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Thread Title: Frontier Gate [JPN][NPJH-50468] CWCheats

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  1. #1
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    Default Frontier Gate [JPN][NPJH-50468] CWCheats

    Frontier Gate [JPN] CWCheats

    _S NPJH-50468
    _G Frontier Gate [JPN]

    _C0 Money Max
    _L 0x208ECF78 0x05F5E0FF

    _L 0x009115D0 0x0000001E
    _L 0x80911594 0x00380001
    _L 0x1000001E 0x00000000
    _L 0x809115D6 0x000B0001
    _L 0x1000001E 0x00000000
    ※ can be turn off after use

    Main Char Status Code
    _C0 ATK999
    _L 0x2092A9C0 0x03E703E7
    _C0 INT999
    _L 0x2092A9C8 0x03E703E7
    _C0 HIT999
    _L 0x2092A9D0 0x03E703E7
    _C0 AVD999
    _L 0x2092A9D8 0x03E703E7
    _C0 DEF999
    _L 0x2092A9E0 0x03E703E7
    _C0 RES999
    _L 0x2092A9E8 0x03E703E7
    _C0 HP 9999
    _L 0x2092A9B8 0x0000270F
    _L 0x2092A9B4 0x0000270F

    Partner Status Code
    _C0 Partner-HP9999
    _L 0x2092ADA0 0x0000270F
    _L 0x2092ADA4 0x0000270F
    _C0 Partner-ATK999
    _L 0x2092ADAC 0x03E703E7
    _C0 Partner-INT999
    _L 0x2092ADB4 0x03E703E7
    _C0 Partner-HIT999
    _L 0x2092ADBC 0x03E703E7
    _C0 Partner-AVD999
    _L 0x2092ADC4 0x03E703E7
    _C0 Partner-DEF999
    _L 0x2092ADCC 0x03E703E7
    _C0 Partner-RES999
    _L 0x2092ADD4 0x03E703E7


    _C0 CRAFTED ITEM ALL 30 (may not all out)
    _L 0x009115D0 0x0000001E
    _L 0x809115F8 0x00380001
    _L 0x1000001E 0x00000000
    _L 0x8091161A 0x000B0001
    _L 0x1000001E 0x00000000
    ※ can be turn off after use

    _C0 Accessory All 10
    _L 0x80911244 0x00330001
    _L 0x0000000A 0x00000000

    _C0 All items in box 50
    _L 0x809112C4 0x004D0001
    _L 0x00000032 0x00000000
    _L 0x80911328 0x01E00001
    _L 0x00000032 0x00000000

    _C0 Weapon Skill Max
    _L 0x8092AB96 0x000B0001
    _L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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    Default Re: Frontier Gate [JPN][NPJH-50468] CWCheats

    _C0 change fighting spirit max
    _L 0xE0041E8E 0x00513D7C
    _L 0x20513D5C 0x34040000
    _L 0x20513D74 0x34040003
    _L 0x20513D88 0x00000000
    _L 0x20513D8C 0x340201F4

    _C0 Fighting Spirit Max
    _L 0xD0513D7C 0x00001E8E
    _L 0x20513D5C 0x34040000
    _L 0xD0513D7C 0x00001E8E
    _L 0x20513D74 0x34040003
    _L 0xD0513D7C 0x00001E8E
    _L 0x20513D88 0x00000000
    _L 0xD0513D7C 0x00001E8E
    _L 0x20513D8C 0x340201F4

    _C0 Production Recipe
    _L 0x80911958 0x00A60001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000

    _C0 Magic Recipe
    _L 0x80911C32 0x00050001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000

    _C0 item drop
    _L 0xE0026502 0x00504264
    _L 0x20504268 0x3C0442C8
    _L 0x20504280 0x00000000

    _C0 blacksmith no material
    _L 0xE00380C0 0x00560808
    _L 0x204EF76C 0x10000002
    _L 0x2056080C 0x02318025
    _L 0x20560B28 0x02318025

    _C0 blacksmith list open [TRIANGLE]
    _L 0xE00980C0 0x00560808
    _L 0x20560630 0x16000003
    _L 0x20560668 0x16000003
    _L 0x2056094C 0x16000003
    _L 0x20560984 0x16000003
    _L 0xD0000003 0x10001000
    _L 0x20560630 0x17E00003
    _L 0x20560668 0x17E00003
    _L 0x2056094C 0x17E00003
    _L 0x20560984 0x17E00003

    _C0 learn magic with no materials
    _L 0x200882D0 0x10000007

    _C0 magic list open [SQUARE]
    _L 0x20087654 0x1540000D
    _L 0x20087770 0x1520000D
    _L 0xD0000001 0x10008000
    _L 0x20087654 0x17E0000D
    _L 0x20087770 0x17E0000D

    _C0 shop all consumables [TRIANGLE]
    _L 0xE00DC026 0x0055442C
    _L 0x205542E4 0x15600056
    _L 0x20554304 0x94F80010
    _L 0x205543E0 0x8CF8000C
    _L 0x20554430 0x2F180001
    _L 0x20554438 0x5300FFB3
    _L 0x2055443C 0x94F80010
    _L 0xD0000005 0x10001000
    _L 0x205542E4 0x00000000
    _L 0x20554304 0x24180000
    _L 0x205543E0 0x24180000
    _L 0x20554430 0x2C58004E
    _L 0x20554438 0x1700FFB3
    _L 0x2055443C 0x24580000

    _C0 shop all weapon armor [TRIANGLEorSQUARE]
    _L 0xE0144826 0x0055F9A0
    _L 0x2055F8A8 0x15200042
    _L 0x2055F8C0 0x94CA0010
    _L 0x2055F91C 0x8CC9000C
    _L 0x2055F9A4 0x2D290001
    _L 0x2055F9AC 0x5120FFC5
    _L 0x2055F9B0 0x94CA0010
    _L 0xD0000005 0x10001000
    _L 0x2055F8A8 0x00000000
    _L 0x2055F8C0 0x240A0000
    _L 0x2055F91C 0x24090000
    _L 0x2055F9A4 0x2C4900FC
    _L 0x2055F9AC 0x1520FFC5
    _L 0x2055F9B0 0x244A0000
    _L 0xD0000005 0x10008000
    _L 0x2055F8A8 0x00000000
    _L 0x2055F8C0 0x240A0000
    _L 0x2055F91C 0x24090000
    _L 0x2055F9A4 0x2C49026F
    _L 0x2055F9AC 0x1520FFC5
    _L 0x2055F9B0 0x244A00FD

    _C0 shop all accessory [TRIANGLE]
    _L 0xE00D3826 0x0055FB2C
    _L 0x2055FA10 0x14C0004B
    _L 0x2055FA30 0x95CC0010
    _L 0x2055FA94 0x8DC7000C
    _L 0x2055FB30 0x2CE70001
    _L 0x2055FB38 0x50E0FFBE
    _L 0x2055FB3C 0x95CC0010
    _L 0xD0000005 0x10001000
    _L 0x2055FA10 0x00000000
    _L 0x2055FA30 0x240C0000
    _L 0x2055FA94 0x24070000
    _L 0x2055FB30 0x2F270034
    _L 0x2055FB38 0x14E0FFBE
    _L 0x2055FB3C 0x272C0000


    _C0 money not decrease
    _L 0x20011310 0x00802023
    _L 0x200590F4 0x00C02823
    _L 0x2007703C 0x00C02023
    _L 0x2007DCBC 0x00A02023
    _L 0x2008B58C 0x00A02023
    _L 0xE0023012 0x0055228C
    _L 0x20552290 0x00A02823
    _L 0x2055D284 0x01003823


    _C0 item not decrease [L=OFF]
    _L 0x20008F1C 0x00A02023
    _L 0xD0000000 0x10000100
    _L 0x20008F1C 0x00A42023



    _C0 pick point open
    _L 0x20031F54 0x00000000

    _C0 AP NOT DEC
    _L 0xD054D31E 0x000054E0
    _L 0x2054D31C 0x54000000

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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