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Thread Title: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

  1. #1
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    Default Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

    DLC Trophies: Special Operations

    Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

    Trophy How to unlock
    Liberation (Bronze) Complete all Special Operations missions.

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    Default Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

    Various Trophies

    Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

    Trophy How to unlock
    Ashes to Ashes (Silver) Burn 4 enemies with a single molotov.
    Circus Tour (Bronze) Kill at least one enemy while inside The Reading Place, Aural Chic and both Subway undergrounds.
    Companion Block (Silver) Only use one cinder block and bring it to the end of 'Embedded'.
    Dodged a Bullet (Silver) Never get hit by the sniper while escaping captivity.
    Driver's Ed (Silver) Shoot the driver of the suicide truck.
    Golden Path (Gold) Complete 'Clean House' without being hit using one bullet per threat.
    Good Effect on Target (Silver) Kill an enemy with a direct hit from a smoke grenade.
    Got Something on Your Face (Silver) Spit on Barkov.
    Hang Time (Bronze) Kill 3 Enemies while you are on a ladder.
    Hot Swap (Silver) Get at least one kill with eight different weapons when completing 'Old Comrades'.
    Lights Out (Bronze) Shut off the power to 4 buildings in 'Going Dark'.
    Long Way Down (Silver) Crash a helicopter by shooting the pilot.
    Love from Above (Silver) Destroy 4 trucks with 4 drone strikes before they reach the end of their path in 'The Embassy'.
    Nothing but Net (Bronze) Neutralize the 'Fog of War' machine gun with a frag grenade.
    Out of the Fire (Gold) Complete every single player mission on Veteran or Realism difficulty.
    Pit Stop (Silver) Stop three APCs with Hadir's sniper rifle.
    Play Dead (Silver) Kill all the enemies in the 'Embedded' field of dead bodies.
    Press [BOOM] to Defuse (Bronze) Blow up 3 tripwires with explosives.
    Tea Time (Silver) Complete the single player Campaign on any difficulty.
    Tier 1 (Platinum) Unlock all Trophies
    Trigger Discipline (Gold) Do not injure any civilians in 'Piccadilly'.
    Tunnel Rat (Silver) Complete 'The Wolf's Den' tunnels using only the 1911.
    Two Birds (Silver) Kill both soldiers with one shot in 'Hometown'.
    Wall Hax (Bronze) Save Alpha 3-2 from being downed.
    Warheads on Foreheads (Silver) Reach Barkov's lab entrance using only drone strikes.
    We Own the Night (Gold) Kill all enemies at the Church, Clocktower, and Pool without anyone calling for backup.
    Wild Fire (Gold) Take down a flying Helicopter with a molotov.

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