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Thread Title: Blazing Souls Accelate [USA]

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  1. #1
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    Default Blazing Souls Accelate [USA]

    _S ULUS-10527
    _G Blazing Souls Accelate [USA]
    _C0 Inf Gold
    _L 0x20F3B3A0 0x000F423F
    _C0 Inf Party Points
    _L 0x20F3B3AC 0x000F423F
    _C0 Inf EP
    _L 0x20F3B3B0 0x000F423F
    _C0 Inf WP
    _L 0x20F3B3A4 0x000F423F
    _C0 Inf CP
    _L 0x20F3B3A8 0x000F423F
    _C0 Inf AP
    _L 0x613AAEF0 0x00000063
    _L 0x00000001 0x00000164
    _C0 No action mode encounters
    _L 0x1135E22C 0x00000000
    _C0 Shop Full Items
    _L 0x80F3D14A 0x06020001
    _L 0x00000001 0x00000000
    _C0 Infinite block creation
    _L 0x013AC3C0 0x00000000
    _C0 Converted Clay Always +999
    _L 0x1105ABA4 0x000003E7
    _C0 # of Battles
    _L 0x10F3C2EC 0x000007D0
    _C0 # of Item Purchased
    _L 0x10F3CFB8 0x000007D0
    _C0 # of Item Sold
    _L 0x10F3CFBC 0x000007D0
    _C0 # of Composition
    _L 0x10F3CFB4 0x000007D0
    _C0 # of Enhancement
    _L 0x10F3CFC0 0x000007D0
    _C0 Combo Count
    _L 0x10F3C2E8 0x000007D0
    _C0 Damage Dealt
    _L 0x20F3C2F4 0x000007D0
    _C0 Title 1-78
    _L 0x80F3BE38 0x004E0004
    _L 0x00000002 0x00000000
    _C0 Title 79-155
    _L 0x80F3BF70 0x004D0004
    _L 0x00000002 0x00000000

    _C0 All Elemental Cores lvl 5
    _L 0x00F3AF60 0x00000001
    _L 0x00F3AF64 0x00000004
    _L 0x00F3AF98 0x00000001
    _L 0x00F3AF9C 0x00000004
    _L 0x00F3AFD0 0x00000001
    _L 0x00F3AFD4 0x00000004
    _L 0x00F3B008 0x00000001
    _L 0x00F3B00C 0x00000004
    _L 0x00F3B040 0x00000001
    _L 0x00F3B044 0x00000004
    _L 0x00F3B078 0x00000001
    _L 0x00F3B07C 0x00000004
    _L 0x00F3B0B0 0x00000001
    _L 0x00F3B0B4 0x00000004
    _L 0x00F3B0E8 0x00000001
    _L 0x00F3B0EC 0x00000004
    _C0 All Char Wep lv5
    _L 0x00EF6B74 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EF7914 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EF86B4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EF9454 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFA1F4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFAF94 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFBD34 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFCAD4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFD874 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFE614 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFF3B4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F00154 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F00EF4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F01C94 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F02A34 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F037D4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F04574 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F05314 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F060B4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F06E54 0x00000005
    _C0 All Char Acc lv5
    _L 0x00EF6BAC 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EF794C 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EF86EC 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EF948C 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFA22C 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFAFCC 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFBD6C 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFCB0C 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFD8AC 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFE64C 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFF3EC 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F0018C 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F00F2C 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F01CCC 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F02A6C 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F0380C 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F045AC 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F0534C 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F060EC 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F06E8C 0x00000005
    _C0 All Char Neck lv5
    _L 0x00EF6BE4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EF7984 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EF8724 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EF94C4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFA264 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFB004 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFBDA4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFCB44 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFD8E4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFE684 0x00000005
    _L 0x00EFF424 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F001C4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F00F64 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F01D04 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F02AA4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F03844 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F045E4 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F05384 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F06124 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F06EC4 0x00000005

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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  3. #2
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    Default Blazing Souls Accelate [USA]

    If you save with the code activated, then the character will keep the ability (unless it is replaced) and you don't have to activate the code again.

    _S ULUS-10527
    _G Blazing Souls Accelate [USA]

    _C0 Zelos latent mod
    _L 0x10EF7840 0x00000??? Latent 1
    _L 0x10EF7844 0x00000001 (1 means it’s on, 0 means it’s off)
    _L 0x10EF7848 0x00000??? latent 2
    _L 0x10EF784C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EF7850 0x00000??? latent 3
    _L 0x10EF7854 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EF7858 0x00000??? latent 4
    _L 0x10EF785C 0x00000001

    _C0 Adelle latent mod
    _L 0x10EF85E0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EF85E4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EF85E8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EF85EC 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EF85F0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EF85F4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EF85F8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EF85FC 0x00000001

    _C0 Aria latent mod
    _L 0x10EF9380 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EF9384 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EF9388 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EF938C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EF9390 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EF9394 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EF9398 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EF939C 0x00000001

    _C0 Al latent mod
    _L 0x10EFA120 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFA124 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFA128 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFA12C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFA130 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFA134 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFA138 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFA13C 0x00000001

    _C0 Isaac latent mod
    _L 0x10EFAEC0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFAEC4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFAEC8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFAEDC 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFAED0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFAED4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFAED8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFAEDC 0x00000001

    _C0 Vaughn latent mod
    _L 0x10EFBC60 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFBC64 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFBC68 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFBC6C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFBC70 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFBC74 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFBC78 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFBC7C 0x00000001

    _C0 Carla latent mod
    _L 0x10EFCA00 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFCA04 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFCA08 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFCA0C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFCA10 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFCA14 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFCA18 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFCA1C 0x00000001

    _C0 Kaye latent mod
    _L 0x10EFD7A0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFD7A4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFD7A8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFD7AC 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFD7B0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFD7B4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFD7B8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFD7BC 0x00000001

    _C0 Sciorra latent mod
    _L 0x10EFE540 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFE544 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFE548 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFE54C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFE550 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFE554 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFE558 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFE55C 0x00000001

    _C0 Shiro latent mod
    _L 0x10EFF2E20 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFF2E4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFF2E8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFF2EC 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFF2F0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFF2F4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10EFF2F8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10EFF2FC 0x00000001

    _C0 Duja latent mod
    _L 0x10F00080 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F00084 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F00088 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0008C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F00090 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F00094 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F00098 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0009C 0x00000001

    _C0 Naiz latent mod
    _L 0x10F00E20 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F00E24 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F00E28 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F00E2C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F00E30 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F00E34 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F00E38 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F00E3C 0x00000001

    _C0 Noel latent mod
    _L 0x10F01BC0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F01BC4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F01BC8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F01BCC 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F01BD0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F01BD4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F01BD8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F01BDC 0x00000001

    _C0 Fairuza latent mod
    _L 0x10F02960 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F02964 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F02968 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0296C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F02970 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F02974 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F02978 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0297C 0x00000001

    _C0 Bridget latent mod
    _L 0x10F03700 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F03704 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F03708 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0370C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F03710 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F03714 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F03718 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0371C 0x00000001

    _C0 Leeza latent mod
    _L 0x10F044A0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F044A4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F044A8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F044AC 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F044B0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F044B4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F044B8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F044BC 0x00000001

    _C0 Lydia latent mod
    _L 0x10F05240 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F05244 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F05248 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0524C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F05250 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F05254 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F05258 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0525C 0x00000001

    _C0 Nguyen Le latent mod
    _L 0x10F05FE0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F05FE4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F05FE8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F05FEC 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F05FF0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F05FF4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F05FF8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F05FFC 0x00000001

    _C0 Snow latent mod
    _L 0x10F06D80 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F06D84 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F06D88 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F06D8C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F06D90 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F06D94 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F06D98 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F06D9C 0x00000001

    _C0 ???? (Who is this?)

    _L 0x10F07B20 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F07B24 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F07B28 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F07B2C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F07B30 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F07B34 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F07B38 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F07B3C 0x00000001

    _C0 ???? (Who is this?)

    _L 0x10F088C0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F088C4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F088C8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F088CC 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F088D0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F088D4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F088D8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F088DC 0x00000001

    _C0 ??? (Who is this?)

    _L 0x10F09660 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F09664 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F09668 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0966C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F09670 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F09674 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F09678 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0967C 0x00000001

    _C0 ???? (Who is this?)

    _L 0x10F0A400 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0A404 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F0A408 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0A40C 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F0A410 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0A414 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F0A418 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0A41C 0x00000001

    _C0 Hillo latent mod

    _L 0x10F0B1A0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0B1A4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F0B1A8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0B1AC 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F0B1B0 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0B1B4 0x00000001
    _L 0x10F0B1B8 0x00000???
    _L 0x10F0B1BC 0x00000001

    If there is a character after Hillo then add DA0 to her first latent code to reach the next character's first latent.

    Latent Abilities (replace ??? with these)

    202 -- Concentration ---------- Activates when HP less than 1/3 of max. Acc/Ev up by 30%
    203 -- Satori ---------- Activates when HP less than 1/3 of max. Acc/Ev up by 50%
    204 -- Kill Switch ---------- Activates when SP 3. Incr acc and crit hit rate
    205 -- Accuracy ---------- Activates when SP 2. Physical attcks always connect
    206 -- Anger ---------- Activates when SP 3. Incr Physical damage
    207 -- Guard ---------- Activates when SP 3. Incr Def
    208 -- Critical Break ---------- Activates when Sp 3. Incr Mag Dmg
    209 -- Protection Shield ---------- Activates when Sp 3. Incr Mag Def
    20A -- Desperate Strength ---------- Activates when HP less than 1/8 of max. Incr phys dmg/def
    20B -- Alien Soul ---------- Activates when HP less than 1/8 of max. Substantial Incr phys dmg/def
    20C -- Unleash Hell ---------- Activates when HP less than 1/8 of max. Substantial Incr phys dmg/def
    20D -- Bionic Man ---------- Activates when HP less than 1/8 of max. Substantial Incr phys dmg/def
    20E -- Unleash Magic ---------- Activates when HP less than 1/8 of max. Substantial Incr MAG dmg/def
    20F -- Magic Madness ---------- Activates when HP less than 1/8 of max. Incr MAG dmg/def
    210 -- Total Resistance ---------- Increases resistance to all status ailments
    211 -- Parry ---------- Activates when HP less than 1/8 of max. Evades all phys attcks except -absolute hit- attcks
    212 -- Magic Barrier ---------- Activates when HP less than 1/8 of max. Evades all mag except -absolute hit- spells
    213 -- Exertion ---------- Increases EXP gain for the char by 50%
    214 -- Fortune ---------- Increases EP gain for char by 50%
    215 -- Potential ---------- Increases amnt of bonus points at level up
    216 -- Power Amp ---------- Incr amnt of bonus HP when gaining a lvl
    217 -- Qigong ---------- Activates when Sp 2. Unleashed at predetermined probablity and nullifies dmg at a rate of level x 10
    218 -- Acceleration ---------- Activates when HP less than 1/3 of max. ATG will regen at a faster rate
    219 -- Godspeed ---------- Activates when HP less than 1/3 of max. ATG will regen at a substantial faster rate
    21A -- Resolve ---------- Incr SP every turn
    21B -- Anticipation ---------- Evade Counterattacks
    21C -- Genius ---------- Activates when Sp 2, AP useis decreased for all actions except moving
    21D -- Feat of Agility ---------- Incr success rate of the steal skill
    21E -- Discovery ---------- Incr rate at which enemies drop items
    21F -- Float ---------- Allows access to places only reachable by using the No height Difference or Float skills
    220 -- Super Leap ---------- Allows total access to all areas of the map, regardless of height

    These potentials need to be put in once for them to stay on at all times.

    21C -- Genius ---------- Activates when Sp 2, AP useis decreased for all actions except moving
    220 -- Super Leap ---------- Allows total access to all areas of the map, regardless of height
    21D -- Feat of Agility ---------- Incr success rate of the steal skill
    21E -- Discovery ---------- Incr rate at which enemies drop items
    21A -- Resolve ---------- Incr SP every turn
    21B -- Anticipation ---------- Evade Counterattacks
    214 -- Fortune ---------- Increases EP gain for char by 50%
    215 -- Potential ---------- Increases amnt of bonus points at level up
    216 -- Power Amp ---------- Incr amnt of bonus HP when gaining a lvl
    210 -- Total Resistance ---------- Increases resistance to all status ailments

    Genius must be on during a level gain in which the skill would naturally be unlocked to become permanently activated.

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  4. #3
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    Default Blazing Souls Accelate [USA]

    _S ULUS-10527
    _G Blazing Souls Accelate [USA]
    @Use in Town > Guild > Party Points > For Stat999
    _C0 Infinite Bonus Point
    _L 0x20F5B050 0x000003E8
    _L 0x2104F524 0x000003E8
    _C0 Infinite G (Money)
    _L 0x20F3B3A0 0x00A7D8C0
    _L 0x20F5ADF8 0x00A7D8C0

    Credit : BonseX

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  5. #4
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    Default Blazing Souls Accelate [USA]

    CwCheats 4 Blazing Souls Accelate v. USA:

    _S ULUS-10527
    _G Blazing Souls Accelate [USA]
    _C0 first character chosen before battle 99 ap
    _L 0x21363F34 0x00000063
    _C0 Second Character slot 99 ap
    _L 0x21364EF4 0x00000063
    _C0 Third character Slot 99 ap
    _L 0x21365EB4 0x00000063
    _C0 Fourth character slot 99 ap
    _L 0x21366E74 0x00000063
    _C0 Fith Character Slot 99 ap
    _L 0x21367E34 0x00000063
    _C0 Sixth character slot 99 ap
    _L 0x21368DF4 0x00000063
    _C0 Infinite Ep & Wp
    _L 0x20F5ADF8 0x000F423F
    _L 0x20F3B3B0 0x000F423F

    4 me it's working

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  6. #5
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    Default Blazing Souls Accelate [USA]

    credits goes all to this guy from gamefaqs dot com. "ladapop6"

    Max if u will ><
    0x10F3B3A4 0x*WP amnt*
    0x10F3B3B0 0x*EP amnt*
    0x10F3B3A8 0x*CP amnt*
    0x10F3B3B0 0x*PP amnt*
    0x10F3B3A0 0x*G amnt*

    0x00F3BE38 0x0"0"
    (Set the value to "2" to make the title ready to acquired "it'll glow green"
    Set the value to "1" to make the title appear. "it'll be black")

    F3BE38 -- 1st title ---- Fledgling
    F3BE3C -- 2nd title ---- Crusher
    F3BE40 -- 3rd title ---- Grappler
    F3BE44 -- 4th title ---- Novice Locksmith
    F3BE48 -- 5th title ---- Senior Locksmith
    F3BE4C -- 6th title ---- Master Locksmith
    F3BE50 -- 7th title ---- Excavator
    F3BE54 -- 8th title ---- Diving Technician
    F3BE58 -- 9th title ---- Winged One
    F3BE5C -- 10th title ---- Sky Gazer
    F3BE60 -- 11th title ---- Forest Hunter
    F3BE64 -- 12th title ---- Destroyer
    F3BE68 -- 13th title ---- Treasure Hunter
    F3BE6C -- 14th title ---- Anhibian
    F3BE70 -- 15th title ---- Flying One
    F3BE74 -- 16th title ---- Sky Pointer
    F3BE78 -- 17th title ---- Shadowless One
    F3BE7C -- 18th title ---- Adventurer
    F3BE80 -- 19th title ---- Seeker
    F3BE84 -- 20th title ---- Fortunate one
    F3BE88 -- 21st title ---- Finder
    F3BE8C -- 22nd title ---- Wise One
    F3BE90 -- 23rd title ---- Researcher
    F3BE94 -- 24th title ---- Novice Alchemist
    F3BE98 -- 25th title ---- Weapons Master
    F3BE9C -- 26th title ---- Arms Master
    F3BEA0 -- 27th title ---- Ring Master
    F3BEA4 -- 28th title ---- Completist
    F3BEA8 -- 29th title ---- Prize Nut
    F3BEAC -- 30th title ---- Raffle Addict
    F3BEB0 -- 31st title ---- Lottery Maniac
    F3BEB4 -- 32nd title ---- Alchemy Geek
    F3BEB8 -- 33rd title ---- K.O.M.
    F3BEBC -- 34th title ---- Dreamer
    F3BEC0 -- 35th title ---- Money-grubber
    F3BEC4 -- 36th title ---- Gambler
    F3BEC8 -- 37th title ---- Steadfast
    F3BECC -- 38th title ---- Tongue-Tied
    F3BED0 -- 39th title ---- Haggler
    F3BED4 -- 40th title ---- Bargain Hunter
    F3BED8 -- 41st title ---- Star
    F3BEDC -- 42nd title ---- Deadbeat
    F3BEE0 -- 43rd title ---- Venerer
    F3BEE4 -- 44th title ---- Imp
    F3BEE8 -- 45th title ---- Enchanting Eye
    F3BEEC -- 46th title ---- Charming Sigh
    F3BEF0 -- 47th title ---- Good Person
    F3BEF4 -- 48th title ---- Great Person
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    Default Blazing Souls Accelate [USA]

    _C0 Titles White
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    Default Blazing Souls Accelate [USA]

    _C0 Titles Green
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