
    Experience Points Given: 33
    Gold Given: 130
    Location: Domdora Desert
    Description: Although he is very strong, he will waste many of his attacks
    trying to cast stopspell. When you approach him, pray this is what he does
    because it doesn't work most of the time and it doesn't harm you in any way.

    Name of Enemy: Magician
    Hit Points: 13
    Experience Points Given: 4
    Gold Given: 12
    Location: Garinham
    Description: This will be the first enemy you will face that knows spells. He
    can use the hurt spell. He is very tough at the begining of your quest but soon
    you will easily be able to beat him in one attack.

    Name of Enemy: Magidrakee
    Hit Points: 15
    Experience Points Given: 5
    Gold Given: 12
    Location: Kol
    Description: The red drakees that cast the hurt spell. They are just a little
    bit stronger than magicians. Their attacks aren't very strong but they chant
    hurt spell most of the time. You should start fighting them in level 5.

    Name of Enemy: Magiwyvern
    Hit Points: 58
    Experience Points Given: 34
    Gold Given: 140
    Location: Domdora Desert
    Description: A big step above the Wyvern. Worst of all he uses the sleep spell.
    This can also be a blessing. If you chant stopspell and block his sleep spell
    it will not only save you from being slaughtered but it will also waste his
    attempts to cast the spell making free moves for you.

    Name of Enemy: Metal Scorpion
    Hit Points: 20
    Experience Points Given: 14
    Gold Given: 40
    Location: Around Rimuldar
    Description: Found outside Rimildar near wolves and Warlocks. Fairly strong
    but not too bad. You shold easily be able to fight them in levels 9 and up.

    Name of Enemy: Metal Slime
    Hit Points: 4
    Experience Points Given: 115
    Gold Given: 6
    Location: Domdora Desert
    Description: If you are able to beat this guy you will get 115 experience
    points. They are found south of Hauksness with Knights, Demon Knights and
    Magiwyverns. Your attacks will be very low or totally unaffective, spells
    almost never work and by the time you almost beat him, he will run away.

    Name of Enemy: Poltergeist
    Hit Points: 23
    Experience Points Given: 81
    Gold Given: 18
    Location: Mountain Cave
    Description: Second strongest member of the ghost family. Found usually in the
    mountain cave and sometimes in Grave of Garninham. He knows the hurt spell but
    his attacks aren't too strong. Don't worry about this enemy, you will only see
    him a few times during the course of the game.

    Name of Enemy: Red Dragon
    Hit Points: 100
    Experience Points Given: 100
    Gold Given: 140
    Location: Charlock Castle
    Description: Besides the Dragonlord this is the toughest enemy in the game. He
    is not only extremly strong but can use the sleep spell. If you approach him
    RUN!!! Pray you won't be blocked in front. Fortunatly he doesn't show up as
    much as Armored Knights but comes up enough. He is found only in the bottom few
    floors of Charlock Castle.

    Name of Enemy: Red Slime
    Hit Points: 4
    Experience Points Given: 1
    Gold Given: 3
    Location: Tantegel Overworld
    Description: Not much stronger than slimes. You can easily beat them from the
    start of the game and frickin slaughter them when you get Erdrick's sword later
    and take away 70 hitpoints late in the game even though they only have 4.

    Name of Enemy: Rogue Scorpion
    Hit Points: 35
    Experience Points Given: 26
    Gold Given: 110
    Location: Domdora Desert
    Description: Found just south of Hauksness. A step above the Wyvern. He
    doesn't have a lot of hitpoints which is good because even when you are strong,
    your attacks won't affect him greatly at all.

    Name of Enemy: Scorpion
    Hit Points: 20
    Experience Points Given: 6
    Gold Given: 16
    Location: Kol Overworld
    Description: Weakest member of the scorpion family. Found in caves, outside of
    Kol, South of Garninham and North of Rimildar. You should start fighting him in
    level 5. In level 6, he will be very easy.

    Name of Enemy: Skeleton
    Hit Points: 30
    Experience Points Given: 11
    Gold Given: 30
    Location: Kol/Rimuldar Overworld
    Description: Also found in many places. Quite a big step above the scorpion,
    this enemy will be a great challege in levels 5 and 6. Luckily in Level 7, you
    will have Sleep spell and they are pretty good sleepers so after this time they
    will not be any trouble at all.

    Name of Enemy: Slime
    Hit Points: 3
    Experience Points Given: 1
    Gold Given: 2
    Location: Tantegel Overworld
    Description: Weakest enemy in the game. Simple to beat even in level 1 with no
    weapons or armor.

    Name of Enemy: Spector
    Hit Points: 36
    Experience Points Given: 18
    Gold Given: 70
    Location: Grave of Garinham
    Description: Strongest member of the ghost family. Found only deep in the Grave
    of Garninham. He can put you to sleep so be carful! You will probably only see 2
    or 3 of these on your entire quest unless you hang around the Grave a lot for
    experience points.

    Name of Enemy: Starwyvern
    Hit Points: 65
    Experience Points Given: 43
    Gold Given: 160
    Location: Charlock Castle
    Description: One of the strongest enemies in the game. He has some bad ass
    attacks and will overall be a pain in the ass if you let him, so finish him

    Name of Enemy: Stoneman
    Hit Points: 160
    Experience Points Given: 65
    Gold Given: 140
    Location: Charlock Castle
    Description: Third strongest enemy in the game. He has an extremly high amount
    of hitpoints so it will take many attacks to kill him. He is only found in
    Charlock Castle, though. Stonemen are very good sleepers so cast the sleep
    spell right away if you are going to fight them.

    Name of Enemy: Warlock
    Hit Points: 30
    Experience Points Given: 13
    Gold Given: 35
    Location: Mountain Cave
    Description: Found outside Rimildar near wolves and metal scorpions. He is the
    first enemy you will see that uses the sleep spell. Fight him at around level 9
    but be careful.

    Name of Enemy: Werewolf
    Hit Points: 60
    Experience Points Given: 40
    Gold Given: 155
    Location: Charlock Castle
    Description: This is the strongest member of the wolf family. He's not that
    tough, you should fight them once you get to about Level 17. They have no
    spells, just physical attacks.

    Name of Enemy: Wizard
    Hit Points: 65
    Experience Points Given: 50
    Gold Given: 165
    Location: Charlock Castle
    Description: Since he has a bunch of different spells, and weak defense, you
    should not mess around with this guy and kill him ASAP.

    Name of Enemy: Wolf
    Hit Points: 34
    Experience Points Given: 16
    Gold Given: 50
    Location: Grave of Garinham
    Description: Found with warlocks and metal scorpions. Fairly strong, you should
    fight them in levels 9 and 10. They will give you a lot of gold fast so you can
    buy the broad sword, as long as you don't get killed by one.

    Name of Enemy: Wolflord
    Hit Points: 38
    Experience Points Given: 20
    Gold Given: 80
    Location: Grave of Garinham
    Description: A small step above the wolf. Like the knight, it chants stopspell a
    lot, so this can be a blessing because it doesn't harm you and it usually
    doesn't work.

    Name of Enemy: Wraith
    Hit Points: 36
    Experience Points Given: 17
    Gold Given: 60
    Location: Rimuldar Overworld
    Description: Found with Goldmen, Wyverns and Wolflords, they aren't strong at
    all, by the time you start fighting them. The only problem with them is they
    heal themselves so chant the stopspell first thing.

    Name of Enemy: Wraith Knight
    Hit Points: 46
    Experience Points Given: 28
    Gold Given: 120
    Location: Domdora Desert
    Description: Strongest member in the skeleton family. Stronger than Wyverns,
    but weaker than knights, this is where they stand. Like Wraiths, they can also
    heal themselves so be sure to chant the stopspell.

    Name of Enemy: Wyvern
    Hit Points: 42
    Experience Points Given: 24
    Gold Given: 100
    Location: South Cave Overworld
    Description: Although it is the weakest member of the Wyvern family, it is still
    pretty strong. They hang with Goldman and Wolflords and Wraiths south of
    Rimildar and near Hauksness. They know no special and are pretty good sleepers.
    It doesn't always work to put them to sleep but it will many times.

    ----- 7.0 Shopping Guide ----------------------------------------------------

    You will come to many different town on your journey. At these town, you
    will be able to recover at inns, buy weapons, armor and shields, and talk to
    people to gain information and wisdom. I have described each town below and
    also put the price of the inns.

    The first town you will go to. It is just a few steps away from Tantagel
    Castle. You will buy your first weapon, armor, and tools here.
    Inn: 6 Gold.
    Weapon Shop:
    Bamboo Pole - 10 Gold
    Club - 60 Gold,
    Copper Sword - 180 Gold
    Clothes - 20 Gold
    Leather Armor - 70 Gold
    Small Shield - 90 Gold
    Tool Shop:
    Herb - 24 Gold
    Torch - 8 Gold
    Dragon's Scale - 20 Gold

    Found in the Northwestern corner of Alfegard. Contains more
    expensive weapons and armor. It is also where the Grave of Garninham is
    located. You will not go to the Grave of Garninham the first time you go to the
    town, though!
    Inn: 25 Gold
    Weapon Shop:
    Club - 60 Gold
    Copper Sword - 180 Gold
    Hand Axe - 560 Gold
    Leather Armor - 60 Gold
    Chain Mail - 300 Gold
    Half Plate Armor - 1,000 Gold
    Iron Shield - 800 Gold
    Tool Shop:
    Herb - 24 Gold
    Torch - 8 Gold
    Dragon's Scale - 20 Gold

    Found to the far North East. Here you will find the Fairy Flute, and also
    a Weapons and Armor shop.
    Inn: 20 Gold
    Weapon Shop:
    Bronze Sword - 180 Gold
    Hand Axe - 560 Gold
    Half Plate Armor - 1,000 Gold
    Full Plate Armor - 3,000 Gold
    Small Shield - 90 Gold
    Tool Shop:
    Herb - 24 Gold
    Torch - 8 Gold
    Dragon's Scale - 20 Gold
    Wing of Wyvern - 70 Gold

    Located just south of the swamp cave. It has a Weapon Shop, but it
    does not have a tool shop. This is where you will buy keys. You half to walk
    around the edge of the north side of the town to reach the key shop.
    Inn: 55 Gold
    Weapon Shop:
    Copper Sword - 180 Gold
    Hand Axe - 560 Gold
    Broad Sword - 1,500 Gold
    Half Plate Armor - 1,000 Gold
    Full Plate Armor - 3,000 Gold
    Magic Armor - 7,000 Gold
    Magic Key - 53 Gold

    A destroyed town. Strong enemies live here, such as Werewolves, Green Dragons,
    Starwyverns and Wizards. At the eatern end of the town. you will find a small
    swap with a tree next to it. If you walk on that space, an Axe Knight will
    appear. If you can defeat the Axe Knight, and then search the ground, you will
    find Erdrick's Armor.
    Inn: None

    A very hard town to reach. Travel South of Hauksness and cross the bridge and
    the head north until you come to a swamp and bridge, cross that bridge, and go
    south and you will reach Cantlin. You must defeat Golem before you can enter.
    When you do, you will find the biggest town you have ever seen. Everything and
    anything, can be bought here. You will need a key to get to the shop with the
    Flame Sword and Silver Shield.
    Inn: 100 gold
    Weapon Shop 1:
    Bamboo Pole - 10 Gold
    Club - 60 Gold
    Copper Sword - 180 Gold
    Leather Armor - 70 Gold
    Chain Mail - 300 Gold
    Large Shield - 800 Gold
    Weapon Shop 2:
    Hand Axe - 560 Gold
    Broad Sword - 1,500 Gold
    Full Plate Armor - 3,000 Gold
    Magic Armor - 7,700 Gold
    Weapon Shop 3:
    Flame Sword - 9,800 Gold
    Silver Shield - 14,800 Gold
    Tool Shop 1:
    Dragon's Scale - 20 Gold
    Wings of Wyvern - 70 Gold
    Tool Shop 2:
    Torch - 8 Gold
    Herb - 24 Gold
    Fairy Water - 38 Gold
    Magic Key - 75 Gold

    ----- 8.0 Other Information -------------------------------------------------

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
    -------------------------+ 8.1 Credits +-------------------------
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

    -The following readers for giving me information.
    None, yet.

    -Dragon Warrior manual, for controls and some game basics.

    -The following people, just because I want to credit them.

    CJC: For hosting this guide and for giving me a second chance. Also, for
    doing a very good Ico guide.

    Yakuza: For being my first online friend, and for believing in my FAQ skills.

    Adrenaline SL: For being my best GameFAQs friend and always supporting me and
    my guides, even though she knew I sucked then, and now I am getting better, and
    a lot of that credit goes to her. Thanks a million, hun! ^.^

    Andy007: For updating my site with me, although he doesn't as much as he
    should. :)

    Dyse Murder and SCCAN85: For being my two best GameFAQs buds, and for
    believing in my skills. Good luck with the Grandia guide, Dyson.

    Dingo Jellybean: I don't care how much problems I have had with him, have
    with him, or will have with him in the future, he's still cool.

    Meowthum1: For being a cool guy to talk to on AOL when I am bored out of my
    mind. =P

    Colin Moriarty: One of the two main people who inspire me to write, as well
    as being a kick ass guy and friend. Good looking out, bro.

    Cassey, Ashley, Megan, Amber, Nan, Lorraine: You guys know why

    -The following websites for hosting this guide.
    http://www.fbgames.com (If they ever come back)

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
    -------------------------+ 8.2 Author Info +-------------------------
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========================+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

    All my other guides and reviews can be found on my contributor page.

    All my unposted FAQs can be found on the following websites.

    Here is how you can contact me via e-mail or instant messengers.
    -Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare
    -AIM: MeganIzMyAngel or HeShootsHeGores
    -AOL addy: [email protected]
    -MSN: [email protected]

    ----- 9.0 Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------

    Thanks for reading my guide. I worked very hard on it, and all e-mails are
    appreciated and will be responded to!

    -Psycho Penguin
    [email protected] - Personal
    [email protected] - Game Related

    =========================================================/ (c) 2000-01-02 /====
    You may reproduce this guide for NON PROFIT ONLY. I don't care who you are. If
    I am not making money with the guide, then you shouldn't either, especially
    since I worked so darn hard on it. If you decide you want to reproduce this
    guide for non profit uses, and I don't know about it, I will Rodney King your
    ass! All you have to do is email me at [email protected] and tell me
    exactly what you wanna do with my guide. You want to put it on your site, go
    for it, as long as you keep it EXACTLY the same.

    Otherwise, there will be a fight, and I know there's gonna be a fight, cuz I am
    gonna start it! You can turn this guide into HTML if you want, I don't care,
    just make sure none of this info is deleted or changed. If you want to print
    this guide out, go for it. I wrote this guide to help people with this
    incredible game! Just make sure to use this for your own use, and not go around
    putting it on eBay. As long as you keep this guide the way it is, I don't care
    if you post it on your site. Just KEEP IT THE WAY IT IS. Thank you.
    =========================================================/ Steve McFadden /====

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