List of Console Cheats:
This is a list of console cheats that you can enable in Torchlight 2.
WARNING! When playing online, modified versions of Torchlight 2 will be marked with a “suspicious player” flag. Not all commands will mark your game as modified. Many of these commands are untested, so try them at your own risk.
Except for the red exclamation point marking you as suspicious. Suspicion flags are not permanent, and no automatic actions will be taken against your account.
Note that I did NOT find out all of these commands on my only take credit for piecing this together.
How to activate the developer console.
Alter the file “settings.txt” found in your Torchlight 2 Save file.
The save file is found here: “C:/Users/#USERNAME#/My Documents/Runic Games/Torchlight 2/Save”
Note: “#USERNAME#” is your personal username. On some operating systems, Torchlight 2 is saved under “My Games” instead of “My Documents.”
Open the file with a text editor, then press CTRL+F and search for “Console :0″. Change the parameter from “Console :0″ to “Console :1″ to activate the Developer Console, enabling use of cheat console commands in Torchlight 2.
Now that cheats are activated, you can open the Console window while in-game by pressing “INSERT“.
Developer Console Commands list.
Note: Replace “###” with numbers, and remove all parentheses, and quotation marks.
GOD : Toggles invincibility on/off.
GODSPEED : Toggles invincibility and extra speed on/off.
LEVELUP : Gain XP to level up.
AIFREEZE : Toggles Monster AI on/off.
PLAYERNOTARGET : Toggles Monster targeting on/off. (Ghost Mode)
KILLALL : Kills all monsters.
ALWAYSCRIT : Player always hits critically.
ASCEND : Goes down a floor.
DESCEND : Goes up a floor.
MONEY ### : Sets amount of gold to “###”.
ALLITEMS : Spawns all items.
CLS : Clears console history.
SETTIME ### : Sets the time of day to “###”.
SETTIMESCALE ### : Sets the timescale for time of day to “###”.
ROOM : Returns the room the player currently is in.
FPS : Shows the frame rate and other information.
SPEED : Toggles additional speed for the character.
DAMAGE SHAPES : toggles damage shapes on and off.
STATPOINTS ### : Gives you stat points set to “###”.
STRENGTH ### : Gives you melee points set to “###”.
DEXTERITY ### : Gives you ranged points set to “###”.
MAGIC ### : Gives you magic points set to “###”.
DEFENSE ### : Gives you defense points set to “###”.
ALLSTATS ### : Gives you the count to all stats to “###”.
FAME ### : Gives you fame points set to “###”.
SKILLPOINTS ### : Gives you skill points set to “###”.
SETPETLEVEL : Sets the pet’s level set to “###”
DISABLEPET : Disables/enables the player’s pet.
RELOAD : Reloads textures.
PATHING : Toggles pathing debug display.
COMBATLOG : Toggles combat log.
SOUNDDEBUG : Toggles sound debug.
CLEARHISTORY : Clears level history.
MISSILETRAILS : Shows missile trails.
DEBUGLOGIC : Toggles if the logic events are fired to the ogre log.
NOXP : Player doesn’t gain XP.
ANIMATIONSPEED ### : Changes the animation of everything to match the FPS.
HURTME ### : Reduces the player and the player’s pet HP by the given percent.
RESETSTATS : Resets the player’s stat points.
RESETSKILLS : Resets the player’s skills.
RESETPLAYERLEVEL : Resets the player’s level to 1.
RESETPETLEVEL : Resets pet’s level to 1.
RESETPLAYER : Resets player’s stats, skills, and level.
CAMERADISTANCE ### : The ### the camera will be from the player.
DIFFICULTY: Displays the current game difficulty.
SETDIFFICULTY ### : Sets the current difficulty, values range from (0) Easy to (3) Very Hard.
More commands.
SKILL name/index = type just skill to see a list of skills. Type the number or the name of the skill to make active on the player.
SKILLTEST = different in the command skill, this will allow you to execute any skill even if it wasn’t intended for your character.
ITEM index,count = the params are option. Type items to see indexes of all monsters in the game.
ITEM itemName,count = creates count of itemName.
ALLITEMS unittype = spawns all items of a given unittype (use “_” for spaces)
IDENTIFYALL identify all items in the player’s inventory.
ANY index,count = the params are option. Type any to see indexes of all units in the game.
EDITOROBJECT objectName,count = Creates an object from the editor for testing memory use.
UNIT unitName,count = creates a unit by name and count.
SPAWNCLASS spawnclassName,count,level = just type spawnclass to see all the spawn classes listed. Pass in Zero or a negative number for level will use the dungeon depth as the level.
MONSTER index,count = the params are option. Type monster to see indices of all monsters in the game.
MONSTER monsterName,count = creates count of monsterName
MONSTERMEM MonsterName,### = the params are option. Creates and deletes a monster for memory testing.
MODEL modelpath,### = the params are optional. Creates and deletes a model for memory testing.
DUNGEON dungeonName = sets the current dungeon
CLEANUP = releases unused resources
CHARGEBARMULT = makes the charge by X percent easier to fill
UNITTYPES = displays all unittypes
RESTARTLEVEL = restarts the current level
QUESTS = lists all quests
QUESTACTIVE questName = sets a quest to active
QUESTSHOWACTIVE = Shows all the players active quests
QUESTCOMPLETE questName = sets a quest to complete
QUESTRESET questName = resets a quest to not be active or complete
QUESTSCOMPLETE = Lists all the quests complete
SHOWBLOOD = toggles blood particles
ACHIEVEMENTS = Lists the achievements and if they are complete
MEMORY = Dumps the memory allocation to the console.
TAGS = Dumps all tags used in the level and what got created.
ITEMBYMESH = Pass in part of a mesh name to spawn all items with that contain the string you passed.
UIREFRESH = forces a refresh on the UI.
MODIFYSIGHT = changes the sight distance of monsters activation. Pass 0 to reset.
MODIFYMOTION = changes the motion distance of monsters activation. Pass 0 to reset.
CHARACTER COUNT = returns the number of characters updating in the level
PLAYERANIMATION = Dumps to the console which animation the player is playing and stopping.
DOLLYMIN mindis = The min dolly distance for interaction.
BLOOM = Toggle fullscreen bloom.
LOGCONSOLE = Show the logging console.
CONNECTIONDATA = Dump a connection data file.
ADDFRIENDBYUSER = Add a friend by username or email.
DROPCONN = Drop the given connection id.