I converted these codes to BLES00222 from BLUS30116
Credits to @Hiei-YYH for codes & notes

BLES00222 v1.01

Max Infinite Health
007750CC 380003E8
007750D4 90090474
007750D8 90090478

OGP = 800904782F800000409D03CC813C0004
COP = 380003E82F8000009009047490090478

Infinite Ammo
001AB768 39490000
00672364 60000000

OGP = 9124000060000001
COP = 6000000060000001

Weapons Never Time Out
00387458 3D20447A
0038745C 91370200
00387468 4BFFFEA8

OGP = D0370200409D01DCC0170204FF800800419CFEA8
COP = 3D20447A91370200C0170204FF8008004BFFFEA8

Max Rubles
0066B378 48AF5B50
0146A130 3D2005F5
0146A134 6129E0FF
0146A138 912301F4
0146A13C 806301F4
0146A140 4B50A4A4

OGP = 806301F47C6307B4
COP = 48AF5B507C6307B4
OGP = 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002D736572
COP = 3D2005F56129E0FF912301F4806301F44B50A4A40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002D736572

Note: Shield Always Enabled &  Shift Always Enabled doesn’t work at the same time, only one will work. 
While using both, if you shot you’ll be invisible, while shooting you’ll have Shield

Shield Always Enabled
Note: This one specifically it will only works when you get it this power
00476E40 C01F0130
00476C34 38000001
00476C3C 981F0158

OGP = C01F013CEC00F028
COP = C01F0130EC00F028
OGP = 881F01582F800000419E0014
COP = 380000012F800000981F0158

Shift Always Enabled
Note: Just shot once and you’ll be invisible
0046B518 38000001
0046B520 981C10B0
0046B524 48000008

OGP = 881C10B0FC00F0902F800000409E0008FC00F050
COP = 38000001FC00F090981C10B048000008FC00F050

Infinite Glaive Time
00581914 60000000

OGP = D1BE0588409D00C8
COP = 60000000409D00C8