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Thread Title: Linux on the PSP

  1. #1
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    Default Linux on the PSP

    Is there anyway I could run linux from my PSP, like use it to search the net and write notes and that kind of thing? I was looking on the net and saw a type of linux but I couldn't figure out what you'd use it for.

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    Default Re: Linux on the PSP

    Quote Originally Posted by ozirock View Post
    Is there anyway I could run linux from my PSP, like use it to search the net and write notes and that kind of thing? I was looking on the net and saw a type of linux but I couldn't figure out what you'd use it for.
    theres no way for the psp to run a program that is meant for computers it simply doesnt have enough ram, even thought you sometimes see videos like that on youtube they are fake

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Linux on the PSP

    It's not possible (yet) since you will need to "install" Linux to run specific programs...

    and like what zigzag said : "not enough RAM"

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