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Thread Title: Ogre Battle 64 Chat

Nintendo's first 64 bit console, chat about the N64 here.

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    Default Ogre Battle 64 Chat

    Ogre Battle 64, for those who don't know, is a strategy game in which the objective is to conquer the opponent's headquarters. One sends their troops out in a 1-5 character group called a unit. The units march through the battlefield, progressing from stronghold to stronghold. The enemies send out their units to intercept your invading forces, and when they meet, a battle ensues. The battle is pretty much predetermined, as you can only change their orders, retreat, or summon an elemental. The side that deals most damage wins, and the loser is thrown backwards. The true spirit of the game is to prepare good units beforehand and to choose your path wisely. Unit building is one of the coolest aspects of the game. A unit consists of up to five characters on a 3 by 3 grid. The character's placement in the unit determines their attack, the number of times the character will perform the attack in that turn, and whether the character is susceptible to a front or back attack, or both. Some of decisions that will have to be made include whether to have big characters in your unit(Big characters, like dragons or golems, are more powerful, but are worth two characters), whether to choose characters that work well in a certain terrain to make a mountain or forest unit, or whether to have two magic users in your party so that their magic can be combined. The characters range from near worthless soldiers to Black Knights, dragons, gorgons, and Ninja Masters. And that's just the tip of the iceberg as to how deep this game is. The game is rare nowadays, going for about 50-60 dollars online. It's one of my all-time favorite games. But it seems as though almost nobody has ever played it. However, there is a hope, as its predecessor, Ogre Battle: March of the Witch Queen(also a stellar game) has been released for Virtual Console.

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    Default Re: Ogre Battle 64 Chat

    Nintendo 64 is old, i used to play it when i was 4.

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