Codes Hacked by: JorgeFFC
Game ID: NPUB30860
Infinite Equips Durability(Invincibility) --> Still lose HP with Poison but Invincible against enemies(still die if they break all your Items together on a high dmg)
0008F284 60000000
OGP: 2C1A00004080FBB0E80102A07C0803A6
COP: 2C1A000060000000E80102A07C0803A6

Infinite HP(Use With Infinite Durability for Complete Invincibility)
0013CEF0 60000000
OGP: 2C0300004081018C7C7A181090770008
COP: 2C0300004081018C6000000090770008

Infinite MP
00164194 60000000
OGP: 80BB00443C6000337CBA281063E40000
COP: 80BB00443C6000336000000063E40000

Max+Infinite Job Points(JP Points)
0010D038 60000000
OGP: 80E5018038A000017D27301038C00001
COP: 80E5018038A000016000000038C00001
Memory Codes
Alto Attack Maxed(Constant Write for Always Max)
0 39C3CFCA 03E7