_S NPUH-90091
_G Lord of Arcana [USA] Demo
_C0 Inf Money
_L 0x20348908 0x0098967F
_C0 Player EXP UP
_L 0x20343614 0x00989680
_C0 Sword EXP UP
_L 0x20343634 0x00989680
_C0 Staff EXP UP
_L 0x2034363C 0x00989680
_C0 Great Sword EXP UP
_L 0x20343640 0x00989680
_C0 Axe EXP UP
_L 0x20343644 0x00989680
_C0 Staff EXP UP
_L 0x20343648 0x00989680
_C0 ITEM SLOT 1 BAG [x99]
_L 0x10343692 0x00000063
_C0 ATK 999 ??
_L 0x1039D204 0x000003E7
_C1 By Baldassano
_C0 ITEM SLOT 1 BAG [x99]
by default ur items in ur bag start @ the top of the page [slot 1] so little by little u can make all ur items x99 when u put them away in storage