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Thread Title: DC Universe Online

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    Default DC Universe Online

    DLC Trophies: Fight for the Light

    Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

    Trophy How to unlock
    Conviction (Bronze) Complete Oan Sciencells without being knocked out.
    Fight for the Light (Silver) Complete Coast City Duo, STAR Labs Alert, Coast City Alert and Oan Sciencells Alert.
    Illogical Reasoning (Bronze) Beat the Final Confrontation as a villain without using any Logic Batteries within the Hangar at Ferris Aircraft in Coast City.
    Intergalactic Planetary (Silver) Collect all styles in the Sector Agent set.
    Low Battery (Bronze) Beat the Final Confrontation as a hero without using any Logic Batteries within the Hangar at Ferris Aircraft in Coast City.
    Not That Repulsive (Bronze) Defeat Vice in the Coast City Duo without restarting the repulsor.
    Parole Denied (Bronze) Defeat Red Lantern Vice, Yellow Lantern Lyssa Drak and Evil Star in the Oan Sciencells.
    Parole Granted (Bronze) Defeat Red Lantern Vice, Green Lantern Guy Gardner and Evil Star in the Oan Sciencells.
    Planetary Intergalactic (Silver) Collect all styles in the Sector Incendiary set.
    Willpower Outage (Bronze) Defeat the Scion of Will before the Sliceclaws power it up.

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    Default Re: DC Universe Online

    DLC Trophies: Lightning Strike

    Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

    Trophy How to unlock
    Crash of the Titans (Silver) Complete all of the Titans' Bounties
    For My Next Trick! (Silver) Defeat Abra Kadabra while all the Riot-Bots are active without being knocked out
    Play On (Bronze) Complete the Cosmic Treadmill: Flashback Duo without destroying any Sonic Emitters
    Prime Timeline (Bronze) Complete the Massive Speed Force Rupture Event
    Quickly Into the Past (Bronze) Complete the Cosmic Treadmill: Flashback Duo in under 7 minutes
    Reap the Rewards (Silver) Defeat 100 Paradox Reapers in Central City
    Rogues' Gallery (Silver) Complete all of the Rogues' Wanted Posters
    Two Tickets to Paradox (Silver) Seal both types of Massive Speed Force Ruptures

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  4. #3
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    DLC Trophies: Origin Crisis

    Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

    Trophy How to unlock
    25th Century Model (Silver) Collect all styles in the Time Traveler set.
    An Epic Odyssey (Gold) Defeat the Paradox Tyrant in the Paradox Wave raid without closing any of the Speed Force tunnels.
    Controlled Collateral Damage (Bronze) Complete the Iconic Anomaly: Test Subject #1 solo instance without any scientists getting knocked out.
    Leave Them (Bronze) Defeat Jor-El on Krypton without defeating any of the House of El reinforcements.
    Missiles Missed (Bronze) Complete the iconic boss fight inside Wayne Tower without anyone being hit by the missile barrage.
    Silent Hunter (Bronze) Disable three control panels in the Iconic Anomaly: The Hunt solo instance without alerting any mobsters.
    Volatile Hostiles (Bronze) Defeat the Nexus Omega Drone inside the Nexus of Reality without allowing any Volatile Robots to explode.

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  5. #4
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    Default Re: DC Universe Online

    DLC Trophies: The Battle for Earth

    Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

    Trophy How to unlock
    Bottle Opener (Silver) Complete 250 Battle for Earth Duos.
    Guilty On All Charges (Silver) Allow all Sentences to run their full course when fighting the Supreme Justice in the South Gotham Courthouse Alert.
    In Prime Time (Bronze) Finish the Prime Battleground Raid in 15 minutes or less.
    Jury Tampering (Bronze) Stack the jury with 12 humans, not allowing any Brainiac Jurors to be transported to the Bailiff in the South Gothm Courthouse Alert.
    Olympian (Bronze) Complete the Themyscira: The Gates of Tartarus raid in 20 minutes or less.
    Prime Numbers (Silver) Defeat all three Prime Avatars without destroying any of the Brainiac Spawners.
    The Used to be Adventurers (Bronze) Ensure all three Colossal Archers reach the front lines at the Paradise Court battle in the Themyscira: The Gates of Tartarus raid.
    Timely Closing Agruments (Bronze) Defeat the Prosector and Defense Attorney within 10 seconds of each other in the South Gotham Courthouse Alert.
    Uncover the Truth (Silver) Complete all of the Collections, Briefings, and Investigations available in the Battle for Earth DLC.

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  6. #5
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    Default Re: DC Universe Online

    Extra damage

    Toggle a Flying ability and use a Brawling type weapon. You will do up to four times more damage than normal.

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  7. #6
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    Default Re: DC Universe Online

    Various Trophies

    Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

    Trophy How to unlock
    Acrobatic Ace(Gold) Achieve level 30 as an acrobat.
    Champion of Earth(Gold) Achieve level 30 as a hero mentored by Superman.
    Criminal Mastermind(Gold) Achieve level 30 as a villain mentored by Lex Luthor.
    Fearless Flier(Gold) Achieve level 30 as a flier.
    Knight for Justice(Gold) Achieve level 30 as a hero mentored by Batman.
    Mission Control (Silver) Achieve level 10 as and gain the Controller Role.
    Platinum Pace(Gold) Earn a platinum medal in any race.
    Platinum Trophy (Platinum) Earn every other Trophy in the game.
    Speedster Supreme(Gold) Achieve level 30 as a speedster.
    Tanks Very Much(Silver) Achieve level 10 as and gain the Tank Role.
    The Healing Touch(Silver) Achieve level 10 as and gain the Healer Role.
    The Joker in the Deck(Gold) Achieve level 30 as a villain mentored by the Joker.
    The Queen's Favorite(Gold) Achieve level 30 as a villain mentored by Circe.
    Warrior of Truth(Gold) Achieve level 30 as a hero mentored by Wonder Woman.

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  8. #7
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    Default Re: DC Universe Online

    War of the Light Part I: Trophies

    Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

    Trophy How to unlock
    Beware My Power (Silver) Collect all styles in the Scion of Ion set.
    Burn Like My Power (Silver) Collect all styles in the Disciple of Parallax set.
    Don't Get Mad, Get Even (Silver) Defeat the Agitated Pulsar SL-1 trooper 17 times in the Downtown Metropolis Battlezone.
    Explosive Denial (Silver) During the Lantern Strike Team operation, defeat the first boss without allowing any of the explosives to detonate.
    No Mistake (Silver) During the Mist Recovery operation, complete the events in New S.T.A.R. Labs without allowing the enemy to take any of the mist containers.
    You Conduit (Silver) Destroy the conduits in the final battle of the Assault and Battery operation before they can become active.

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