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Thread Title: Battlefield 1943 Cheat Codes (for Playstation 3)

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    Default Battlefield 1943 Cheat Codes (for Playstation 3)

    • Bombing runs

    When in control of a bombing run, keep checking the mini-map to see all enemies. Any enemies standing outside the shelter will appear there. Although you may miss bombing a few enemies grouped together at their base, it is better to kill campers outside the air raid hut.
    • Capturing bases

    After spawning, fly a plane directly to an airfield base. Parachute out and immediately capture that base. This allows your team to spawn at the strongest point and also unlocks the bombing run, tanks, and another plane. Although you may have lost a plane, you now have a new one and 30 more points.
    • Detecting attackers

    All empty vehicles will appear on the map. When boats suddenly appear around the base you are defending, it will let you know when attackers are there.
    • Easy healing

    After getting hit by an infantry soldier's rocket while in a tank, kill him and other nearby enemies. Jump out of the tank, take his kit and heal yourself.
    • Easy kills

    You usually will not get points when Use a sniper from within your spawn point However, the anti-aircraft area on aircraft carriers are not treated the same way. You can remain in the gun area and get points. This is especially useful on Iwo Jima when attacking the Lighthouse or Beach.
    • Easy repair

    Infantry can fix all vehicles with the wrench. They will also get points for repair.
    • Faster reloads

    Press [Reload], immediately sprint a few steps, then press [Reload] again.
    • Haggard reference

    You can find the phrase "Haggard was here" written in the sand on a small island in the "Iwo Jima" mission.

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    Default Re: Battlefield 1943

    • Postcards

    Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding postcard.

    Matches and wins
    Pacific Campaign: Win twice on every map as any team.
    The Best: Get the highest score in a match.
    Tour of Duty I: Play fifty matches.
    Tour of Duty II: Play one hundred and thirty matches.
    Truly Elite: Get 10,000 Kills.

    Kit specific
    Infantryman: Kill fifty enemies with a submachine gun.
    Master Blaster: Kill fifty enemies with grenades, rifle grenades or explosives.
    Master of your Domain: Get Seventeen kills playing as each class.
    Melee Man: Get twenty melee kill.
    Rifleman: Kill fifty enemies with a semi-automatic rifle.
    Sniper!: Kill fifty enemies with a scoped rifle.

    Vehicle specific
    Bomb run: Launch an air raid killing at least one enemy.
    Fighter Ace: Get fifty kills using fighter planes.
    Milkrun: Fly a plane for twenty minutes.
    Motorman: Get twenty five kill with car, tank and plane.
    Parachutist: Use the parachute four times.
    Wheelman: Get fifty kills using car, tank or boat.

    Teamplay and miscellaneous
    Attacker: Capture thirty flags.
    Best Squad: Be in the best squad three times on each map.
    Defender: Defend twenty flags.
    Lifer: Reach top rank.
    Squad Assister: Get one hundred squad assists.
    Squad Avenger: Avenge one hundred squad members.
    Veteran: Cap fifty enemy flags.
    • Repairing planes

    Land your plane on the landing pads, or ships to repair them at anytime.
    • Repairing tanks

    Tanks will self repair in the spawn "huts" in Guadalcanal (Base and Airstrip) and Iwo Jima (Airstrip), but the area must controlled by your side.
    • Sandcastles

    Search the following locations to find a hidden sandcastle.

    There are two islands (a small one and a big one). On the big island is a beach facing toward Guadalcanal as well as two trees. Follow the beach to the left of those trees to find a mini sand castle with a shovel.

    Iwo Jima
    On the island closest to the carrier is a small sandcastle facing the carrier.

    Wake Island
    There are two small islands by the beach base. On the one to the right is a sandcastle with a Swedish flag and a yellow shovel.
    • Squads

    Always join an open squad if not already playing with friends. This gives you the ability to spawn next to them at anytime instead of spawning at a base.
    • Stamps

    Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding stamp.

    Kit specific
    AT Efficiency: Kill four vehicles with recoilless rifle.
    Explosives Efficiency: Kill four enemies with grenades or explosives.
    Knife Efficiency: Kill four players with melee weapons.
    Pistol Efficiency: Kill four enemies with a pistol.
    Rifle Efficiency: Kill four enemies with a semi-automatic rifle.
    Rifle Grenade Efficiency: Kill four enemies with rifle grenades.
    SMG Efficiency: Kill four enemies with a submachine gun.
    Sniper Efficiency: Kill four enemies with a scoped rifle.

    Air Superiority: Shoot down three bombers.
    Attacker Efficiency: Capture five enemy flags.
    Best Squad: Be the best squad of the round.
    Defender Efficiency: Defend five flags.
    Leatherneck: Kill at least twenty enemies.
    Squad Excellence: Each squad member gets any one stamp and kills ten enemies.
    Teamplayer: Get ten squad assists.
    Vehicle Assist Efficiency: Get five vehicle assist kills.

    Vehicle specific
    Air Defense Efficiency: Kill two planes with an anti aircraft gun.
    Boat Efficiency: Get two kills with a landing craft.
    Bombing Efficiency: Kill four enemies with air raids.
    HMG Efficiency: Get four kills with a heavy machine gun.
    Jeep Efficiency: Get four kills with a car.
    Plane Efficiency: Get five kills with a fighter plane.
    Tank Efficiency: Get four kills with a tank.
    Vehicle Efficiency: Destroy six vehicles in any fashion.

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