Flight of the Intruder

Flight of the Intruder Instruction Manual

page 1 - Official stuff]

                                                    Seal of Quality

Copyright 1990 Imagineering Inc.
All rights reserved.                  This official seal is your assurance
Story Copyright 1986 Stephen that Nintendo has reviewed this product and that it
P. Coonts. All rights reserved.    has met our standards for excellence in
Packaging and instruction      workmanship, reliability and entertainment value.
materials Copyright 1990         Always look for this seal when buying games and
Mindscape Inc.- A Software     accessories to ensure complete compatability with
Toolworks Company.                   your Nintendo Entertainment System.(R)
Flight of the Intruder is a
trademark of Stephen P. Coonts,
exclusively licensed to Sphere,                        This Game is
Inc. and sublicensed to                           Licensed by Nintendo(R)
Mindscape Inc. Published and                         for Play on the
distributed in North America by                            
Mindscape Inc.                                          (Nintendo)
Mindscape Inc.
A Software Toolworks Company Nintendo and Nintendo Entertainment System are
60 Leveroni Court Novato, CA 94949
registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc.
[page 2]

Safety Precautions

1. Your Game Pak is vulnerable to extreme temperatures
and shock. Don't leave it on windowsills or radiator
covers where it may overheat. Don't drop it or throw
it around.

2. Avoid touching the contacts on the edge of the car-
tridge. If the contacts get dirty or wet, clean them off
with a dry, clean, lint free cloth.

3. Don't clean your Game Pak with thinners, alcohol, or
other solvents. These may damage the case.

4. Always be sure your Nintendo Entertainment System
is OFF before putting in your Game Pak.

[page 3]

1. Game Story

It is May, 1972. Guerillas supplied by North Vietnam are threatening
the U.S. backed South. President Nixon has ordered the U.S. Navy to
increase air strikes against targets in Haiphong and Hanoi to disrupt the
North Vietnamese war effort. The operation is known as the Linebacker

Flight of the Intruder is played in a series of twelve missions. The
missions begin on April 30, 1972 as the NVA (North Vietnamese Army)
send hostile forces to attack the USS Constellation on Yankee Station.
The missions increase in difficulty and deadliness as the Linebacker
Campaign progresses. How will you do on each mission determines
your rank at the end of the game.

The Navy used two of its finest planes during Project Linebacker, the
F-4 Phantom all-weather interceptor and the A-6 Intruder all-weather
carrier-based strike bomber. Your will have a chance to use both planes.
As a Phantom pilot, your piloting skills will be tested as you go up
against the formidable MiG 21 jets of the North Vietnamese air force.

[page 4]
In the seat of an A-6, you will strike at ground targets while avoiding
flak and deadly ground-to-air missiles.

2. Controller Parts and Operating Instructions

[An NES controller with the d-pad labeled `Controller' and labeled buttons
is visible.]

Start Button
When the Map Screen is up, press to begin a mission and selected
Waypoint within the mission. When the other screens are up, press to
pause the game.

[page 5]
Select Button
When the Map Screen is up, pressing select occasionally allows you to
skip Waypoints. When the Cockpit Screen is up, press to switch
between missiles and machine guns. When the Bombing/Strafing
screen is up, press to switch between radar guided missiles and bombs.

A Button
When the Map Screen is up, press to begin mission or selected Waypoint.
On the Cockpit Screen, press to fire your machine guns or missiles. On
the Bombing/Strafing Screens, press to fire rockets. On Takeoff/Land-
ing Screen press to raise and lower your arrestor hook.

B Button
Press to fire radar guided missiles or bombs when the Bombing/
Strafing Screen is up. On the Cockpit Screen, press and hold down
while using the up/down arrows on the Control Pad to increase/
decrease your thrust. On Takeoff/Landing screen press to raise and
lower your landing gear.

[page 6]
Control Pad
The Control Pad is your plane's control stick. You can climb, dive, bank
left or right using the four arrows. UP dives your plane on the Cockpit
Screen and Bombing/Strafing Screen. On Bombing/Strafing screen the
up arrow also lowers your shooting angle. DOWN makes your plane
climb in the Cockpit Screen and Bombing/Strafing Screen. On the
Bombing/Strafing Screen the down arrow also raises the shooting
angle. LEFT backs your plane to the left on the Cockpit and Bombing/
Strafing Screen, and increases thrust on the Takeoff and Landing
screen. RIGHT banks your plane to the right on the Cockpit and
Bombing/Strafing Screen, and decreases thrust on the Takeoff and
Landing screen.

3. How To Play

Flight of the Intruder is played in a series of twelve missions. Each
mission is divided into two or more Waypoints, steps along the way to
the completion of the mission. One Waypoint may be to clear the skies
of MiG jets so, in the next Waypoint, your Intruder can blast at ground
targets without having to worry about being blown from the sky by
more agile jets.

[page 7]
You are in control all the way; the outcome of the mission depends on
you. Your score depends on how well you complete the goals of the

At the beginning of each Waypoint a map of the area is shown, with
targets indicated. On some missions you may choose which Waypoint
you fly next by pressing the SELECT button. Once you have selected a
Waypoint, press START or the A Button to start the action.

Depending on the Waypoint, You will fly either an F-4 interceptor
against MiG 21 jets, or an A-6 strike bomber against ground or sea

You also have to get these jets off of and back to the aircraft carrier USS

Each mission begins with your takeoff from the USS Constellation,
stationed in the Gulf of Tonkin. A catapult in the deck of the carrier will
assist your takeoff. Press the left arrow on the control pad to begin your
flight. To takeoff from the carrier hold down the left arrow on the
control Pad to increase your thrust to 100%. At this point you will be
launched off the deck.

[page 8]
The screen shows the inside of your cockpit when you are flying the
Phantom against Mig 21 jets in air-to-air combat. All of the instruments
and displays you need are visible.

[Picture (left to right) of 'Cockpit Screen (F-4 Phantom Interceptor)':

Top left - Thrust
Left - Artificial horizon
Middle - Radar panel
Top Right - 'Fire' 'Enemy Hit'
Right - Information and Message Panel

[page 9]
[Picture of 'Instruments':
Non-distorted view of the previous display with some dots above it, and
a cross in the middle.

[page 10]
The top of the screen shows the view from the cockpit, with projected
HUD (Head Up Display). The left figure shows your airspeed. The
right figure shows your altitude. The cross in the middle of the HUD
is the targeting sight for your machine guns. The bottom of the screen
shows your flight instruments. At top left is the thrust indicator.

Below the thrust indicator is the artificial horizon. It lets you keep track
of how your plane is oriented. You are flying level when the entire
bottom half of the ring-shaped indicator is lit (light green) and the
upper half is dark. When your F-4 climbs, the lit area creates a
mountain-like peak. When you dive, the lit segments of the horizon
indicator form a valley like shape. If the entire ring turns green, watch
out . . . you're headed for the ground!

In the center of the screen is the radar scope. It shows the location of
enemy MiGs in relation to your own craft. The scope is divided into six
"pie slices." Bogeys (your enemy, shown as Blips on the screen) in the
top segment of the scope should be visible from your cockpit if you are
flying level. Bogeys in the bottom slice are behind you.

[page 11]
At the right side of your instrument panel is the information screen and
message window. The message window tells you when you have hit an
enemy plane and when you are damaged. The information screen tells
you when enemy planes are in the area and when your mission is
complete. If you switch from machine guns to missiles, and ordnance
display showing remaining missiles appears.

[page 12]
[Picture of 'Bombing/Strafing Screen':
Top Left: '1'
Top Centre: '233650' (score)
Top Right: '6'
Under Score: '7'
Middle: Your plane (looks kinda like a small 747 with paper-thin wings ^_^)
Bottom: Two boats]

[page 13]
When you are piloting an A-6 Intruder, a rear-view display of your jet
flying over ground or water appears. The number at top left is the
number of strength units remaining. The number at top right is the
number of radar guided missiles remaining. The number under your
score is the DEF CON number. For every target that makes its way past
you, this number will count down to zero. When the number reaches
zero, every target that makes it will fire a SAM at you.

Targets approach from the horizon toward you. Use the arrow keys to
bank right and left, and to change your altitude and firing angle. Press
the A Button to fire air-to-ground missiles. Press the B Button to fire
radar-guided missiles or bombs. Use the SELECT button to switch
between radar-guided missiles or bombs.

If the Map Screen displayed at the beginning of the Waypoint indicates
that this is the PRIMARY TARGET, that last targets to appear are the
primary targets . . . the point of the whole mission. Take them out and
your job is done!

[page 14]
Once you're tackled all the Waypoints, you must land your jet to safely
complete the mission. Your jet approaches the deck of the carrier on
auto pilot from the right side of the screen. When your thrust, Altitude,
Vertical Velocity, and Range appear in the upper left hand corner of the
screen you will then be in control of your jet. The Range tells you how
far you are from the back of the carrier. You must lower altitude,
decrease your thrust by holding down the right arrow on the control
pad. To raise your altitude, increase your thrust by holding down the
left arrow. With your thrust at 50% you will be flying level. Remember
to lower your Landing Gear (B Button) and your Arrestor Hook (A
Button). If you touch down on the deck with a Vertical Velocity greater
than 10, you will crash. You must maneuver your craft to catch one of
the braking cables streched across the deck. There are four cables; good
pilots try for the third one. If you miss all the cables, you "bolter" and
must try again.

[page 15]
4. Scoring

Flight of the intruder rates your flying prowess at the end of each mission,
and gives you a rank based on your performance:
[typewriter-looking somewhat monospaced font]

Seaman Apprentice Lieutenant J G
Seaman Recruit Lieutenant
Seaman Lieutenant Commander
Petty Officer Commander
Petty Officer 1st Class Captain
Petty Officer 2nd Class Commodore
Petty Officer 3rd Class Rear Admiral
Chief Petty Officer Vice Admiral
Warrant Officer Admiral
Chief Warrant Officer Fleet Admiral

[page 16]
Bonus for Ground/Sea Targets
Tanks 300
Oil Platforms 300
Cargo ships 400
Armed NVA fishing boats 400
AA Cannons 400
Gun Boats 500
Mobile missile truck 500
Helicopters 500
Missile Boats 600
Radar tracking station 600
SAM launchers 600
Enemy Huts 700*
Oil tankers 700*
Oil tanks 700*
Communication tower 700*

* Hitting one of these regains one Strength Unit, up to nine. When
your Strength Units reach nine, every other target destroyed will
increase your DEF CON up to nine and then your missiles to nine.

[page 17]
Double the above bonus if the kill is made with a radar guided missile!

Air Target
Kill MiGs 4000
Hits MiGs with bullets 400
Hit Missiles with bullets 500

Ground Target
Avoiding Missile 100
All targets in wave hit 2,000*
All targets in Waypoint hit 10,000
Completing Waypoint 4,000**
Extra Strength Unit every 200,000 points (maximum 3).

* Adds one each to Strength Unit, DEF CON, and Missiles up to nine.

** You will receive 100 points for each remaining Strength Unit,DEF
CON, and Missiles after completing a waypoint

[page 18]
Landing: Catching the Third Cable is what good
pilots do.
First Cable 500
Second Cable 2000
Third Cable 4000
Fourth Cable 1000

[page 19]
5. Know Your Foe

Your planes will be in the sites of many types of enemy units. Know
which ones to bring down . . . and which will be going for you!

You'll face this agile fighter when you're piloting an F-4. MiGs will fire
missiles at you when approaching head-on. Be careful! The wingman
of the MiG you've got in your sights may be drawing a bead on you!

You will come across SAM missile launchers when attacking ground
and water targets with your Intruder. SAMs launch straight up like Flak
and then start tracking toward your Intruder. SAMs are deadly and
must be avoided. A hit will take out your jet.

The enemy's vital installations and important water vessels are protected
by machine gun fire designed specifically to take out jets like yours. The
guns fire tracer bullets. Avoid them; a hit can damage your Intruder.

[page 20]
Enemy tanks, oil platforms and AA Guns fire proximity fused gun
shells that can fill the sky with deadly flak bursts. Avoid the bursts or
your jet will be damaged. Gun shells can be distinguished from SAMs
as shells fire straight up and explode.

When attacking land and water targets with your Intruder, the enemy
will be trying to shoot you down with radar guided missiles. These
missiles are different from SAMs in their flight patterns. Missiles
immediately start tracking towards you as soon as they are launched.
Just like SAMs they must be avoided or you will be knocked out of the sky.

6. The Missions

April 30, 1972: Patrols spot four MiGs and three torpedo boats entering 40
mile exclusion zone.
Your mission: Destroy MiGs and attacking missile boats.

[page 21]
May 1, 1972: NVA Units overrun Quang Tri City. Two MiG 21s spotted over
Hue, heading toward Da Nang. Torpedo and gun boats sited in vicinity
of carrier.
Your mission: Intercept enemy jets and bomb enemy artillery moving
through Quang Tri City. Destroy ships threatening carrier.

May 13, 1972: Project Linebacker has begun. Command begins to target
installations vital to the enemy's war effort. First up: A radar tracking station
near the Thanh Hoa Bridge.
Your mission:Destroy the radar installation. Secondary targets include
a convoy escorted by gun boats and a possible SAM missle site south of
Thanh Hoa. The mission will be carried out under cover of darkness.

June 8, 1972: A downed Air Force pilot has radioed for help from a crash site
just north of Ninh Binh.
Your mission: Jolly Greens have been assigned to pick up the pilot, but
enemy fire threatens the operation. Use your F-4s to engage enemy air
cover while Intruders suppress ground fire from advancing enemy
scout patrols.

[page 22]
June 17, 1972: Intelligence reports indicate that warehouses in Haiphong
contain stockpiles of SAM missiles.
Your mission: Use your Intruders to take out the warehouses. Area is
guarded by mobile artillery, SAM sites and AA gun batteries. Secondary
targets include an enemy oil tanker anchored off the coast of Tien Yen
and a SAM site at Hon Gai. Hostile MiGs may be on patrol at both of
these areas.

July 8, 1972: You've just completed an extensive attack on the NVA Naval and
Air Forces. . . but your job's not over. The three Phantoms and three Intruders
under your are all low on fuel, it's night so visibility is limited.
Your mission: Land all of your jets safely. If you can't land a plane after
two tries, that aircraft is lost.

July 30, 1972: Reconnaisance reports a major ammunition depot in the town
of Thanh Hoa.
Your mission: after suppressing enemy SAM and AA batteries, destroy
buildings that house ammunition.

[page 23]
August 27, 1972: A SAM and radar guidance facility near Hon Gai seriously
threaten future missions. The area is constantly patrolled by MiGs and heavily
Your mission: This is a night mission. Clear the skies of the MiGs and
destroy the SAM and radar installations.

September 12, 1972: Intelligence reports that the enemy plans a major
bombing assault on U.S. targets in the south. The assault is to be staged from
the airfield an Phuc Nhac, just north of Hanoi. Minor air patrols and two
enemy troop ships have been spotted in the area.
Your mission: Use your best skill to destroy all targets.

October 20, 1972: The enemy, using convoys of ships moving under cover of
darkness, is shipping large amounts of supplies to its forces fighting near the
DMZ. A patrol boat and several enemy MiGs have been spotted in the area.
Your mission: Destroy as much of the convoy as possible and return
home safely. The mission will be made at night.

[page 24]
The last mission of Flight of the Intruder is a two-parter.

December 18, 1972, Evening: A massive assault on ammunition depots and
storage facilities in Hanoi is planned. A direct assault would be suicidal; the
target is very well protected. A mission to take out a radar tracking station in
Nam Dinh and the Hanoi military facilities is planned to soften up the area.
Your mission: Destroy all targets. Enemy MiGs patrol Gulf of Tonkin,
and a gun boat is stationed off Ninh Binh. Success of this mission is vital
if the assault on Hanoi is to procede.

December 18, 1972, Night: The massive raid on Hanoi continues. A squadron
of Intruders, escorted by Phantoms, have been assigned to get the job done.
Your mission: Primary targets are the ammunition depot and sur-
rounding storage areas. Enemy SAM launchers in the area will be
active. Level the entire area and destroy anything that gets in your way.
This is a night mission and your view will be limited. Good luck . . .

[page 25 - warranty]
[page 26 - FCC regulations]
[page 27 - don't use with projection tv]