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Thread Title: Sims 3: Ambitions

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    Default Sims 3: Ambitions

    Cheat Mode

    Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C to display the console window. Enter one of the following case-insensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: On Vista you may need to press [Ctrl] + [Windows] + [Shift] + C to display the console window. The codes for the original The Sims 3 can now be enabled.

    Effect Code
    Selected NPC has life end ageupNPC
    Toggle buying and building mode under all circumstances (for example, if there is a fire) AlwaysAllowBuildBuy [on or off]
    Toggle flashing plot symbols in neighborhood view Disco tags [on or off]

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    Default Re: Sims 3: Ambitions

    Full profession level

    Enable the testingcheatsenabled true code. If your Sim does not have a profession yet, choose one. Once it does, go to the "Work" tab in the dashboard. You will see a bar for your job progress. Drag the bar all the way to the end. Each time you do, you will advance one level in that profession requiring less than 30 seconds to reach level 10. Note: This only works with the professions and not the regular jobs.

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    Default Re: Sims 3: Ambitions

    Mass Effect reference

    Once your Sim is able to create a time machine, travel to the future. During events, one will mention where your Sim lands in the middle of crowd who does not notice you because they are "...cheering for some kind of shepherd who defeated some giant god machine." This is a reference to Electronic Arts' Mass Effect.

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  5. #4
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    Default Re: Sims 3: Ambitions

    Total disaster aftermath

    Join the firefighter career by using the "Full profession level" cheat to boost yourself to level 10. You will receive a new fire truck and a fire department alarm to place in your home via the family inventory. Once it i shooked up to a wall, hover the pointer over the fire alarm. Hold [Shift] and click to get a new option to chose a type of disaster. Select "Earthquake". A giant earthquake will strike the entire town, causing numerous gas leaks, pieces of buildings to collapse, and Sims getting buried and trapped near flaming wreckage all over the town (including your own home). As you finish the first home you will realize how big of an aftermath it is, as you run off to the rescue.

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