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Thread Title: Saints Row 2

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    Default Saints Row 2

    # Cheat mode

    Pause the game, then access the cell phone. Select "Dial", then enter one of the following numbers, including the # symbol, and choose "Call". If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Then, go to "Cheats", and select the now unlocked option.

    Result    Phone number
    Player Ability    
    Full Health    #1
    Car Mass (increased mass for harder collisions)    #2
    Milk Bones (increased melee attack damage)    #3
    Add Police Notoriety (+1 star to police wanted meter)    #4
    Player Pratfalls    #5
    Infinite Sprint    #6
    Unlimited Clip (never reload, except for RPGs)    #9
    Infinite Ammo    #11
    Heaven Bound (killed bodies float upward)    #12
    Add Gang Notoriety (+1 gang attack level)    #35
    Never Die    #36
    No Cop Notoriety    #50
    No Gang Notoriety    #51
    I Am Giant (become very tall)    #200
    Itty Bitty (become very short)    #201
    Give Cash (gain $1,000)    #2274666399
    Repair Car (fixes car, boat, and helicopter damage)    #1056
    Ambulance    #1040
    Anchor    #1041
    Atlasbreaker    #1042
    Attrazione    #1043
    Backdraft    #1044
    Backhoe    #1045
    Bag Boy    #1046
    Baron    #1047
    Bear    #1048
    Bootlegger    #1049
    Bulldog    #1050
    Bulldozer    #1051
    Compton    #1052
    Eiswolf    #1053
    FBI    #1054
    Five0    #1055
    Hollywood    #1057
    Justice    #1058
    Kent    #1059
    Mag    #1060
    Mixmaster    #1061
    Mongoose    #1062
    Oring    #1063
    Phoenix    #1064
    Quasar    #1065
    Quota    #1066
    Rampage    #1067
    Raycaster    #1068
    Reaper    #1069
    Septic Avenger    #1070
    Shaft    #1071
    Stilwater Municipal    #1072
    Superiore    #1073
    Taxi    #1074
    The Job    #1075
    Titan    #1076
    Toad    #1077
    Varsity    #1078
    Venom Classic    #1079
    Vortex    #1080
    Zenith    #1081
    Horizon (commerical helicopter)    #711
    Snipes57 (executive private jet)    #712
    Tornado (police helicopter with minigun and anti-tank missiles; can lock onto other vehicles or be manually aimed)    #713
    Wolverine (P-51 Mustang-style airplane with machine gun)    #714
    Kaneda (custom street racing motorcycle)    #801
    Kenshin (street racing motorcycle)    #802
    Melbourne (Harley-style motorcycle)    #803
    Sabretooth (custom Harley-style motorcycle)    #804
    Sandstorm (dirtbike)    #805
    Widowmaker (moped)    #806
    Hurricane (speedboat)    #825
    Miami    #826
    Python    #827
    Shark (personal watercraft)    #828
    Skipper (yacht)    #829
    Retailer Promotion Vehicles    
    Gyro Daddy helicopter (two person mini-helicopter)    #4976
    D-Stroy UFO (two person flying saucer)    #728237
    Peewee mini-bike (very small mini-bike)    #7266837
    12 Gauge    #920
    44 Shepherd    #921
    AR200 (SAW-type machine gun)    #922
    AR50 (X8-type assault rifle)    #923
    AR50 Launcher (X8-type assualt rifle with grenade launcher)    #924
    AS14 (fully automatic shotgun)    #925
    Baseball Bat    #926
    Chainsaw    #927
    Fire Extinguisher    #928
    Flamethrower    #929
    Flashbang    #930
    GAL43 (Uzi-like sub-machine gun)    #931
    GDHC    #932
    Grenade    #933
    Holt 55 (fully automatic pistol)    #934
    K6 Krukov    #935
    Knife    #936
    Machete    #937
    McManus2010    #938
    Minigun    #939
    Molotov    #940
    Nightstick    #941
    NR4    #942
    Pepper Spray    #943
    Pimp Cane (shotgun)    #944
    Pipe Bomb    #945
    RPG    #946
    RPG Annihilator (manual or lock-on guided RPG)    #947
    Samurai Sword    #948
    Satchel    #949
    Shock Paddles (bring dead people back to life)    #950
    SKR-9    #951
    Sledgehammer    #952
    Stungun (semi-automatic Taser-style weapon; can kill if used repeatedly)    #953
    T3K Urban    #954
    Tire Iron    #955
    Tombstone    #956
    Vice 9    #957
    XS-2 (fully automatic shotgun)    #958
    Pimp Slap (big foam middle finger)    #969
    Wrath of God (thunderstorm with random lightning strikes)    #666
    Overcast    #78665
    Heavy Rain    #78666
    Light Rain    #78668
    Clear Skies    #78669
    Normal Weather    #78670
    Super Explosions    #7
    Super Saints (almost invincibile Homies and Saints with better weapons)    #8
    Drunk Pedestrians    #15
    Evil Cars (drivers try to run you down)    #16
    Low Gravity (cannot be used with helicopters; use in Insurance Fraud mode to glide)    #18
    Pedestrian War (pedestrians and drivers fight each other)    #19
    Raining Pedestrians (people spawn and fall from sky but die on the ground)    #20
    Everybody Must Get Shrunk (everyone is very short)    #202
    Time Set Noon (hour set to 12 p.m. with minutes unchanged)    #1200
    Time Set Midnight (hour set to 12 a.m. with minutes unchanged)    #2400
    # Service phone numbers
    Pause the game, then access the cell phone. Select "Dial", then enter one of the following numbers, and choose "Call" to call the corresponding service:
    Service    Phone number
    Airport    5553597
    Big Willy's Cab    8198415
    Bling Bling    5554233
    Brown Baggers    5553765
    Cocks    5552626
    Company of Gyros    5554976
    Cycles    5552453
    EagleLine Yellow    0180174
    Emergency    911
    Eye for an Eye (Zombie Carlos)    5555966
    Foreign Power    5552046
    Forgive and Forget    5554448
    Freckle Bitch's    5556328
    Friendly Fire    5554867
    Fire Department    5553473
    Giftshop    5557577
    HazMat    5556677
    Image as Designed    5558459
    Impression    5553248
    Leather and Lace    5552662
    Legal Lee's    5559467
    On The Rag    5555926
    On Thin Ice    5552564
    Police    5557973
    Pimps 'R Us    5557467
    Rim Jobs    5553493
    Rusty's Needle    5558287
    Ship It    5557447
    Spelunkers    5552283
    Suicide Hotline    4876837
    Tee'N'Ay    5559866
    TNA Taxis    4558008
    Ultor Security    411

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    Default Re: Saints Row 2

    • Blow-up doll

    Go north from the lighthouse on the prison island. You will reach a large sewer pipe that will have graffiti on the sides. Go into the pipe to find a blow-up doll on a very dirty mattress. Note: It will disappear after awhile.

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    Default Re: Saints Row 2

    • Defeating Bosses

    Before killing Bosses, take full rocket and rifle ammo from the Brotherhood mission when you are on the ship.

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    • Defeating The General

    To kill The General in the mall, use the saved rockets to blow up his armored Bulldog then shoot him with any gun until he dies. Do this quickly before he runs away.

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    Default Re: Saints Row 2

    • Defeating Veteran Child

    To kill Veteran Child in his club, just bring lots of ammunition. Use the stun grenades located around the pillars to separate him and Shaundi, then just run up and shoot him. Repeat this until he has been killed.

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    Default Re: Saints Row 2

    • Easy money

    Find and store a few armored trucks in your garage. When they are destroyed they will respawn in your garage again. Blow a truck up and you should get a decent amount of money. After collecting the money, go back to your garage and get the truck again. It may cost $600 for repairs but you should get at least $1,000 for destroying one.

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    • Easy Snatch activities

    For easy completion of Snatch activities, use a Bear (the Police APC). It is virtually impossible to stop once moving because it is nearly invulnerable. It can drive over smaller cars and pickups, the chaingun has unlimited ammunition. It holds three passengers.

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    • Fight against Maero

    To defeat Maero the first time on top of his hideout, hit him once with an RPG. When scoring a direct hit, he will go on one knee and stay down. You can then shoot him until he is defeated. If he gets up, just shoot him again. To finish off Maero in the arena, use some of the rockets to blow up all the trucks except for his. Use extra rifle ammunition to shoot his Monster Truck.

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    • Fight against Mr. Sunshine

    To kill Mr. Sunshine in the factory, use a rocket on his voodoo doll to knock him down and cause damage. Hit the doll once to break his shield. You can then shoot him until he reaches the bottom floor. Note: If he completes his ritual with the voodoo doll, it will send you flying and do lots of damage.

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    Default Re: Saints Row 2

    • Hidden And Missable Cars

    A list of hidden or missable cars in Saints Row 2:

    General's Limo (Hounfor) - In the last samedi mission, run over to the General's limo when he jumps out of it, get in the limo and quit the mission. The Limo is the only one of it's kind in the game.

    Military Wolverine - In the mission for the brotherhood "JailBait" after blowing up the prison buses, go to the airport and 2 wolverines will be sitting there. They have unique paintjobs. Get in one and quit the mission. They are black with military stars on each wing and on the fuselage, and a monsterous face on the nose.

    Racing Edition Of MonsterTruck - In the Brotherhood mission "Bank Error In Your Favour", once you drive over to the Demolition Derby Arena, don't enter the blue marker. To the right of the blue marker will be a monster truck with racing stripes and a flame on the bonnet. Get in it and quit the mission.

    Brotherhood Helicopter - In the brotherhood mission "Enemy Of My Enemy" Once the Brotherhood start arriving, when a helicopter hovers above the ground to drop off Brotherhood, quickly hop into it before it flys away. Fly over to mainland before quitting the mission or you will be warped back to where you start the mission. When you reach land, quit the mission. The helicopter is red with a gold strim and black tinted windows.

    Brotherhood Boats and Jetskis - In the Brotherhood mission "Enemy of My Enemy" When the brotherhood start arriving, wait until they arrive in boats, get into any jetski or boat they arrive in, and drive over to mainland, then quit the mission. The boats are red with Brotherhood decals on them. And the jetskis are red with black or white stripes.

    Samedi Chopper - In the samedi stronghold "Bavogian Plaza Drug Labs", bring a chopper over with you and start it. Progress through the stronghold, and when the samedi helicopter arrives and you have to destroy it, don't! Instead, get in your helicopter, fly above the samedi chopper, bail out and parachute onto the samedi helicopter. Press Y to enter the chopper and quit the mission. It is green with a silver trim.

    Ultor Limo - In the last mission in the game, once Vogel goes into the ultor building and abandons his limo, drive to the ultor building, and his limo will be there for you to steal outside. Get into it and quit the mission. It is black with the Ultor logo written on each side.

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    Default Re: Saints Row 2

    • Secret islands

    Fly far off the west coast of the prison to find four islands. Their names are "Super Secret", "Ship Wreck", "Bone", "Ruins", and "Look Out".

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    • Zombie Uprising: Easy kills

    Use the flaming zombies as a weapon. When they come after you, let them follow you. Run into big crowds of zombies so that the flaming zombies can set the other zombies on fire, which will then count as kills for you. Also, use headshots for the small zombies. This also saves ammunition.

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