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Thread Title: Crimson Gem Saga USA [ULUS-10400] CWcheats

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    Default Crimson Gem Saga USA [ULUS-10400] CWcheats

    Cwcheats for the Crimson Gem Saga USA Atlus version of the game

    Max/Infinite money :
    0x203FDB18 0x0098967F

    Max Level After One Fight :
    0x203EB0A4 0x0098967F

    Max/Infinite SP :
    0x203FDB1C 0x00007530

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    Default Re: Crimson Gem Saga USA [ULUS-10400] CWcheats

    The high stats codes set all stats(except agi) to 100000.

    _S ULUS-10400
    _G Crimson Gem Saga [US]

    _C0 No Encounter 2(L+X On, L+O Off)
    _L 0xD0000000 0x10004100
    _L 0x10000FF0 0x00000001
    _L 0xD0000FF0 0x00000001
    _L 0x2019E7A0 0x000000FF
    _L 0xD0000001 0x10002100
    _L 0x10000FF0 0x00000000
    _L 0x2019E7A0 0x00000000

    _C0 Not
    _L 0xD0000000 0x30000100
    _L 0x1019E7A0 0x00000010

    _CO Infinite Gold
    _L 0x203FDB18 0x0098967F

    _CO Max/Infinite SP
    _L 0x203FDB1C 0x00007530
    _CO Killian Max after 1 fight
    _L 0x203EB0A4 0x0098967F

    _CO All Gems
    _L 0x803ED652 0x00070001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000

    _CO All Medallions
    _L 0x803ED659 0x00040001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000

    _CO All Elementals
    _L 0x803ED65D 0x00060001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000

    _CO All Cards
    _L 0x803ED663 0x001A0001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000

    _CO All Items
    _L 0x803ED618 0x00650001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000

    _CO All Char HP
    _L 0x403EAAF8 0x000601D2
    _L 0x0000270F 0x00000000
    _L 0x403EAAFC 0x000601D2
    _L 0x0000270F 0x00000000

    _C0 Killian High Stats
    _L 0x403EAB00 0x00040001
    _L 0x47C35000 0x00000000

    _C0 Spinel High Stats
    _L 0x403EB248 0x00040001
    _L 0x47C35000 0x00000000

    _C0 Henson High Stats
    _L 0x403EB990 0x00040001
    _L 0x47C35000 0x00000000

    _C0 Gelts High Stats
    _L 0x403EC0D8 0x00040001
    _L 0x47C35000 0x00000000

    _C0 Lahduk High Stats
    _L 0x403EC820 0x00040001
    _L 0x47C35000 0x00000000

    _C0 Acelora High Stats
    _L 0x403ECF68 0x00040001
    _L 0x47C35000 0x00000000

    _C0 Killian All Res Max
    _L 0x403EAB44 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000

    _CO Spinel All Res Max
    _L 0x403EB28C 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000

    _CO Henson All Res Max
    _L 0x403EB9D4 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000

    _CO Gelts All Res Max
    _L 0x403EC11C 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000

    _CO Lahduk All Res Max
    _L 0x403EC864 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000

    _CO Acelora All Res Max
    _L 0x403ECFAC 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000

    _CO infinite MP CH 1
    _L 0x10409E24 0x000003e7

    _CO infinite MP CH 2
    _L 0x1040A56C 0x000003E7

    _CO infinite MP CH 3
    _L 0x1040ACB4 0x000003E7

    _CO infinite MP CH 4
    _L 0x1040B3FC 0x000003E7

    _CO Killian HP 9999
    _L 0x203EB074 0x0000270F
    _L 0x20409E20 0x0000720F
    _L 0x2040A568 0x0000270E

    _CO Spinal HP 9999
    _L 0x20409E20 0x0000279E
    _L 0x203EB240 0x0000270F

    _CO Hits 999
    _L 0x20CD6D50 0x000003E7

    _CO Killian MP 999
    _L 0x203EAAFC 0x000003E7
    _L 0x203EB078 0x000003E7

    _CO Spinal MP 999
    _L 0x203EB7C0 0x000003E7
    _L 0x203EB244 0x000003E7

    _CO Henson MP 999
    _L 0x203EBF08 0x000003E7
    _L 0x203EB98C 0x000003E7

    _CO Gelts MP 999
    _L 0x203EC650 0x000003E7
    _L 0x203EC0D4 0x000003E7

    _CO Lahduk MP 999
    _L 0x203ECD98 0x000003E7
    _L 0x203EC81C 0x000003E7

    _CO Acelora MP 999
    _L 0x203ED4E0 0x000003E7
    _L 0x203ECF64 0x000003E7

    _CO Killian EXP 999999
    _L 0x203EB0A4 0x000F423F

    _CO Spinal EP 999999
    _L 0x203EB7EC 0x000F423F

    _CO Gelts EP 999999
    _L 0x203EC67C 0x000F423F

    _CO Henson EP 999999
    _L 0x203EBF34 0x000F423F

    _CO Lahduk EP 999999
    _L 0x203ECDC4 0x000F423F

    _CO Acelora EP 999999
    _L 0x203ED50C 0x000F423F

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Crimson Gem Saga USA [ULUS-10400] CWcheats

    Crimson Gem Saga USA CWCHEAT

    _S ULUS-10400
    _G Crimson Gem Saga [USA]
    _C0 Money
    _L 0x203FDB18 0x0098967F
    _C0 SP
    _L 0x203FDB1C 0x0098967F
    _C0 Not
    _L 0xD0000000 0x30000100
    _L 0x1019E7A0 0x00000010
    _C0 Killian EXP 999999
    _L 0x203EB0A4 0x000F423F
    _C0 Killian Gelder 999999
    _L 0x203FD18 0x000F423F
    _C0 Killian HP 9999
    _L 0x203EB074 0x0000270
    _L 0x20409E20 0x0000720F
    _L 0x2040A568 0x0000270E
    _C0 Killian MP 999
    _L 0x2030AAFC 0x000003E7
    _L 0x203EB078 0x000003E7
    _C0 Spinal HP 9999
    _L 0x20409E20 0x0000279EF
    _L 0x203EB240 0x0000270F
    _C0 Spinal EXP 999999
    _L 0x203EB7EC 0x000F423F
    _C0 Spinal MP 999
    _L 0x203EB7C0 0x000003E7
    _L 0x203EB244 0x000003E7
    _C0 Hits 999
    _L 0x20CD6D50 0x000003E7
    * need to hold down the L button when breakout
    _C0 Prop 99 does not contain the whole story
    _L 0x803ED618 0x00650001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000
    _C0 Over the whole value of the role of experience
    _L 0x403EB0A4 0x000601D2
    _L 0x000F423F 0x00000000
    _C0 Max HPMP role in the whole 9999
    _L 0x403EAAF8 0x000601D2
    _L 0x0000270F 0x00000000
    _L 0x403EAAFC 0x000601D2
    _L 0x0000270F 0x00000000
    _C0 Leading property 10000
    _L 0x403EAB00 0x00040001
    _L 0x47C35000 0x00000000
    _C0 Leading full resistance
    _L 0x403EAB44 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
    _C0 2P full resistance
    _L 0x403EB28C 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
    _C0 3P full resistance
    _L 0x403EB9D4 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
    _C0 4P full resistance
    _L 0x403EC11C 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
    _C0-Wide arms
    _L 0xF0A2C807 0x6B6B6002
    _L 0xD6CBF255 0x48FB1A91
    _L 0x0D4DCDFA 0x2EC73C08
    _L 0xA643F5E3 0x9AED8CB1
    _L 0x11686B03 0xA6F18484
    _L 0xED3635F4 0x4DE65270
    _L 0xAF947E95 0xBB05E480
    _L 0x0A3E084B 0x09E80000
    _C0 Full Armor
    _L 0xF0C31A07 0x058B6102
    _L 0xD6CA6655 0x48FA8E91
    _L 0x0D4DCCFA 0x2EC73C08
    _L 0x9793B5B9 0x22ABE741
    _L 0x11045703 0xA6F68483
    _L 0xED3635F4 0x4DE65270
    _L 0xAF947E95 0xBB05E480
    _L 0x0A3E084B 0x09E80000
    _C0 Wide shoes
    _L 0xF002F507 0x380D6E02
    _L 0xD6CA3055 0x48FAD891
    _L 0x0D4DCCFA 0x2EC73C08
    _L 0x57B0EC72 0x02958B6C
    _L 0x118DCF03 0xA6F18484
    _L 0xED3635F4 0x4DE65270
    _L 0xAF947E95 0xBB05E480
    _L 0x0A3E084B 0x09E80000
    _C0 Full necklace
    _L 0xF024E007 0xA0EFA602
    _L 0xD6CA6D55 0x48FA8591
    _L 0x0D4DB3FA 0x2EC73C08
    _L 0x17DB5439 0x3E6A04D4
    _L 0x11D08303 0xA6F68483
    _L 0xED3635F4 0x4DE65270
    _L 0xAF947E95 0xBB05E480
    _L 0x0A3E084B 0x09E80000
    _C0-Wide ring
    _L 0xF0390C07 0x68CE0A02
    _L 0xD7CA3454 0x49FADC90
    _L 0x0D4DCCFA 0x2EC73C08
    _L 0x661696EA 0x47E8A075
    _L 0x11983B03 0xA6F18484
    _L 0xED3635F4 0x4DE65270
    _L 0xAF947E95 0xBB05E480
    _L 0x0A3E084B 0x09E80000

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  5. #4
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    Default Crimson Gem Saga USA [ULUS-10400] CWcheats

    _S ULUS-10400
    _G Crimson Gem Saga
    _C0 MAX/Infinite Money
    _L 0x203FDB18 0x0098967F
    _C0 Max/Infinite SP
    _L 0x203FDB1C 0x00007530
    _C0 Gems
    _L 0x803ED652 0x00070001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000
    _C0 Medallions
    _L 0x803ED659 0x00040001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000
    _C0 Elementals
    _L 0x803ED65D 0x00060001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000
    _C0 Cards
    _L 0x803ED663 0x001A0001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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  6. #5
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    Default Crimson Gem Saga USA [ULUS-10400] CWcheats

    S ULUS-10400
    _G Crimson Gem Saga [USA]
    _C0 Money
    _L 0x203FDB18 0x0098967F
    _C0 SP
    _L 0x203FDB1C 0x0098967F
    _C0 Not
    _L 0xD0000000 0x30000100
    _L 0x1019E7A0 0x00000010
    _C0 Killian EXP 999999
    _L 0x203EB0A4 0x000F423F
    _C0 Killian Gelder 999999
    _L 0x203FD18 0x000F423F
    _C0 Killian HP 9999
    _L 0x203EB074 0x0000270
    _L 0x20409E20 0x0000720F
    _L 0x2040A568 0x0000270E
    _C0 Killian MP 999
    _L 0x2030AAFC 0x000003E7
    _L 0x203EB078 0x000003E7
    _C0 Spinal HP 9999
    _L 0x20409E20 0x0000279EF
    _L 0x203EB240 0x0000270F
    _C0 Spinal EXP 999999
    _L 0x203EB7EC 0x000F423F
    _C0 Spinal MP 999
    _L 0x203EB7C0 0x000003E7
    _L 0x203EB244 0x000003E7
    _C0 Hits 999
    _L 0x20CD6D50 0x000003E7
    * need to hold down the L button when breakout
    _C0 Prop 99 does not contain the whole story
    _L 0x803ED618 0x00650001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000
    _C0 Over the whole value of the role of experience
    _L 0x403EB0A4 0x000601D2
    _L 0x000F423F 0x00000000
    _C0 Max HPMP role in the whole 9999
    _L 0x403EAAF8 0x000601D2
    _L 0x0000270F 0x00000000
    _L 0x403EAAFC 0x000601D2
    _L 0x0000270F 0x00000000
    _C0 Leading property 10000
    _L 0x403EAB00 0x00040001
    _L 0x47C35000 0x00000000
    _C0 Leading full resistance
    _L 0x403EAB44 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
    _C0 2P full resistance
    _L 0x403EB28C 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
    _C0 3P full resistance
    _L 0x403EB9D4 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
    _C0 4P full resistance
    _L 0x403EC11C 0x00060001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
    _C0-Wide arms
    _L 0xF0A2C807 0x6B6B6002
    _L 0xD6CBF255 0x48FB1A91
    _L 0x0D4DCDFA 0x2EC73C08
    _L 0xA643F5E3 0x9AED8CB1
    _L 0x11686B03 0xA6F18484
    _L 0xED3635F4 0x4DE65270
    _L 0xAF947E95 0xBB05E480
    _L 0x0A3E084B 0x09E80000
    _C0 Full Armor
    _L 0xF0C31A07 0x058B6102
    _L 0xD6CA6655 0x48FA8E91
    _L 0x0D4DCCFA 0x2EC73C08
    _L 0x9793B5B9 0x22ABE741
    _L 0x11045703 0xA6F68483
    _L 0xED3635F4 0x4DE65270
    _L 0xAF947E95 0xBB05E480
    _L 0x0A3E084B 0x09E80000
    _C0 Wide shoes
    _L 0xF002F507 0x380D6E02
    _L 0xD6CA3055 0x48FAD891
    _L 0x0D4DCCFA 0x2EC73C08
    _L 0x57B0EC72 0x02958B6C
    _L 0x118DCF03 0xA6F18484
    _L 0xED3635F4 0x4DE65270
    _L 0xAF947E95 0xBB05E480
    _L 0x0A3E084B 0x09E80000
    _C0 Full necklace
    _L 0xF024E007 0xA0EFA602
    _L 0xD6CA6D55 0x48FA8591
    _L 0x0D4DB3FA 0x2EC73C08
    _L 0x17DB5439 0x3E6A04D4
    _L 0x11D08303 0xA6F68483
    _L 0xED3635F4 0x4DE65270
    _L 0xAF947E95 0xBB05E480
    _L 0x0A3E084B 0x09E80000
    _C0-Wide ring
    _L 0xF0390C07 0x68CE0A02
    _L 0xD7CA3454 0x49FADC90
    _L 0x0D4DCCFA 0x2EC73C08
    _L 0x661696EA 0x47E8A075
    _L 0x11983B03 0xA6F18484
    _L 0xED3635F4 0x4DE65270
    _L 0xAF947E95 0xBB05E480
    _L 0x0A3E084B 0x09E80000

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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