I've been trying to get a PSP MAME emulator running for some time now and I haven't been having much luck. I've got emulators + romsets for pretty much everything else that can run on a PSP and yet MAME still eludes me.

I tried downloading the MAME4All build for PSP and came up short when I found that most games wouldn't even boot properly without sleuthing the net for files I had to combine with my ROM (sometimes I had to stick frogger.zip and frogger1.zip together, for example) and so I wanted to find a better solution, hence PSPMAME.

But as soon as it instructed to 17 different EBOOTs with no instructions or no real clear way to specify one directory of ROMS or no way to know which game is in which machine (come on, it's damn impossible to remember which machine holds which game...so many of them :< ) I got hit in the face with an inivisible wall.

Anybody have any idea how to help me with any of my problems? (Instructions on use, specifying one directory with all 17 builds, remembering what machine holds what games)

PS, for those who need to know (even though you probably don't I'm just putting this up because I always seem to be asked it) my PSP firmware is 5.50GEN-D3 Prometheus-4.