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Thread Title: WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 [ULUS-10452]

All content pertaining to PSP Cwcheats & Nitepr cheat codes will be in this forum.

  1. #1
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    Default WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 [ULUS-10452]

    #Infinite Finisher
    ;You can't perform a signature moves
    ;while this code is enabled
    ;Credit Demon God
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x005443CC
    0x000006D4 0x3F800000

    #Air Walker
    ;Only enable in the game
    ;Credit Demon God
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x00399EB0
    0x00000114 0xC2B5E2DF

    #One-Count Pin Fall
    ;Including you and your opponent
    ;Disable before you win or lost
    ;Only Enable in the game
    ;Credit Demon God
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003797E4
    0x00000064 0x00000003
    0x00000068 0x00000003

    #Can't Pin Fall
    ;Including you and your opponent
    ;Only Enable in the game
    ;Credit Demon God
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003797E4
    0x00000064 0x00000001
    0x00000068 0x00000001

    #Briefcase Bar Always Full
    ;Sets briefcase bar to Full
    ;Only enable in the game
    ;Disable before you win
    ;Credit Demon God
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x00379354
    0x00000060 0xFFFFFFFF

    #Briefcase Bar Always Empty
    ;Sets briefcase bar to empty
    ;Only enable in the game
    ;Disable before you win
    ;Credit Demon God
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x00379354
    0x00000060 0x00000000

    #Iron Man Match - 99 wins
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x0039CE94 0x63

    #Unlock All
    ;Characters, Stages & Attires
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x00542FD4 0x11111111
    0x00542FD8 0x11111111
    0x00542FDC 0x11111111
    0x00542FE0 0x11111111
    0x00542FE4 0x11111111
    0x00542FE8 0x11111111
    0x00542FEC 0x11111111
    0x00542FF0 0x11111111
    0x00542FF4 0x11111111
    0x00542FF8 0x11111111
    0x00542FFC 0x11111111

    .::Max Attributes For CAWs::.

    #Max Attributes for CAW 1
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x0044A3C4 0x63636363
    0x0044A3C0 0x63636363
    0x0044A3BC 0x63636363
    0x0044A3B8 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for CAW 2
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x0044BC7C 0x63636363
    0x0044BC78 0x63636363
    0x0044BC74 0x63636363
    0x0044BC70 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for CAW 3
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x0044D534 0x63636363
    0x0044D530 0x63636363
    0x0044D52C 0x63636363
    0x0044D528 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for CAW 4
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x0044EDEC 0x63636363
    0x0044EDE8 0x63636363
    0x0044EDE4 0x63636363
    0x0044EDE0 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for CAW 5
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x004506A4 0x63636363
    0x004506A0 0x63636363
    0x0045069C 0x63636363
    0x00450698 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for CAW 6
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x00451F5C 0x63636363
    0x00451F58 0x63636363
    0x00451F54 0x63636363
    0x00451F50 0x63636363

    .::Max Attributes For Superstars::.

    #Max Attributes for Batista
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x004406B0 0x63636363
    0x004406B4 0x63636363
    0x004406B8 0x63636363
    0x004406BC 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for Undertaker
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x0043CCCC 0x63636363
    0x0043CCD0 0x63636363
    0x0043CCD4 0x63636363
    0x0043CCD8 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for Edge
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x0043D3E8 0x63636363
    0x0043D3EC 0x63636363
    0x0043D3F0 0x63636363
    0x0043D3F4 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for John Cena
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x0043F15C 0x63636363
    0x0043F160 0x63636363
    0x0043F164 0x63636363
    0x0043F168 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for Kane
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x0043D0DC 0x63636363
    0x0043D0E0 0x63636363
    0x0043D0E4 0x63636363
    0x0043D0E8 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for Randy Orton
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x004407B4 0x63636363
    0x004407B8 0x63636363
    0x004407BC 0x63636363
    0x004407C0 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for The Rock
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x0043C9C0 0x63636363
    0x0043C9C4 0x63636363
    0x0043C9C8 0x63636363
    0x0043C9CC 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for Shawn Michaels
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x0043F774 0x63636363
    0x0043F778 0x63636363
    0x0043F77C 0x63636363
    0x0043F780 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for Triple H
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x0043CBC8 0x63636363
    0x0043CBCC 0x63636363
    0x0043CBD0 0x63636363
    0x0043CBD4 0x63636363

    #Max Attributes for Chris Jericho
    ;100 Overall
    ;Credit Demon God
    0x0043CDD0 0x63636363
    0x0043CDD4 0x63636363
    0x0043CDD8 0x63636363
    0x0043CDDC 0x63636363

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

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    Default Re: [ULUS-10452] WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 =NitePR/CWcheat Codes

    Credit: Demon God

    _S ULUS-10452
    _G WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010
    _C0 Infinite Finisher
    _L 0x605443CC 0x3F800000
    _L 0x00020001 0x000006D4
    _C0 Air Walker
    _L 0x60399EB0 0xC2B5E2DF
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000114
    _C0 One-Count Pin Fall
    _L 0x603797E4 0x00000003
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000064
    _L 0x10000068 0x00000003
    _C0 Can't Pin Fall
    _L 0x603797E4 0x00000001
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000064
    _L 0x10000068 0x00000001
    _C0 Briefcase Bar Always Full
    _L 0x60379354 0xFFFFFFFF
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000060
    _C0 Briefcase Bar Always Empty
    _L 0x60379354 0x00000000
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000060
    _L 0x60399EB0 0xC2B5E2DF
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000114
    _C0 Iron Man Match - 99 wins
    _L 0x0039CE94 0x00000063
    _C0 Unlock All
    _L 0x20542FD4 0x11111111
    _L 0x20542FD8 0x11111111
    _L 0x20542FDC 0x11111111
    _L 0x20542FE0 0x11111111
    _L 0x20542FE4 0x11111111
    _L 0x20542FE8 0x11111111
    _L 0x20542FEC 0x11111111
    _L 0x20542FF0 0x11111111
    _L 0x20542FF4 0x11111111
    _L 0x20542FF8 0x11111111
    _L 0x20542FFC 0x11111111
    _C0 .::Max Attributes For CAWs::.
    _L 0x00000000 0x00000000
    _C0 Max Attributes for CAW 1
    _L 0x2044A3C4 0x63636363
    _L 0x2044A3C0 0x63636363
    _L 0x2044A3BC 0x63636363
    _L 0x2044A3B8 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for CAW 2
    _L 0x2044BC7C 0x63636363
    _L 0x2044BC78 0x63636363
    _L 0x2044BC74 0x63636363
    _L 0x2044BC70 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for CAW 3
    _L 0x2044D534 0x63636363
    _L 0x2044D530 0x63636363
    _L 0x2044D52C 0x63636363
    _L 0x2044D528 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for CAW 4
    _L 0x2044EDEC 0x63636363
    _L 0x2044EDE8 0x63636363
    _L 0x2044EDE4 0x63636363
    _L 0x2044EDE0 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for CAW 5
    _L 0x204506A4 0x63636363
    _L 0x204506A0 0x63636363
    _L 0x2045069C 0x63636363
    _L 0x20450698 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for CAW 6
    _L 0x20451F5C 0x63636363
    _L 0x20451F58 0x63636363
    _L 0x20451F54 0x63636363
    _L 0x20451F50 0x63636363
    _C0 .::Max Attributes For Superstars::.
    _L 0x00000000 0x00000000
    _C0 Max Attributes for Batista
    _L 0x204406B0 0x63636363
    _L 0x204406B4 0x63636363
    _L 0x204406B8 0x63636363
    _L 0x204406BC 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for Undertaker
    _L 0x2043CCCC 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043CCD0 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043CCD4 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043CCD8 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for Edge
    _L 0x2043D3E8 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043D3EC 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043D3F0 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043D3F4 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for John Cena
    _L 0x2043F15C 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043F160 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043F164 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043F168 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for Kane
    _L 0x2043D0DC 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043D0E0 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043D0E4 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043D0E8 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for Randy Orton
    _L 0x204407B4 0x63636363
    _L 0x204407B8 0x63636363
    _L 0x204407BC 0x63636363
    _L 0x204407C0 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for The Rock
    _L 0x2043C9C0 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043C9C4 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043C9C8 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043C9CC 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for Shawn Michaels
    _L 0x2043F774 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043F778 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043F77C 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043F780 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for Triple H
    _L 0x2043CBC8 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043CBCC 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043CBD0 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043CBD4 0x63636363
    _C0 Max Attributes for Chris Jericho
    _L 0x2043CDD0 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043CDD4 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043CDD8 0x63636363
    _L 0x2043CDDC 0x63636363

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Thumbs Up/Down
    Received: 11/0
    Given: 0/0

    Default Re: [ULUS-10452] WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 =NitePR/CWcheat Codes

    Layer ID Modifiers
    (CWcheat Only)

    Credit: Demon God

    CAW 1
    0x0044A70A 0x000000?? - Layer 1
    0x0044A72A 0x000000?? - Layer 2
    0x0044A74A 0x000000?? - Layer 3
    0x0044A76A 0x000000?? - Layer 4
    0x0044A78A 0x000000?? - Layer 5
    0x0044A7AA 0x000000?? - Layer 6
    0x0044A7CA 0x000000?? - Layer 7
    0x0044A7EA 0x000000?? - Layer 8
    0x0044A80A 0x000000?? - Layer 9
    0x0044A82A 0x000000?? - Layer 10
    0x0044A84A 0x000000?? - Layer 11
    0x0044A86A 0x000000?? - Layer 12
    0x0044A88A 0x000000?? - Layer 13
    0x0044A8AA 0x000000?? - Layer 14
    0x0044A8CA 0x000000?? - Layer 15
    0x0044A8EA 0x000000?? - Layer 16
    0x0044A90A 0x000000?? - Layer 17
    0x0044A92A 0x000000?? - Layer 18
    0x0044A94A 0x000000?? - Layer 19
    0x0044A96A 0x000000?? - Layer 20
    0x0044A98A 0x000000?? - Layer 21
    0x0044A9AA 0x000000?? - Layer 22
    0x0044A9CA 0x000000?? - Layer 23
    0x0044A9EA 0x000000?? - Layer 24
    0x0044AA0A 0x000000?? - Layer 25
    0x0044AA2A 0x000000?? - Layer 26
    0x0044AA4A 0x000000?? - Layer 27
    0x0044AA6A 0x000000?? - Layer 28
    0x0044AA8A 0x000000?? - Layer 29
    0x0044AAAA 0x000000?? - Layer 30
    0x0044AACA 0x000000?? - Layer 31
    0x0044AAEA 0x000000?? - Layer 32

    CAW 2
    0x0044BFC2 0x000000?? - Layer 1
    0x0044BFE2 0x000000?? - Layer 2
    0x0044C002 0x000000?? - Layer 3
    0x0044C022 0x000000?? - Layer 4
    0x0044C042 0x000000?? - Layer 5
    0x0044C062 0x000000?? - Layer 6
    0x0044C082 0x000000?? - Layer 7
    0x0044C0A2 0x000000?? - Layer 8
    0x0044C0C2 0x000000?? - Layer 9
    0x0044C0E2 0x000000?? - Layer 10
    0x0044C102 0x000000?? - Layer 11
    0x0044C122 0x000000?? - Layer 12
    0x0044C142 0x000000?? - Layer 13
    0x0044C162 0x000000?? - Layer 14
    0x0044C182 0x000000?? - Layer 15
    0x0044C1A2 0x000000?? - Layer 16
    0x0044C1C2 0x000000?? - Layer 17
    0x0044C1E2 0x000000?? - Layer 18
    0x0044C202 0x000000?? - Layer 19
    0x0044C222 0x000000?? - Layer 20
    0x0044C242 0x000000?? - Layer 21
    0x0044C262 0x000000?? - Layer 22
    0x0044C282 0x000000?? - Layer 23
    0x0044C2A2 0x000000?? - Layer 24
    0x0044C2C2 0x000000?? - Layer 25
    0x0044C2E2 0x000000?? - Layer 26
    0x0044C302 0x000000?? - Layer 27
    0x0044C322 0x000000?? - Layer 28
    0x0044C342 0x000000?? - Layer 29
    0x0044C362 0x000000?? - Layer 30
    0x0044C382 0x000000?? - Layer 31
    0x0044C3A2 0x000000?? - Layer 32

    CAW 3
    0x0044D87A 0x000000?? - Layer 1
    0x0044D89A 0x000000?? - Layer 2
    0x0044D8BA 0x000000?? - Layer 3
    0x0044D8DA 0x000000?? - Layer 4
    0x0044D8FA 0x000000?? - Layer 5
    0x0044D91A 0x000000?? - Layer 6
    0x0044D93A 0x000000?? - Layer 7
    0x0044D95A 0x000000?? - Layer 8
    0x0044D97A 0x000000?? - Layer 9
    0x0044D99A 0x000000?? - Layer 10
    0x0044D9BA 0x000000?? - Layer 11
    0x0044D9DA 0x000000?? - Layer 12
    0x0044D9FA 0x000000?? - Layer 13
    0x0044DA1A 0x000000?? - Layer 14
    0x0044DA3A 0x000000?? - Layer 15
    0x0044DA5A 0x000000?? - Layer 16
    0x0044DA7A 0x000000?? - Layer 17
    0x0044DA9A 0x000000?? - Layer 18
    0x0044DABA 0x000000?? - Layer 19
    0x0044DADA 0x000000?? - Layer 20
    0x0044DAFA 0x000000?? - Layer 21
    0x0044DB1A 0x000000?? - Layer 22
    0x0044DB3A 0x000000?? - Layer 23
    0x0044DB5A 0x000000?? - Layer 24
    0x0044DB7A 0x000000?? - Layer 25
    0x0044DB9A 0x000000?? - Layer 26
    0x0044DBBA 0x000000?? - Layer 27
    0x0044DBDA 0x000000?? - Layer 28
    0x0044DBFA 0x000000?? - Layer 29
    0x0044DC1A 0x000000?? - Layer 30
    0x0044DC3A 0x000000?? - Layer 31
    0x0044DC5A 0x000000?? - Layer 32

    CAW 4
    0x0044F132 0x000000?? - Layer 1
    0x0044F152 0x000000?? - Layer 2
    0x0044F172 0x000000?? - Layer 3
    0x0044F192 0x000000?? - Layer 4
    0x0044F1B2 0x000000?? - Layer 5
    0x0044F1D2 0x000000?? - Layer 6
    0x0044F1F2 0x000000?? - Layer 7
    0x0044F212 0x000000?? - Layer 8
    0x0044F232 0x000000?? - Layer 9
    0x0044F252 0x000000?? - Layer 10
    0x0044F272 0x000000?? - Layer 11
    0x0044F292 0x000000?? - Layer 12
    0x0044F2B2 0x000000?? - Layer 13
    0x0044F2D2 0x000000?? - Layer 14
    0x0044F2F2 0x000000?? - Layer 15
    0x0044F312 0x000000?? - Layer 16
    0x0044F332 0x000000?? - Layer 17
    0x0044F352 0x000000?? - Layer 18
    0x0044F372 0x000000?? - Layer 19
    0x0044F392 0x000000?? - Layer 20
    0x0044F3B2 0x000000?? - Layer 21
    0x0044F3D2 0x000000?? - Layer 22
    0x0044F3F2 0x000000?? - Layer 23
    0x0044F412 0x000000?? - Layer 24
    0x0044F432 0x000000?? - Layer 25
    0x0044F452 0x000000?? - Layer 26
    0x0044F472 0x000000?? - Layer 27
    0x0044F492 0x000000?? - Layer 28
    0x0044F4B2 0x000000?? - Layer 29
    0x0044F4D2 0x000000?? - Layer 30
    0x0044F4F2 0x000000?? - Layer 31
    0x0044F512 0x000000?? - Layer 32

    CAW 5
    0x004509EA 0x000000?? - Layer 1
    0x00450A0A 0x000000?? - Layer 2
    0x00450A2A 0x000000?? - Layer 3
    0x00450A4A 0x000000?? - Layer 4
    0x00450A6A 0x000000?? - Layer 5
    0x00450A8A 0x000000?? - Layer 6
    0x00450AAA 0x000000?? - Layer 7
    0x00450ACA 0x000000?? - Layer 8
    0x00450AEA 0x000000?? - Layer 9
    0x00450B0A 0x000000?? - Layer 10
    0x00450B2A 0x000000?? - Layer 11
    0x00450B4A 0x000000?? - Layer 12
    0x00450B6A 0x000000?? - Layer 13
    0x00450B8A 0x000000?? - Layer 14
    0x00450BAA 0x000000?? - Layer 15
    0x00450BCA 0x000000?? - Layer 16
    0x00450BEA 0x000000?? - Layer 17
    0x00450C0A 0x000000?? - Layer 18
    0x00450C2A 0x000000?? - Layer 19
    0x00450C4A 0x000000?? - Layer 20
    0x00450C6A 0x000000?? - Layer 21
    0x00450C8A 0x000000?? - Layer 22
    0x00450CAA 0x000000?? - Layer 23
    0x00450CCA 0x000000?? - Layer 24
    0x00450CEA 0x000000?? - Layer 25
    0x00450D0A 0x000000?? - Layer 26
    0x00450D2A 0x000000?? - Layer 27
    0x00450D4A 0x000000?? - Layer 28
    0x00450D6A 0x000000?? - Layer 29
    0x00450D8A 0x000000?? - Layer 30
    0x00450DAA 0x000000?? - Layer 31
    0x00450DCA 0x000000?? - Layer 32

    CAW 6
    0x004522A2 0x000000?? - Layer 1
    0x004522C2 0x000000?? - Layer 2
    0x004522E2 0x000000?? - Layer 3
    0x00452302 0x000000?? - Layer 4
    0x00452322 0x000000?? - Layer 5
    0x00452342 0x000000?? - Layer 6
    0x00452362 0x000000?? - Layer 7
    0x00452382 0x000000?? - Layer 8
    0x004523A2 0x000000?? - Layer 9
    0x004523C2 0x000000?? - Layer 10
    0x004523E2 0x000000?? - Layer 11
    0x00452402 0x000000?? - Layer 12
    0x00452422 0x000000?? - Layer 13
    0x00452442 0x000000?? - Layer 14
    0x00452462 0x000000?? - Layer 15
    0x00452482 0x000000?? - Layer 16
    0x004524A2 0x000000?? - Layer 17
    0x004524C2 0x000000?? - Layer 18
    0x004524E2 0x000000?? - Layer 19
    0x00452502 0x000000?? - Layer 20
    0x00452522 0x000000?? - Layer 21
    0x00452542 0x000000?? - Layer 22
    0x00452562 0x000000?? - Layer 23
    0x00452582 0x000000?? - Layer 24
    0x004525A2 0x000000?? - Layer 25
    0x004525C2 0x000000?? - Layer 26
    0x004525E2 0x000000?? - Layer 27
    0x00452602 0x000000?? - Layer 28
    0x00452622 0x000000?? - Layer 29
    0x00452642 0x000000?? - Layer 30
    0x00452662 0x000000?? - Layer 31
    0x00452682 0x000000?? - Layer 32

    Alright here is my guide for you to follow:

    Follow these steps:

    * Start SVR 2010 game.

    * Go to 'Create A Superstar' mode.

    * Start making your CAW with the MAXIMUM number of layers (for example put a hat on for him and put boots on etc etc to use/finish all the layers). When the layers has been filled to max, when you try to add another layer like facial hair, a message will pop up and says "You have reached to the maximum number of layers".

    * When it said that, go ahead and save your caw.

    * When you saved it, go to "Edit" mode in the CAW mode.

    * See whats your caw's number. (It only could be up to CAW 10)

    * For example if your caw is CAW number 4, then you will have to use CAW 4 CWCheat codes that undertaker ba sent on the other topic.

    * ALWAYS start hacking from layer 17 and above because if you start hacking from layer 1 when you filled your caw with the maximum number of layers which is 16, then all the layers that you filled on CAW mode will be replaced. So you have to start hacking from layer 17 and up to 32.

    * You need to replace the "??"s at the end of the code with the value of whatever you want (like jackets, masks, tops etc etc...)

    0x0044F332 0x000000?? - Layer 17
    0x0044F352 0x000000?? - Layer 18
    0x0044F372 0x000000?? - Layer 19
    0x0044F392 0x000000?? - Layer 20
    0x0044F3B2 0x000000?? - Layer 21
    0x0044F3D2 0x000000?? - Layer 22
    0x0044F3F2 0x000000?? - Layer 23
    0x0044F412 0x000000?? - Layer 24
    0x0044F432 0x000000?? - Layer 25
    0x0044F452 0x000000?? - Layer 26
    0x0044F472 0x000000?? - Layer 27
    0x0044F492 0x000000?? - Layer 28
    0x0044F4B2 0x000000?? - Layer 29
    0x0044F4D2 0x000000?? - Layer 30
    0x0044F4F2 0x000000?? - Layer 31
    0x0044F512 0x000000?? - Layer 32

    CAW "??" Values:

    02 = Definition (Body Skin)
    04 = Skin Tone (Face Skin)
    05 = Eye Type
    06 = Eye Brows
    07 = Eyelashes
    08 = Lips
    09 = Teeth
    0A = Hair
    0C = Sideburns
    0D = Mustache
    0E = Goatee
    0F = Templates
    10 = Hats (Headwear)
    11 = Masks (Headwear)
    12 = Glasses (Headwear)
    13 = Horns (Headwear)
    14 = Other (Headwear)
    15 = Tops (Female)
    16 = Tops (Male)
    17 = Wrestling Attire
    18 = Jackets
    1A = Elbow Pads
    1B = Arms/Wrists
    1C = Hands (Gloves)
    1D = Underwear
    1E = Wrestling Tights
    1F = Bottoms (Male)
    20 = Bottoms (Female)
    21 = Knee Pads
    22 = Socks
    23 = Boots/Shoes
    24 = Scars/Piercings
    25 = Marks
    26 = Make-Up
    27 = Face Paint
    28 = Tattoo Torso
    29 = Tattoo Arm
    2A = Tattoo Legs
    2B = Tattoo Back
    2C = Piercings
    2D = Body Accessories
    2E = Arm Accessories
    30 = Belts
    31 = WWE Logos
    32 = Design
    33 = Flag
    34 = Alphabet
    35 = Numeral
    36 = Chinese
    37 = Japanese
    38 = Sign
    39 = Facial Features
    3A = Body Hair (Front)
    3B = Body Hair (Back)
    3C = Body Hair (Forearms)
    3D = Body Hair (Legs)
    3E = Mask Designs
    3F = Wrestling Tights Designs

    * Here is an example of making 32 layers for CAW 4 in CWCheat "CHEAT.DB":

    _S ULUS-10452
    _G WWE SmackDown! Vs. Raw 2010 [US]
    _C0 CAW 4 Layer 17 Hack
    _L 0x0044F332 0x00000018
    _C0 CAW 4 Layer 18 Hack
    _L 0x0044F352 0x0000002D
    _C0 CAW 4 Layer 19 Hack
    _L 0x0044F372 0x0000003F
    _C0 CAW 4 Layer 20 Hack
    _L 0x0044F392 0x0000003E

    And follow/fill this up to Layer 32 with what ever you want.

    * When you have done this just "SAVE" your database and then close it.

    * Go back to the game and Hold "Select" button for about 10 seconds and the CWCheat menu will pop up.

    * Enable the Layers and repeatably press O to exit the CWCheat menu.

    * Then go to Create A Superstar mode and go to "Edit". Just go and edit the caw you have made the cheats for.

    * You will notice that some stuff has been added to your caw. To edit them, just go to "Edit Layers" option and edit them in your own liking.

    * Enjoy making CAWs with 32 layers. Just let me know if it worked or not!

    -Demon God

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