
I'm trying to run Hellcat's after my firmware broke. I can't get anything to run on it - games or apps - due to some file or other being deleted, as a result of a dodgy patching program.

I'm using 5.50 GEN-D3. I've got HRF 1.65. I've extracted the RECOVERY folder to PSP/GAME as per the instructions, and in the root directory I've got 550.PBP and PSP1000_550-GEN-D3.rfp.

I've tried to run the program both from the recovery menu, and straight from the XMB. The XMB just does what all apps do - doesn't get past the PSP logo. From the recovery menu, the screen flickers for a few secs and the PSP turns off. A file en_recovery.txt seems to get created in the root menu, but it doesn't seem to have any errors or anything.

Any ideas? Have I installed Hellcat's incorrectly? Is there some alternate way to run it?