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Thread Title: Fate

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  1. #1
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    Default Fate

    "Levelup" Cheat

    Press Ctrl, Shift, and ~ then a "?" should appear on the left side of the screen. Type "Levelup" and then hit enter and you should level up one experience level.

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  3. #2
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    Default Fate


    Press Ctrl, Shift, and ~ then a "?" should appear on the left side of the screen. Type "Chain of Ancients" (necklace) and then hit enter to spawn the necklace.

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  4. #3
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    Default Fate

    Statues, shrines, and anvils

    Press Ctrl, Shift, and ~ then a "?" should appear on the left side of the screen. Type the following items and then hit enter to spawn the indicated item. (These cheats can also be activated in town:)

    Fate statue: a statue with a glowing red light on the bottom of the statue should appear nearby you. Click on it to activate it and it either will give you a monster or a random gem will pop out of the statue.

    Magic Anvil: an anvil should appear nearby you. Click on it to activate the anvil and when you put a weapon/armor in it and click enchant you will get a message saying you got an enchantment or nothing happened (this is just like the enchanter in town but it is free:)

    Shrine of Learning: a shrine should appear nearby you. Click on it to activate the shrine which will either give you a good or bad effect on either your character stats or your skill stats most of the time. Sometimes it won't do nothing.Press Ctrl, Shift, and ~ then a "?" should appear on the left side of the screen. Type the following items and then hit enter to spawn the indicated item. (These cheats can also be activated in town:)

    Fate statue: a statue with a glowing red light on the bottom of the statue should appear nearby you. Click on it to activate it and it either will give you a monster or a random gem will pop out of the statue.

    Magic Anvil: an anvil should appear nearby you. Click on it to activate the anvil and when you put a weapon/armor in it and click enchant you will get a message saying you got an enchantment or nothing happened (this is just like the enchanter in town but it is free:)

    Shrine of Learning: a shrine should appear nearby you. Click on it to activate the shrine which will either give you a good or bad effect on either your character stats or your skill stats most of the time. Sometimes it won't do nothing.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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