This is about Tao's Adventure:Curse of the Demon Seal,I've been trying to get codes for this game(only one I don't have codes for yet) been out atleast 2 years and no codes? Just need to know if you could get them or know of someone who could get them. A Reply on this would be a little help,and not just shoved farther down the list as just my previous posts about this game. Just need a simple yes or no on the codes.

These are what I needed converted or made into AR

Enable Code (Must Be On)
0000FFB6 414C4445
4BA30106 5B1ED8E8
Hero-Infinite HP 042884C9 FA47BC33
Hero-Infinite MP 8D986262 D376ADB2
Hero-Level 99 B17AEA18 E6353415
Hero-Max AT DB474234 0A9CE4C4
Hero-Max DF CABE79CE 00550000
Hero-Max HP 2184B8AC 4F49B005
Hero-Max MP 0393D4AE DE85C613
Hero-Max TEC 3A1D34D8 EA19B70E
Max Gold A1B00DAE 67B565AC

Also along with the 2 Monster slots with same as above stats.
These are what I would like to get if you could.
- Item slots
- Times played/ and Time of Game