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Thread Title: Zork Nemesis

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    Default Zork Nemesis

    "Hello Sailor"

    In earlier Zork games, typing the command "hello sailor" would usually give you the response, "Nothing happens here". In Zork Nemesis, typing "hellosailor" will result in a woman's voice saying "nothing happens here" If you type "hellosailor" just after you enter the Conservatory, the woman's voice will say "Still nothing happens here".

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    Default Zork Nemesis

    Easter Egg

    In the asylum, get the hammer from the box in Sartorius's chambers, then go and click the brain with the hammer exactly ten times. Then if you navigate to where you see the hand, you'll see a picture of one of the programmers.

    Type chloe from anywhere in the game, and it will take you to a library book. Open the book and turn the page to see "Drew in his natural habitat" (AndrewSilber, one of the programmers).

    Type hellosailor anywhere in the game to see the history of Zork.

    Go to the alchemy lab upstairs in the castle. Click ten times on the clay pot located on the table to see a photo of the design team.

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    Default Zork Nemesis

    Programmers Head Easter Egg

    Type "309newdorma" (no quotes) anytime in the game to see a picture of a developer. You can take of his head but it will take up your only inventory space.

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    Default Zork Nemesis

    Thank you letter Easter Egg

    "IDKFA" (no quotes) takes you to the telescope area instantly. A thank you letter to various people is displayed in the telescope. Also an easy way to warp around and grab the skull.

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