My version is BLUS30624, the limited edition that also has Dead Space Extraction on the disk. The version on the disk is 01.01
Beat The Game On Any Difficulty To Unlock The Hand Cannon
0026EAB0 38600004
003ED94C 38600004
SET OGP=481E09DD60000000
SET COP=481E09DD38600004
SET OGP=600000002F830004409EFFA0
SET COP=386000042F830004409EFFA0
0026F740 38600004
003F27AC 38600004
SET OGP=481E1CE160000000
SET COP=481E1CE138600004
SET OGP=600000002F830004409EFF24
SET COP=386000042F830004409EFF24
Hardcore Mode Save Count Never Decreases
0044F114 38600000
0044F154 39200000
004510A8 38600000
004510E8 39200000
SET OGP=813E8008EBC1FFF080690020
SET COP=813E8008EBC1FFF038600000
SET OGP=812B002039290001
SET COP=812B002039200000
002BE764 4E800020
002BF74C 4E800020
Only 2 things truly kill you with this. Either you run out of oxygen, or you fail the moment in the machine where you need to guide a needle into Isaac's eye. Everything else doesn't technically kill you, but most of the quick time button scenes you will need to pause to restart from the checkpoint. Enemies can still grab you and attack, but it doesn't decrease your health.
Health Doesn't Decrease For You Only
000AD094 60000000
SET COP=60000000
000AD650 60000000
SET COP=60000000
Ammo Doesn't Decrease
00213E04 60000000
SET OGP=4BEEC87D60000000935F038C
SET COP=4BEEC87D6000000060000000
00214558 60000000
SET OGP=4BEEC43D60000000935F038C
SET COP=4BEEC43D6000000060000000
Stasis Doesn't Decrease
0006366C 60000000
00063C20 60000000
SET OGP=FC006B2ED00300F0
SET COP=FC006B2E60000000
Max Stasis Duration
00294DC8 3C807F7F
00294DD8 90980BC8
00294DF0 3C007F7F
00294E04 90180BC8
01.02Code:SET OGP=6000000081381678C01E80082F890000D0380BC8419E0014792900208169000CC00B03C4EC010032EC01002A3C8021467F83E3786084FA9438A0000BD0180BC8 SET COP=3C807F7F81381678C01E80082F89000090980BC8419E0014792900208169000CC00B03C4EC0100323C007F7F3C8021467F83E3786084FA9438A0000B90180BC8
00295678 3C807F7F
00295688 90980BC8
002956A0 3C007F7F
002956B4 90180BC8
Code:SET OGP=60000000813816F8C01E80082F890000D0380BC8419E0014792900208169000CC00B03C4EC010032EC01002A3C8021467F83E3786084FA9438A0000BD0180BC8 SET COP=3C807F7F813816F8C01E80082F89000090980BC8419E0014792900208169000CC00B03C4EC0100323C007F7F3C8021467F83E3786084FA9438A0000B90180BC8
Health Doesn't Decrease For You Or Enemies
000A3AA0 60000000
000A3AC0 60000000
Health Doesn't Decrease For You Or Enemies Still
00074F24 60000000
Max Credits On Gain
00216ACC 60000000
0021709C 60000000
SET OGP=409D00087D234B78906B002881790260
SET COP=600000007D234B78906B002881790260
Max Credits On Buy
002268F0 3C00000F
002268F4 6000423F
00227D00 3C00000F
00227D04 6000423F
SET OGP=7C040050409C000838000000
SET COP=7C0400503C00000F6000423F
Max Power Nodes On Gain
00216960 3880270F
00216F30 3880270F
SET OGP=7D2903A67F83E378805D000478840020
SET COP=7D2903A67F83E378805D00043880270F
Max Power Nodes On Spending One On A Door
00382404 3880270F
00385D44 3880270F
SET OGP=7C0903A67FE3FB7878840020
SET COP=7C0903A67FE3FB783880270F
Max Power Nodes On Spend
0029F370 3880270F
0029CA08 3880270F
SET OGP=3883FFFF7D03437878840020
SET COP=3883FFFF7D0343783880270F
Oxygen Doesn't Decrease
002C37F4 60000000
002C5384 60000000
SET OGP=D1BF006CD15F0074
SET COP=D1BF006C60000000
Weapons Have Max Damage
001E82C4 3C807F7F
001E82CC 909F03D8
001E82DC 3C807F7F
001E82E4 909F03DC
01.02Code:SET OGP=600000007FA3EB78D03F03D87F64DB7838A00006481F39F9600000007FA3EB78D03F03DC SET COP=3C807F7F7FA3EB78909F03D87F64DB7838A00006481F39F93C807F7F7FA3EB78909F03DC
001E7E94 3C807F7F
001E7E9C 909F03D8
001E7EAC 3C807F7F
001E7EB4 909F03DC
Code:SET OGP=600000007FA3EB78D03F03D87F64DB7838A00006481F5E79600000007FA3EB78D03F03DC SET COP=3C807F7F7FA3EB78909F03D87F64DB7838A00006481F5E793C807F7F7FA3EB78909F03DC
Rapid Fire
00214034 4BFFFEF8
00214258 4BFFFEF8
SET OGP=FF806800409CFEF8
Line Gun Has Large Width
001E86F0 3C604080
001E86F8 907B0428
001E82B0 3C604080
001E82B8 907B0428
SET OGP=60000000813B000CD03B0428
SET COP=3C604080813B000C907B0428
Line Gun Alt Fire Duration 0
001E870C 3C600000
001E8714 907B042C
001E82CC 3C600000
001E82D4 907B042C
SET OGP=60000000E80100B0D03B042C
SET COP=3C600000E80100B0907B042C
Ripper Max Duration
001E8660 3C007F7F
001E8664 901F0404
001E8670 E80100A0
001E8674 7C0803A6
001E8220 3C007F7F
001E8224 901F0404
001E8230 E80100A0
001E8234 7C0803A6
Code:SET OGP=EC00082AE80100A0EBA10078EBC100807C0803A6D01F0404EBE10088382100904E8000205569103A392905C07D2907B47D2A4A14C00900044BFFFFC84BFFFB74 SET COP=3C007F7F901F0404EBA10078EBC10080E80100A07C0803A6EBE10088382100904E8000205569103A392905C07D2907B47D2A4A14C00900044BFFFFC84BFFFB74
Contact Beam 0 Charge
001E887C 3C000000
001E8880 901F0404
001E888C E80100A0
001E8890 7C0803A6
01.02Code:SET OGP=EC00082AE80100A0EBA10078EBC100807C0803A6D01F0404EBE10088382100904E8000205569103A392905C07D2907B47D2A4A14C00900044BFFFFC82F830000 SET COP=3C000000901F0404EBA10078EBC10080E80100A07C0803A6EBE10088382100904E8000205569103A392905C07D2907B47D2A4A14C00900044BFFFFC82F830000
001E843C 3C000000
001E8440 901F0404
001E844C E80100A0
001E8450 7C0803A6
Code:SET OGP=EC00082AE80100A0EBA10078EBC100807C0803A6D01F0404EBE10088382100904E8000205569103A392905C07D2907B47D2A4A14C00900044BFFFFC8F821FF71 SET COP=3C000000901F0404EBA10078EBC10080E80100A07C0803A6EBE10088382100904E8000205569103A392905C07D2907B47D2A4A14C00900044BFFFFC8F821FF71
Can Fly Anywhere On
000A1228 60000000
Can Fly Anywhere Off
000A1228 409D02C0
SET OGP=FF806800409D02C0
SET COP=FF80680060000000
Hold L2 For Zero Gravity
000A1228 488EB430
0098C658 3D003083
0098C65C A108A4BC
0098C660 71080200
0098C664 2F880200
0098C668 419E0008
0098C66C 4B714E7C
0098C670 4B714BBC
01.02Code:SET OGP=FF806800409D02C0 SET COP=FF806800488EB430 SET OGP=7C6307B4382100804E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E800020 SET COP=7C6307B4382100804E8000203D003083A108A4BC710802002F880200419E00084B70D3804B70D0B0
Can Fly Anywhere On
000A17E4 60000000
Can Fly Anywhere Off
000A17E4 409D02C0
SET OGP=FF806800409D02C0
SET COP=FF80680060000000
Hold L2 For Zero Gravity
000A17E4 488F2F3C
00994720 3D003083
00994724 A108A4BC
00994728 71080200
0099472C 2F880200
00994730 419E0008
00994734 4B70D380
00994738 4B70D0B0
This can screw up a few things. You can't move in vents or get on lifts and elevators with this on.Code:SET OGP=FF806800409D02C0 SET COP=FF806800488F2F3C SET OGP=7C6307B4382100804E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E800020 SET COP=7C6307B4382100804E8000203D003083A108A4BC710802002F880200419E00084B70D3804B70D0B0
Open Inventory For 25 Slots
00D81C9C 39200019
00D8A484 39200019
SET OGP=81280BE038FD01E0
SET COP=3920001938FD01E0
Hacking Timer Never Decreases
003C3338 60000000
003C3364 60000000
003C7E80 60000000
003C7EAC 60000000
SET OGP=91210084D16300D8
SET COP=9121008460000000
SET OGP=FC2C682ED02300D8
SET COP=FC2C682E60000000
Movement Speed & Aiming Speed Modifier
0028ACBC 3C00????
0028B060 3C00????
If you set it high enough, you can run through walls and eventually fall to your death.Code:SET OGP=4E800020FBC1FFF083C282E47C691B787C6A1B783C003F80 SET COP=4E800020FBC1FFF083C282E47C691B787C6A1B783C00????
Disable Some Collision Checks NOTE
0007A99C 3F607F7F
0007AF94 3F607F7F
SET OGP=3F603F803BA00120
SET COP=3F607F7F3BA00120
7FFF allowed me to walk through doors if the room was previously accessed, and I didn't need to wait for doors to open before I could go through them. Enemies almost always missed me with melee attacks, but they could grab me and shoot me. I could also walk through enemies. BF80 had the same effects except I couldn't walk through enemies.
NOTE: I used the value "7FFF" and that caused the game to have random moments of lag, and a few areas of the game always froze. Messing with different values caused some rooms to load incorrectly, or save stations, benches, stores, lockers, and probably a few other things were disappearing.
Headless Isaac
002ACAB0 3C000000
002AB74C 3C000000
SET OGP=3C003F807FA8EB78
SET COP=3C0000007FA8EB78
My head was missing. It doesn't seem to be a size modifier or anything, any different value makes me headless.
Mega Sized Weapon Clips
001E82A0 3C007F7F
001E7E60 3C007F7F
SET OGP=E9610070540007BC
SET COP=3C007F7F540007BC
You'll never run out of ammo, so it's basically infinite ammo with no reloads. If you run low, sell your weapon and buy it back for the huge clip.
Inventory Ammo Never Decreases Nor Disappears & Sold Items Don't Disappear From Inventory Or Safe
001C41FC 60000000
001C489C 60000000
That offset is the quantity of that item in an inventory slot? If I set a value it becomes the remaining amount of ammo of what I reload, but it just makes health packs disappear unless you have the code to make health packs and stasis packs not disappear. If you sell anything, it won't disappear and you'll still get the credits for it.Code:SET OGP=93BF02607C0803A6EBA10078EBE10088382100904E8000207C1D0378 SET COP=600000007C0803A6EBA10078EBE10088382100904E8000207C1D0378
Med Packs & Stasis Packs Don't Disappear From Your Inventory If Used
00216B34 60000000
00217104 60000000
SET OGP=93F90260
SET COP=60000000
Enemies Can't Attack
0010BF18 00000074
0010BF1C 00000074
0010C554 00000074
0010C558 00000074
SET OGP=00000094000000A4
SET COP=0000007400000074
They will approach you and try attacking, but they never complete their attacks. So far only 2 stalkers strapped onto beds in chapter 1 were able to harm me, along with cysts. There was an area without gravity that the lurkers actually shot at me, so just use the code to disable that behavior. Those blob things in space that shoot 3 homing explosives were able to hurt me. You still need to be careful around pukers since their vomit still hurts you when they die, or you can use the code to remove their vomit. You'll need to turn this off to beat the game though, because it makes Nicole immune to all attacks while she can still kill you. Otherwise, I blazed through hardcore without saving once.
Enemies Don't Move Nor Attack
0010BF0C 00000074
0010BF14 00000074
0010BF18 00000074
0010BF1C 00000074
0010BF20 00000074
0010BF24 00000074
0010BF28 00000074
0010BF2C 00000074
0010BF30 00000074
0010BF34 00000074
0010C548 00000074
0010C550 00000074
0010C554 00000074
0010C558 00000074
0010C55C 00000074
0010C560 00000074
0010C564 00000074
0010C568 00000074
0010C56C 00000074
All I did was screw up a table. When you kill them, it doesn't seem as if they are dead, but they still drop an item and events that require you to kill enemies to progress through the game still work fine, so I'm assuming it works fine. It didn't seem to affect cysts though, but they are stationary and easy to kill.Code:SET OGP=00000060000000740000008400000094000000A4000000B4000000C4000000D80000012C0000014C00000168 SET COP=0000007400000074000000740000007400000074000000740000007400000074000000740000007400000074
Enemies Never Approach You
00133850 000000E4
00133858 000000E4
0013385C 000000E4
00133860 000000E4
00133864 000000E4
00133868 000000E4
0013386C 000000E4
00133870 000000E4
00133874 000000E4
00133878 000000E4
0013387C 000000E4
00133880 000000E4
00133884 000000E4
00134214 000000E4
0013421C 000000E4
00134220 000000E4
00134224 000000E4
00134228 000000E4
0013422C 000000E4
00134230 000000E4
00134234 000000E4
00134238 000000E4
0013423C 000000E4
00134240 000000E4
00134244 000000E4
00134248 000000E4
All I did was screw up another table. Enemies never approach me nor did they have any twitchy movements. If you get close enough they will still attack. They will still try spitting and shooting things at you from a distance. If you aim at a stalker's or spitter's head and they duck, they still approach you.Code:SET OGP=00000084000000E4000002440000060C0000053C000005600000025C000002D4000002E800000334000003F4000004040000046C000004FC SET COP=000000E4000000E4000000E4000000E4000000E4000000E4000000E4000000E4000000E4000000E4000000E4000000E4000000E4000000E4
Stalkers Can't Move And Then Disappear
00108548 3C000000
00109014 3D400000
SET OGP=936101003C003F80
SET COP=936101003C000000
SET OGP=3D403F8082DE94D0
SET COP=3D40000082DE94D0
0010A9DC 3C000000
00108AE8 3D400000
SET OGP=936101003C003F80
SET COP=936101003C000000
SET OGP=3D403F8082DE945C
SET COP=3D40000082DE945C
This shares one line of common code with the next code. It takes about 7 seconds for them to disappear.
Leapers Can't Move And Then Disappear
00108758 3D400000
00109014 3D400000
00109F8C 3EA00000
SET OGP=3D403F8083FE80F0
SET COP=3D40000083FE80F0
SET OGP=3D403F8082DE94D0
SET COP=3D40000082DE94D0
SET OGP=3EA03F807F84E378
SET COP=3EA000007F84E378
000EB098 3D400000
00108AE8 3D400000
0010A4C4 3EA00000
SET OGP=3D403F8083FE80F0
SET COP=3D40000083FE80F0
SET OGP=3D403F8082DE945C
SET COP=3D40000082DE945C
SET OGP=3EA03F807F84E378
SET COP=3EA000007F84E378
This shares one line of common code with the previous code. It takes about 7 seconds for them to disappear. If you strike them, they might come out of it, and then you'll need to fight them as they will be back to normal. Don't touch them or you will take damage.
Pukers Can't Spit Long Range Nor Close Range
0010F080 3FE00000
0010FA04 3FE00000
SET OGP=3FE03F807BBD0020
SET COP=3FE000007BBD0020
Pukers Can't Spit Long Range
0010F4A8 60000000
SET OGP=419E00244BFFAF79
SET COP=600000004BFFAF79
0010FE2C 60000000
SET OGP=419E00244BFFAC31
SET COP=600000004BFFAC31
This is almost redundant since the previous code does the same, but unlike the previous one, the puker tries to spit long distances but nothing comes out. With the previous code, they don't bother to try puking long distances. So if you want them to waste about 1 second more, this will do it.
All Enemies Approach You A Lot Lesser
00107E1C 60000000
00107E28 60000000
001082B8 60000000
001082C4 60000000
SET OGP=409E00F0807F00A82F83FFFF419E0170
SET COP=60000000807F00A82F83FFFF60000000
This also seems to make a few of them change sizes while they aren't doing anything, like leapers are double sized and packs are half sized. They will still attack if you are close enough. Keep in mind this doesn't completely stop them, sometimes you can stand away from them for 10 minutes without them approaching, and others might approach you after about 10 seconds.
Leapers & Swarmers Get Stuck In The Air After They Jump (Might Affect Lurkers Too, I Can't Remember)
00108F14 60000000
001089E8 60000000
SET OGP=FF800800419C01AC
SET COP=FF80080060000000
The Pregnant Necromorph Doesn't Release Swarmers When Shot In The Stomach
00109E30 60000000
0010A368 60000000
SET OGP=D003092C409D0064
SET COP=D003092C60000000
Knocked Down Enemies Can't Get Back Up
0010C0C4 60000000
0010C700 60000000
SET OGP=83C282D87C7F1B78419E0034
SET COP=83C282D87C7F1B7860000000
This makes the force gun very useful since that almost always knocks enemies down. Once they are down, you can stomp them to death or ignore them and continue on.
Leapers, Lurkers, & Pack Get Stuck On The Ground If They Jump Down From Places
0010D348 60000000
0010D984 60000000
SET OGP=419A00784BFFD0D9
SET COP=600000004BFFD0D9
Lurkers Never Shoot
0010E2B4 60000000
0010E878 60000000
SET OGP=419D0010FF8D6000409D0040
SET COP=419D0010FF8D600060000000
Spitters Never Spit
0010F5CC 60000000
0010FF50 60000000
SET OGP=7F63DB782F800000409E0038
SET COP=7F63DB782F80000060000000
Enemies Die From 1 Hit
00096E9C 60000000
01.02Code:SET OGP=486B6B3560000000813F000C807B0010380001003D600001901F0100C00900003C0000023D200004D01F00E8901F0118913F010839400000D01F00E4 SET COP=486B6B3560000000813F000C807B0010380001003D600001901F0100C00900003C0000023D200004D01F00E8901F0118913F01083940000060000000
00097454 60000000
This does not affect the Ubermorph, and do not use this on Nicole at the end of the game. If you use it on Nicole, 1 hit will make her disappear forever and you will be stuck forever.Code:SET OGP=486BB78160000000813F000C807B0010380001003D600001901F0100C00900003C0000023D200004D01F00E8901F0118913F010839400000D01F00E4 SET COP=486BB78160000000813F000C807B0010380001003D600001901F0100C00900003C0000023D200004D01F00E8901F0118913F01083940000060000000
Load Game For Insanely High Health & Stasis
00096B54 488F5B04
0098C658 3D405D5F
0098C65C 914300E4
0098C660 914300E8
0098C664 914300F0
0098C668 914300F4
0098C66C 4B70A4EC
01.02Code:SET OGP=38000000D02300E4 SET COP=38000000488F5B04 SET OGP=7C6307B4382100804E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E800020 SET COP=7C6307B4382100804E8000203D405CDA914300E4914300E8914300F0914300F44B70A4EC
0009710C 488FD614
00994720 3D405D5F
00994724 914300E4
00994728 914300E8
0099472C 914300F0
00994730 914300F4
00994734 4C7029DC
This modifies your current health, maximum health capacity, current stasis, and maximum stasis capacity with the value over 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. As long as you don't upgrade those at a bench, they'll stay that way. They most likely save too, since they did for the modification Strategizer found. It probably works at the start of the game, I didn't check.Code:SET OGP=38000000D02300E4 SET COP=38000000488FD614 SET OGP=7C6307B4382100804E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E8000204E800020 SET COP=7C6307B4382100804E8000203D405CDA914300E4914300E8914300F0914300F44B7029DC