Codes ported by lee4 at codemasters-project.

I may attempt some other codes, but this game is... weird.
I can't get an Inf HP code to work...
Haha, honestly, I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.
But here ya go:

_S NPUH-10128
_G Elminage Original
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 rare drop
_L 0x200a36f4 0x00000000
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 treasure item 3
_L 0x200a3610 0x24020003
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 sudden attack
_L 0x200a24d4 0x10000010
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 enemy no attack
_L 0x200A7714 0x00000000
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 enemy no sudden attack
_L 0x200a24f0 0x24030000
_L 0x200a2530 0x24030000
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 MP not decrease
_L 0x200AE8F4 0x00000000
_L 0x200AE93C 0x24420000
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 always treasure box
_L 0x00514064 0x00000001
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 no trap
_L 0x0051D8D2 0x00000000
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 all magic
_L 0x8038851A 0x000C0001
_L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
_L 0x8038852A 0x00390001
_L 0x10000009 0x00000000
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 bonus point 99
_L 0x003a5c88 0x00000063
_L 0x003a5c8A 0x00000063
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 sugoroku dice 1
_L 0x0039E478 0x00000001
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 clear count [L+up]
_L 0xD0000000 0x10000110
_L 0x003884A8 0x000000AA
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 stock infinity
_L 0x20053318 0x240400FF
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 monster book complete
_L 0x2006E680 0x2404FFFF
_L 0x2006E684 0xA044A02A
_L 0x2006E6A8 0x24020001
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 dungeon map complete
_L 0x2008B8D0 0x2404FFFF
_L 0x2008B8D4 0xA4445496
_L 0x2008B8F4 0x24020001
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 time not decrease
_L 0x200902D8 0x00802023
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 disarm success
_L 0x2009EFF0 0x00000000
_L 0x2009F01C 0x00000000
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 contract success
_L 0x200B35E8 0x10000013
_L 0x200B3490 0x00000000
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 item analyze
_L 0x200C38A4 0x34420001
_L 0x200C38A8 0xA0A20000
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 item not decrease
_L 0x200D0028 0x25060000
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 status not decrease
_L 0x200E58E8 0x00000000
_L 0x200E58F8 0x50000003
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 gp not decrease
_L 0x200E556C 0x00401023
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 exp x??
_L 0x200e5608 0x0A200480
_L 0x20001200 0x8C830058
_L 0x20001204 0x0a239584
_L 0x20001208 0x00052???
# <*credit to lee4*>
_C0 gp x??
_L 0x200E5598 0x0A200400
_L 0x20001000 0x8C82005C
_L 0x20001004 0x0a239568
_L 0x20001008 0x00052???
# <*credit to lee4*>

840 = 2x
880 = 4x
8C0 = 8x
900 = 16x