Route Tracing Unlimited Boosts
0009CDEC 60000000
SET OGP=2F890000419E0264
SET COP=2F89000060000000
Route Tracing Unlimited Firewalls
0009CE4C 60000000
SET OGP=2F890000419E0224
SET COP=2F89000060000000
Route Tracing Unlimited DDoS Attacks
0009CF24 60000000
SET OGP=2F890000419E013C
SET COP=2F89000060000000
System Overriding Timer Never Decreases
000D6710 60000000
SET OGP=D01A0124
SET COP=60000000
System Overriding Bar Never Decreases
00080A74 60000000
SET COP=60000000
This stuff in the box relates to the system override games and that little explosive thing you can do by holding R2. I didn't have the patience to figure it out, and none of that stuff works.
Code:Explosives 0008F234 F821FF21 Can't do anything. 0008F2B0 419E0124 Can't do anything. 0008F2F4 90E90008 0008F9B0 90090008 00087274 409CFE14 Nothing. 00087284 419E0388 Nothing. 00087264 801B01F8 lwz r0,0x1F8(r27) 00087268 813B01F0 All of these don't allow me to keep what I have, so it's not a 2-1-0 thing to search for.
Hardware Cracking Can Always Delete Pieces
00066144 60000000
SET OGP=2F800000409D023C
SET COP=2F80000060000000
Hardware Cracking Unlimited Projectors
00065BA4 60000000
SET OGP=3A7B04F0409D032C
SET COP=3A7B04F060000000
Hardware Cracking Unlimited Mirrors
000663E4 60000000
SET OGP=2F800000409DFE90
SET COP=2F80000060000000
Hardware Cracking Unlimited Time
00063D74 60000000
SET OGP=C1A90000EC006828D01F0B6C
SET COP=C1A90000EC00682860000000
The visual blue bar timer still decreases, but it just loops back to full.