Hi, I first want to thank everyone here for all of their hard work bringing all of this awesome stuff to the PSP! You guys are all great and I appreciate all of your efforts!
I've read some of the tutorials on installing CFW and I just want to make sure that I install the best one. I'm asking this question versus just digging into a tutorial that states it will enable me to install custom firmware for my PSP because I have no previous experience installing custom firmware, other than knowing it can be done, and I want to install the best one for my PSP versus just any version of custom firmware. I've read some of the posts and a lot of things change including custom firmware versions. I don't just want to jump into a tutorial that may be out of date and install an older version of custom firmware only to find out that I need to spend a ton of time and effort installing new custom firmware to be up to date with the best possible options for my PSP.
I just bought a PSP 3000 and have never installed custom firmware before. I really don't want to brick my PSP but I really want the abilities of the custom firmware. The PSP that I bought is new, not pre-owned, and is the Ratchet and Clank Size Matters bundle. I haven't updated the firmware yet and it came with System Software Version 4.20. So I'm still on System Software Version 4.20. I don't know if it matters but the serial number of the PSP on the bottom of it says PSP3001
That being said...
1.) What custom firmware (version) should I install on it?
2.) Is there debate as to which one (Custom Firmware Version) is better?
3.) If there is a debate between two or more, what are the pros and cons of each and which one of these is safer to install (aka less likely to brick the PSP)?
4.) Also I heard that it may matter what memory card you use, as in the size or make of the memory card. Is this true? Should I buy a specific memory card or does it matter?