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Thread Title: Blaze Union: Story To Reach The Future [JPN]

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  1. #1
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    Default Blaze Union: Story To Reach The Future [JPN]

    _S ULJM-05503
    _G Blaze Union [JPN]
    _C0 Inf Move
    _L 0x002C40BA 0x00000063
    _C0 9999 Morale (Garlot)
    _L 0x1034D89A 0x0000270F
    _L 0x1034D89C 0x0000270F
    _C0 9999 Morale (Siskier)
    _L 0x1034D912 0x0000270F
    _L 0x1034D914 0x0000270F
    _C0 9999 Morale (Jenon)
    _L 0x1034D94E 0x0000270F
    _L 0x1034D950 0x0000270F
    _C0 9999 Morale (Aegina)
    _L 0x1034DA02 0x0000270F
    _L 0x1034DA04 0x0000270F
    _C0 9999 Morale (Medoutel)
    _L 0x1034D98C 0x0000270F
    _L 0x1034D98A 0x0000270F
    _C0 9999 Morale (Book mage)
    _L 0x1034DAF2 0x0000270F
    _L 0x1034DAF4 0x0000270F
    _C0 9999 Morale (Tiger Man)
    _L 0x1034DC1E 0x0000270F
    _L 0x1034DC20 0x0000270F
    _C0 9999 Morale (Knight)
    _L 0x1034DA7A 0x0000270F
    _L 0x1034DA7C 0x0000270F
    _C0 some cards 5000 pow
    _L 0x10342B04 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342AFE 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342AE2 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342AE8 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342AF0 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342AF6 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342B22 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342AF8 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342AE4 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342B0E 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342B10 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342AFC 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342AD8 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342B08 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342AE6 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342B1E 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342AEC 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342B06 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342B00 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342B12 0x00001388
    _L 0x10342B18 0x00001388

    _C0 9999 HP (Gulcasa)
    _L 0x1034D8D6 0x0000270F
    _L 0x1034D8D8 0x0000270F
    note: dont use this on garlot codes = vice versa

    _C0 Always LVL 1 (Siskier)
    _L 0x0034D908 0x00000001
    _C0 Always LVL 1 (Gulcasa)
    _L 0x0034D908 0x00000001
    _C0 Always LVL 1 (Siskier)
    _L 0x0034D908 0x00000001
    _C0 Always LVL 1 (Gulcasa)
    _L 0x0034D908 0x00000001
    _C0 Always LVL 1 (Aegina)
    _L 0x0034D9F8 0x00000001
    _C0 Always LVL 1 (Jenon)
    _L 0x0034D944 0x00000001
    _C0 Always LVL 1 (Garlot)
    _L 0x0034D890 0x00000001
    _C0 Always LVL 1 (Medoute)
    _L 0x0034D980 0x00000001
    _C0 Always Turn 1
    _L 0x002C40B8 0x00000001

    always turn 1 is useful
    cause you could always get + X grow up after the battle
    X = like tech,gen,atk

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  3. #2
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    Default Blaze Union: Story To Reach The Future [JPN]

    _C0 Full capacity MAX
    _L 0x8034D893 0x0012003C
    _L 0x0000001E 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034D894 0x0012001E
    _L 0x10001E1E 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034D896 0x0012003C
    _L 0x0000001E 0x00000000
    _C0 Morale 9999
    _L 0x8034D89C 0x0012001E
    _L 0x1000270F 0x00000000
    _L 0x8034D89A 0x0012001E
    _L 0x1000270F 0x00000000
    _C0 All Cards
    _L 0x80342AD0 0x00050001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
    _C0 Battle Carry Card PCS(Open All Card Can Be Use)
    _L 0x0034ABBC 0x000000XX
    XX=Max of Card Number(1E=30)only can have 30 if more than PSP will Hang
    _C0 Card POW 5000 Max
    _L 0x80342AD6 0x00270001
    _L 0x10001388 0x00000000
    _C0 All Items
    _L 0x802C3FB9 0x00430001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
    _L 0x202C3FFC 0x63F03FFF
    _C0 Special gauge MAX
    _L 0x20349008 0x0E600E60
    _C0 Rounds Number
    _L 0x002C40B8 0x000000XX
    XX=Round number of self-filling.....
    _C0 Move 99(Regardless of the enemy)
    _L 0x002C40BA 0x00000063
    _C0 Move 99(select)CMF
    _L 0xD0000000 0x10000001
    _L 0x002C40BA 0x00000063

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

  4. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Blaze Union: Story To Reach The Future [JPN]

    updated cheats

    _C0 Always LVL 1 (Siskier)
    _L 0x0034D908 0x00000001
    _C0 Always LVL 1 (Gulcasa)
    _L 0x0034D908 0x00000001
    _C0 Always Turn 1
    _L 0x002C40B8 0x00000001

    always turn 1 is useful
    cause you could always get + X grow up after the battle on cha who MVP of the battle
    X = like tech,gen,atk

    also always lvl 1.. so easy to level up to max the stats XD

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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