Key words used
  • OFW = Offical fimware
  • CFW = Custom firmware
  • FW = Firmware
  • PB = Pandora battery
  • MMS = Magic memory stick

Could any one give me full detail info on whitch psps can be hacked by PB and MMS, like witch version of psp and the FW range it can be hacked from and to.
I do know that all psp 100x (AKA Phat) can be from all FW all the way down but the lowest being OFW 1.50, and so far (that i know of) the psp go can only have CFW installed (FW unknowen though).

I have several friends that what a lower FW and/or lower CFW than what they already have, i have a PB for the Phat and Slim.

I would also like to know witch bicked or semi-bricked versions can brought back from the dead.

I'm pretty much asking for a complete (up to-date) ''noobs'' guide.

Sorry about my spelling, got bad dislexia (<----- Can't even spell that, but hopfully this loada crap makes sence) Lol :L

Thanks alot, Napster100