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Thread Title: Kingdom Hearst BBS: Final Mix [ULJM-05775]

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  1. #1
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    Default Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix CWCHEAT [ULJM-05775]

    _S ULJM-05775
    _G Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep FM [diz-Edition CODEZ]
    _C0 (by: dizoEX2)
    _C0 1 hit vanitas sentiment (Warning!)(Tested on Aqua)(Sometimes it doesen't work)
    _L 0x0112CB85 0X00000000
    _L 0X0112CB86 0X00000000
    _L 0X0112CB87 0X00000000
    _L 0X0115BDE8 0X00000000
    _L 0X0115BFFC 0X00000000
    _L 0X0115BFFD 0X00000000
    _L 0X0115BFFE 0X00000000
    _L 0X0115C048 0X00000000
    _L 0X0115C049 0X00000000
    _L 0X0115C04A 0X00000000
    _L 0X0115C04C 0X00000000
    _L 0X0115C04D 0X00000000
    _L 0X0115C04E 0X00000000

    _C0 1 hit vanitas sentiment (v.2)
    _L 0x8112CB85 0x00030001
    _L 0x00000000 0x00000000
    _L 0X0115BDE8 0X00000000
    _L 0x8115BFFC 0x00030001
    _L 0x00000000 0x00000000
    _L 0x8115C048 0x00060001
    _L 0x00000000 0x00000000

    Warning! dont enable the code before battling vanitas sentiment. When the battle starts(you vs. vanitas sentiment duh!) well enable the code, after battle disabled it. (I suggest disable the code in the after battle cutscene)

    (THE WORLD'S LONGEST CODE IN KHBBS FM and the useless)
    !!!WARNING!!! Use this code at your own risk! it will destroy your evening :)

    _C0 ????fudge????
    _L 0X00341970 0X000003E7
    _L 0X00341971 0X000003E7
    _L 0X00341972 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D58 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D59 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D5A 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D5B 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D5C 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D5D 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D5E 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D5F 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D60 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D61 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D62 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D63 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D64 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D65 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D66 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D67 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D68 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D69 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D6A 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D6B 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D6C 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D6D 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D6E 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D6F 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D70 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D71 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D72 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D73 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D74 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D75 0X000003E7
    _L 0X01737D76 0X000003E7

    _C0 ????fudge???? (v.2) (Now its shorter)
    _L 0x80341970 0x00030001
    _L 0x100003E7 0x00000000
    _L 0x81737D58 0x001F0001
    _L 0x100003E7 0x00000000

    _C0 Easy Kill Eraqus's armor [Press R to activate] [Ventus Only]
    _L 0XD0000005 0X10000200
    _L 0X81178F68 0X00030002
    _L 0X00000001 0X00000000
    _L 0X8117AAF6 0X00030002
    _L 0X00000001 0X00000000

    COdes by:dizoEX2

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    Default Kingdom hearts: Birth by sleep Final Mix [JAP] [ULJM-05775] CWCheats

    _S ULJM-05775
    _G KH BBS FM
    _C0 Empirical value
    _L 0x2172b8c0 0x00FF425D
    _C0 Money MAX
    _L 0x2172b8c4 0x000F423F
    _C0 Users
    _L 0x2172b8c8 0x000F423F
    _C0 **Free command from the main menu board**
    _C0 1p
    _L 0x21730e48 xxxxxxxx
    _C0 2p
    _L 0x21730e6c xxxxxxxx
    _C0 3p
    _L 0x21730e90 xxxxxxxx
    _C0 9999 EXP command deck
    _L 0x8172938c 0x00aa0005
    _L 0x1000270f 0x00000000
    aa = number of
    _C0 Views finish command release conditions +8 H
    _L 0x1172b540 0000270f
    _C0 Material, 99 Fureba
    _L 0x817291be 0x00080002
    _L 0x10003200 0x00000002
    _L 0x817291e2 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004600 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291f2 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004605 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729202 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004609 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729212 0x00060002
    _L 0x1000460D 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172922a 0x00070002
    _L 0x10004614 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729246 0x00020002
    _L 0x1000461C 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172924e 0x000B0002
    _L 0x10004620 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291c0 0x002F0002
    _L 0x10000063 0x00000000
    _L 0x117291de 0x0000320F

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Kingdom hearts: Birth by sleep Final Mix [JAP] [ULJM-05775] CWCheats

    _C0 Max Money
    _L 0x2172B8C4 0x05F5E0FF

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  5. #4
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    Default Re: Kingdom hearts: Birth by sleep Final Mix [JAP] [ULJM-05775] CWCheats

    _C0 Infinite HP
    _L 0xC013386C 0x0E200800
    _L 0xC0133870 0x86040392
    _L 0x20002000 0xA6040390
    _L 0x20002004 0x03E00008
    _L 0x20002008 0x00043140

    _C0 all keyblades (only Terra)
    _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001
    _L 0x10000101 0x00000001
    _C0 all keyblades (only Ventus)
    _L 0x8172918E 0x000E0001
    _L 0x10000001 0x00000001
    _C0 all keyblades (only Aqua)
    _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001
    _L 0x10000201 0x00000001

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  6. #5
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    Default Re: Kingdom hearts: Birth by sleep Final Mix [JAP] [ULJM-05775] CWCheats

    _S ULJM-05775
    _L 0x201A5298 0x00000000
    _L 0x201A5304 0x00000000
    _L 0x2011E664 0xE616003C
    _C0 EXP MAX
    _L 0x2172B8C0 0x00FF425D
    _C0 inf HP
    _L 0xC013386C 0x0E200800
    _L 0xC0133870 0x86040392
    _L 0x20002000 0xA6040390
    _L 0x20002004 0x03E00008
    _L 0x20002008 0x00043140
    _C0 HP all over after injury
    _L 0xC0153154 0x53E00004
    _C0 Must code
    _L 0x201F7878 0x0A200404
    _L 0x20001010 0x00942023
    _L 0x20001014 0x8E45002C
    _L 0x20001018 0x24010002
    _L 0x2000101C 0x50250002
    _L 0x20001028 0x0A27DE1F
    _C0 Unlimited companion HP
    _L 0xC0001020 0x864401CA
    _C0 Death blow enemy
    _L 0xC0001024 0x00002021
    _C0 FP Fast Recovery
    _L 0xC0117E24 0x3C0F42C8
    _L 0xC0117E28 0x448F6000
    _C0 Command slots Full Max
    _L 0xC0142C20 0xE6160100
    _C0 Focus slot usually filled
    _L 0xC0119FD4 0xE62C0044
    _L 0xC011E494 0xE60E0044
    _L 0xC0126418 0x00000000
    _C0 Unlimited D-Link slot
    _L 0xC011E664 0xE616003C
    _C0 After the unabated use of props
    _L 0xC025D8F4 0x24070032
    _L 0xC025FBD4 0x24160032
    _L 0xC025FC98 0x24060032
    _L 0xC0260B58 0x24050032
    _C0 experience get x times
    _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129xx0
    xx =
    042 times
    084 times
    0C 8 times
    10 16 times
    14 32 times
    1864 times
    1C 128 times
    20256 times
    24512 times
    _C0 Express Upgrade Skills
    _L 0xC00E21C0 0x24062710
    _C0 Store all items
    _L 0x8172A9FB 0x024C0001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
    _C0 All weapons (only Terra)
    _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001
    _L 0x10000101 0x00000001
    _C0 All weapons (only Ventus)
    _L 0x8172918E 0x000E0001
    _L 0x10000001 0x00000001
    _C0 All weapons (only Aqua)
    _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001
    _L 0x10000201 0x00000001
    _C0 All synthetic material
    _L 0x817291B2 0x00080002
    _L 0x10003200 0x00000002
    _L 0x817291B4 0x002F0002
    _L 0x10000063 0x00000000
    _L 0x117291D2 0x0000320F
    _L 0x817291D6 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004600 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291E6 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004605 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291F6 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004609 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729206 0x00060002
    _L 0x1000460D 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172921E 0x00070002
    _L 0x10004614 0x00000001
    _L 0x1172923A 0x0000461C
    _L 0x1172923E 0x0000461D
    _L 0x81729242 0x000B0002
    _L 0x10004620 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291BE 0x00080002
    _L 0x10003200 0x00000002
    _L 0x817291E2 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004600 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291F2 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004605 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729202 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004609 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729212 0x00060002
    _L 0x1000460D 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172922A 0x00070002
    _L 0x10004614 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729246 0x00020002
    _L 0x1000461C 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172924E 0x000B0002
    _L 0x10004620 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291C0 0x002F0002
    _L 0x10000063 0x00000000
    _L 0x117291DE 0x0000320F
    _C0 All capacity
    _L 0x1172AC54 0x0000FFC5
    _L 0x1172AC58 0x0000FEC5
    _L 0x1172AC5C 0x0000FEC5
    _L 0x1172AC60 0x0000FFC5
    _L 0x8172AC64 0x00070002
    _L 0x1000FEC5 0x00000000
    _L 0x1172AC80 0x0000FFC5
    _L 0x1172AC84 0x0000FFC5
    _L 0x8172AC88 0x00110002
    _L 0x1000FEC5 0x00000000
    _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 1)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x005F000A
    _L 0x0000005B 0x00000001
    _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 2)
    _L 0x81729C68 0x0062000A
    _L 0x00000001 0x00000000
    _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 3)
    _L 0x81729C6A 0x005F000A
    _L 0x00000001 0x00000000
    _C0 Full Open skills (only Terra)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A
    _L 0x10000116 0x00000002
    _C0 Full Open skills (only Ventus)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A
    _L 0x10000117 0x00000002
    _C0 Full Open skills (only Aqua)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A
    _L 0x10000118 0x00000002
    _C0 The maximum level playing field
    _L 0xC025D644 0x3404001E
    _L 0xC025D64C 0xA2040037

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  7. #6
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    Default Re: Kingdom hearts: Birth by sleep Final Mix [JAP] [ULJM-05775] CWCheats

    ok just found these, credit goes to pmoua123 of pspiso,

    _S ULJM-05775
    _C0 EXP MAX. (recieved after defeating a monster)
    _L 0x2172b8c0 0x00FF425D
    _C0 MONEY MAX (recieved when gaining from battle or buy/sell something).
    _L 0x201A5298 0x00000000
    _L 0x2011E664 0xE616003C
    _C0 HP WILL NOT DECREASE (infinite Health I guess)
    _L 0x20153154 0x53E00004
    _C0 Instant Magic Recovery
    _L 0x20117E24 0x3C0F42C8
    _L 0x20117E2C 0x448F6000
    _C0 Deck Commands Quick level UP MAX (just keep on attacking random monsters)
    _L 0x8172938C 0x00320005
    _L 0x1000270F 0x00000000
    _L 0x817291BE 0x00080002
    _L 0x10003200 0x00000002
    _L 0x817291E2 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004600 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291F2 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004605 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729202 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004609 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729212 0x00060002
    _L 0x1000460D 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172922A 0x00070002
    _L 0x10004614 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729246 0x00020002
    _L 0x1000461C 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172924E 0x000B0002
    _L 0x10004620 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291C0 0x002F0002
    _L 0x10000063 0x00000000
    _L 0x117291DE 0x0000320F

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  8. #7
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    Default Re: Kingdom hearts: Birth by sleep Final Mix [JAP] [ULJM-05775] CWCheats

    _C0 KH Maniac Mode
    _L 0x201D88F0 0x0A20081A
    _L 0x201D88F4 0x44046000
    _L 0x20002068 0x00042XXX
    _L 0x2000206C 0x0A27623E
    _L 0x20002070 0x00042C00
    _L 0x201D8904 0x0A200820
    _L 0x201D8908 0x44046000
    _L 0x20002080 0x00042YYY
    _L 0x20002084 0x0A276243
    _L 0x20002088 0x00042C00
    _L 0x201DE6D4 0x0A200803
    _L 0x2000200C 0x860401C8
    _L 0x20002010 0x0A2779B6
    _L 0x20002014 0x00139842
    _L 0x2014B188 0x0A20081D
    _L 0x2014B18C 0x0014A040
    _L 0x20002074 0x3C050080
    _L 0x20002078 0x0A252C64
    _L 0x2000207C 0x00852024
    _L 0x201918FC 0x00129042


    XXX: Enemies
    YYY: Bosses

    040 = x2
    080 = x4
    0C0 = x8
    100 = x16
    140 = x32
    180 = x64
    1C0 = x128

    what it does: it multiplies the enemies and bosses hp-bar , halves your damage, enemies deal twice as much damage and you get only half exp.

    all credits go to Hiei-YYH for making this code.

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  9. #8
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    Default Re: Kingdom hearts: Birth by sleep Final Mix [JAP] [ULJM-05775] CWCheats

    Keyblade mods *.* shiny.Credits goes for aquanort from kh-vids.
    _C0 Weapon Mod
    _L 0x01719B15 0x000000XX

    XX Values:
    01:Wayward Wind (Ventus)
    02:Rainfell (Aqua)
    03:EarthShaker (Terra)
    04:Crystal Works (Ventus)
    05:Crystal Works (Aqua)
    06:Crystal Works (Terra)
    07:Stroke Of Midnight (Ventus)
    08:Stroke Of Midnight (Aqua)
    09:Stroke Of Midnight (Terra)
    0A:Fairy Star (Ventus)
    0B:Fairy Star (Aqua)
    0C:Fairy Star (Terra)
    0D:Winning Medallion (Ventus)
    0E:Wining Medallion (Aqua)
    0F:Wining Medallion (Terra)
    10:Mark Of Hero (Ventus)
    11:Mark Of Hero (Aqua)
    12:Mark Of Hero (Terra)
    13:HyperDrive (Ventus)
    14:HyperDrive (Aqua)
    15:HyperDrive (Terra)
    16:Pixie Charm (Ventus)
    17:Pixie Charm (Aqua)
    18:Pixie Charm (Terra)
    19:Ultima Weapon (Ventus)
    1A:Ultima Weapon (Aqua)
    1B:Ultima Weapon (Terra)
    1C:Sweet Stack (Ventus)
    1D:Sweet Stack (Aqua)
    1E:Sweet Stack (Terra)
    1F: Nothing
    21:Rascal Flame (Ventus)
    22:Lost Memory (Ventus)
    23: Destiny Embrace (Aqua)
    24:RainStorm (Aqua)
    25: Bright Crest (Aqua)
    26: Dark Biter (Terra)
    27:Ends Of The Earth (Terra)
    28:Chaos Reaper (Terra)
    29:Void Gear (Ventus)
    2A:Void Gear (Aqua)
    2B:Void Gear (Terra)
    2C:MF's Prize Keyblade (Ventus)
    2D:MF's Prize KeyBlade (Aqua)
    2E:MF's Prize Keyblade (Terra)
    2F:Crown Unlimit (Ventus)
    30:Crown Unlimit (Aqua)
    31:Crown Unlimit (Terra)
    32:Master's Keeper (Aqua)
    33:KeyBlade Cannon

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    Default Re: Kingdom hearts: Birth by sleep Final Mix [JAP] [ULJM-05775] CWCheats

    _C0 EXP Multiplier x2
    _L 0x201A57B8 0x00139840
    _C0 EXP Multiplier x4
    _L 0x201A57B8 0x00139880
    _C0 EXP Multiplier x8
    _L 0x201A57B8 0x001398C0
    _C0 EXP Multiplier x16
    _L 0x201A57B8 0x00139900

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  11. #10
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    Default Kingdom Hearst BBS: Final Mix [ULJM-05775]

    _S ULJM-05775
    _G KH BBS FM
    _C0 Empirical value
    _L 0x2172b8c0 0x00FF425D
    _C0 Money MAX
    _L 0x2172b8c4 0x000F423F
    _C0 Infinite HP
    _L 0xC013386C 0x0E200800
    _L 0xC0133870 0x86040392
    _L 0x20002000 0xA6040390
    _L 0x20002004 0x03E00008
    _L 0x20002008 0x00043140
    _C0 all keyblades (only Terra)
    _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001
    _L 0x10000101 0x00000001
    _C0 all keyblades (only Ventus)
    _L 0x8172918E 0x000E0001
    _L 0x10000001 0x00000001
    _C0 all keyblades (only Aqua)
    _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001
    _L 0x10000201 0x00000001

    _L 0x201A5304 0x00000000
    _L 0x2011E664 0xE616003C
    _C0 EXP MAX
    _L 0x2172B8C0 0x00FF425D
    _C0 inf HP
    _L 0xC013386C 0x0E200800
    _L 0xC0133870 0x86040392
    _L 0x20002000 0xA6040390
    _L 0x20002004 0x03E00008
    _L 0x20002008 0x00043140
    _C0 HP all over after injury
    _L 0xC0153154 0x53E00004
    _C0 Must code
    _L 0x201F7878 0x0A200404
    _L 0x20001010 0x00942023
    _L 0x20001014 0x8E45002C
    _L 0x20001018 0x24010002
    _L 0x2000101C 0x50250002
    _L 0x20001028 0x0A27DE1F
    _C0 Unlimited companion HP
    _L 0xC0001020 0x864401CA
    _C0 Death blow enemy
    _L 0xC0001024 0x00002021
    _C0 FP Fast Recovery
    _L 0xC0117E24 0x3C0F42C8
    _L 0xC0117E28 0x448F6000
    _C0 Command slots Full Max
    _L 0xC0142C20 0xE6160100
    _C0 Focus slot usually filled
    _L 0xC0119FD4 0xE62C0044
    _L 0xC011E494 0xE60E0044
    _L 0xC0126418 0x00000000
    _C0 Unlimited D-Link slot
    _L 0xC011E664 0xE616003C
    _C0 After the unabated use of props
    _L 0xC025D8F4 0x24070032
    _L 0xC025FBD4 0x24160032
    _L 0xC025FC98 0x24060032
    _L 0xC0260B58 0x24050032
    _C0 experience get x times
    _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129xx0
    xx =
    042 times
    084 times
    0C 8 times
    10 16 times
    14 32 times
    1864 times
    1C 128 times
    20256 times
    24512 times
    _C0 Express Upgrade Skills
    _L 0xC00E21C0 0x24062710
    _C0 Store all items
    _L 0x8172A9FB 0x024C0001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
    _C0 All weapons (only Terra)
    _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001
    _L 0x10000101 0x00000001
    _C0 All weapons (only Ventus)
    _L 0x8172918E 0x000E0001
    _L 0x10000001 0x00000001
    _C0 All weapons (only Aqua)
    _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001
    _L 0x10000201 0x00000001
    _C0 All synthetic material
    _L 0x817291B2 0x00080002
    _L 0x10003200 0x00000002
    _L 0x817291B4 0x002F0002
    _L 0x10000063 0x00000000
    _L 0x117291D2 0x0000320F
    _L 0x817291D6 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004600 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291E6 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004605 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291F6 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004609 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729206 0x00060002
    _L 0x1000460D 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172921E 0x00070002
    _L 0x10004614 0x00000001
    _L 0x1172923A 0x0000461C
    _L 0x1172923E 0x0000461D
    _L 0x81729242 0x000B0002
    _L 0x10004620 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291BE 0x00080002
    _L 0x10003200 0x00000002
    _L 0x817291E2 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004600 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291F2 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004605 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729202 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004609 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729212 0x00060002
    _L 0x1000460D 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172922A 0x00070002
    _L 0x10004614 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729246 0x00020002
    _L 0x1000461C 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172924E 0x000B0002
    _L 0x10004620 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291C0 0x002F0002
    _L 0x10000063 0x00000000
    _L 0x117291DE 0x0000320F
    _C0 All capacity
    _L 0x1172AC54 0x0000FFC5
    _L 0x1172AC58 0x0000FEC5
    _L 0x1172AC5C 0x0000FEC5
    _L 0x1172AC60 0x0000FFC5
    _L 0x8172AC64 0x00070002
    _L 0x1000FEC5 0x00000000
    _L 0x1172AC80 0x0000FFC5
    _L 0x1172AC84 0x0000FFC5
    _L 0x8172AC88 0x00110002
    _L 0x1000FEC5 0x00000000
    _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 1)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x005F000A
    _L 0x0000005B 0x00000001
    _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 2)
    _L 0x81729C68 0x0062000A
    _L 0x00000001 0x00000000
    _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 3)
    _L 0x81729C6A 0x005F000A
    _L 0x00000001 0x00000000
    _C0 Full Open skills (only Terra)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A
    _L 0x10000116 0x00000002
    _C0 Full Open skills (only Ventus)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A
    _L 0x10000117 0x00000002
    _C0 Full Open skills (only Aqua)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A
    _L 0x10000118 0x00000002
    _C0 The maximum level playing field
    _L 0xC025D644 0x3404001E
    _L 0xC025D64C 0xA2040037

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    Default Kingdom Hearst BBS: Final Mix

    ok i get from other site in japanese site...
    _S ULJM-05775
    _L 0x201A5298 0x00000000
    _L 0x201A5304 0x00000000
    _L 0x2011E664 0xE616003C
    _C0 EXP MAX
    _L 0x2172B8C0 0x00FF425D
    _C0 inf HP
    _L 0xC013386C 0x0E200800
    _L 0xC0133870 0x86040392
    _L 0x20002000 0xA6040390
    _L 0x20002004 0x03E00008
    _L 0x20002008 0x00043140
    _C0 HP all over after injury
    _L 0xC0153154 0x53E00004
    _C0 Must code
    _L 0x201F7878 0x0A200404
    _L 0x20001010 0x00942023
    _L 0x20001014 0x8E45002C
    _L 0x20001018 0x24010002
    _L 0x2000101C 0x50250002
    _L 0x20001028 0x0A27DE1F
    _C0 Unlimited companion HP
    _L 0xC0001020 0x864401CA
    _C0 Death blow enemy
    _L 0xC0001024 0x00002021
    _C0 FP Fast Recovery
    _L 0xC0117E24 0x3C0F42C8
    _L 0xC0117E28 0x448F6000
    _C0 Command slots Full Max
    _L 0xC0142C20 0xE6160100
    _C0 Focus slot usually filled
    _L 0xC0119FD4 0xE62C0044
    _L 0xC011E494 0xE60E0044
    _L 0xC0126418 0x00000000
    _C0 Unlimited D-Link slot
    _L 0xC011E664 0xE616003C
    _C0 After the unabated use of props
    _L 0xC025D8F4 0x24070032
    _L 0xC025FBD4 0x24160032
    _L 0xC025FC98 0x24060032
    _L 0xC0260B58 0x24050032
    _C0 experience get x times
    _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129xx0
    xx =
    042 times
    084 times
    0C 8 times
    10 16 times
    14 32 times
    1864 times
    1C 128 times
    20256 times
    24512 times
    _C0 Express Upgrade Skills
    _L 0xC00E21C0 0x24062710
    _C0 Store all items
    _L 0x8172A9FB 0x024C0001
    _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
    _C0 All weapons (only Terra)
    _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001
    _L 0x10000101 0x00000001
    _C0 All weapons (only Ventus)
    _L 0x8172918E 0x000E0001
    _L 0x10000001 0x00000001
    _C0 All weapons (only Aqua)
    _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001
    _L 0x10000201 0x00000001
    _C0 All synthetic material
    _L 0x817291B2 0x00080002
    _L 0x10003200 0x00000002
    _L 0x817291B4 0x002F0002
    _L 0x10000063 0x00000000
    _L 0x117291D2 0x0000320F
    _L 0x817291D6 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004600 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291E6 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004605 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291F6 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004609 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729206 0x00060002
    _L 0x1000460D 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172921E 0x00070002
    _L 0x10004614 0x00000001
    _L 0x1172923A 0x0000461C
    _L 0x1172923E 0x0000461D
    _L 0x81729242 0x000B0002
    _L 0x10004620 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291BE 0x00080002
    _L 0x10003200 0x00000002
    _L 0x817291E2 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004600 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291F2 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004605 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729202 0x00040002
    _L 0x10004609 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729212 0x00060002
    _L 0x1000460D 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172922A 0x00070002
    _L 0x10004614 0x00000001
    _L 0x81729246 0x00020002
    _L 0x1000461C 0x00000001
    _L 0x8172924E 0x000B0002
    _L 0x10004620 0x00000001
    _L 0x817291C0 0x002F0002
    _L 0x10000063 0x00000000
    _L 0x117291DE 0x0000320F
    _C0 All capacity
    _L 0x1172AC54 0x0000FFC5
    _L 0x1172AC58 0x0000FEC5
    _L 0x1172AC5C 0x0000FEC5
    _L 0x1172AC60 0x0000FFC5
    _L 0x8172AC64 0x00070002
    _L 0x1000FEC5 0x00000000
    _L 0x1172AC80 0x0000FFC5
    _L 0x1172AC84 0x0000FFC5
    _L 0x8172AC88 0x00110002
    _L 0x1000FEC5 0x00000000
    _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 1)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x005F000A
    _L 0x0000005B 0x00000001
    _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 2)
    _L 0x81729C68 0x0062000A
    _L 0x00000001 0x00000000
    _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 3)
    _L 0x81729C6A 0x005F000A
    _L 0x00000001 0x00000000
    _C0 Full Open skills (only Terra)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A
    _L 0x10000116 0x00000002
    _C0 Full Open skills (only Ventus)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A
    _L 0x10000117 0x00000002
    _C0 Full Open skills (only Aqua)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A
    _L 0x10000118 0x00000002
    _C0 The maximum level playing field
    _L 0xC025D644 0x3404001E
    _L 0xC025D64C 0xA2040037

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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