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Thread Title: 007 Legends

Cheat Codes for Wii U games.

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    Default 007 Legends

    Moonranker suit

    Enter "astr0b0y" as a case-sensitive code under the "Cheat Codes" option in the "Extras" menu to unlock the Bond Moonranker suit (splitscreen).

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    Default 007 Legends


    At the main menu select extra and then select cheat codes. You can then proceed to enter the following passcodes.

    Effect Password
    Unlocks a James Bond jacket for local multiplayer f1n3att1r3
    Unlocks James Bond's astronaut suit for local multiplayer astr0b0y
    Unlocks the 007 Pack, which includes the Walther PPK for single player and multiplayer and the Fast Switch gadget for multiplayer g3tb0nd
    Unlocks the Goldfinger Pack, which includes Goldfinger and Pussy Galore for multiplayer au43v3r
    Unlocks the Moonraker Pack, which includes the Moonraker Laser Mk2 for multiplayer m00nlas3r
    Unlocks the Nemesis Pack, which includes Jaws' astronaut suit and Baron Samedi's skeleton suit for multiplayer v00d00f1sh
    Unlocks the Stealth Pack, which includes the Long Reach and Acute Hearing gadgets for multiplayer qbranch3d

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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