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Thread Title: Resident Evil Revelations

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

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    Default Resident Evil Revelations

    Hacked by xtatu
    Game ID: BLES01773/BLUS31051
    Region: PAL/NTSC
    Version: 1.00
    Device: UserCheats
    Inf reload
    00002000 003EA68C 4082003C
    00002000 003E68EC 3880FFFF
    00002000 0026A508 38800000
    Zombies Do Nothing
    00002000 002667D4 447A0000
    Quick Shot/Stab Fast
    00002000 002AF6A0 42C80000
    Game ID: BLES01773\BLUS31051
    Region: PAL/NTSC
    Version: 1.01
    Device: UserCheats
    Inf reload
    00002000 003EA90C 4082003C
    00002000 003E6B6C 3880FFFF
    00002000 0026A3B8 38800000
    1P Hit Kill Ammo Mode
    00002000 002ACEAC 3860270F
    Game ID: NPUB30991
    Region: NTSC
    Version: PSN 1.01
    Device: UserCheats
    Inf reload
    00002000 003EAFFC 4082003C
    00002000 003E725C 3880FFFF
    00002000 0026AA68 38800000
    1P Hit Kill Ammo Mode
    00002000 002ADA2C 3860270F
    Quick Shot/Stab Fast
    00002000 002AFC20 42C80000
    Game ID: BLJM60518
    Region: JPN
    Version: 1.00
    Device: UserCheats
    inf reload
    00002000 003EA46C 4082003C
    00002000 003E66CC 3880FFFF
    00002000 0026A508 38800000
    1P Hit Kill Ammo Mode
    00002000 002ACEAC 3860270F
    Quick Shot/Stab Fast
    00002000 002AF6A0 42C80000
    Game ID: BLES01773/BLUS31051/NPUB30991/BLJM60518
    Divice: CMP AUTO TOOLS
    All versions
    Inf reload
    SET OGP=83FE0EDC63DD00002C1F00094182003C
    SET COP=83FE0EDC63DD00002C1F00094082003C
    Quick Shot/Stab Fast
    SET OGP=3F8000003C23D70AF821FF617C0802A6F80100B0DBC10090DBE10098FBE10088
    SET COP=42C800003C23D70AF821FF617C0802A6F80100B0DBC10090DBE10098FBE10088
    1P Hit Kill Ammo Mode
    SET OGP=38600001388000002C1D0000907C02AC989C01104182002080BD000063A3000063840000
    SET COP=3860270F388000002C1D0000907C02AC989C01104182002080BD000063A3000063840000
    Diffrent Per Region Or Version Number
    Invincible Version 1.00
    SET OGP=4181001463E3000038800001
    SET COP=4181001463E300003880FFFF
    SET OGP=4BDA6169835F0E706343000038800001
    SET COP=4BDA6169835F0E706343000038800000
    Invincible Version 1.01
    SET OGP=4181001463E3000038800001
    SET COP=4181001463E300003880FFFF
    SET OGP=4BDA62B9835F0E706343000038800001
    SET COP=4BDA62B9835F0E706343000038800000
    Invincible Version NTSC-PSN NPUB30991 1.01 
    SET OGP=4181001463E3000038800001
    SET COP=4181001463E300003880FFFF
    SET OGP=4BDA5C09835F0E706343000038800001
    SET COP=4BDA5C09835F0E706343000038800000
    Zombies Do Nothing  Version 1.00
    SET OGP=3F80000042652EE041200000F821FF217C0802A6F80100F0DBA100C8
    SET COP=447A000042652EE041200000F821FF217C0802A6F80100F0DBA100C8

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

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    Received: 11/0
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    Default Resident Evil Revelations

    Hacked by xtatu
    Usercheats/Codefreak Format

    Code: VER1.00
    00002000 003E68EC 3880FFFF
    00002000 0026A508 38800000

    Code: VER1.01
    00002000 003E6B6C 3880FFFF
    00002000 0026A3B8 38800000

    Hacked by xtatu
    Usercheats/Codefreak Format

    Code: VER1.00
    00002000 003E66CC 3880FFFF
    00002000 0026A508 38800000


    Hacked by xtatu
    Usercheats/Codefreak Format

    Code: VER1.01

    00002000 003E6B6C 3880FFFF
    00002000 0026A3B8 38800000

    Hacked by xtatu
    Usercheats/Codefreak Format
    Code: VER1.01
    00002000 003E725C 3880FFFF
    00002000 0026AA68 38800000

    SET OGP=388000014896135548000010807F0E0460630002907F0E043C80012B3C60003E38636450
    SET COP=3880FFFF4896135548000010807F0E0460630002907F0E043C80012B3C60003E38636450
    SET OGP=38800001481A80593F6000FB3F8000FB63BA0000337BB820
    SET COP=38800000481A80593F6000FB3F8000FB63BA0000337BB820

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Thumbs Up/Down
    Received: 11/0
    Given: 0/0

    Default Resident Evil Revelations

    I have NPUB30991. I thank dron_3 for posting the fix to make this game work while not on Release Mode.
    dron_3's fix
    OGP 7C09404041800014
    COP 7C09404060000000

    Animation Speed Modifier
    0 003EE25C ????????
    SET OGP=3F8000003C23D70A60000000F821FF71
    SET COP=????????3C23D70A60000000F821FF71

    Camera Follow Distance
    0 00D4E198 ????????
    Default 3F800000
    SET OGP=3F80000000000000000000003F80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003F800000F821FFC13C8000D5
    SET COP=????????00000000000000003F80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003F800000F821FFC13C8000D5
    It's incomplete, but I'm sure the other camera distance things are right next to it somewhere.

    Screen Color Modifier
    0 00E4DC10 ????????
    0 00E4DC34 ????????
    0 00E4DC48 ????????
    SET OGP=3F800000000000000000000000000000000102030405060708090A0B10111213000000003F800000000000000000000000000000000000003F800000000000003CA000E57C4020CE
    SET COP=????????000000000000000000000000000102030405060708090A0B1011121300000000????????0000000000000000000000000000000????????000000003CA000E57C4020CE

    Invincible Alternative
    0 006757AC 48EE4B0A
    0 00EE4B08 3C80017E
    0 00EE4B0C 93C40500
    0 00EE4B10 809E0000
    0 00EE4B14 486757B2
    0 0041748C 48EE4B36
    0 00EE4B34 80630098
    0 00EE4B38 3CC0017E
    0 00EE4B3C 80C60500
    0 00EE4B40 48000020
    0 00EE4B60 7F861840
    0 00EE4B64 419E0028
    0 00EE4B68 62A30000
    0 00EE4B6C 48417492
    0 00EE4B8C 48417CFA
    SET OGP=83C301202C1E000041820054809E0000
    SET COP=83C301202C1E00004182005448EE4B0A
    SET OGP=4182087062A30000
    SET COP=4182087048EE4B36
    SET OGP=000000000000000000000000000000002C00000100090003000000000000000000EE416800EE444C01192C94000000000000000000000000000000002C0000010009001E000000000000000000EE417C00EE445801192CA0000000000000000000000000000000002C00000100090010000000000000000000EE418C00EE44D001192FE400000000
    SET COP=3C80017E93C40500809E0000486757B22C00000100090003000000000000000000EE416800EE444C01192C94806300983CC0017E80C60500480000202C0000010009001E000000000000000000EE417C00EE445801192CA07F861840419E002862A30000484174922C00000100090010000000000000000000EE418C00EE44D001192FE448417CFA
    I used Medo's Infinite Health code to find this. The only difference between this and xtatu's version is this one still allows you to dodge/evade enemy attacks, so in the beginning of Chapter 2 where you need to evade the enemy to get it to smash its head into the TV, you can evade and make it happen. For whatever reason, in Chapter 1 when you scan the slug on the shore the explodes, it still hurts you.

    Always 100% Accuracy
    0 002B7E48 3880270F
    0 002B7E4C 908306BC
    0 0039A780 3880270F
    0 0039A784 908306BC
    0 0047C960 3880270F
    0 0047C964 908306BC
    SET OGP=808306B830840001908306B83FC00121
    SET COP=3880270F908306BC908306B83FC00121
    SET OGP=808306B830840001908306B838800000
    SET COP=3880270F908306BC908306B838800000
    SET OGP=808306B830840001908306B863C30000
    SET COP=3880270F908306BC908306B863C30000

    Always 0 Time
    0 00696CF8 38000000
    0 00696CFC 901F06DC
    SET OGP=EC22093AD03F06DC
    SET COP=38000000901F06DC

    99,999 Kills
    0 006A0F88 3FE0000F
    0 006A0F8C 63FF423F
    0 006A1330 3C80000F
    0 006A1334 6084423F
    SET OGP=4080044830BF0001
    SET COP=3FE0000F63FF423F
    SET OGP=8096075830840001
    SET COP=3C80000F6084423F

    0 Deaths
    0 0003C8EC 38600000
    SET OGP=4BFD3D9D3C8001308084D3C08864004E2C0300004082002C806406C0280303E74080001830630001
    SET COP=4BFD3D9D3C8001308084D3C08864004E2C0300004082002C806406C0280303E74080001838600000

    Swap A Weapon Attachment For 99 Of It
    0 005B80B4 38600063
    0 0062BAA0 38600063
    SET OGP=807A00143063FFFF
    SET COP=807A001438600063
    SET OGP=4080004830630001
    SET COP=4080004838600063

    Boat Turret Never Overheats
    002A6250 60000000
    SET OGP=D07F1328
    SET COP=60000000

    Boat Grenades Never Decrease
    002A472C 60000000
    SET OGP=3084FFFF909F1354
    SET COP=3084FFFF60000000

    Pad Mask
    317BEF1A ????
    317BEF1E ????
    0001 = Select
    0002 = L3
    0004 = R3
    0008 = Start
    0010 = Up
    0020 = Right
    0040 = Down
    0080 = Left
    0100 = R2
    0200 = L2
    0400 = R1
    0800 = L1
    1000 = Triangle
    2000 = O
    4000 = X
    8000 = []

    80 07 8001 = Always 08, is it accessible, type & level.

    I have the weapon part values as value, name, which weapons it can be attached to using y for yes and n for no for the weapons in the order or pistol, shotgun, assault rifle, sniper rifle, and revolver, and then the attachment description.
    Raid Mode Weapon Part Values
    0000 = Damage 1 All (Ups firepower by 4%.)
    0001 = Damage 2 All (Ups firepower by 6%.)
    0002 = Damage 3 All (Ups firepower by 8%.)
    0003 = Damage 4 All (Ups firepower by 10%.)
    0004 = Damage 5 All (Ups firepower by 12%.)
    0005 = Damage 6 All (Ups firepower by 15%.)
    0100 = Fire Rate 1 All (Ups firing rate by 10%.)
    0101 = Fire Rate 2 All (Ups firing rate by 16%.)
    0102 = Fire Rate 3 All (Ups firing rate by 22%.)
    0103 = Fire Rate 4 All (Ups firing rate by 28%.)
    0200 = Long Magazine 1 All (Ups capacity by 10%.)
    0201 = Long Magazine 2 All (Ups capacity by 20%.)
    0202 = Long Magazine 3 All (Ups capacity by 30%.)
    0203 = Long Magazine 4 All (Ups capacity by 40%.)
    0204 = Long Magazine 5 All (Ups capacity by 50%.)
    0205 = Long Magazine 6 All (Ups capacity by 60%.)
    0206 = Long Magazine 7 All (Ups capacity by 70%.)
    0207 = Long Magazine 8 All (Ups capacity by 80%.)
    0208 = Long Magazine 9 All (Ups capacity by 90%.)
    0209 = Long Magazine 10 All (Ups capacity by 100%.)
    0400 = Bind 1 ynynn (Ups stopping power by 60%.)
    0401 = Bind 2 nynyy (Ups stopping power by 75%.)
    0402 = Bind 3 ynynn (Ups stopping power by 120%.)
    0403 = Bind 4 nynyy (Ups stopping power by 150%.)
    0404 = Bind 5 All (Ups stopping power by 200%.)
    0500 = Daze 1 ynynn (Ups power to put enemy into a daze by 40%.)
    0501 = Daze 2 nynyy (Ups power to put enemy into a daze by 30%.)
    0502 = Daze 3 ynynn (Ups power to put enemy into a daze by 80%.)
    0503 = Daze 4 nynyy (Ups power to put enemy into a daze by 60%.)
    0504 = Daze 5 All (Ups power to put enemy into a daze by 120%.)
    0600 = Enrage 1 All (Raises the degree of how much aggression an enemy will feel towards you when you attack it by 200%.)
    0601 = Enrage 2 All (Raises the degree of how much aggression an enemy will feel towards you when you attack it by 400%.)
    0700 = Cloak 1 All (Lowers the degree of how much aggression an enemy will feel towards you when you attack it by -40%.)
    0701 = Cloak 2 All (Lowers the degree of how much aggression an enemy will feel towards you when you attack it by -80%.)
    0800 = Piercing 1 All (Ups piercing power by 1.)
    0801 = Piercing 2 All (Ups piercing power by 2.)
    0900 = Critical 1 All (Ups critical hit rate by 10%.)
    0901 = Critical 2 All (Ups critical hit rate by 20%.)
    0902 = Critical 3 All (Ups critical hit rate by 30%.)
    0903 = Critical 4 All (Ups critical hit rate by 40%.)
    0904 = Critical 5 All (Ups critical hit rate by 50%.)
    0A01 = Burst 2 All (Fire 2 consecutive shots with one trigger pull.)
    0A02 = Burst 3 All (Fire 3 consecutive shots with one trigger pull.)
    0B00 = Easy Hit 1 yynyy (Widens the area where shots will hit by 140%.)
    0B01 = Easy Hit 2 yynyy (Widens the area where shots will hit by 220%.)
    0B02 = Easy Hit 3 yynyy (Widens the area where shots will hit by 300%.)
    0E00 = Grenade Launcher All (Throwing grenades while aiming will allow you to throw them in line with your aim.)
    0F00 = Cornucopia 1 ynynn (Restores your ammo by 4 every 30 seconds.)
    0F01 = Cornucopia 2 nynyn (Restores your ammo by 2 every 30 seconds.)
    0F02 = Cornucopia 3 ynynn (Restores your ammo by 7 every 30 seconds.)
    0F03 = Cornucopia 4 nynyn (Restores your ammo by 3 every 30 seconds.)
    0F04 = Cornucopia 5 nnnny (Restores your ammo by 1 every 30 seconds.)
    1000 = Auto Loader 1 ynnnn (Fire your weapon without reloading.)
    1001 = Auto Loader 2 nynnn (Fire your weapon without reloading.)
    1002 = Auto Loader 3 nnynn (Fire your weapon without reloading.)
    1003 = Auto Loader 4 nnnyn (Fire your weapon without reloading.)
    1004 = Auto Loader 5 nnnny (Fire your weapon without reloading.)
    1100 = Edge Runner 1 All (Firepower goes up as your health goes down. Maximum change is 30%.)
    1101 = Edge Runner 2 All (Firepower goes up as your health goes down. Maximum change is 40%.)
    1102 = Edge Runner 3 All (Firepower goes up as your health goes down. Maximum change is 50%.)
    1200 = Infighter 1 All (Firepower goes up as your distance from the target closes in under 4 meters. Maximum change is 10%.)
    1201 = Infighter 2 All (Firepower goes up as your distance from the target closes in under 4 meters. Maximum change is 16%.)
    1202 = Infighter 3 All (Firepower goes up as your distance from the target closes in under 4 meters. Maximum change is 22%.)
    1300 = Outrange 1 All (Firepower goes up as your distance from the target exceeds 4 meters. Maximum change is 10%.)
    1301 = Outrange 2 All (Firepower goes up as your distance from the target exceeds 4 meters. Maximum change is 16%.)
    1302 = Outrange 3 All (Firepower goes up as your distance from the target exceeds 4 meters. Maximum change is 22%.)
    1400 = Gluttony 1 ynnnn (Ammo in your inventory will be used when ammo in weapon is depleted.)
    1401 = Gluttony 2 nynnn (Ammo in your inventory will be used when ammo in weapon is depleted.)
    1402 = Gluttony 3 nnynn (Ammo in your inventory will be used when ammo in weapon is depleted.)
    1403 = Gluttony 4 nnnyn (Ammo in your inventory will be used when ammo in weapon is depleted.)
    1404 = Gluttony 5 nnnny (Ammo in your inventory will be used when ammo in weapon is depleted.)
    1700 = Narrow 1 nynnn (Shotgun's scatter range becomes narrower by -5 degrees.)
    1701 = Narrow 2 nynnn (Shotgun's scatter range becomes narrower by -10 degrees.)
    1800 = Wide 1 nynnn (Shotgun's scatter range becomes wider by 3 degrees.)
    1801 = Wide 2 nynnn (Shotgun's scatter range becomes wider by 6 degrees.)
    1900 = Charge Shot 1 ynnyn (You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is short.)
    1901 = Charge Shot 2 yynyy (You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is long, but firepower goes up.)
    1902 = Charge Shot 3 ynnyn (You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is long than Charge Shot 1, but firepower goes up.)
    1903 = Charge Shot 4 yynyy (You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is long than Charge Shot 2, but firepower goes up.)
    2000 = Reloader 1 ynnnn (Ups reload speed by 28%.)
    2001 = Reloader 2 nynnn (Ups reload speed by 20%.)
    2002 = Reloader 3 nnynn (Ups reload speed by 20%.)
    2003 = Reloader 4 nnnyn (Ups reload speed by 20%.)
    2004 = Reloader 5 nnnny (Ups reload speed by 15%.)
    2005 = Reloader 6 ynnnn (Ups reload speed by 40%.)
    2006 = Reloader 7 nynnn (Ups reload speed by 30%.)
    2007 = Reloader 8 nnynn (Ups reload speed by 30%.)
    2008 = Reloader 9 nnnyn (Ups reload speed by 30%.)
    2009 = Reloader 10 nnnny (Ups reload speed by 25%.)
    2100 = Brass Knuckle 1 All (Up physical attack damage by 30%.)
    2101 = Brass Knuckle 2 All (Up physical attack damage by 50%.)
    2200 = Bottomless Pouch 1 All (1 Hand Grenade will regenerate every 270 seconds.)
    2201 = Bottomless Pouch 2 All (1 Shock Grenade will regenerate every 270 seconds.)
    2202 = Bottomless Pouch 3 All (1 B.O.W. Decoy will regenerate every 270 seconds.)
    2203 = Bottomless Pouch 4 All (1 Pulse Grenade will regenerate every 270 seconds.)
    2204 = Bottomless Pouch 5 All (1 Hand Grenade will regenerate every 210 seconds.)
    2205 = Bottomless Pouch 6 All (1 Shock Grenade will regenerate every 210 seconds.)
    2206 = Bottomless Pouch 7 All (1 B.O.W. Decoy will regenerate every 210 seconds.)
    2207 = Bottomless Pouch 8 All (1 Pulse Grenade will regenerate every 210 seconds.)
    2300 = Aura of Strength 1 All (Your partner's defense and attack power will go up 10% if they are within 3 meters of you.)
    2301 = Aura of Strength 2 All (Your partner's defense and attack power will go up 13% if they are within 4 meters of you.)
    2302 = Aura of Strength 3 All (Your partner's defense and attack power will go up 16% if they are within 5 meters of you.)
    2400 = Medical Kit 1 All (Your partner will also recover health if they are within 2 meters of you when you use a herb.)
    2401 = Medical Kit 2 All (Your partner will also recover health if they are within 5 meters of you when you use a herb.)
    2402 = Medical Kit 3 All (Your partner will also recover health if they are within 8 meters of you when you use a herb.)
    2500 = Fertilizer 1 All (Enemies will have a 15% drop rate for herbs.)
    2501 = Fertilizer 2 All (Enemies will have a 20% drop rate for herbs.)
    2502 = Fertilizer 3 All (Enemies will have a 25% drop rate for herbs.)
    2600 = Ammo Magnet 1 ynynn (Enemies will have a 20% drop rate for ammo.)
    2601 = Ammo Magnet 2 nynyn (Enemies will have a 18% drop rate for ammo.)
    2602 = Ammo Magnet 3 nnnny (Enemies will have a 15% drop rate for ammo.)
    2603 = Ammo Magnet 4 ynynn (Enemies will have a 28% drop rate for ammo.)
    2604 = Ammo Magnet 5 nynyn (Enemies will have a 24% drop rate for ammo.)
    2605 = Ammo Magnet 6 nnnny (Enemies will have a 20% drop rate for ammo.)
    2606 = Ammo Magnet 7 ynynn (Enemies will have a 35% drop rate for ammo.)
    2607 = Ammo Magnet 8 nynyn (Enemies will have a 32% drop rate for ammo.)
    2608 = Ammo Magnet 9 nnnny (Enemies will have a 28% drop rate for ammo.)
    2700 = Metal Detector 1 All (Enemies will have a 16% drop rate for BP.)
    2701 = Metal Detector 2 All (Enemies will have a 23% drop rate for BP.)
    2702 = Metal Detector 3 All (Enemies will have a 30% drop rate for BP.)
    2800 = Medal of Courage All (Your adjusted level will be ignored when calculating damage.)
    2900 = Fangs 1 ynnyy (Every time you inflict damage on an enemy, you will regain 1.5% HP.)
    2901 = Fangs 2 ynnyy (Every time you inflict damage on an enemy, you will regain 2.5% HP.)
    2902 = Fangs 3 ynnyy (Every time you inflict damage on an enemy, you will regain 3.5% HP.)
    2A00 = Dehumanizer 1 All (Ups the damage you do to humanoid enemies by 12%. Damage to other enemies is decreased by 30%.)
    2A01 = Dehumanizer 2 All (Ups the damage you do to humanoid enemies by 18%. Damage to other enemies is decreased by 30%.)
    2A02 = Dehumanizer 3 All (Ups the damage you do to humanoid enemies by 24%. Damage to other enemies is decreased by 30%.)
    2B00 = Poisonous Lure 1 All (Ups the damage you do to creatures of the sea by 12%.)
    2B01 = Poisonous Lure 2 All (Ups the damage you do to creatures of the sea by 18%.)
    2B02 = Poisonous Lure 3 All (Ups the damage you do to creatures of the sea by 24%.)
    2C00 = Hunting Gear 1 All (Ups the damage you do to enemies like Hunters and wolf-like creatures by 12%.)
    2C01 = Hunting Gear 2 All (Ups the damage you do to enemies like Hunters and wolf-like creatures by 18%.)
    2C02 = Hunting Gear 3 All (Ups the damage you do to enemies like Hunters and wolf-like creatures by 24%.)
    2D00 = Giant Rabbit's Foot 1 All (Ups the damage you do to strong enemies by 12%. Damage to normal enemies is decreased by 30%.)
    2D01 = Giant Rabbit's Foot 2 All (Ups the damage you do to strong enemies by 18%. Damage to normal enemies is decreased by 30%.)
    2D02 = Giant Rabbit's Foot 3 All (Ups the damage you do to strong enemies by 24%. Damage to normal enemies is decreased by 30%.)
    2E00 = Green Belt 1 All (Ups the damage you do to normal enemies by 12%. Damage to strong enemies is decreased by 30%.)
    2E01 = Green Belt 2 All (Ups the damage you do to normal enemies by 18%. Damage to strong enemies is decreased by 30%.)
    2E02 = Green Belt 3 All (Ups the damage you do to normal enemies by 24%. Damage to strong enemies is decreased by 30%.)
    2F00 = Auto-shot All (You will fire upon emeies automatically just by aiming at them.)
    3000 = (This downloadable content custom part cannot be used because it could not be recognized.)

    Story Mode Weapon Part Values
    8000 = Damage 1 All (Ups firepower by 10%.)
    8001 = Damage 2 All (Ups firepower by 20%.)
    8002 = Damage 3 All (Ups firepower by 40%.)
    8003 = Damage 4 All (Ups firepower by 60%.)
    8004 = Damage 5 All (Ups firepower by 80%.)
    8005 = Damage 6 All (Ups firepower by 100%.)
    8006 = Damage 7 All (Ups firepower by 150%.)
    8100 = Fire Rate 1 yynyy (Ups firing rate by 15%.)
    8101 = Fire Rate 2 yynyy (Ups firing rate by 30%.)
    8102 = Fire Rate 3 ynnyn (Ups firing rate by 60%.)
    8102 = Fire Rate 4 nynny (Ups firing rate by 60%.)
    8103 = Fire Rate 5 nnynn (Ups firing rate by 150%.)
    8200 = Long Magazine 1 All (Ups capacity by 20%.)
    8201 = Long Magazine 2 All (Ups capacity by 40%.)
    8202 = Long Magazine 3 All (Ups capacity by 80%.)
    8203 = Long Magazine 4 All (Ups capacity by 100%.)
    8204 = Long Magazine 5 All (Ups capacity by 150%.)
    8205 = Long Magazine 6 nnynn (Ups capacity by 200%.)
    8400 = Bind 1 All (Ups stopping power by 100%.)
    8400 = Bind 2 All (Ups stopping power by 500%.)
    8500 = Daze 1 All (Ups power to put enemy into a daze by 50%.)
    8501 = Daze 2 All (Ups power to put enemy into a daze by 100%.)
    8502 = Daze 3 ynnnn (Ups power to put enemy into a daze by 300%.)
    8900 = Critical 1 All (Ups critical hit rate by 30%.)
    8901 = Critical 2 nynnn (Ups critical hit rate by 100%.)
    8A00 = Burst 1 ynnnn (Fires 2 consecutive shots with one trigger pull.)
    8A01 = Burst 2 nynnn (Fires 2 consecutive shots with one trigger pull.)
    8A02 = Burst 3 ynnnn (Fires 5 consecutive shots with one trigger pull.)
    8A03 = Burst 4 nnynn (Fires 3 consecutive shots with one trigger pull.)
    8A04 = Burst 5 nnnyn (Fires 3 consecutive shots with one trigger pull.)
    8A05 = Burst 6 nnnny (Fires 3 consecutive shots with one trigger pull.)
    9000 = Auto Loader 1 All (Fire your weapon without reloading.)
    9100 = Edge Runner 1 All (Firepower goes up as your health goes down. Maximum change is 120%.)
    9101 = Edge Runner 2 All (Firepower goes up as your health goes down. Maximum change is 200%.)
    9200 = Infighter 1 All (Firepower goes up as your distance from the target closes in under 4 meters. Maximum change is 30%.)
    9201 = Infighter 1 All (Firepower goes up as your distance from the target closes in under 4 meters. Maximum change is 70%.)
    9202 = Infighter 1 nnnyn (Firepower goes up as your distance from the target closes in under 4 meters. Maximum change is 100%.)
    9700 = Narrow 1 nynnn (Shotgun's scatter range becomes narrower by -4 degrees.)
    9701 = Narrow 2 nynnn (Shotgun's scatter range becomes narrower by -12 degrees.)
    9900 = Charge Shot 1 ynnnn (You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button.)
    9901 = Charge Shot 2 nynnn (You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is long, but firepower goes up.)
    9902 = Charge Shot 3 All (You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button.)
    9903 = Charge Shot 4 nnnny (You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is long, but firepower goes up.)
    A000 = Reloader 1 (Ups reload speed by 40%.)
    A001 = Reloader 2 (Ups reload speed by 80%.)
    A100 = Brass Knuckle 1 (Up physical attack damage by 200%.)

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Thumbs Up/Down
    Received: 11/0
    Given: 0/0

    Default Resident Evil Revelations

    Infinite health
    0 0040345C 60000000
    max BP on sell
    0 00E083C4 60000000
    infinite herbs usage
    0 0027EF9C 40820010
    Amo 999
    0 0027B008 48CA7939
    0 00F22940 3C800000
    0 00F22944 608403E7
    0 00F22948 3E003424
    0 00F2294C 90850008
    0 00F22950 62100FA4
    0 00F22954 90900008
    0 00F22958 4E800020

    grenades 999
    0 0027662C 48CAC340
    0 00F2296C 3CA00000
    0 00F22970 60A503E7
    0 00F22974 3D4033DC
    0 00F22978 90A30000
    0 00F2297C 614A7838
    0 00F22980 90AA0000
    0 00F22984 4E800020


    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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