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Thread Title: Sony asking if God of War III CE should include first two games

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    Default Sony asking if God of War III CE should include first two games

    It's no surprise that God of War III will most likely be receiving collector's edition treatment. What's surprising is one of the bonus items Sony is considering: a Blu-ray disc containing -- it would seem -- PS3 compatible versions of God of War and God of War II.In a survey sent to registered PlayStation 3 owners, Sony asks recipients to rate their interest in several possible bonus items on a scale of 1-10. Among the standard fare of "full game soundtrack" and "art book" is "God of War and God of War II on Blu-ray disc." That's a "10" in our book, not to mention a great way to make these games available to those who either never played them on PS2 or no longer have the system and whose PS3's lack backwards-compatibility.Now we'll take a survey. Would this bonus be of interest to you? Let us know in comments. You can find a full list of the proposed collector's edition extras after the break.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]Continue reading Sony asking if God of War III CE should include first two gamesSony asking if God of War III CE should include first two games originally appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 20:31:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.Permalink

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    Default RE: Sony asking if God of War III CE should include first two games

    God of war 1 & 2 packaged in with God of War 3, hell yeah I'm all for that. The soundtrack option might be a good release later down the line to.

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