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Thread Title: Lord of Arcana [USA] CWCheats [ULUS-10479]

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    Default Lord of Arcana [USA] CWCheats [ULUS-10479]

    _S ULUS-10479
    _G Lord of Arcana [USA]
    _C0 Inf HP
    _L 0x20346474 0x447A0000
    _L 0x20346478 0x447A0000
    _C0 Inf Pulse
    _L 0x2034647C 0x00000000
    _C0 Inf Magic
    _L 0x20346484 0x447A0000
    _C0 Inf Gold
    _L 0x2034B790 0x3B9AC9FF
    _C0 ALL STATS 999
    _C0 ALL Bonus 99
    _C0 x3 Items All in-hand
    _L 0x1034B902 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B906 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B90A 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B90E 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B912 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B916 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B91A 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B91E 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B922 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B926 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B92A 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B92E 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B932 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B936 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B93A 0x00000003
    _L 0x1034B93E 0x00000003
    _C0 Max Item 01 in Bag & Menu
    _L 0x00346512 0x00000003
    _L 0x0034B902 0x00000003
    _C0 Exp Boost [Auto LVL 99]
    _L 0x20346494 0x00989680
    _C0 Weapon Prof. Exp Booster
    _L 0x203464B4 0x00989680
    _C0 Magic Prof. Exp Booster
    _L 0x203464D4 0x00989680
    _L 0x203464E0 0x00989680
    _L 0x203464DC 0x00989680
    _C1 **Items in STORAGE [x3]**
    _C1 **Take Items Out then back in**
    _C0 Potion
    _L 0x1034BA9A 0x00000003
    _C0 Hi-Potion
    _L 0x1034BA9E 0x00000003
    _C0 X-Potion
    _L 0x1034BAA2 0x00000003
    _C0 Elixir
    _L 0x1034BAA6 0x00000003
    _C0 Drop of Life
    _L 0x1034BAAA 0x00000003
    _C0 Water of Life
    _L 0x1034BAAE 0x00000003
    _C0 Regen
    _L 0x1034BAB2 0x00000003
    _C0 Hi-Regen
    _L 0x1034BAB6 0x00000003
    _C0 Fountain of Life
    _L 0x1034BABA 0x00000003
    _C0 Amrita Balm
    _L 0x1034BABE 0x00000003
    _C0 Amrita Hi-Balm
    _L 0x1034BAC2 0x00000003
    _C0 Cardiac Brew
    _L 0x1034BAC6 0x00000003
    _C0 Yoga Pill
    _L 0x1034BACA 0x00000003
    _C0 Mana Crystal
    _L 0x1034BACE 0x00000003
    _C0 Antidote
    _L 0x1034BAD2 0x00000003
    _C0 Remedy
    _L 0x1034BAD6 0x00000003
    _C0 Giant Drink
    _L 0x1034BADA 0x00000003
    _C0 Divine Drink
    _L 0x1034BADE 0x00000003
    _C0 Hardening Salve
    _L 0x1034BAE2 0x00000003
    _C0 Armor Salve
    _L 0x1034BAE6 0x00000003
    _C0 Beast Curse
    _L 0x1034BAEA 0x00000003
    _C0 God Curse
    _L 0x1034BAEE 0x00000003
    _C0 Daemon Curse
    _L 0x1034BAF2 0x00000003
    _C0 Seabeast Curse
    _L 0x1034BAF6 0x00000003
    _C0 Undead Curse
    _L 0x1034BAFA 0x00000003
    _C0 Fire Curse
    _L 0x1034BAFE 0x00000003
    _C0 Thunder Curse
    _L 0x1034BB02 0x00000003
    _C0 Darkness Curse
    _L 0x1034BB06 0x00000003
    _C0 Light Curse
    _L 0x1034BB0A 0x00000003
    _C0 Beast Charm
    _L 0x1034BB0E 0x00000003
    _C0 God Charm
    _L 0x1034BB12 0x00000003
    _C0 Daemon Charm
    _L 0x1034BB16 0x00000003
    _C0 Undead Charm
    _L 0x1034BB1A 0x00000003
    _C0 Fire Charm
    _L 0x1034BB22 0x00000003
    _C0 Thunder Charm
    _L 0x1034BB26 0x00000003
    _C0 Darkness Charm
    _L 0x1034BB2A 0x00000003
    _C0 Light Charm
    _L 0x1034BB2E 0x00000003
    _C0 Poison Charm
    _L 0x1034BB32 0x00000003
    _C0 Come-Hither Herb
    _L 0x1034BB36 0x00000003
    _C0 Go-Away Herb
    _L 0x1034BB3A 0x00000003
    _C0 Fire Fragment
    _L 0x1034BB3E 0x00000003
    _C0 Fire Rock
    _L 0x1034BB42 0x00000003
    _C0 Fire Crystal
    _L 0x1034BB46 0x00000003
    _C0 Thunder Fragment
    _L 0x1034BB4A 0x00000003
    _C0 Thunder Rock
    _L 0x1034BB4E 0x00000003
    _C0 Thunder Crystal
    _L 0x1034BB52 0x00000003
    _C0 Darkness Fragment
    _L 0x1034BB56 0x00000003
    _C0 Darkness Rock
    _L 0x1034BB5A 0x00000003
    _C0 Darkness Crystal
    _L 0x1034BB5E 0x00000003
    _C0 Light Fragment
    _L 0x1034BB62 0x00000003
    _C0 Sacrifice Charm
    _L 0x1034BB66 0x00000003
    _C0 Magic Glass Dust
    _L 0x1034BB6A 0x00000003
    _C0 Chain Seal
    _L 0x1034BB72 0x00000003
    _C0 Hawkeye Charm
    _L 0x1034BB76 0x00000003
    _C0 Lucky Silver Coin
    _L 0x1034BB7A 0x00000003
    _C0 Lucky Gold Coin
    _L 0x1034BB7E 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [Non removable]
    _L 0x1034BB82 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [removable]
    _L 0x1034BB86 0x00000003
    _C0 Fire Rune
    _L 0x1034BB8A 0x00000003
    _C0 Power Rune
    _L 0x1034BB8E 0x00000003
    _C0 Dragon Rune
    _L 0x1034BB92 0x00000003
    _C0 Serpent Rune
    _L 0x1034BB96 0x00000003
    _C0 Warrior Rune
    _L 0x1034BB9A 0x00000003
    _C0 Conqueror Rune
    _L 0x1034BB9A 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [Non removable]
    _L 0x1034BBA2 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [Non removable]
    _L 0x1034BBA6 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [Non removable]
    _L 0x1034BBAA 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [Non removable]
    _L 0x1034BBAE 0x00000003
    _C0 Tanned Hide
    _L 0x1034C6FA 0x00000003
    _C0 Tanned Hide
    _L 0x1034C6FE 0x00000003
    _C0 Fine Leather
    _L 0x1034C702 0x00000003
    _C0 Exquisite Leather
    _L 0x1034C706 0x00000003
    _C0 Ragged Cloth
    _L 0x1034C70A 0x00000003
    _C0 Silk
    _L 0x1034C70E 0x00000003
    _C0 Fine Silk
    _L 0x1034C712 0x00000003
    _C0 Exquisite Silk
    _L 0x1034C716 0x00000003
    _C0 Cotton
    _L 0x1034C71A 0x00000003
    _C0 Fine Cotton
    _L 0x1034C71E 0x00000003
    _C0 Elegant Fabric
    _L 0x1034C722 0x00000003
    _C0 High Grade Fabric
    _L 0x1034C726 0x00000003
    _C0 Emerald
    _L 0x1034C72A 0x00000003
    _C0 Onyx
    _L 0x1034C72E 0x00000003
    _C0 Diamond
    _L 0x1034C732 0x00000003
    _C0 Ruby
    _L 0x1034C736 0x00000003
    _C0 Yggdrasil Sprout
    _L 0x1034C742 0x00000003
    _C0 Bog Moss
    _L 0x1034C746 0x00000003
    _C0 Flame Tree Room
    _L 0x1034C74E 0x00000003
    _C0 Thunder Flower
    _L 0x1034C752 0x00000003
    _C0 Starch Spud
    _L 0x1034C756 0x00000003
    _C0 Scarlet Mushroom
    _L 0x1034C762 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [Non removable]
    _L 0x1034C782 0x00000003
    _C0 Troll Core
    _L 0x1034C786 0x00000003
    _C0 Goblin Core
    _L 0x1034C78A 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [Non removable]
    _L 0x1034C78E 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [Non removable]
    _L 0x1034C792 0x00000003
    _C0 Skeleton Core
    _L 0x1034C796 0x00000003
    _C0 Pollux Core
    _L 0x1034C79A 0x00000003
    _C0 Skeleton Core
    _L 0x1034C79E 0x00000003
    _C0 Mandrake Core
    _L 0x1034C7A2 0x00000003
    _C0 Xuan Wu Core
    _L 0x1034C7A6 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [Non removable]
    _L 0x1034C7AA 0x00000003
    _C0 Slime Core
    _L 0x1034C7AE 0x00000003
    _C0 Coeurl Core
    _L 0x1034C7B4 0x00000003
    _C0 Succubus Core
    _L 0x1034C7B6 0x00000003
    _C0 Phantom Core
    _L 0x1034C7BA 0x00000003
    _C0 Minotaur Core
    _L 0x1034C7BE 0x00000003
    _C0 Kirin Core
    _L 0x1034C7C2 0x00000003
    _C0 Griffin Core
    _L 0x1034C7C6 0x00000003
    _C0 Griffin Core+
    _L 0x1034C7CA 0x00000003
    _C0 Sapling Spook Core
    _L 0x1034C7CE 0x00000003
    _C0 Sapling Core+
    _L 0x1034C7D2 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [Non removable]
    _L 0x1034C7D6 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [Non removable]
    _L 0x1034C7DA 0x00000003
    _C0 Nixie Core
    _L 0x1034C7DE 0x00000003
    _C0 Nixie Core+
    _L 0x1034C7E2 0x00000003
    _C0 Skull Dragon Core
    _L 0x1034C7E6 0x00000003
    _C0 Skull Dragon Core+
    _L 0x1034C7EA 0x00000003
    _C0 Jiaolong Core
    _L 0x1034C7EE 0x00000003
    _C0 Drake Shade Core
    _L 0x1034C7F2 0x00000003
    _C0 Drake Shade Core+
    _L 0x1034C7F6 0x00000003
    _C0 Lich Core
    _L 0x1034C7FA 0x00000003
    _C0 Lich Core+
    _L 0x1034C7FE 0x00000003
    _C0 Finvarra Core
    _L 0x1034C802 0x00000003
    _C0 Finvarra Core+
    _L 0x1034C806 0x00000003
    _C0 Serket Core
    _L 0x1034C80A 0x00000003
    _C0 Serket Core+
    _L 0x1034C80E 0x00000003
    _C0 Medusa Core
    _L 0x1034C812 0x00000003
    _C0 Spica Core
    _L 0x1034C816 0x00000003
    _C0 Spica Core+
    _L 0x1034C81A 0x00000003
    _C0 Takemi Core
    _L 0x1034C81E 0x00000003
    _C0 Takemi Core+
    _L 0x1034C822 0x00000003
    _C0 Azdaja Core
    _L 0x1034C826 0x00000003
    _C0 Azdaja Core+
    _L 0x1034C82A 0x00000003
    _C0 Hecatoncheir Core
    _L 0x1034C82E 0x00000003
    _C0 Hecaton. Core+
    _L 0x1034C832 0x00000003
    _C0 Angi Core
    _L 0x1034C836 0x00000003
    _C0 Iron Ore
    _L 0x1034C6B2 0x00000003
    _C0 Refined Copper
    _L 0x1034C6AE 0x00000003
    _C0 Divine Nickel
    _L 0x1034C6AA 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [Non removable]
    _L 0x1034C6A6 0x00000003
    _C0 Tempered Iron
    _L 0x1034C6B6 0x00000003
    _C0 Steal
    _L 0x1034C6BA 0x00000003
    _C0 Quality Steal
    _L 0x1034C6BE 0x00000003
    _C0 Silver Ore
    _L 0x1034C6C2 0x00000003
    _C0 BLANK ITEM [Non removable]
    _L 0x1034C6C6 0x00000003
    _C0 Mythril
    _L 0x1034C6CA 0x00000003
    _C0 Black Mythril
    _L 0x1034C6CE 0x00000003
    _C0 Gold Ore
    _L 0x1034C6D2 0x00000003
    _C0 Gold
    _L 0x1034C6D6 0x00000003
    _C0 Platinum
    _L 0x1034C6DA 0x00000003
    _C0 Basalt
    _L 0x1034C6DE 0x00000003
    _C0 Jade Steel
    _L 0x1034C6E2 0x00000003
    _C0 Adamantite
    _L 0x1034C6E6 0x00000003
    _C0 Neo Adamantite
    _L 0x1034C6EE 0x00000003
    _C0 Damascus Steel
    _L 0x1034C6F2 0x00000003
    _C0 Orichalcum
    _L 0x1034C6F6 0x00000003
    _C0 Iron Pin
    _L 0x1034BC2A 0x00000003
    _C0 Crystal Button
    _L 0x1034BC2E 0x00000003
    _C0 Silver Clasp
    _L 0x1034BC32 0x00000003
    _C0 Gold Stud
    _L 0x1034BC36 0x00000003
    _C0 Natural Glue
    _L 0x1034BC3E 0x00000003
    _C0 Clean Water
    _L 0x1034BC42 0x00000003
    _C0 Quick Silver
    _L 0x1034BC4A 0x00000003
    _C0 Magic Water
    _L 0x1034BC4E 0x00000003
    _C0 Fine Lacquer
    _L 0x1034BC52 0x00000003
    _C0 Mystery Liquid
    _L 0x1034BC56 0x00000003
    _C0 Stinky Skull
    _L 0x1034BC5E 0x00000003
    _C0 Stinky Talon
    _L 0x1034BC62 0x00000003
    _C0 Stinky Epaulet
    _L 0x1034BC6A 0x00000003
    _C0 Stinky Blade Piece
    _L 0x1034BC6E 0x00000003
    _C0 Big Stinky Glove
    _L 0x1034BC72 0x00000003
    _C0 Stinky Jaw
    _L 0x1034BC82 0x00000003
    _C0 Giant Stinky Spine
    _L 0x1034BC86 0x00000003
    _C0 Stinky Blunt Sword
    _L 0x1034BC8A 0x00000003
    _C1 By: Baldassano

    RED = An adjustable value

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    Default Re: Lord of Arcana [USA] CWCheats [ULUS-10479]

    _C0 Potion
    _L 0x1034BA9A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hi-Potion
    _L 0x1034BA9E 0x0000005A
    _C0 X-Potion
    _L 0x1034BAA2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Elixir
    _L 0x1034BAA6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Drop of Life
    _L 0x1034BAAA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Water of Life
    _L 0x1034BAAE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Regen
    _L 0x1034BAB2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hi-Regen
    _L 0x1034BAB6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fountain of Life
    _L 0x1034BABA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Amrita Balm
    _L 0x1034BABE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Amrita Hi-Balm
    _L 0x1034BAC2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Cardiac Brew
    _L 0x1034BAC6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Yoga Pill
    _L 0x1034BACA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Mana Crystal
    _L 0x1034BACE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Antidote
    _L 0x1034BAD2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Remedy
    _L 0x1034BAD6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Drink
    _L 0x1034BADA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Divine Drink
    _L 0x1034BADE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hardening Salve
    _L 0x1034BAE2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Armor Salve
    _L 0x1034BAE6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Beast Curse
    _L 0x1034BAEA 0x0000005A
    _C0 God Curse
    _L 0x1034BAEE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Daemon Curse
    _L 0x1034BAF2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Seabeast Curse
    _L 0x1034BAF6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Undead Curse
    _L 0x1034BAFA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fire Curse
    _L 0x1034BAFE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Curse
    _L 0x1034BB02 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkness Curse
    _L 0x1034BB06 0x0000005A
    _C0 Light Curse
    _L 0x1034BB0A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Beast Charm
    _L 0x1034BB0E 0x0000005A
    _C0 God Charm
    _L 0x1034BB12 0x0000005A
    _C0 Daemon Charm
    _L 0x1034BB16 0x0000005A
    _C0 Undead Charm
    _L 0x1034BB1E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Seabeast Charm
    _L 0x1034BB1A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fire Charm
    _L 0x1034BB22 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Charm
    _L 0x1034BB26 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkness Charm
    _L 0x1034BB2A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Light Charm
    _L 0x1034BB2E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Poison Charm
    _L 0x1034BB32 0x0000005A
    _C0 Come-Hither Herb
    _L 0x1034BB36 0x0000005A
    _C0 Go-Away Herb
    _L 0x1034BB3A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fire Fragment
    _L 0x1034BB3E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fire Rock
    _L 0x1034BB42 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fire Crystal
    _L 0x1034BB46 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Fragment
    _L 0x1034BB4A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Rock
    _L 0x1034BB4E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Crystal
    _L 0x1034BB52 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkness Fragment
    _L 0x1034BB56 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkness Rock
    _L 0x1034BB5A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkness Crystal
    _L 0x1034BB5E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Light Fragment
    _L 0x1034BB62 0x0000005A
    _C0 Searchade Juice
    _L 0x1034BB66 0x0000005A
    _C0 Magic Glass Dust
    _L 0x1034BB6A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sacrifice Charm
    _L 0x1034BB6E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Chain Seal
    _L 0x1034BB72 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hawkeye Charm
    _L 0x1034BB76 0x0000005A
    _C0 Lucky Silver Coin
    _L 0x1034BB7A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Lucky Gold Coin
    _L 0x1034BB7E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fire Rune
    _L 0x1034BB8A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Power Rune
    _L 0x1034BB8E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Dragon Rune
    _L 0x1034BB92 0x0000005A
    _C0 Serpent Rune
    _L 0x1034BB96 0x0000005A
    _C0 Warrior Rune
    _L 0x1034BB9A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Conqueror Rune
    _L 0x1034BB9E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Blue Veddel Ticket
    _L 0x1034BBB2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Red Veddel Ticket
    _L 0x1034BBB6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Crystal Dust
    _L 0x1034BBF6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Crystal Fragment
    _L 0x1034BBFA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Crystal Kernel
    _L 0x1034BBFE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Emerald Dust
    _L 0x1034BC02 0x0000005A
    _C0 Onyx Dust
    _L 0x1034BC06 0x0000005A
    _C0 Quartz Dust
    _L 0x1034BC12 0x0000005A
    _C0 Coating Liquid
    _L 0x1034BC16 0x0000005A
    _C0 Ruby Dust
    _L 0x1034BC1A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Diamond Dust
    _L 0x1034BC1E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Leather Fastener
    _L 0x1034BC22 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bronze Button
    _L 0x1034BC26 0x0000005A
    _C0 Iron Pin
    _L 0x1034BC2A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Crystal Button
    _L 0x1034BC2E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Silver Clasp
    _L 0x1034BC32 0x0000005A
    _C0 Gold Stud
    _L 0x1034BC36 0x0000005A
    _C0 Natural Glue
    _L 0x1034BC3E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Clean Water
    _L 0x1034BC42 0x0000005A
    _C0 Quick Silver
    _L 0x1034BC4A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Magic Water
    _L 0x1034BC4E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fine Lacquer
    _L 0x1034BC52 0x0000005A
    _C0 Mystery Liquid
    _L 0x1034BC56 0x0000005A
    _C0 Stinky Skull
    _L 0x1034BC5E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Stinky Talon
    _L 0x1034BC62 0x0000005A
    _C0 Stinky Epaulet
    _L 0x1034BC6A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Stinky Blade Piece
    _L 0x1034BC6E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Big Stinky Glove
    _L 0x1034BC72 0x0000005A
    _C0 Stinky Jaw
    _L 0x1034BC82 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Stinky Spine
    _L 0x1034BC86 0x0000005A
    _C0 Stinky Blunt Sword[UnRemoveable]
    _L 0x1034BC8A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Impish Bone
    _L 0x1034BC96 0x0000005A
    _C0 Impish Skull
    _L 0x1034BC9A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Impish Horn
    _L 0x1034BC9E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Impish Talon[UnRemoveable]
    _L 0x1034BCA2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Impish Hide[UnRemoveable]
    _L 0x1034BCA6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Impish Blood[UnRemoveable]
    _L 0x1034BCAA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Impish Armband[UnRemoveable]
    _L 0x1034BCAE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Impish Broken Club
    _L 0x1034BCB2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Impish Marrow
    _L 0x1034BCB6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Impish Eyes[UnRemoveable]
    _L 0x1034BCBE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Impish Silverwork
    _L 0x1034BCC2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Impish Goldwork
    _L 0x1034BCC6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Mech Barrel
    _L 0x1034BD72 0x0000005A
    _C0 Mech Armor
    _L 0x1034BD76 0x0000005A
    _C0 Mech Valve
    _L 0x1034BD7A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Mech Glass Eye[UnRemoveable]
    _L 0x1034BD7E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Mech Reactor
    _L 0x1034BD82 0x0000005A
    _C0 Mech Cogwheel
    _L 0x1034BD86 0x0000005A
    _C0 Mech Condenser
    _L 0x1034BD8A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Mech CRystal
    _L 0x1034BD9A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Mech Brain
    _L 0x1034BD9E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Rotten Bone
    _L 0x1034BE3A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Rotten Skull
    _L 0x1034BE3E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Rotten Garb
    _L 0x1034BE46 0x0000005A
    _C0 Rotten Shield[UnRemoveable]
    _L 0x1034BE4A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Zombie Flesh
    _L 0x1034BE52 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fiend's Sword
    _L 0x1034BE56 0x0000005A
    _C0 Zombie Pendant
    _L 0x1034BE66 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fiend's Stone
    _L 0x1034BE6A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Veggie Peel
    _L 0x1034BE8A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Veggie Tuber
    _L 0x1034BE8E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Veggie Sap
    _L 0x1034BE96 0x0000005A
    _C0 Blue Veggie Seed
    _L 0x1034BEA2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Gold Veggie Bud
    _L 0x1034BEA6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Blue Veggie Parasite
    _L 0x1034BEB6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Gold Veggie Flower
    _L 0x1034BEBA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Tortoise Meat[UnRemoveable]
    _L 0x1034BEC6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Tortoise Carapace
    _L 0x1034BECA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Tortoise Bone
    _L 0x1034BECE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Tortoise Talon
    _L 0x1034BED2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Tortoise Tail
    _L 0x1034BEDA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Tortoise Tailsman
    _L 0x1034BEEE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Gooey Goop
    _L 0x1034BF52 0x0000005A
    _C0 Gooey Jelly
    _L 0x1034BF56 0x0000005A
    _C0 Gooey Skin
    _L 0x1034BF5A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Gooey Essence
    _L 0x1034BF66 0x0000005A
    _C0 Blue Gooey Eye
    _L 0x1034BF6A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Red Gooey Guts
    _L 0x1034BF6E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Gooey Tongue
    _L 0x1034BF7A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Blue Gooey Poison
    _L 0x1034BF7E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Red Gooey Venom
    _L 0x1034BF82 0x0000005A
    _C0 Feline Fang
    _L 0x1034BFBA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Feline Talon
    _L 0x1034BFBE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Feline Whisker
    _L 0x1034BFC2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Feline Hide
    _L 0x1034BFCA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Feline Thunder Eye
    _L 0x1034BFDE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Feline Thunder Bag
    _L 0x1034BFEA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Demoness Bone
    _L 0x1034BFF2 0x0000005A
    C0 Demoness Talon
    _L 0x1034BFF6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Demoness Nails
    _L 0x1034C002 0x0000005A
    _C0 Demoness Collar
    _L 0x1034C006 0x0000005A
    _C0 Demoness Garb
    _L 0x1034C01A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Devilfish Eyelashes
    _L 0x1034C01E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Demoness Wing
    _L 0x1034C026 0x0000005A
    _C0 Devilfish Lipstick
    _L 0x1034C02A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Spectral Horn
    _L 0x1034C02E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Spectral Cranium
    _L 0x1034C032 0x0000005A
    _C0 Spectral Lantern
    _L 0x1034C042 0x0000005A
    _C0 Spectral Tongue
    _L 0x1034C046 0x0000005A
    _C0 Spectral Mandible
    _L 0x1034C04A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Spectral Talisman
    _L 0x1034C056 0x0000005A
    _C0 Spectral Soul Orb
    _L 0x1034C05A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bovine Bone
    _L 0x1034C07E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bovine Horn
    _L 0x1034C082 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bovine Tooth
    _L 0x1034C086 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bovine Hide
    _L 0x1034C08A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bovine Hoof
    _L 0x1034C092 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bovine Armband
    _L 0x1034C096 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bull's Nose Ring
    _L 0x1034C09A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bovine Tongue
    _L 0x1034C0A6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bull's Spine
    _L 0x1034C0AA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fantastical Bone
    _L 0x1034C0BA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fantastical Skull
    _L 0x1034C0BE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fantastical Hoof
    _L 0x1034C0C6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fantastical Feather
    _L 0x1034C0CA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fantastical Tongue
    _L 0x1034C0D2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fantastical Beard
    _L 0x1034C0E2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Avian Bone
    _L 0x1034C0F6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Avian Beak
    _L 0x1034C0FA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Avian Tail
    _L 0x1034C0FE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Avian Hide
    _L 0x1034C102 0x0000005A
    _C0 Avian Wing
    _L 0x1034C106 0x0000005A
    _C0 Avian Eye
    _L 0x1034C10E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Avian King Tongue
    _L 0x1034C112 0x0000005A
    _C0 Avian Claw
    _L 0x1034C11E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Avian King Crest
    _L 0x1034C122 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sylvan Branch
    _L 0x1034C132 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sylvan Trunk
    _L 0x1034C136 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sylvan Leaf
    _L 0x1034C13A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sylvan Seed
    _L 0x1034C13E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sylvan Sap
    _L 0x1034C142 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sylvan Root
    _L 0x1034C146 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sylvan Bud
    _L 0x1034C14A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sylvan Parasite
    _L 0x1034C15A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sylvan Flower
    _L 0x1034C15E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Pond Sprite Gristle
    _L 0x1034C1AA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Pond Sprite Skull
    _L 0x1034C1AE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Pond Sprite Talon
    _L 0x1034C1B2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Pond Sprite Hair
    _L 0x1034C1B6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Pond Sprite Band
    _L 0x1034C1BA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Pond Sprite Eye
    _L 0x1034C1C2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Pond Queen Garb
    _L 0x1034C1C6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bewitched Pearl[UnRemoveable]
    _L 0x1034C1CA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Pond Sprite Sucker
    _L 0x1034C1CE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Pond Queen Chain
    _L 0x1034C1D2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Dino Bone
    _L 0x1034C1E6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Dino Head
    _L 0x1034C1EA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Dino Talon
    _L 0x1034C1EE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Dino Tail
    _L 0x1034C1F2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Dino Tongue
    _L 0x1034C1FA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Violet Dino Eye
    _L 0x1034C1FE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Black Dino Flesh
    _L 0x1034C202 0x0000005A
    _C0 Violet Dino Wing
    _L 0x1034C212 0x0000005A
    _C0 Black Dino Spine
    _L 0x1034C216 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sea Spirit Bone
    _L 0x1034C222 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sea Spirit Fin
    _L 0x1034C226 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sea Spirit Earring
    _L 0x1034C22A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sea Spirit Fluid
    _L 0x1034C232 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sea Spirit Hide
    _L 0x1034C236 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sea Spirit Tongue
    _L 0x1034C23A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sea Spirit Gills
    _L 0x1034C24A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sea Spirit Gills
    _L 0x1034C24A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Scaly Bone
    _L 0x1034C25E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Scaly Skull
    _L 0x1034C262 0x0000005A
    _C0 Scaly Fang
    _L 0x1034C266 0x0000005A
    _C0 Scaly Talon
    _L 0x1034C26A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Scaly Hide
    _L 0x1034C26E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Scaly Meat
    _L 0x1034C276 0x0000005A
    _C0 Scaly King Reins
    _L 0x1034C27A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Magin Scaly Eye
    _L 0x1034C27E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Scaly Tail
    _L 0x1034C286 0x0000005A
    _C0 Scaly King Spine
    _L 0x1034C28A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Magin Scaly Wing
    _L 0x1034C28E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Reaper Bone
    _L 0x1034C29A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Reaper Skull
    _L 0x1034C29E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Reaper Talon
    _L 0x1034C2A2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Reaper Armband
    _L 0x1034C2A6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Reaper Scythe Bit
    _L 0x1034C2AA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hades Cloth
    _L 0x1034C2AE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Lord Hades' Rib
    _L 0x1034C2B2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Reaper Spine
    _L 0x1034C2C2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hades Treasure
    _L 0x1034C2C6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Noble Head
    _L 0x1034C2D6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Noble Ring
    _L 0x1034C2DA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Noble's Gauntlet
    _L 0x1034C2DE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Noble's Cape
    _L 0x1034C2E2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Noble Eye
    _L 0x1034C2EA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Noble Hair
    _L 0x1034C2EE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Noble Armor Shard
    _L 0x1034C2FE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Noble Bust Sword
    _L 0x1034C302 0x0000005A
    _C0 Insect Exoskeleton
    _L 0x1034C312 0x0000005A
    _C0 Insect claw
    _L 0x1034C316 0x0000005A
    _C0 Insect Tail
    _L 0x1034C31A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Insect Sting
    _L 0x1034C31E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Insect Nerves
    _L 0x1034C326 0x0000005A
    _C0 Insect Poison
    _L 0x1034C32A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Purple Insect Fang
    _L 0x1034C32E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Insect Leg
    _L 0x1034C33A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Purple Bug Thorax
    _L 0x1034C33E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hag Bone
    _L 0x1034C34E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hag Talon
    _L 0x1034C352 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hag Scale
    _L 0x1034C356 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hag Blood
    _L 0x1034C35A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hag's Earring
    _L 0x1034C362 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hag's Ring
    _L 0x1034C36A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hag Wing
    _L 0x1034C37A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Witch Bone
    _L 0x1034C38A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Witch Skull
    _L 0x1034C38E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Witch's Armband
    _L 0x1034C392 0x0000005A
    _C0 Witch Talon
    _L 0x1034C396 0x0000005A
    _C0 Witch Eye
    _L 0x1034C39E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Witch Queen Hair
    _L 0x1034C3A2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Witch's Sword Bit
    _L 0x1034C3B2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Witch Queen Tiara
    _L 0x1034C3B6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Fang
    _L 0x1034C3C6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Talon
    _L 0x1034C3CA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Hide
    _L 0x1034C3CE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Armband
    _L 0x1034C3D6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Drumstick
    _L 0x1034C3DA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Belly
    _L 0x1034C3DE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Rage Thunder Meat
    _L 0x1034C3E2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Garb
    _L 0x1034C3EE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Rage Thunder Halo
    _L 0x1034C3F2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Drum
    _L 0x1034C3F6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Serpent Bone
    _L 0x1034C402 0x0000005A
    _C0 Serpent Scale
    _L 0x1034C406 0x0000005A
    _C0 Serpent Liver
    _L 0x1034C40E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Serpent Armband
    _L 0x1034C412 0x0000005A
    _C0 Serpent Fang
    _L 0x1034C41A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Red Snake Tongue
    _L 0x1034C41E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Blue Serpent Eye
    _L 0x1034C42A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Red Serpent Eye
    _L 0x1034C42E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Right Serpent Head
    _L 0x1034C432 0x0000005A
    _C0 Left Serpent Head
    _L 0x1034C436 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Skull
    _L 0x1034C43E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Talon
    _L 0x1034C442 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Hoof
    _L 0x1034C446 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Horn
    _L 0x1034C44E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Meat
    _L 0x1034C452 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Liver
    _L 0x1034C456 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Heart
    _L 0x1034C45A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Blue Gem
    _L 0x1034C466 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Red Gem
    _L 0x1034C46A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Crest
    _L 0x1034C46E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Shield Bit
    _L 0x1034C472 0x0000005A
    _C0 Giant Sword Bit
    _L 0x1034C476 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fiery Fragment
    _L 0x1034C47A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fiery Furnace
    _L 0x1034C47E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fiery Eye
    _L 0x1034C48E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Great Fiery Fang
    _L 0x1034C492 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fiery Magma Ball
    _L 0x1034C4A2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Big Fiery Diamond
    _L 0x1034C4A6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fiery Right Arm
    _L 0x1034C4AA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Devil Fang
    _L 0x1034C4B6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Devil Horn
    _L 0x1034C4BA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Devil Talon
    _L 0x1034C4BE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Devil Scale
    _L 0x1034C4C2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Devil Tongue
    _L 0x1034C4CA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Magic Devil Meat
    _L 0x1034C4CE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Divine Devil Eye
    _L 0x1034C4D2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Devil Spike
    _L 0x1034C4D6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Magic Devil Heart
    _L 0x1034C4DA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Divine Devil Skull
    _L 0x1034C4DE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Devil Wing
    _L 0x1034C4E2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Devil Tail
    _L 0x1034C4EA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Wyvern Bone
    _L 0x1034C4F2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Wyvern Fang
    _L 0x1034C4F6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Wyvern Talon
    _L 0x1034C4FA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Wyvern Hide
    _L 0x1034C4FE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Wild Wyvern Thorn
    _L 0x1034C50A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Wyvern Tongue
    _L 0x1034C50E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Wild Wyvern Spine
    _L 0x1034C51E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Deadly Wyvern Eye
    _L 0x1034C522 0x0000005A
    _C0 Wyvern Tail
    _L 0x1034C526 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkeman Blood
    _L 0x1034C52E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkeman Helm Bit
    _L 0x1034C532 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkeman Crest
    _L 0x1034C536 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkeman Talon
    _L 0x1034C53A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkeman Bone
    _L 0x1034C542 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkeman Glove
    _L 0x1034C546 0x0000005A
    _C0 Holy Darkeman Eye
    _L 0x1034C54A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkeman Hair
    _L 0x1034C552 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkeman Tail
    _L 0x1034C556 0x0000005A
    _C0 Holy Darkeman Orb
    _L 0x1034C55A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkeman Blade
    _L 0x1034C55E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Darkeman Wing
    _L 0x1034C562 0x0000005A
    _C0 Conqueror Bone
    _L 0x1034C56A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Conqueror Talon
    _L 0x1034C56E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Conqueror Horn
    _L 0x1034C576 0x0000005A
    _C0 Conqueror Crest
    _L 0x1034C57A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Conqueror Hair
    _L 0x1034C57E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Dark King's Eye
    _L 0x1034C582 0x0000005A
    _C0 Overlord helm Bit
    _L 0x1034C586 0x0000005A
    _C0 Conqueror Heart
    _L 0x1034C58A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Dark King's Head
    _L 0x1034C58E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Overlord Sword Bit
    _L 0x1034C592 0x0000005A
    _C0 Conqueror R. Arm
    _L 0x1034C596 0x0000005A
    _C0 Conqueror L. Arm
    _L 0x1034C59A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Conqueror Tail
    _L 0x1034C59E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Balmung Tip
    _L 0x1034C5A2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hero's Helm Shard
    _L 0x1034C5A6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hero's Armor Shard
    _L 0x1034C5AA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hero's Shield Shard
    _L 0x1034C5AE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hero's Cape
    _L 0x1034C5B2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hero's Blood
    _L 0x1034C5B6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hero's Bone
    _L 0x1034C5BA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hero-King's Eye
    _L 0x1034C5BE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hero's Gauntlet
    _L 0x1034C5C2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hero-King's Meadal
    _L 0x1034C5C6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hero's Epaulet
    _L 0x1034C5CA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Beast Lard
    _L 0x1034C5E6 0x0000005A
    _C0 God Armband
    _L 0x1034C5FA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Daemon Spike
    _L 0x1034C622 0x0000005A
    _C0 Ocean Drops
    _L 0x1034C646 0x0000005A
    _C0 Undead Poison
    _L 0x1034C67E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Copper Ore
    _L 0x1034C69A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bronze
    _L 0x1034C6A2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Divine Nickel
    _L 0x1034C6AA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Refined Copper
    _L 0x1034C6AE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Iron Ore
    _L 0x1034C6B2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Tempered Iron
    _L 0x1034C6B6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Steel
    _L 0x1034C6BA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Quality Steel
    _L 0x1034C6BE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Silver Ore
    _L 0x1034C6C2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Mythril
    _L 0x1034C6CA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Black Mythril
    _L 0x1034C6CE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Gold Ore
    _L 0x1034C6D2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Gold
    _L 0x1034C6D6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Platinum
    _L 0x1034C6DA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Basalt
    _L 0x1034C6DE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Jade Steel
    _L 0x1034C6E2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Adamantite
    _L 0x1034C6E6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Neo Adamantite
    _L 0x1034C6EE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Damascus Steel
    _L 0x1034C6F2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Orichalcum
    _L 0x1034C6F6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Torned Leather
    _L 0x1034C6FA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Tanned Hide
    _L 0x1034C6FE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fine Leather
    _L 0x1034C702 0x0000005A
    _C0 Exquisite Leather
    _L 0x1034C706 0x0000005A
    _C0 Ragged Cloth
    _L 0x1034C70A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Silk
    _L 0x1034C70E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fine Silk
    _L 0x1034C712 0x0000005A
    _C0 Exquisite Silk
    _L 0x1034C716 0x0000005A
    _C0 Cotton
    _L 0x1034C71A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Fine Cotton
    _L 0x1034C71E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Elegant Fabric
    _L 0x1034C722 0x0000005A
    _C0 High Grade Fabric
    _L 0x1034C726 0x0000005A
    _C0 Emerald
    _L 0x1034C72A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Onyx
    _L 0x1034C72E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Diamond
    _L 0x1034C732 0x0000005A
    _C0 Ruby
    _L 0x1034C736 0x0000005A
    _C0 Cypress Staff
    _L 0x1034C73A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Yggdrasil Sprout
    _L 0x1034C742 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bog Moss
    _L 0x1034C746 0x0000005A
    _C0 Flame Tree Root
    _L 0x1034C74E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Thunder Flower
    _L 0x1034C752 0x0000005A
    _C0 Starch Spud
    _L 0x1034C75A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Scarlet Mushroom
    _L 0x1034C762 0x0000005A
    _C0 Troll Core
    _L 0x1034C786 0x0000005A
    _C0 Goblin Core
    _L 0x1034C78A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Pollux Core
    _L 0x1034C796 0x0000005A
    _C0 Skeleton Core
    _L 0x1034C79E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Mandrake Core
    _L 0x1034C7A2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Xuan Wu Core
    _L 0x1034C7A6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Slime Core
    _L 0x1034C7AE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Coeurl Core
    _L 0x1034C7B4 0x0000005A
    _C0 Succubus Core
    _L 0x1034C7B6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Phantom Core
    _L 0x1034C7BA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Minotaur Core
    _L 0x1034C7BE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Kirin Core
    _L 0x1034C7C2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Griffin Core
    _L 0x1034C7C6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Griffin Core+
    _L 0x1034C7CA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sapling Spook Core
    _L 0x1034C7CE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Sapling Core+
    _L 0x1034C7D2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Nixie Core
    _L 0x1034C7DE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Nixie Core+
    _L 0x1034C7E2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Skull Dragon Core
    _L 0x1034C7E6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Skull Dragon Core+
    _L 0x1034C7EA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Jiaolong Core
    _L 0x1034C7EE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Drake Shade Core
    _L 0x1034C7F2 0x0000005A
    _C0 Drake Shade Core+
    _L 0x1034C7F6 0x0000005A
    _C0 Lich Core
    _L 0x1034C7FA 0x0000005A
    _C0 Lich Core+
    _L 0x1034C7FE 0x0000005A
    _C0 Finvarra Core
    _L 0x1034C802 0x0000005A
    _C0 Finvarra Core+
    _L 0x1034C806 0x0000005A
    _C0 Serket Core
    _L 0x1034C80A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Serket Core+
    _L 0x1034C80E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Medusa Core
    _L 0x1034C812 0x0000005A
    _C0 Spica Core
    _L 0x1034C816 0x0000005A
    _C0 Spica Core+
    _L 0x1034C81A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Takemi Core
    _L 0x1034C81E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Takemi Core+
    _L 0x1034C822 0x0000005A
    _C0 Azdaja Core
    _L 0x1034C826 0x0000005A
    _C0 Azdaja Core+
    _L 0x1034C82A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hecatoncheir Core
    _L 0x1034C82E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Hecaton. Core+
    _L 0x1034C832 0x0000005A
    _C0 Angi Core
    _L 0x1034C836 0x0000005A
    _C0 Agni Core+
    _L 0x1034C83A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bahamut Core
    _L 0x1034C83E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bahamut Core+
    _L 0x1034C842 0x0000005A
    _C0 Nidhogg Core
    _L 0x1034C846 0x0000005A
    _C0 Nidhogg Core+
    _L 0x1034C84A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Grendel Core
    _L 0x1034C84E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Grendel Core+
    _L 0x1034C852 0x0000005A
    _C0 Vermillion Core
    _L 0x1034C856 0x0000005A
    _C0 Vermillion Core+
    _L 0x1034C85A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Siegfried Core
    _L 0x1034C85E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Siegfried Core+
    _L 0x1034C862 0x0000005A

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    Default Re: Lord of Arcana [USA] CWCheats [ULUS-10479]

    _C0 Agni Core+
    _L 0x1034C83A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bahamut Core
    _L 0x1034C83E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Bahamut Core+
    _L 0x1034C842 0x0000005A
    _C0 Nidhogg Core
    _L 0x1034C846 0x0000005A
    _C0 Nidhogg Core+
    _L 0x1034C84A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Grendel Core
    _L 0x1034C84E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Grendel Core+
    _L 0x1034C852 0x0000005A
    _C0 Vermillion Core
    _L 0x1034C856 0x0000005A
    _C0 Vermillion Core+
    _L 0x1034C85A 0x0000005A
    _C0 Siegfried Core
    _L 0x1034C85E 0x0000005A
    _C0 Siegfried Core+
    _L 0x1034C862 0x0000005A

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    Default Re: Lord of Arcana [USA] CWCheats [ULUS-10479]

    Tested on 5.50 GEN-D3 Prome-2. If it seems the code isn't working, turn it off, go back to the game and win a battle. You'll see your Weapon Profiency skyrocket.:

    _S ULUS-10479
    _Lord of Arcana [USA]
    _C0 weapon prof 1h
    _L 0x203464B4 0x0098967f
    _C0 weapon prof 2h
    _L 0x203464C0 0x05F5E0FF
    _C0 weapon prof firelance
    _L 0x203464C8 0x0098967F
    _C0 weapon prof polaxe
    _L 0x203464C4 0x05F5E0FF
    _C0 weapon prof mace
    _L 0x203464BC 0x0098967F
    #EUR codes by niceyan
    #ported by eighthdayregret

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  6. #5
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    Default Lord of Arcana [USA] CWCheats [ULUS-10479]

    credits to midesu of pspgwebber for the japanese code
    credits to lostinsky for the euro codes without it i cant fully port the us codes
    credits to Shurikenger for the support data i also have the same result for the attack

    _S ULUS-10479
    _G Lord of Arcana [USA]
    _C0 all CARDS
    _L 0x8034CA59 0x09000001
    _L 0x00000014 0x00000000
    _C0 ALL ORBS
    _L 0x8034F165 0x00480001
    _L 0x00000001 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CCE6 0x008B0001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CD72 0x00030001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CE16 0x00940001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CD7F 0x00660001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CDE6 0x00220001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CE09 0x000B0001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CEAD 0x00730001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CF21 0x00050001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CF27 0x00170001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CF44 0x008E0001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034C9C2 0x001C0001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034C9E0 0x00580001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CA39 0x001D0001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CA59 0x001D0001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CA77 0x00580001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CAD0 0x001C0001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CB22 0x00930001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CBB8 0x00930001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CC4F 0x00890001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x403464B4 0x00060001
    _L 0x00060121 0x00000000
    _L 0x003464D4 0x00060121
    _C1 Inf HP
    _L 0x50346478 0x00000004
    _L 0x00346474 0x00000000
    _C1 Inf Magic
    _L 0x50346488 0x00000004
    _L 0x00346484 0x00000000
    _C0 Player exp
    _L 0x20346494 0x00989680
    _C1 Weapon exp
    _L 0x403464B4 0x00060001
    _L 0x00060121 0x00000000
    _C1 Magic Exp
    _L 0x403464D4 0x00070001
    _L 0x00060121 0x00000000
    _C0 attack power 200%
    _L 0x203465A8 0x43480000
    _C0 magic attack 200%
    _L 0x203465AC 0x43480000
    _C1 Stun attack 1000%
    _L 0x203465B0 0x447A0000
    _C0 item drop 100%
    _L 0x20346654 0x42C80000
    _C0 core drop 1000%
    _L 0x20346658 0x447A0000
    _C0 ATK multiplier x10
    _L 0x203465A8 0x447A0000
    _C0 MATK multiplier x10
    _L 0x203465AC 0x447A0000
    _C1 DEF multiplier x10
    _L 0x203465EC 0x447A0000
    _C1 MDEF multiplier x10
    _L 0x203465F0 0x447A0000
    _C0 LCK multiplier x10
    _L 0x2034662C 0x447A0000
    _C0 Special Atk x10
    _L 0x403465B0 0x00070001
    _L 0x447A0000 0x00000000
    _C0 Special Def x10
    _L 0x403465F4 0x00070001
    _L 0x447A0000 0x00000000
    _C0 Super CSS Support
    _L 0x20346644 0x43000000
    _C0 Quick Escape
    _L 0x2034663C 0x43000000
    _C1 item effect lasts longer
    _L 0x20346650 0x42C80000
    _C0 Max Gold
    _L 0x2034B790 0x3B9AC9FF
    _C1 Inf Pulse
    _L 0x2034647C 0x00000000

    i tried and tested it however if you on the cheats for all weapon and armor i suggest you turn it on 1 by 1 and check in the storage and save and turn it off in the cw cheats menu

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    Default Lord of Arcana [USA] CWCheats [ULUS-10479]

    By the way, I corrected a small error in the STAFF ALL codes. It should be...

    _L 0x8034CD7F 0x00660001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CDE6 0x00220001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034CE09 0x000B0001
    _L 0x00000009 0x00000000

    Pnce again, thanks KIshuku for the codes. XD

    EDIT: I also found out that the equipment codes aren't really "all of it", as some equipment are still missing IMHO (the Firelance, for instance, seems kinda incomplete to me).

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