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Thread Title: Persona USA Version [ULUS-10432] CWCheats

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  1. #1
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    Default Persona USA Version [ULUS-10432] CWCheats

    Persona USA Version CWCheats

    _S ULUS-10432
    _G Persona [USA]
    _C0 [MC] Persona lvl 20+
    _L 0x202935D8 0x0000270F
    _C0 [MC] Persona lvl 32
    _L 0x204C5214 0x0001869F
    _C0 [MC] Persona lvl 57
    _L 0x204C5214 0x000F423F
    _C0 [MC] Persona lvl 99
    _L 0x204C5214 0x0098967F
    _C0 [MC] inf hp
    _L 0x20503DC8 0x000003E7
    _C0 [MC] inf sp
    _L 0x20503DD0 0x000003E7
    _C0 [P2] inf hp
    _L 0x20503EE0 0x000003E7
    _C0 [P2] inf sp
    _L 0x20503EE8 0x000003E7
    _C0 [P3] inf hp
    _L 0x20503FF8 0x000003E7
    _C0 [P3] inf sp
    _L 0x20504000 0x000003E7
    _C0 [P4] inf hp
    _L 0x20504110 0x000003E7
    _C0 [P4] inf sp
    _L 0x20504118 0x000003E7
    _C0 [P5] inf hp
    _L 0x20504228 0x000003E7
    _C0 [P5] inf sp
    _L 0x20504230 0x000003E7

    _C0 C2 Persona level 99
    _L 0x20503EFC 0x0098967F
    _C0 C3 Persona level 99
    _L 0x20504014 0x0098967F
    _C0 C4 Persona level 99
    _L 0x2050412C 0x0098967F
    _C0 C5 Persona level 99
    _L 0x20504244 0x0098967F
    _C0 Credit to MaliceOmega

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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    Default Persona USA Version [ULUS-10432] CWCheats

    Found these on a chinese website and threw them into google translate. All the ones I've tested have worked.

    _S ULUS-10432
    _G Persona

    _C0 Largest money
    _L 0x204C6200 0x05F5E0FF

    _C0 Biggest game currency
    _L 0x204C6204 0x05F5E0FF

    _C0 Full props weapons
    _L 0x804C6208 0x00FF0001
    _L 0x1000C601 0x00000001
    _L 0x804A2406 0x00FF0001
    _L 0x1000C701 0x00000001

    _C0 Fully animated open
    _L 0x804C9A1C 0x00150001
    _L 0x10000101 0x00000000

    _C0 1P HP & MP maximum limit
    _L 0x204C51FC 0x000003E7
    _L 0x204C5204 0x000003E7

    _C0 1P HP & MP unabated
    _L 0x504C51FC 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C51F8 0x00000000
    _L 0x504C5204 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C5200 0x00000000

    _C0 1P largest whole property
    _L 0x804C5263 0x000A0001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000

    _C0 1P biggest attack so the whole defense
    _L 0x804C5226 0x00080001
    _L 0x1000270F 0x00000000

    _C0 2P HP & MP maximum limit
    _L 0x204C527C 0x000003E7
    _L 0x204C5284 0x000003E7

    _C0 2P HP & MP unabated
    _L 0x504C527C 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C5278 0x00000000
    _L 0x504C5284 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C5280 0x00000000

    _C0 2P largest whole property
    _L 0x804C52E3 0x000A0001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000

    _C0 2P biggest attack prevention
    _L 0x804C52A6 0x00080001
    _L 0x1000270F 0x00000000

    _C0 3P HP & MP maximum limit
    _L 0x204C52FC 0x000003E7
    _L 0x204C5304 0x000003E7

    _C0 3P HP & MP unabated
    _L 0x504C52FC 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C52F8 0x00000000
    _L 0x504C5304 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C5300 0x00000000

    _C0 3P largest whole property
    _L 0x804C5363 0x000A0001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000

    _C0 3P biggest attack prevention
    _L 0x804C5326 0x00080001
    _L 0x1000270F 0x00000000

    _C0 4P HP & MP maximum limit
    _L 0x204C537C 0x000003E7
    _L 0x204C5384 0x000003E7

    _C0 4P HP & MP unabated
    _L 0x504C537C 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C5378 0x00000000
    _L 0x504C5384 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C5380 0x00000000

    _C0 4P largest whole property
    _L 0x804C53E3 0x000A0001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000

    _C0 4P biggest attack prevention
    _L 0x804C53A6 0x00080001
    _L 0x1000270F 0x00000000

    _C0 5P HP & MP maximum limit
    _L 0x204C53FC 0x000003E7
    _L 0x204C5404 0x000003E7

    _C0 5P HP & MP unabated
    _L 0x504C53FC 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C53F8 0x00000000
    _L 0x504C5404 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C5400 0x00000000

    _C0 5P largest whole property
    _L 0x804C5463 0x000A0001
    _L 0x00000063 0x00000000

    _C0 5P biggest attack prevention
    _L 0x804C5426 0x00080001
    _L 0x1000270F 0x00000000

    _C0 Gain experience Zhi x times
    _L 0xC00B7CA8 0x00022xx0
    xx =
    042 times
    084 times
    0C 8 times
    1016 times
    1432 times
    1864 times
    1C 128 times
    20256 times

    _C0 Get Persona experience Zhi xx times
    _L 0xC00B8040 0x0E200400
    _L 0x20001000 0x8EC36690
    _L 0x20001004 0x03E00008
    _L 0x20001008 0x00021xx0
    xx = ditto

    _C0 Battle HP unabated
    _L 0xC00A0DB8 0x00000000
    _L 0xC00ACF78 0x00000000

    _C0 Battle unabated SP
    _L 0xC009D4B0 0x00000000

    _C0 Upgrade diminished reward points
    _L 0xC00B8790 0x00000000

    _C0 Enemy death blow
    _L 0xC009E7C0 0xACA00000

    _C0 Not Yudi
    _L 0xC005CED0 0x00000000

    _C0 1P skill changes
    _L 0x004C54C6 0x00000001
    _L 0x004C54C7 0x00000002
    _L 0x004C54C8 0x00000003
    _L 0x004C54C9 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C54CA 0x00000005
    _L 0x004C54CB 0x00000006
    ※ red part of the skill code, specifically to test the effect of their own to replace the code size, the same below.

    _C0 2P skill changes
    _L 0x004C552A 0x00000001
    _L 0x004C552B 0x00000002
    _L 0x004C552C 0x00000003
    _L 0x004C552D 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C552E 0x00000005
    _L 0x004C552F 0x00000006

    _C0 3P skill changes
    _L 0x004C558E 0x00000001
    _L 0x004C558F 0x00000002
    _L 0x004C5590 0x00000003
    _L 0x004C5591 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C5592 0x00000005
    _L 0x004C5593 0x00000006

    _C0 4P skill changes
    _L 0x004C55F2 0x00000001
    _L 0x004C55F3 0x00000002
    _L 0x004C55F4 0x00000003
    _L 0x004C55F5 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C55F6 0x00000005
    _L 0x004C55F7 0x00000006

    _C0 5P skill changes
    _L 0x004C5656 0x00000001
    _L 0x004C5657 0x00000002
    _L 0x004C5658 0x00000003
    _L 0x004C5659 0x00000004
    _L 0x004C565A 0x00000005
    _L 0x004C565B 0x00000006

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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