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Thread Title: Legend of Zelda game genie codes (for NES)

the place for the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES Game Genie and Pro Action Replay codes! (some codes are official and others are unofficial)

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    Default Legend of Zelda game genie codes (for NES)

    AVVLAUSZ Don't take damage from anything
    YYKPOYZZ Create character with 8 life hearts
    NYKPOYZX Create character with 16 life hearts
    SZVXASVK Don't lose rubies when buying
    SZNZVOVK Infinite bombs
    ESKUILTA Wear a blue ring
    OSKUILTA Wear a red ring
    SZVXASVK + AEVEVALG All items for free

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  3. #2
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    Default Re: Legend of Zelda game genie codes

    NSKUILTA - Infinite energy
    SXPAPO - Some enemies can't move
    SXYAPO - Walk up a screen, and you can walk all over at the top.
    NYAZPA - Everything except you and the enemies are black, even your hearts.
    YGAEXP - Enemies in shop, enemies in top corner outside and some enemies are stuck in the Laburnums NOTE: If their is an "o" next to the code it means it will only work with the old version of Zelda. You can tell if you have an old version when you die and it says Continue, Save, Retry and nothing else. If you have the new version it will also have a red box that says Hold in the Reset button when you turn off the power. If there is an "?" next to the code, the code has not been tested on both versions of the game.
    PPLXZZ - Touch wall and a ghost will appear
    PPEEAA - Brings up castle subscreen at all times
    VVTTSP - Puts you on beginning screen
    POZXXU - Walk around and fire sword, you will get stuff on location--?
    AAIZZI - Infinite money--?
    AEEAEE - all enemies in game are falling rocks
    AAPVEX - Start game at the top left corner of map
    AAANAA - Walk through walls in castles. Use the whistle to get to a castle.
    AAPNLO - Walk through walls, trees, and water in the overworld. Don't enter caves; if you do you will not be able to get out.
    OSTLLY - Press the B button to use weapons you do not have. When using this code you must have no weapons. You may have to press the B button several times.
    AIIOOV - Start with 24 bombs--o
    TIIOOV - Start with the potion--o
    YIIOOV - Start with the wand--o
    IIIOOV - Start with the meat--o
    GIIOOV - Start with the whistle--o
    LIIOOV - Start with a green candle--o
    ZIIOOV - Start with the bow--o
    PIIOOV - Start with a very strong arrow. (This arrow can't kill Ganon so of you want to pass the game don't use this code)--o
    TTIOOV - Start with 24 keys--o
    ITIOOV - Start with 24 coins--o
    IYIOOV - Money goes up once in a while--o
    AKITVX - Forms new entrance when you leave a cave
    EENAKP - Different stuff in caves
    KTVXXZ - Secret entrances are open. (you can't kill the snake in the last level with this code)
    XYYYYL - Meat comes out of shooting sword KIOZXX - Rooms are split in half, you might be able to find things, like Hearts.
    VXXTSS - Walk when you usually can't--o
    SZZVVZ - Link is different colors
    PPZXYY - Change castle
    XXLLLZ - Rapid B button is on, walk through some enemies
    IZLZZZ - Wall changes into rock man when you touch it
    OPPEEA - Speed writing
    PPEEAA - Brings up castle subscreen at all times

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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