Bustin' Myths About Pandora Batteries

As most of you know, I spend a lot of my time in the Help section teaching new PSP owners how to hack their PSP. A few other people lurk in the Help section and offer advice also. However, I have seen some incorrect information being given in regards to the Pandora battery. I hope to clear up any misinformation in this post.

Myth #1: If you try to use a Pandora battery on a PSP which can't be hacked via Pandora battery, the PSP will be come bricked.
Fact: The PSP can't be harmed if the battery has no effect on it! Using a Pandora battery on an unhackable PSP can't damage the PSP at all. Using a Pandora battery on a PSP is the quickest and (probably) safest way to see if that PSP is even hackable. If it boots into the CFW menu, it's hackable - if not, then it isn't hackable. If it doesn't work, remove the battery and continue on as you were before.

Myth #2: A hard-mod Pandora battery can't be charged up or used as a normal battery after the hard-modding steps have been performed.
Fact: It can be charged up and used as a normal battery IF the hard-mod was performed correctly.
If you plug the PSP into the charger and turn it on without the battery, the PSP will boot up normally. If you use the battery and don't have the correct files on the PSP you will get the symptoms of a brick. You can use Rains MMS Maker to inject an IPL into your memory stick which will allow you to boot the PSP with a Pandora battery and not see the symptoms of a brick.

Myth #3: Pandora batteries are too expensive to be ordered online. It's better to create your own battery by hardmodding the battery which came with the PSP.
Fact: A Pandora battery can be purchased for only $5.38 from DealExtreme.. I'd hardly say that's too much money. It doesn't come with a memory stick but you can just use your normal memory stick to create your own MMS (as long as the memory stick is a "Memory Stick Pro Duo" and at least 64MB). Simply use PSP Grader v008 or Rains MMS Maker for 5.00 M33.

That's all I have for now. If you have any questions or additional myths you'd like me to bust, please let me know.