Werewolf: The Last Warrior

Typed out by [email protected]


Werewolf - The Last Warrior(tm)

Instruction Manual

Data East(r)


"I will destroy you, Faryan..."

But in order to get to Faryan, you've got to battle your way past his army of
death slaves. Nothing in Faryan's New World can be taken for granted - evil
lurks everywhere. There are five levels you must clear in order to reach
Faryan. Easier said than done - each level is protected by one of Faryan's
Level Bosses. And they get gnarlier as you go along. But you've been granted
powers of the Great Spirit, War Wolf. You know what you must do. The time has
come to live your vision. Destroy Faryan.


Operating instructions

Control Pad: Moves your character in the direction you point.

A Button: Punch.

B Button: Jump

Start Button: Pause the game. Press it again to start.

Select Button: Press during pause to see Scoreboard.


Getting started

You've been through a lot in the past four weeks, War Wolf - you're probably
ready to go.

- Press Start Button at the title screen to proceed.
- Press Control Pad Up and Down to select a one-player or two-player
alternating game.
- Press Start Button to begin play.
- You can press Start Button to move past any dialog screens if you've
already read them.

You begin the game with five lives. If you lose a life, choose CONTINUE to
keep playing from that spot. You may keep selecting CONTINUE until you run
out of lives, at which point you will be forced to start again from the


The game screen

The Scoreboard lets you know how many lives you have remaining and your
current score. To reach the Scoreboard from the Game Screen, press Start
Button and then Select Button. Press Start Button to return to the Game

How much damage you can sustain before you lose a life.

How much anger you have built up.

How much damage an enemy on the screen can sustain.

How much time you have left to clear the current level.

Shows your current mutation status - Human, Werewolf or Super Werewolf.


Faryan's new world

Throughout Faryan's New World, the Great Spirit still lives - offering War
Wolf strength and support throughout his journey. You will reveal the Great
Spirit's treasures whenever you kill one of Faryan's death slaves. You will
also find them hidden throughout the game. Here's what to look for:

A red "W" allows you to transform from Human to Werewolf.

The small white Power Bubble builds your ANGER points. Collect five while
you're in Werewolf mode and you will be transformed into Super Werewolf.

Faryan will try to trick you with a blue "W", which will transform you from
Super Werewolf or Werewolf back to Human. If you're already human, it will
make you lose LIFE points. However, there is a way to turn the tables on
Faryan and use his blue "W" in combination with a red one to go directly to
Super Werewolf status.

The Healing Source will restore one LIFE point.

A red Power Bubble will destroy all enemies on the screen as soon as you
touch it.

The Giant Healing Source will restore all your LIFE points.

There are also giant red Power Bubbles that will make you invincible to all
enemies for a short period of time.

Some of your enemies will be carrying guns. Kill them and you can pick up the
gun they leave behind - but you only get one bullet so use it wisely.

The Points Bonus will build your score.

You can gain more TIME by grabbing the hourglass.

1 UP gives you an extra life. You also pick up an extra life when you hit
50,000 points.


Special powers

War Wolf

You start the game as Chief War Wolf. As War Wolf you may unleash the strength
of the Great Spirit within you to shoot a Power Ray at your enemies. To let
fly the Power Ray, hold down A Button until War Wolf begins to glow, then
release A Button to shoot.


Once you have transformed into Werewolf, all of your abilities are enhanced by
the powers given to you by the Great Spirit. As Werewolf, your Power Ray will
send shock waves throughout the entire screen and inflict great damage on
everything there. Due to the strength of this weapon, you too will suffer
gamage and lose LIFE points when you use the Power Ray as Werewolf.

In addition, once you are Werewolf, you have four additional powers:

Crawling: You will be able to crawl into low tunnels and areas that War Wolf
is unable to enter. To crawl into these areas just point in the direction of
the tunnel you wish to enter.

Back-Flips: As Werewolf, you may use your speed and strength to do back-flips
that allow you to avoid certain kinds of trouble. To do a back-flip, press
A Button and B Button at the same time.

Climbing: The Great Spirit understood the demands of your quest and empowered
you with mighty lance blades as arms that allow you to climb walls. To climb,
jump onto the wall and then press Control Pad Up and down to scale and descend.
You must then press B Button and Control Pad away from the wall to jump off.
Getting up over the edge of a wall you're climbing requires you to jump up
and away from the wall and then immediately back toward the ledge you were

Ceiling Walking: You can also use your blades to hang from the ceiling and
"walk" hand-over-hand across ravines and dangerous areas you'd rather not get
into. To grab onto the ceiling, jump (B Button) and then punch up (Control
Pad Up and A Button together) to dig in - timing is crucial. Once you've
grabbed on, use Control Pad Left and Right to move across the ceiling. Control
Pad Down gets you down off the ceiling.

Super Werewolf

Once you become Super Werewolf, all of your powers are at their peak. You are
stronger, faster and much more powerful than you were before. While your ANGER
lasts, you will be far more destructive than any of Faryan's Death Slaves - so
use the time wisely. Once your anger subsides, you'll go back to regular
Werewolf status and can again begin gathering white Power Bubbles to build
your ANGER back up.