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Thread Title: Atlus USA Announces Master of the Monster Lair

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    Atlus USA Announces Master of the Monster Lair

    Atlus USA has announced that they will be publishing Master of the Monster Lair for the Nintendo DS on September 2. Developed by Global A Interactive, developers of Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground, Master of the Monster Lair follows the main character, a young boy, through his adventures digging a dungeon to bait monsters after being accosted by a talking shovel. Most townspeople are afraid to leave their homes because of the monster infestation, so the young boy is making the world safe for all. Players will be able to share their dungeons with their friends via local wireless.

    Master of the Monster Lair has been rated E10+ by the ESRB, and should be available on September 2.

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    Talking Re: Atlus USA Announces Master of the Monster Lair

    i kinda want to start playing that game.:D

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