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Thread Title: Starcraft

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    Default Starcraft

    +10,000 gas and +10,000

    Hit enter during gameplay,and then type: show me the money. hit enter again.

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    Default Re: Starcraft

    Cheat codes

    During gameplay, press enter and you can see two dotes there flashing, then you type those codes:

    SHOW ME THE MONEY - Give you minerals and gas
    OPERATION CWAL - Speeds construction of buildings and units
    FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Ability to build units beyond the support limit
    THE GATHERING - Gives unlimited energy to all casing units
    SOMETHING FOR NOTHING - Gives all upgrades
    MODIFY THE PHASE VARIANCE - Ability to build all buildings
    BLACK SHEEP WALL - Shows entire map
    GAME OVER MAN - Ends your game as a loss
    STAYING ALIVE - Prevents the mission from ending due to victory or defeat
    THERE IS NO COW LEVEL - Completes the current mission
    WHATS MINE IS MINE - Free minerals
    BREATHE DEEP - Free vespene gas
    MEDIEVAL MAN - Free upgrades to units
    WAR AINT WHAT IT USED TO BE - Disables fog of war
    OPHELIA - Enter this to enable level skipping cheat. Then enter the mission you want to skip to

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    Default Re: Starcraft


    operation cwal quick build for units and buildings
    5.show me the money = gives you 10,000 crystals and 10,000 gas
    6.the gathering = gives you infinite psionic power reserves
    7.noglues=enemies cant use magic Tangobell
    8.game over man=instant loss Tangobell
    9.heal me-next unit explodes Tangobell
    10.Power Overwhelming = God Mode Chris Hill
    11.staying alive = Lets you continue playing after you have finished the mission
    12.there is no cow level = Completes the mission you are on
    13.whats mine is mine = Gives you 500 minerals
    14.breathe deep = Gives you 500 vespene gas
    15.something for nothing = Everything available is upgraded
    16.black sheep wall = Reveals entire map
    17.medieval man = Gives free upgrades to units
    18.modify the phase variance = Ability to build anything
    19.war aint what it used to be = Disables fog of war
    20.food for thought = Allows you to build more units than supply
    21.ophelia = Warp to any mission (type in, press enter, then mission number)

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    Default Re: Starcraft

    Control Separate Legions

    Having trouble controlling all of your units on the map? Can't select the right troops to move? Just select the units you want and press Control and a number. You can do this for all of the numbers on the key board. It's easier to control the units.

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  6. #5
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    Default Re: Starcraft


    Hit enter during gameplay,and then type: power overwhelming. hit enter again.

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  7. #6
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    Default Re: Starcraft

    Secret Level

    On The Chapter :The Reckoning, Beat the Level Within 25 Minutes an you'll enter the Secret level "Dark Orgins".

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    Default Re: Starcraft

    Side-Effect for CWAL

    Its true that pressing enter and typing "Operation CWAL" will speed all of your creations to immediate finishing, but theres a side-effect, the opponent also gets affected by this.

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  9. #8
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    Default Re: Starcraft

    Speed up construction of buildings and units

    Hit enter during gameplay,and then type: operation cwal. hit enter again.

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  10. #9
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    Default Re: Starcraft

    Unbreakable Defenses

    This is a tip for all those who have weak bases. You have to be protoss. When the game starts, build a wall of pylons around your base. When you access the proton cannons, place 3 rows on both sides of the pylons. It will be almost impossible to break through. Note: build a ways off of your main bases because it gets crowded.

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  11. #10
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    Default Re: Starcraft

    Unlimited Energy

    Hit enter during gameplay,and then type: the gathering. hit enter again.

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