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Thread Title: Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII Cheat Codes (for Playstation 3)

  1. #1
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    Default Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII Cheat Codes (for Playstation 3)

    • Ace Killer

    Defeat all the other Aces to unlock Ace Killer.
    • Ace Of Aces

    Get the highest score in all Campaign missions to unlock Ace Of Aces.
    • All campaign missions and planes

    At the main menu, hold L1 + R1 and quickly press Square, L2, R2, Triangle(2), R2, L2, Square to unlock all campaign missions and planes.
    • All missions, Medals and planes

    At the main menu, hold L2 + R2 and press Square, L1, R1, Triangle, Triangle, R1, L1, Square. | [yoel]
    • Desert Recon

    After successfully taking the first three pictures of the ships, continue to the desert. Watch your radio signal when it picks up. You should have the two bars to be all fullly green. When that happens, you can pick up the camp on the radar.
    • Dogfighting

    When in a dogfight, hold in the brake to sharpen your turns. This allows you to get the edge on a turning dogfight when trying to outmaneuver your opponent. This is best used with the more maneuverable planes like the Gladiator, Zero, Both Hurricanes, and the N1K Shinden. Getting skilled with this will allow you to become a better dogfighter.
    • God Mode

    Pause the game, hold L2 and press Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square. Release L2, hold R2 and press Triangle, Square, Square, Triangle. Re-enter the code to disable it. | [yoel]
    • Increased Damage

    Pause the game, hold L2 and press L1, L1, R1. Release L2, hold R2 and press R1, R1, L1. Re-enter the code to disable it. | [yoel]

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    Default Re: Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII

    • Increased damage by weapons

    Pause the game, then hold L1 and quickly press L2(2), R2. Then, hold R1 and quickly press R2(2), L2. Repeat the code to disable its effect.
    • Invincibility

    Pause the game, then hold L1 and quickly press Square, Triangle(2), Square. Then, hold R1 and quickly press Triangle, Square(2), Triangle. Repeat the code to disable its effect.
    • Vampire MK1

    Unlock the Vampire during game play. Then, hold L2 + R2 and press L1(2), Triangle(2), Square, L1 at the main menu.

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