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    Default Minecraft

    Backup Your Minecraft World

    The directory on your computer for Minecraft saved worlds and settings differs depending on what OS you’re running.

    On Windows: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft
    Take note that the AppData directory is hidden, so be sure to show hidden files from within Folder Options.

    On Mac OS: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/minecraft
    On Linux: /home/username/.minecraft

    The "Saves" folder is what you want to back up.

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    Commands Bar Codes

    To bring up your "Commands bar", press the "C" key. This can also be changed in your settings to any key you want. When the "Commands" bar pops up, type these codes below. This only works for single-player mode. You also have to enable cheats when creating a new world.

    Effect Code
    ascend Moves you to the next platform above your position.
    atlantis [on/off] Toggles "Atlantis Mode".
    biome Tells you what biome you are currently in.
    bring [entity] Brings a specified entity to you.
    cannon [strength] Shoots a primed TNT block toward where you're pointing.
    chest [drop/get/fill/swap] Access commands of chests.
    clear Clears the console.
    clearwater Toggles the clarity of the water on/off.
    clone [amount] Clones the block being pointed at.
    confuse [distance] Confuses mobs.
    cyclepainting Cycles through the painting you are pointing at.
    damage Toggles player damage on/off.
    defuse Defuse all nearby TNT that is active.
    descend Moves you to the next platform below your position.
    destroy Destroys the current item.
    difficulty [0/1/2/3] Toggles difficulty from 0 (Peaceful), 1 (Easy), 2 (Medium), and 3 (Hard).
    dropstore Transfers everything from your inventory to a chest, which is spawned next to you.
    duplicate Duplicates and drops the current item stack you're holding.
    explode Sets off an explosion in your area.
    falldamage Toggles player fall damage on/off.
    firedamage Toggles player fire damage on/off.
    flammable [block] [catch/spread] Sets the specified block at a specified flammability level.
    fly [speed] Allows the player to fly at a specified speed.
    freeze Freezes mobs so they can't move or attack you.
    goto [name] Go to a waypoint.
    grow Grows all wheat and spruce trees on the map.
    heal [health points] Heals the player at a specified number of health points.
    health [min/max/infinite] Refills health to a specified level.
    help [command name] Gives more information on the specified command.
    home Teleport to the spawn point.
    infiniteitems Toggles infinite items on/off.
    instantkill Instantly kills the animal or monster you hit.
    instantmine Toggles "instant mine" on/off.
    instantplant Instantly grows what you plant.
    itemdamage Toggles breakage or usage of an item on/off.
    jump moves you from where you are to where you're pointing.
    keepitems Keeps your items after you die.
    kill Kills the current player.
    killall [mob type] Kills a specified type of mob.
    killnpc [all/animal/monster] Kills specified living things nearby.
    light Toggles permanent lighting on/off.
    listwaypoints Lists all waypoints on the map.
    longerlegs Makes your legs longer.
    mobdamage Mobs can't give you damage.
    platform Puts a glass block under your feet.
    rename [command name] [newname] Renames a command name to a new command name of your choice.
    ride Allows you to ride the living creature you are pointing at.
    setspawn [x-coordinate] [y-coordinate] [z-coordinate] Sets the spawn point to a specified coordinate.
    setspeed [speed/reset] Sets the speed in which the player moves to a specified speed/resets it.
    skin [username] Change the player skin to any Minecraft skin.
    slippery [block name] Makes the specified blocks slippery.
    spawn [name/ID/random/list][quantity] Spawns an individual creature.
    spawnportal Spawns a portal nearby.
    superheat Turns all items into their smelted form. Ex.: Sand turns into glass.
    tele [x-coordinate] [y-coordinate] [z-coordinate] Teleport to a specified coordinate.
    useportal Automatically teleports you to the Nether. Use this command again to go back.
    waterdamage Toggles player water damage on/off.
    weather [lightning/thunder/rain] Changes the weather.
    world [load/save/seed/new/exit/list/backup] Controls your game save from the "Command" bar.

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    Default Re: Minecraft

    Free Coal

    Put white wood and normal wood in the furnace you get charcoal. It's same as normal Coal.

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    Default Re: Minecraft

    Infinite Water Supply

    There are a lot of reasons that you'll want to have a Bucket of Water on your hands (fire, building, farming, irritating friends, making a moat, etc.), but it can get really irritating having to run down to the ocean every tie you want some. Follow this quick tutorial, and you can have a small, endlessly full pool of water wherever you want it.

    You'll need an Iron Bucket and the ability to dig into the floor a little.

    1. Dig a 2 by Hole in the ground that is 1 square deep

    2. Fill your bucket/s with water from the ocean or a lake. You only need 2 deposits, so taking 2 buckets is recommended.

    3. Bring the water back to your base and pour 1 Bucket in each corner of the square in the ground.

    If done correctly, you should have a still 2 by 2 pool of water. Every time you take a bucket and use it on any of the squares, the others refill it to fullness.

    Alternate method you could use: You will need 2 water buckets. Now dig a STRAIGHT line with 3 holes like this: If "=" equals a line, make this "===". Dig 3 holes STRAIGHT and then put 1 water bucket in each end and then get the Water from the middle and the water well keep regening so the water is Infinite.

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    Default Re: Minecraft

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    Here is a list of keyboard shortcuts you can use.

    Keyboard shortcut Effect
    F1 While third person moves the view to the front of your character / While first person makes the tool/hand/etc dissapear, but NOT the landscape.
    F2 Takes a screenshot.
    F5 Toggle view.

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    Default Re: Minecraft

    Samus' Helmet from Metroid

    If you put a pumpkin in the helmet section of your armor your HUD will turn into the HUD of the galactic bounty hunter Samus Aran from Metroid.

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