Thread Title: Final Fantasy VIII Cheat Codes (for Playstation)
PlayStation (PSX) cheats, cheat codes, guides, unlockables, easter eggs, glitches, hints, and more.
GF Boost
If you have a GF who has learned "Boost," this trick will work. While
your GF is about to appear on the screen, hold down "Select" and you
should see a hand pointing a finger on the "Square" button and a number
next to it. Keep holding "Select" and rapidly hit "Square" This will raise
that number which means more damage to the enemy. But make
sure you stop when an X appears over the hand. If you don't, the
number will start back at the beginning. Wait for the X to go away
and repeat the process. The higher the number reached, the
more damage caused.
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GF Locations
In FF8 there are 22 Guardian Forces (and quasi-GFs)
you should get. They are:
QUETZALCOTL: From Squalls computer in the classroom at the
beginning of the game.
SHIVA: From Squalls computer in the classroom at the
beginning of the game
IFRIT: Defeat him in the Fire Cavern outside Balamb Garden
as part of the test
SIREN: Draw from the boss at the top of Dollet Satelite
during the Exam
BROTHERS: Defeat them in The "Tomb of the Unkown King"
outside Deling.
DIABLOS: Summon him using the Magic Lamp given to you
by Cid after completing your Exam. After Summoning him
you must defeat him. He is VERY difficult. Save before you fight him.
CARBUNCLE: Draw from Gargoyle/Lizard bosses in Deling
during Parade.
LEVIATHAN: Draw from NORG in Balamb Garden. Make sure
you draw from NORG and not the pods.
PANDEMONA: Draw from Fuujiin in Balamb Town.
CERBERUS: Fight and Defeat him in Galbadia Garden.
ALEXANDER: Draw from Edea at the end of Disc 2.
DOOMTRAIN: Get Item "Solomons Ring" from Tears Point before
Lunatic Pandora is summoned. (A good time to get this Item is
right before when you are supposed to meet Dr. Odine at the
Launch Pad). Once getting this item "Mug" Marlboros outside the
Sorceress Shrine until you have 6 Marlboro Tentacles (Marlboros
are also at the Island Closest to Heaven) Then buy 60 Remedies
and use Alexanders "Med Lev Up" Skill to make 6 Remedy+'s. Next
you need 6 Iron Pipes. These can be "Mug"ed from the Yellow/Green
Monkey enemy outside Deling. If you don't have these and you can't
get back to Deling you may have to wait until after you have the
Ragnarok to get them. After getting all the Items (6x Remedy+'s,
6x Iron Pipes, 6x Marlboro Tentacles and 1x Solomon Ring) use the
Solomon Ring from the Item Menu and you will receive DOOMTRAIN.
BAHAMUT: Defeat him at the Galbadia Underground Research Facility.
It is located in the South-West corner of the map. It is in the middle
of the Ocean. To fight him you must talk to machine (Walk when the
light is off) then pick the first answer for the first question, second
answer for the second and the third answer (It's hidden) for the
third question. You will then fight Bahamut.
CACTUAR: Fly to Cactuar Island in the South-East section of the world
and run into the giant Cactus that you see going up and down. You
must then defeat Giant Cactuar.
TONBERRY: Go to the Centra Ruins (After recieving Odin, see below)
and fight 20 Tonberries. After defeating the 20th (or so) the King
Tonberry will come. Defeat him and Tonberry will join your team.
EDEN: Draw from Ultima Weapon in Galbadia Underground research
Facility. To get to Ultima you must defeat Bahamut first (see above).
The following GFs are non-drawable. You must either use Items to
call them (Pheonix and Chochobo) Or they appear randomly (Odin
and Gilgamesh). I'm not sure how Mumba and MiniMog are used
since I don't have a pocketstation. But I believe that you use
items to call them as well
CHOCOBO: Catch and name a Chocobo then use Item Gysahl
Greens during Battle
PHOENIX: Use Item Phoenix Pinion during battle.
ODIN: Defeat him in Centra Ruins. Appears randomly at the
beginning of battles.
GILGAMESH: Receive Odin before the end of Disc 3 and Seifer
will kill him. Gilgamesh then show up to replace him.
"Chocobo Adventure" PocketStation Minigame.
MUMBA: (POCKETSTATION NEEDED) Defeat "Chocobo Adventure"
PocketStation Minigame
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Infinite Items with a Pocketstation
If you have Final Fantasy 8(US), a Pocketstation and a
Memorycard, you can use the Pocketstation game Chocobo
World to get Infinite Items. Just do the following:
1. Download the Chocobo World game from Final Fantasy 8 onto
your Pocketstation, (Downloaded after you have caught a Chocobo.)
2. Start playing through Chocobo World, collecting as many
items as you can.
3. Once you have the items you want plug the Pocketstation
and the Sony Memorycard into your Playstation, go to the
internal memory card manager and save Chocobo World into
the Sony Memorycard (Warning: it takes 7 blocks of memory to store)
4. Start playing your Final Fantasy 8 game with the file that you
have caught a chocobo with, go to the game menu and choose,
get to the menu. You can then transfer the items into your FF8
game, choose the option to take Boco(the character you play
Chocobo World with) home, which also lets you transfer all the
items you have collected in the Pocketstation game into the
Final Fantasy 8 game, and then choose the option to send Boco
into the Pocketstation game again. NOW, get to the option on
the Final Fantasy 8 game to see all the item you got from
the Pocketstation.
5. Now comes the Infinite Item part of this cheat. Get to the
Memorycard Menu again, but this time copy the Chocobo World
files that are inside the Sony Memorycard back into your
Pocketstation, and then do step 4 (transferring items into FF8)
over and over again to, finally, get Infinite Items.
Note : you can do this to get 16 or more MiniMog abilities for
all your G.F.s to use, just find MiniMog inside the Pocketstation
game and then just do the transferring cheat mentioned again
to do it over and over.
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Quicker Attack Bar
Go to the screen with Junctions, Items, and save, But those you
don't want, you want to go to the cofiguation screen (Down at
bottom of Icon screen). When you get to this screen you will see
some blue lines make all of them read fast. After doing so go
fight a battle and the little line for your attacks will be super
fast and so will your GFs lines.
Quicker Limit Breaks
When your health is low you will not always get a limit break.
To ensure that you do wait for the target character's turn and
hit O repeativly. This should ensure the Limit Break activation.
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Rare Card Locations
Debuchocobo = The guy sitting on the bench in front of the
Balamb Garden Libary.
Angelo = From Watts of the Forest Owls.
Gilgamesh = From Card Club's King.
Komoguri = From the little boy in a blue shirt running around Balamb
Garden's hall.
Quetzocohuatl = Fisherman Horizon's male station master
(2nd floor in the station house).
Shiva = Obtained from Zoon after giving him 'Tonari no Kanojo".
Ifrit = After defeating Ifrit.
Siren = 2nd floor of Dollet's pub Walk east to battle card master
Minotaur = After defeating Brothers.
Pandemonium = From the man standing in front of Balamb hotel.
Alexander = From Piet at Luna Base
Ward = From Doctor Odain in Esthar.
Kiros = From the man in black in Derring city.
Laguna = From Elone in the Lunaside Base.
Selphie = From Selphie's friend in Travia garden.
Quistis = From FC member #2 in the lecture room you first start out in.
Irvine = From the female station master of F.H.
Zell = From Zell's mother in Balamb.
Rinoa = From Rinoa's father in Derring City. You must lose Ifrit card to him
to win the Rinoa card.
Ifrit = When you beat him in the fire cave then after
you lose him to Rinio's Father you will get him from Dodona in F.H.
(the guy sitting near the station house)
Edea = From Edea at Edea's house.
Seifer = From Cid at Edea's house or during MD system event.
Squall = From Laguna in the Esthar Presidential Building.
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Seed test answers
After you become a SeeD you can take the SeeD test to raise your
SeeD level. The test can either be taken on the computer in the
classroom in Balamb Garden or in the HELP menu.
Test Answers
1 Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, N, N
2 Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N, N
3 N, N, Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, N
4 N, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N
5 N, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, Y
6 Y, N, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, Y
7 Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N
8 N, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, Y, N
9 N, Y, N, N, N, N, N, N, Y, Y
10 Y, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, Y, N
11 Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N, Y, N, N, Y
12 N, Y, N, N, Y, N, Y, N, Y, N
13 Y, N, N, N, Y, N, N, N, N, N
14 Y, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N, Y, N
15 Y, Y, N, N, N, N, N, Y, N, Y
16 Y, N, N, Y, N, Y, N, N, Y, N
17 Y, N, N, N, Y, N, N, Y, N, N
18 Y, N, N, N, Y, N, N, N, N, N
19 Y, N, N, Y, N, N, N, N, N, Y
20 Y, Y, N, Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, N
21 Y, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, Y, N
22 N, N, N, Y, N, N, N, Y, Y, N
23 Y, N, N, N, N, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y
24 Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, N, Y
25 Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, N, N
26 Y, Y, N, Y, N, Y, N, Y, N, N
27 N, Y, N, N, N, N, Y, N, Y, N
28 Y, N, N, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, N, N
29 N, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, N, Y, N
30 N, Y, N, N, N, N, Y, N, N, N
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The Balamb Card Club Group
The card Club group is a group of people from balamb garden who
play cards. you can get rare cards from some of them. This is the
order you must beat them in and their location. They appear later
in the game.
1)Jack-Hanging around the location board in the main hall. (he'll
tell you who he is).
2)Crab-He walks out of the car park area
3)Diamond-2 girls walking toward the location board in the main
hall. (wait for them to stop)
4)Spade-the guy next to the 2nd floor elevator. (gives you cards
in the begining of the game if you asked him).
5)Heart-Shuu in Garden control room (get carbuncle card from her).
6)King-Talk to doctor Kadowaki in the infirmary and then go to your
room and sleep.he will appear and challange you.
7)Joker- he is in the training center near the draw point & the bridges.
Appears randomly. (get levitan from him)
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- Better combo for zells limit break
Instead of doing those complicated combos just do the two simple ones. It takes off more damage than the other ones because you can do it more. | [Trevor]
- Blue Magic
Quistis has Chain Whip as her weapon, but she relies more on her Blue Magic during battles. In fact, her Blue Magic is really useful in certain battles! Especially when you want to level up your character's experience as fast as possible! But to be able to use all her Blue Magics, you must get all the necessary items for her to learn all the Magics. Below are all the Items you will need to have in order for Quistis to learn all the Blue Magics.
Name Description
Spider Web Quistis learns Blue Magic, Ultra Waves
Coral Fragment Quistis learns Blue Magic, Electrocute
Curse Spike Quistis learns Blue Magic, LV?Death
Black Hole Quistis learns Blue Magic, Degenerator
Water Crystal Quistis learns Blue Magic, Aqua Breath
Missile Quistis learns Blue Magic, Micro Missiles
Mystery Fluid Quistis learns Blue Magic, Acid
Running Fire Quistis learns Blue Magic, Gatling Gun
Inferno Fang Quistis learns Blue Magic, Fire Breath
Malboro Tentacle Quistis learns Blue Magic, Bad Breath
Whisper Quistis learns Blue Magic, White Wind
Laser Cannon Quistis learns Blue Magic, Homing Laser
Barrier Quistis learns Blue Magic, Mighty Guard
Power Generator Quistis learns Blue Magic, Ray-Bomb
Dark Matter Quistis learns Blue Magic, Shockwave Pulsar | [CidHighwind]
- Card Trick
In FFVIII lose any card that you want more then one of, then win it back. When you go into Time Compression you should be able to get that card again even though you've already won it back. Also, when in Time Compression, you can challenge some of the CC members and get some level 8 cards that you already have. Now if you didn't have the chance to get all of the level 8 and higher cards before Time Compression then you should go visit The Queen of Cards in Time Compresion. If you already know where the escape pod from Lunar Base landed then just go there. If you don't then follow these directions. First you should get the Ragnarok. Then go South of Tear's Point just past the fence. (I suggest using Enc-None if you have it) Then just walk around until you enter the area where the Queen of Cards is and when you challenge her you'll be able to win any cards that you haven't had a chance to get but she has the Random rule, good cards, and is rather good herself so she's a tough opponent. | [EvilSeifer]
- Chocobo Forest
Below are the locations of all the Chocobo Forests in Final Fantasy VIII. Not only that, we have included the stingy Chocoboy's Clue for each forest as well! Enjoy yourself!
Intermediate Chocobo Forest
Location :: North of Trabia Garden
Chocoboy's Clue :: "Be careful where the Sonar reacts."
Easy Chocobo Forest
Location :: At Sorbald Snowfield on Trabia's west coast, south of Shumi Village
Chocoboy's Clue :: "You only need to blow the whistle twice"
Beginner Chocobo Forest
Location :: Next to Shumi Village on Winter Island
Chocoboy's Clue :: "Try to find a spot where only one falls down."
Challenging Chocobo Forest
Location :: East of Edea's House, in the Lenown Plains on the Centra Continent
Chocoboy's Clue :: "Chocobowling with 4 bottles, 1 ball."
Tricky Chocobo Forest
Location :: On the Nectar Peninsula, along the east coast of the Centra continent, sough of Fisherman's Horizon
Chocoboy's Clue :: "Search carefully where the Sonar reacts."
Expert Chocobo Forest
Location :: On the south side of the Talle Mountains in southern Esthar
Chocoboy's Clue :: "Collect on outer side, then go in."
The Chocobo Sanctuary
This is the last chocobo forest in the world. It's in a place to remote that only someone riding a Chocobo can reach it. Nothing much happens there, but Chocobos sometimes congregate in this sacred place. After completing each of all the 6 forests (puzzle and hidden item) you can head to Chocobo Santuary. You can go there any time but for it to actually mean something go there when you are finished wih the Chocobo Quest. When all the 6 chocobos congregate, they will perform a funky dance just for you. Speak with the Chicobo and it will give you the Chicobo Card. Speak to him again and he will give you some Gyshal Greens, but it will also steal 600 Gil from you!
How to get There?
Get a Chocobo from the Chocobo Forest north of Trabia Garden. Ride it to the east onto the Heath Peninsula and "Examine" the ocean. There's a long strip of shallow water that connects Trabia to Esthar. Follow the shallow water and you'll enter Grandidi Forest. The Chocobo Santuary is almost directly to the north. To return to Trabia, simply speak to a Chocobo or speak with Chocoboy. | [CidHighwind]
- Chocobos in Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII chocobos are vary different and unique comparing them to the system of FF7. You don't breed them or do anything special like that. So really I find no interest in actually putting effort towards them, but I know there's a lot of chocobo lovers out there so what, let's do it! First off instead of going to a Chocobo Farm and getting Chocobo's you have to solve puzzles to get one in 7 Chocobo Forests. (Locations are listed below) If you solve the puzzle you can find a hidden treasure that allows you to have to never solve that puzzle again when you revisit that specific forest. Anways the Chocobo Forests look like any other forests on the World Map but they are Dome-Shaped. | [CidHighwind]
- Chocoboy Help
While attempting on solving the puzzles you can always go to the chocoboy for help. He's a very greedy young boy so you'll have to pay him. Here's a rundown of the things he can do.
- ChocoWhis Sales
Cost: 1000 Gil/700 Gil You can't catch a Chocobo without it. The first one will cost you 1000 Gil. Any replacement will cost you 700 Gil. | [CidHighwind]
- Early Odin
You can get Odin on disk 2. After you get the Balamb Garden, you can get to the his tower. You don't even need an air ship. Just cirle the Centra continent until you see a beach, get on land, and head for the tower. | [Spidey3000]
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- Easy Level and AP Gain
After getting the Ragnarok you can visit islands that you couldn't with Balamb Garden. For easy level gain you must visit the Island Closest to Heaven and Hell. These islands also have the best Draw Points on them thats why Enc-None will come in handy. The Island Closest to Hell is easy to find, just find the island furthest to the West. Now the Island Closest to Heaven is a bit tricky. If you go North East of Esthar, there are three Islands. The one to the right of the other two is The Island Closest to Heaven. These islands have monsters with extremely high levels. I wouldn't suggest going there unless your party members are atleast level 30. You can also find the rare monser, Malboro there so if your having trouble getting Malboro Tentacles for Doomtrain then you might want to go to one of them. But, the Malboros have Bad Breath which causes all of the abnormal status changes on all of your party members so you might want to give some one in your party Mug and stea!
Now to get lots of AP, go East of Edea's house, where theres a desert. The desert has Cactuar's which give you a whole 20 AP for every one you defeat. The Cactuar's have very little HP but you miss them a lot as well and they also run away during battles. There is also Cactuar Island where all you run into is Cactuar's. There is also Jumbo Cactuar who has a whopping 600,000 HP. I suggest not fighting him for a while. And don't worry, he is available to defeat any time during the game. But he is a rather good GF to have around. | [EvilSeifer]
- Easy Limit Breaks
Get into a battle, and wait until all characters time bars are full. Then keep hitting CIRCLE (TRIANGLE in the Japanese version) and eventually Squall or Zell will have use of their limits.
- Easy ways to kill t-rexaur
-put it to sleep before you start attacking it
-use triple and then cast death on it usually it dies on the 2nd or 3rd time
-use doomtrain. it will give t-rexaur different status problems like sleep, doom, confused,etc.
-use attacks that it is weak against
-use shivas doom ability
-try and turn it into a card | [Trevor]
- First Visit to a Chocobo Forest
When you first enter a chocobo forest (does not mater which one) you well meet a little boy named Chocoboy. He'll explain to you about the whole Chocobo deal. He will offer you a ChocoWhis and teach you how to use if for 1000 Gil. Now you must have this Whis in order for the Chocobos to come for you so you might as well pay. This Whis is the tool for locating baby chocobos (chicobos) in the forests. The ChocoWhis has two modes on using it: "ChocoSonar" and "ChocoZiner". "ChocoSonar" is used to sniff out the Chicobos location. The "ChocoSonar" will produce a soft ping as you seach an area and it will change to a hight fast-pitch that is loud if you standing in the right spot for a chocobo to fall down. When that happens use the "ChocoZiner" mode. Blowing on this will send a Chicobo to drop from above or go into hiding if you're on the right spot. If you are not in the right spot, the Chicobo will steal your ChocoWhis and you'll have to buy an addition one from the Chocoboy for 700 Gil. So be careful alright?
- Floating man
Go to the second floor hall of Galbadia Garden. Keep walking in the way of the man in the wheelchair. Sometimes you will see him floating around next to his wheelchair.
- Free Potion
Go to timber where you see the guards in the front gate. Get out of the screen and then come back. Do this several times until you see a man there. Talk to him the second time to get a free potion. | [Kenneth]
- Get GF Leviathan
When you fight the garden master draw from him, and you will see that he has the GF Leviathan. After you draw it from him you will get the GF. | [RossClauson]
- Get Giglamesh
On disc 3, right after you get the Ragnarok go to the Centra Ruins and put on Diablos' Enc-None, unless you want to fight Tornberry (that's a different story...). Go up the stairs and you will see a statue. Select the option [Take out the eye] and write down the code that comes up on the screen. Then keep on going up and you will see a statue with one eye. Put in the eye you have and then take both eyes out and write down the code that appears on the screen. Proceed up and then you will see a statue with no eyes so put both of the eyes you have in. Type in the code and Odin shall appear. Fighting Odin is easy because he doesn't attack but you'll get the Odin Card if you beat the time limit. After you defeat Odin he'll appear at the beginning of a randomly chosen battle except boss fights. In the last fight with Seifer, on the Lunatic Pandora, Odin will fight him but Seifer will see him coming and kills him. But Odin's sword is taken by a Legendary sword collector, Giglamesh. From now on Giglamesh is yor Odin except his attacks can vary, he can come into boss fights, and he appears any time in battle. | [SehoonKang]
- Get To Know Laguna
There are 10 "Timber Magazines" in FF8. Collect all of them, and you can find out more about Laguna in your computer in the classroom. Here are the locations of each magazine:
1. Dollet Bar
2. Dollet Inn
3. Timber Maniacs
4. Timber Inn
5. Fisherman's Horizon
6. Shumi Village Inn
7. Trabia Garden (Graveyard)
8. Edea's Home (Orphanage)
9. White SeeD Vessel (Left side of control room)
10. Balamb Inn | [EvilSeifer]
- GF Boost
If you have a GF who has learned "Boost," this trick will work. While your GF is about to appear on the screen, hold down "Select" and you should see a hand pointing a finger on the "Square" button and a number next to it. Keep holding "Select" and rapidly hit "Square" This will raise that number which means more damage to the enemy. But make sure you stop when an X appears over the hand. If you don't, the number will start back at the beginning. Wait for the X to go away and repeat the process. The higher the number reached, the more damage caused.
- Hints
Draw early on in the game
Speed is everything
Be careful, save every 20 minutes
Keep Squall in Yellow, it's fun
Keep your G.F.'s happy, but don't use them too often, your SeeD rankings go down... just like running away a lot.
Try finding the enemy's weakness and exploit, exploit, exploit!
If at first you don't succeed, try again!
Draw from all bosses, never know what you can get!
Have lots of fun!
Play cards alot, and morph almost every new monster you come across, sometimes more than once. It helps later in the game.
Spend you time drawing Melt from an enemy with Laguna in the 3rd disk, don't be afraid to stop the enemys to do so.
Too weak to kill an enemy? Use Melt to do maximum damage!
To use limit, use Aura or be at low health. If it doesn't apear right away, don't fret! Just keep hitting Triangle.
To get Squall’s 2nd best weapon in the 1st disk:
In Galbadia Garden go play everyone cards there, collect as many cards as you can. Then use Quazlcoat's Ability 'Change cards to Items' and change Toonberry to Cutting Knife, fight the guys around Gulbadia Garden to get a lot of Bolts, get 2 of the card on the 5th page-1st card, and turn 3 Adamantian turtles into Shell. You don't need the magazine to buy the Weapon, you just need all the materials, and it will show up in the shop, the magazines are for you to know what items you need. Details by Sniper Wolf
Keep your levels low in the first disk, try changing everyone you encounter into cards. In the second disk, get your level up high, enemies are easy when you are at lvl 100. For lots of AP, in the 2nd-4th disk, fight the Sabotendar (Cactus men) in the Desert by/on Cactus Island. For lots of Exp, go to the island nearest to Hell. In the 3rd/4th disk, put on encounter nothing (Diablo Party Ability) and run around Island nearest to Hell and Heaven hitting [Okay] button for the best spells.
The only cheat I found (Cheat as in W-Item type) was being able to junction one magic to 5 different slots, on the same character. First you need the magic, say Ultima. Have 100 of them on Squall or whoever. Now you need to have Ultima junctioned on let's say, HP. Your other 3 Junctions are (For only using on 4), Attack, Elemental Defence, and Speed, put any type of magic on those, just remember what you put (ie. fire on Attack, shell on Elemental Defence, and Haste on Speed). Make sure you have no other Ultima, fire, shell, or haste on anyone else! Now go to the Magic screen, put 1 Ultima on Zell, Selphie, and Rinoa. Then trade fire for your 1 ultima on Selphie, shell for the 1 ultima on Zell, and haste for the 1 ultima on Rinoa. Go back to the Junction screen and admire! Don't take off Ultima or they all will go. If you messed up on any of these processes, start over, or you will be missing Ultimas on a few slots. You can give back haste and junk to Squall afterwards too. The maximum slots is 5, but you can do 2 or 3. ****This only works on the Japanese****
Ultima Weapon is at the bottom of the Underwater Reaserch Facility, the place where you got Bahamut. There are pretty nasty enemies down there, so be careful, like it matters if you have everyone at level 100, which you should. Also, have Squall's Best Weapon equiped. First, you climb down the vine, then go hit the control panel, it will take off 4 points. In order to succed, you need 10 points left over. Go down stairs, now go to the other control panel and take off 2 points. Go down and hit the control panel nearest to where you came down, take off 1. Now there is another control panel there, hit it and take 4 off, go through the door that opens and add 7 points back on. Go out and go down, take off 1 point from the control panel and go on the elevator. Take off 4 points to get past this door, then it's a matter of fighting/walking down to the bottom. When you get down there, kill off Squall then finish the battle/run away. Use raise to bring him back alive, and keep him in the yellow. Hit the control panel and after a long sceen, you fight Ultima Weapon. The key to this battle is having Squall's Speed and Attack up. Use his D-Move on Ultima. It took me 4 limits to kill him.
To beat Omega, you should have Squall, Rinoa, and Quistis in your party. Have everyone at max HP, highest evasion, highest speed, luck, and highest power. Have Death junctioned to status defence and for status attack, I heard don't put holy, but I put nothing just incase. Have Eden at level 50 or higher and life at 9,999. Try to have Squall's Lionheart, and have Squall enter the battle with Automatic Haste (Cerebus' Ability). Give Rinoa the ability to cast Melt and Leviathan's Fullcure. Give Quistis Eden, try to have him very happy so he goes fast. Before you enter the fight, enter a battle and kill off Squall. Leave the battle and cast Life1 on him or use a pheonix down, slow down the batlle speed to it's slowest. In the battle, have Squall use his Limit and Quistis use Eden, have Rinoa cast Melt on Ultima, any order, just do it. If you can't get Squall's limit, keep hitting triangle until you do. Just keep pounding Omega until he dies. Have Rinoa absorb Ultima's or use Omega's Ultima's against him. Have Quistis keep casting Eden, and Squall keep using his limits.
To meet Omega, you first need to get your main party to the switching point near the fountain. Have your other party, from the entrance go up the stairs, to the right and in the door, go down stairs, then pull the rope for the bell... you should have 60 seconds to switch party members and all, but 10 seconds is used up by Zell looking up at the bell. Switch the party and go in the room straight ahead. Omega Weapon is hard to miss, so just talk to him.
- Hints
Cost: 100 Gil This is the most worthwhile service he provides. Chocoboy tells you the name of the forest you're currently in, and gives you a rather cryptic clue to help you solve the puzzle.
Buy Gysahl Greens
Cost: 600 Gil/Green These Greens can be used in battle to summon a GF-like Chocobo. The Chocobo GF hits your opponents with a flare attack.
Cost: 10 Gil For a pittance, the Chocoboy will answer questions about the ChocoWhis and about himself. This option won't assist you in catching a Chocobo, but it may prove useful if you're having trouble using your ChocoWhis.
Help Me!
Cost: 1200 Gil The Chocoboy is willing to catch a Chocobo for you, but at a high cost. Only selet this option if you really need a Chocobo and you don't want to deal with the puzzles. You can't find the hidden items using this option, so you'll either have to solve the puzzle later or pay this fee again if you want another Chocobo later on in the game. | [CidHighwind]
- How to change enemies into cards
The card command usually only works after you have hit the enemy a few times and if it doesn't work the first hit the enemy and try again. This ability is really cool and helps to keep your level down so that when you fight the bosses, Squall's levels will remain the same and not go up. | [LeAnn]
- How to find & Kill Omega Weapon
This is pointless unless you are in Ultimecia's Castle because this is where Omega is. You should also free your abilities first, he is very tough & has the ability to have 1,200,000 HP approx.
First you'll need the Giglamesh Card, Card Mod Ability, & some GF's with St DEF (or even better Status DEF X4 with Elemental DEF X4) If your GF has Elemental Attack choose a new one, or use Amnesia Greens & destroy it because Omega absorbs all elements. If Level 5 death works on your character(s) then junction death magic to your Status DEF!!! (EX: Character level 10 - Will Die! Character level 23 - Won't Die!). Ultima Magic, Full-Life magic, Flare Magic, and Shell Magic could help because it makes an awesome defence by letting you absorb every element (if you have enough of them & Element Def X4!). One more thing that is important to have is AURA MAGIC!!! You can draw this from Siefer in a few battles, or draw it from draw points in the Island closest to Hell & the Island closest to Heaven. If you think your levels are too small these islands will help you level! They have the toughest enemies in the game.
Lets see... Only a few more things needed. The GF's Doomtrain, and Cerebrus. For Doomtrain go to the Sorceresses Memmorial & pick up the item there... The solomon ring. Get 6 malboro tentacles, 6 Remedy Pluses (With MED LV UP), and Six Steel Pipes. Choose the item & Doomtrain will join you. Cerebrus you have to battle though. When you infiltrate Galbadia Garden (Disc 2) He's in the Light Beam in the center of the room (a little ways in the building. Don't worry, you can't miss him!). Pick a good team. I chose Rinoa, Zell, and Squall. Set Zell & Rinoa (or whoever you choose, but make sure you have Squall!) with the GF Ability one with Doomtrain & one with Cerebrus.
Set Squall, and one other+ with the Item Command. Choose any other GF's you like... Make sure everyone has the Magic Command Also! Squall must have his strongest Gunblade, the LionHeart, also! Before we go find Omega you should use the Card Mod Ability on the Giglamesh card & any other cards that you think will help! Set those items (the ones from Giglamesh, Holy Wars, first!). Holy Wars let your party become invinsible for a short period of time. If you have the Laguna Card you can get 100 Hero's from it. Hero's give 1 character invincibility for a short period of time. Okay. We should be all set now! Bring the Fighting party to the Fountain & make sure they're ready! Diablos & his Enc None will help if you have it! Now bring the other party from the front, to up the steps the go in the right door. at the bottom of the steps in the next room there is a rope attached to a bell. There is another Green Circle right next to it. Pull the Rope & it will say "A Monster Roar can be heard in the distance." Run to the Circle & Switch Teams. Don't forget to switch junctions if you did that before! Run forward on the straight path (Not left or Right!). Omega will be there! Run into him to start battle.
Ok, quickly use the GF Doomtrain & Cerebrus. Leave Sqall standing untill Cerebrus does his thing & gives you Double & Triple. Don't boost Doomtrain cause it will heal Omega... The story here is that Doomtrain will give Omega Vit 0!!! With triple magic cast Aura on all 3 characters. Whoever has the item command use Holy Wars. Hit him with Limit Breaks untill he Dies. This works... I did it! Rinoa's Limit Breaks are Helpful... especially Wishing Star! If you use Zell use O X then up down (or down up?) Then do O X again. If you type fast & Zell is strong he will do massive damage on Omega! Squall is important because of his special limit break ending, Lion Heart, possible only with the LIONHEART GunBlade! When Aura & Holy War wears off (Aura first), just do the trick over. Please note Aura wont give a limit break every time. just keep hittin O untill it does work! If it doesent work for a long time. It probably wore off! Keep these tactics up & you'll do fine. If you win, you'll get a Three Stars (Not that Great). You will get some good AP at least. This is mostly a challenge for the bravest fighters of Final Fantasy 8! You'll also get Proof Of Omega in your Tutorial Section (Under Information)! | [WillSeaderakaWill-X]
- How to get the eden GF
After you get the ragnarok in the 3rd disc look around the sea until you find a structure. Land and go in the building. You have to follow a certain pattern or lots of enemies will attack you, even if you have enc. none on. Try to get to the glowing area in the middle. When you do, you will have to fight the bahamut gf.
After you defeat him you'll not only get him, but there will now be a hole in the floor. Now you will have to go down a bunch of floors and then some stairs. When you get down you will have to fight ultimate weapon. While fighting him draw the spell named eden and after the battle you will have the eden gf !
| [Trevor]
- Omega Weapon (Easy Method)
When fighting Omega Weapon, make sure Selphie is in your party. Use Aura on her, followed by Holy War. Use her Slot Limit Break to access The End, which will defeat Omega Weapon instantly.
- Quick Escape
When running from the mechanical spider in Dollet, press SQUARE to shoo away the dog and you can run into the Cafe where the other SeeD candidates come out of. This has a downside because your SeeD rank goes down and you miss seeing the spider crusha car and Quistic pump it full of lead ! | [SehoonKang]
- Raise Your Salary
Here are the answers to all 30 SeeD Tests to raise your salary. You can access the Tests by going into the classroom on the second floor of Balamb Garden, or by simply accessing your menu page and finding TEST under the Tutorial option.
Level - Answers - Salary
01 - Y N Y Y Y N N Y N N - 500
02 - Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N N - 1000
03 - N N Y N Y Y Y N Y N - 1500
04 - N Y Y Y N N Y Y N N - 2000
05 - N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y - 3000
06 - Y N Y Y N N Y Y N Y - 4000
07 - Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N - 5000
08 - N Y N N Y Y N N Y N - 6000
09 - N Y N N N N N N Y Y - 7000
10 - Y N N N N N N N Y N - 8000
11 - Y Y N Y Y N Y N N Y - 9000
12 - N Y N N Y N Y N Y N - 10000
13 - Y N N N Y N N N N N - 11000
14 - Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y N - 12000
15 - Y Y N N N N N Y N Y - 12500
16 - Y N N Y N Y N N Y N - 13000
17 - Y N N N Y N N Y N N - 13500
18 - Y N N N Y N N N N N - 14000
19 - Y N N Y N N N N N Y - 14500
20 - Y Y N Y N Y Y Y N N - 15000
21 - Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N - 15500
22 - N N N Y N N N Y Y N - 16000
23 - Y N N N N Y Y Y Y Y - 16500
24 - Y Y N N Y Y N N N Y - 17000
25 - Y N Y Y Y N N Y N N - 17500
26 - Y Y N Y N Y N Y N N - 18000
27 - N Y N N N N Y N Y N - 18500
28 - Y N N Y Y Y N Y N N - 19000
29 - N N N Y Y N N N Y N - 19500
30 - N Y N N N N Y N N N - 20000
A - (NO TEST) - 30000 | [EvilSeifer]
- Rare Card Locations
Look for UFOs to pass by during a battle in the following places (you must have Diablos' "Enc-None"):
1. Outside Winhill Town
2. Mandy Beach, northeast of Timber
3. Heath Peninsula, east of Trabia Garden
4. Kashkabald Desert.
After sighting all four, fly the Ragnarok to the rocky cliffs above the Chocobo Shrine. Encounter a UFO and defeat it. Then,
head to the crater where Balamb Garden used to be. You will encounter a PuPu. Feed him five elixirs and you will be rewarded. Its only a level 5 card, but is definitely the hardest card to find.
Fat Chocobo
Man in front of Balamb Library (Queen of Cards Quest).
Watts, on Forest Owl's train.
CC King.
Boy running laps around Balamb Garden.
Summon four Large Chocobo at all six Forests, then proceed to
the Chocobo Shrine.
F.H. Mayor Dobe.
Trade "Girl Next Door" to Zone.
Defeat Ifrit.
Card Master on second floor of the Dollet Pub.
Secret and Minotaur
Defeat Brothers.
CC Heart.
Defeat Diablos (Use the Magical Lamp obtained from Cid to
find it).
CC Joker.
Defeat Odin.
Zell's neighbors.
Defeat Cerebrus.
Piet in Lunarside Base.
Esthar presidental assistant (Queen of Cards quest).
Defeat Bahamut.
Timber Pub bartender (Queen of Cards quest).
Defeat Ultima Weapon.
Dr. Odine in Esthar.
Man in black suit in Deling shopping area (Queen of Cards
Ellone in Lunarside Base.
Selphie's best friend in Trabia Garden.
"Trepe Fan Club" in Balamb Garden.
Flo (QoC quest).
Zell's mom in Balamb town.
Lose the Ifrit card to Gen. Caraway in Deling City. Win it back
from Marlene in F.H.
Edea at her house.
Cid at Edea's house.
Laguna at Esthar. | [EvilSeifer]
- Return To Title Screen
If you mess up while playing the game and want to return to the title screen real fast hit PAUSE, then hold L1, L2, R1, R2, while holding down the four buttons hit PAUSE, and SELECT at the same time. This will bring you back to the title screen instead of having to reset your playstation.
- Saving Rinoa
When saving Rinoa in the Socceress Memorial Hall, if you have an upgraded weapon with Squall, he will pull out a revolver. | [CidHighwind]
- SeeD Rank Tip
This isn't a cheat, really, but I found it humorous. When you start a new game, WALK everywhere in Garden. It takes a little longer to get everywhere, but you're "Conduct Points" on your SeeD Test scoring go up (helping to bring up your rank!).
BTW, if you're bored, go to the classroom an @nd floor, and turn on Squall's desk. Read some of the things. Very funny! The Sorceress' Knight? No animals alowed in Garden? What? Who's J.I.? Poor Seifer. | [NadiaFurei]
- Solving Puzzles
The goal in every forest is to call out Chicobos in a pattern that leaves only one Chicobo on the ground. This may take some effort in some of the forests. A lone chicobo makes its Parent nervous, and causes it to come out of hiding when you examine the baby. After solving the puzzle you can freely search for hidden items in that forest. If you find a hidden item the chocobo's will become your friends and will no longer hide from you in that forest. Though if you don't find an item and leave, then you'll to solve the puzzle again in that forest inorder to get the chocobo. | [CidHighwind]
- The Final Battle
If you have taken the time to aquire the GF Odin, and Seifer has slit him in half, giglamesh will come in handy. He may destroy one of the forms of griever. Also, the strategy for the Omega Weapon doesn't help at all. Anyway there are a total of five forms to fight, and i figured that the best way to do it is to equip each member with one GF, and have them constantly heal and cast aura on Squall. Trust me. I've done it three times.The end is really long but awesome. Just make sure you can constantly use Renzokuken on the enemy and it will be no sweat. You can try any way you want, but i assure you this is the best way. | [MitchellBrott]
- The secret of Zell's Limit Break Duel
Note - Having a list of Zell's moves in his Limit Break will help here.
Even at the beginning of the game, Zell has access to all of his moves, including those learned from various Combat King Magazines, during his Duel Limit Break. It's true! Just input the commands whenever you'd normally be able to. (This is where the list of his moves comes in handy.) You can even pull off My Final Heaven, Zell's Ultimate Attack! The downside is that his attack will be so puny at the start of the game, you may just end up laughing at the ammount of damage dealt. | [week1010101]
- Ultimecia Guide
You should use the same strategy used to defet Omega Weapon against Ultimecia. However, you may want to take out the use of Holy Wars to make your party invincible, because Rinoa can sometimes get the same basic thing when using Angie. I believe the attack was called the Invincible Moon. If nothing else, I suggest you have a lot of the Aura spell available, so that you can use Limit Breaks every turn. It also helps to have Squall’s Lion Heart, because it causes around 100,000 points of damage when the Lion Heart Limit Break is used.
You may have noticed that the last couple of forms of Ultimecia can kill a GF in a single shot. Don’t use your GFs unless you’re protected by Holy War, Invincible Moon, or Hero. These make your characters and your GFs invicible to any attack. Outside of that, you must keep everyone’s HP up and ensure that everyone is as fast as possible. If you boost everyone’s speed through Junctioning and then cast Haste on the entire party, you can attack nonstop. Also, cast Triple on everyone (or at least summon Cerberus) at the start of the fight. This should make it a lot easier to heal everyone and to cast Aura on your entire party.
Also, don't try to equip everyone before the battle with Ultimecia. You’ll spread yourself too thin if you equip absolutely everyone with GFs. Equip only the three you want to use the most, and then let everyone else get killed and absorbed. Soon enough, you’ll have your main party of three and then you can really unload on her.
To emphasize once again, most of this is the same stuff used against Omega Weapon. If you follow this information and the strategy for Omega Weapon, you shouldn’t have any trouble.
Remember when you named Squall’s ring? Whatever name you give the ring is the name Griever will have. In fact, you’ll notice that the profile on the ring is Griever’s profile. | [CidHighwind]
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