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Thread Title: 8-Bit Adventure Anthology: Volume One

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    Default 8-Bit Adventure Anthology: Volume One

    Deja Vu: Get more coins when broke

    The game prevents you from ever worrying about running out of coins, provided you can make it back to Peoria St. and back to the basement of Joe's Bar in one piece. Go to the casino with zero coins, and EXAM the slot machine on the right (the one that works). You will always find an extra coin sitting in the pan if the game detects you have zero coins. Gamble until you get more.

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    Default 8-Bit Adventure Anthology: Volume One

    Shadowgate: Broom trick

    Later in the game, a Sphinx usually asks you to answer a riddle with an item. If you use the broom on him before he speaks to you, he will let you pass without having to gather any other item in the game.

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    Default 8-Bit Adventure Anthology: Volume One

    Shadowgate: Hot Room Trick

    Follow this step by step to see a glitch where you can enter the extremely hot room without wearing the cloak.

    1. Enter the extremely hot room without wearing the cloak.

    2. Once the game sends you back for not wearing the cloak, immediately use an item on yourself that will kill you.

    3. If you followed directions, when you continue the game, you will be in the hot room without wearing the cloak.

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