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Thread Title: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars [ULUS-10490]

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  1. #1
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    Adding video game cheat codes

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    Default Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars [ULUS-10490]

    Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars [ULUS-10490]


    #Infinite Ammunition
    ;Infinite Ammunition for most weapons
    ;And extended clips allowing rapid fire
    ;with most guns
    ;Only gives ammo to guns you have acquired
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x000118BC 0x0E200400
    0x00001000 0x3C0B0978
    0x00001004 0x3C0CFFFF
    0x00001008 0x258CFFFF
    0x0000100C 0x8D6D29BC
    0x00001010 0x19A00002
    0x00001014 0x00000000
    0x00001018 0xADAC0010
    0x0000101C 0x8D6D29C0
    0x00001020 0x19A00002
    0x00001024 0x00000000
    0x00001028 0xADAC0010
    0x0000102C 0x8D6D29C4
    0x00001030 0x19A00002
    0x00001034 0x00000000
    0x00001038 0xADAC0010
    0x0000103C 0x8D6D29C8
    0x00001040 0x19A00002
    0x00001044 0x00000000
    0x00001048 0xADAC0010
    0x0000104C 0x8D6D29CC
    0x00001050 0x19A00002
    0x00001054 0x00000000
    0x00001058 0xADAC0010
    0x0000105C 0x8D6D29D4
    0x00001060 0x19A00002
    0x00001064 0x00000000
    0x00001068 0xADAC0010
    0x0000106C 0x03E00008
    0x00001070 0x0E2046A9

    #Rapid Fire Rate
    ;Not just for guns
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0013E39C 0x24840000
    0x002C6514 0x24848001

    #Improved Rapid Fire
    ;More Weapon Support
    ;Even Faster Fire
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0013E39C 0x24840000
    0x002C6518 0x20800013

    #Slower Fire Rate
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x002C6514 0x2484FFFF

    #Sniper Rifle - CQC Slot
    ;Adds Sniper Rifle to
    ;Close Quarter Combat Slot
    ;Sniper Rifle Has Infinite Ammo
    ;Disable BEFORE acquiring
    ;another Sniper Rifle
    ;Unequip Sniper Rifle BEFORE
    ;Disabling this code
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000200C 0x08B83804
    0x00002010 0x00FFFFFF
    0x00F829B8 0x08802000
    0x00F829D0 0x08802000

    #Sniper Rifle - HG Slot
    ;Adds Sniper Rifle to
    ;Handgun Slot
    ;Sniper Rifle Has Infinite Ammo
    ;Disable BEFORE acquiring
    ;another Sniper Rifle
    ;Unequip Sniper Rifle BEFORE
    ;Disabling this code
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000200C 0x08B83804
    0x00002010 0x00FFFFFF
    0x00F829BC 0x08802000
    0x00F829D0 0x08802000
    Posted 10/23/2009 6:53:58 PM
    message detail #Sniper Rifle - SG Slot
    ;Adds Sniper Rifle to
    ;Shotgun Slot
    ;Sniper Rifle Has Infinite Ammo
    ;Disable BEFORE acquiring
    ;another Sniper Rifle
    ;Unequip Sniper Rifle BEFORE
    ;Disabling this code
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000200C 0x08B83804
    0x00002010 0x00FFFFFF
    0x00F829C0 0x08802000
    0x00F829D0 0x08802000

    #Sniper Rifle - SMG Slot
    ;Adds Sniper Rifle to
    ;Sub Machine Gun Slot
    ;Sniper Rifle Has Infinite Ammo
    ;Disable BEFORE acquiring
    ;another Sniper Rifle
    ;Unequip Sniper Rifle BEFORE
    ;Disabling this code
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000200C 0x08B83804
    0x00002010 0x00FFFFFF
    0x00F829C4 0x08802000
    0x00F829D0 0x08802000

    #Sniper Rifle - AR Slot
    ;Adds Sniper Rifle to
    ;Assault Rifle Slot
    ;Sniper Rifle Has Infinite Ammo
    ;Disable BEFORE acquiring
    ;another Sniper Rifle
    ;Unequip Sniper Rifle BEFORE
    ;Disabling this code
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000200C 0x08B83804
    0x00002010 0x00FFFFFF
    0x00F829C8 0x08802000
    0x00F829D0 0x08802000

    #Sniper Rifle - Heavy Slot
    ;Adds Sniper Rifle to
    ;Heavy Weapon Slot
    ;Sniper Rifle Has Infinite Ammo
    ;Disable BEFORE acquiring
    ;another Sniper Rifle
    ;Unequip Sniper Rifle BEFORE
    ;Disabling this code
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000200C 0x08B83804
    0x00002010 0x00FFFFFF
    0x00F829CC 0x08802000
    0x00F829D0 0x08802000

    #Have Yu Jian (Sword) - CQC
    ;Kills in One Hit
    ;Don't use with other CQC Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000206C 0x08B84114
    0x00F829B8 0x08802060

    #Have Night Stick - CQC
    ;Don't use with other CQC Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000206C 0x08B77D5C
    0x00F829B8 0x08802060

    #Have BaseBall Bat - CQC
    ;Don't use with other CQC Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000206C 0x08B6CE28
    0x00F829B8 0x08802060
    Posted 10/23/2009 6:54:40 PM
    message detail #Have Chainsaw - CQC
    ;Don't use with other CQC Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000206C 0x08B6F740
    0x00F829B8 0x08802060

    #Have Pistol - HG
    ;Don't use with other HG Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000210C 0x08B80AEC
    0x00002110 0x00320064
    0x00F829BC 0x08802100

    #Have Revolver - HG
    ;Don't use with other HG Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000210C 0x08B80B94
    0x00002110 0x00320064
    0x00F829BC 0x08802100

    #Have Twin Pistols - HG
    ;Don't use with other HG Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000210C 0x08B80C3C
    0x00002110 0x00320064
    0x00F829BC 0x08802100

    #Have Shotgun - SG
    ;Don't use with other SG Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000216C 0x08B82CC4
    0x00002170 0x00320064
    0x00F829C0 0x08802160

    #Have Stubby Shotgun - SG
    ;Don't use with other SG Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000216C 0x08B82D6C
    0x00002170 0x00320064
    0x00F829C0 0x08802160

    #Have DoubleB SG - SG
    ;Double-Barreled Shotgun
    ;Don't use with other SG Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000216C 0x08B82E14
    0x00002170 0x00320064
    0x00F829C0 0x08802160

    #Have Micro SMG - SMG
    ;Don't use with other SMG Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000220C 0x08B85E54
    0x00002210 0x00320064
    0x00F829C4 0x08802200

    #Have SMG - SMG
    ;Don't use with other SMG Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000220C 0x08B85EFC
    0x00002210 0x00320064
    0x00F829C4 0x08802200

    #Have Assault Rifle - AR
    ;Don't use with other AR Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000226C 0x08B6BC70
    0x00002270 0x006400C8
    0x00F829C8 0x08802260

    #Have Carbine Rifle - AR
    ;Don't use with other AR Slot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000226C 0x08B6BD18
    0x00002270 0x006400C8
    0x00F829C8 0x08802260

    #Have Minigun - Heavy
    ;Don't use with other Heavy SLot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000230C 0x08B76CEC
    0x00002310 0x01F403E8
    0x00F829CC 0x08802300

    #Have RPG - Heavy
    ;Don't use with other Heavy SLot Mods
    ;Don't disable while equipped
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x0000230C 0x08B82564
    0x00002310 0x00320064
    0x00F829CC 0x08802300
    Posted 10/23/2009 6:55:18 PM
    message detail #!!-----------

    #Infinite Health
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F82B06 0xFF

    #Infinite Armor
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F82B07 0xFF

    #Auto Run
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F82AFE 0x03

    #Infinite Money
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F83774 0x77359400
    0x00F83778 0x77359400

    #Infinite Vehicle Health ++
    ;Infinite Vehicle Health Always Enabled
    ;Can modify radio station
    ;Radio station values are between
    ;0x00 and 0x0A, 0x0B = Radio off
    ;And 0x8F ignores this modification entirely
    ;(Ignored by Default)
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x000118D4 0X0E200442
    0x00001100 0x0000008F;Radio Channel, Modify or leave to ignore
    0x00001104 0x000000FF;Car Health, Do not modify
    0x00001108 0x3C0B08BD
    0x0000110C 0x8D6B8220
    0x00001110 0x8D6B0AC4
    0x00001114 0x19600008
    0x00001118 0x3C0C0880
    0x0000111C 0x818D1104
    0x00001120 0xA16D03E1
    0x00001124 0x240E008F
    0x00001128 0x8D8D1100
    0x0000112C 0x11AE0002
    0x00001130 0x00000000
    0x00001134 0xA16D03E3
    0x00001138 0x03E00008
    0x0000113C 0x0E2046A9

    #Bubonic Plague
    ;Everyone Around You Dies
    ;Equip A Gun and Vehicles
    ;Will 'Die' As Well
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x000513FC 0x0E200480
    0x00001200 0x3C0B08BF
    0x00001204 0x256B2048
    0x00001208 0x3C0C0978
    0x0000120C 0x8D8C2A0C
    0x00001210 0x116C0004
    0x00001214 0x00000000
    0x00001218 0x8D8C0000
    0x0000121C 0xA5800246
    0x00001220 0xA18003E1
    0x00001224 0x03E00008
    0x00001228 0x0E213A5C
    Posted 10/23/2009 6:55:57 PM
    message detail #!!----------

    #Wanted Level 0
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F82B94 0x00000000
    0x00F82B98 0x00000000

    #Wanted Level 1
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F82B94 0x00000001
    0x00F82B98 0x0000005D

    #Wanted Level 2
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F82B94 0x00000002
    0x00F82B98 0x0000016D

    #Wanted Level 3
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F82B94 0x00000003
    0x00F82B98 0x0000036B

    #Wanted Level 4
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F82B94 0x00000004
    0x00F82B98 0x00000708

    #Wanted Level 5
    ;Enable Max Wanted Level 6 First
    ;Unless Level 5 or 6 is unlocked
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F82B94 0x00000005
    0x00F82B98 0x00000E10

    #Wanted Level 6
    ;Enable Max Wanted Level 6 First
    ;Unless Level 5 or 6 is unlocked
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F82B94 0x00000006
    0x00F82B98 0x00001C20

    #Cannnot be Wanted
    ;Lowers Maximum Level to 0
    ;Does not remove all stars
    ;if already wanted
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F82BA0 0x00000000

    #Max Wanted Level 1
    ;Lowers Maximum Level to 1
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F82BA0 0x00000001

    #Max Wanted Level 6
    ;Raises max wanted level to 6
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00F82BA0 0x00000006

    #Times Cheated 0
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x00554C9C 0x00000000

    #Controller Address
    0x005B4454 0x00000000

    #Large Shadows
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x002B73D8 0x3C044080

    #Insane Driving
    ;Have Fun =]
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x001E24AC 0x3C054590

    ;Always Bright Outside
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0x004192A0 0x48CB0000
    0x004192A8 0x48B96220
    0x00419300 0x48666480
    0x00419308 0x48666480
    Posted 10/23/2009 6:56:52 PM
    message detail #!!------------------
    #!!-Garage Modifiers-
    ;Modifies the vehicle in the garage
    ;Vehicles labeled (AIR) or (SEA)
    ;Cannot be removed from the garage
    ;There are multiples of some vehicles
    ;Usually they have small differences

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x00000000

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x00000001

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x00000002

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x00000003

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x00000004

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x00000005

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x00000006

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x00000007

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x00000008

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x00000009

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x0000000A

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x0000000B

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x0000000C

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x0000000D

    ;Enable, Remove Vehicle from
    ;Garage, And Disable
    ;Credit WhoIsYou
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x003C8220
    0x00000958 0x0000000E

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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    Default Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars [ULUS-10490]

    _S ULUS-10490
    _G GTA Chinatown Wars USA
    _C0 ---WEAPONS CHEAT---
    _C0 inf ammo
    _L 0x20069F80 0x34050000
    _L 0x2006A024 0x24A50000
    _L 0x2013E2B4 0x34050000
    _L 0x200C3968 0x34050000
    _C0 Rapid Fire Rate(Together with inf ammo)
    _L 0x0013E39C 0x24840000
    _L 0x002C6514 0x24848001
    _C0 Improved Rapid Fire(Support more weapons)
    _L 0x2013E39C 0x24840000
    _L 0x202C6518 0x20800013
    _C0 Slower Fire Rate
    _L 0x002C6514 0x2484FFFF
    _C0 ___Shortform signs___
    _C0 CQC=Close Quarter Combat
    _C0 HG=Handgun
    _C0 SG=Shotgun
    _C0 SMG=Sub Machine Gun
    _C0 AR=Assault Rifle
    _C0 Heavy=Heavy Weapon
    _C0 __End of Shortform signs__
    _C0 Sniper Rifle:CQC Slot
    _L 0x2000200C 0x08B83804
    _L 0x20002010 0x00FFFFFF
    _L 0x20F829B8 0x08802000
    _L 0x20F829D0 0x08802000
    _C0 Sniper Rifle:HG Slot
    _L 0x2000200C 0x08B83804
    _L 0x20002010 0x00FFFFFF
    _L 0x20F829BC 0x08802000
    _L 0x20F829D0 0x08802000
    _C0 Sniper Rifle:SG Slot
    _L 0x2000200C 0x08B83804
    _L 0x20002010 0x00FFFFFF
    _L 0x20F829C0 0x08802000
    _L 0x20F829D0 0x08802000
    _C0 Sniper Rifle:SMG Slot
    _L 0x2000200C 0x08B83804
    _L 0x20002010 0x00FFFFFF
    _L 0x20F829C4 0x08802000
    _L 0x20F829D0 0x08802000
    _C0 Sniper Rifle:AR Slot
    _L 0x2000200C 0x08B83804
    _L 0x20002010 0x00FFFFFF
    _L 0x20F829C8 0x08802000
    _L 0x20F829D0 0x08802000
    _C0 Sniper Rifle:Heavy Slot
    _L 0x2000200C 0x08B83804
    _L 0x20002010 0x00FFFFFF
    _L 0x20F829CC 0x08802000
    _L 0x20F829D0 0x08802000
    _C0 Have Yu Jian (Sword) - CQC
    _L 0x2000206C 0x08B84114
    _L 0x20F829B8 0x08802060
    _C0 Have Night Stick - CQC
    _L 0x2000206C 0x08B77D5C
    _L 0x20F829B8 0x08802060
    _C0 Have BaseBall Bat - CQC
    _L 0x2000206C 0x08B6CE28
    _L 0x20F829B8 0x08802060
    _C0 Have Chainsaw - CQC
    _L 0x2000206C 0x08B6F740
    _L 0x20F829B8 0x08802060
    _C0 Have Pistol - HG
    _L 0x2000210C 0x08B80AEC
    _L 0x20002110 0x00320064
    _L 0x20F829BC 0x08802100
    _C0 Have Revolver - HG
    _L 0x2000210C 0x08B80B94
    _L 0x20002110 0x00320064
    _L 0x20F829BC 0x08802100
    _C0 Have Twin Pistols - HG
    _L 0x2000210C 0x08B80C3C
    _L 0x20002110 0x00320064
    _L 0x20F829BC 0x08802100
    _C0 Have Shotgun - SG
    _L 0x2000216C 0x08B82CC4
    _L 0x20002170 0x00320064
    _L 0x20F829C0 0x08802160
    _C0 Have Stubby Shotgun - SG
    _L 0x2000216C 0x08B82D6C
    _L 0x20002170 0x00320064
    _L 0x20F829C0 0x08802160
    _C0 Have DoubleB SG - SG
    _L 0x2000216C 0x08B82E14
    _L 0x20002170 0x00320064
    _L 0x20F829C0 0x08802160
    _C0 Have Micro SMG - SMG
    _L 0x2000220C 0x08B85E54
    _L 0x20002210 0x00320064
    _L 0x20F829C4 0x08802200
    _C0 Have SMG - SMG
    _L 0x2000220C 0x08B85EFC
    _L 0x20002210 0x00320064
    _L 0x20F829C4 0x08802200
    _C0 Have Assault Rifle - AR
    _L 0x2000226C 0x08B6BC70
    _L 0x20002270 0x006400C8
    _L 0x20F829C8 0x08802260
    _C0 Have Carbine Rifle - AR
    _L 0x2000226C 0x08B6BD18
    _L 0x20002270 0x006400C8
    _L 0x20F829C8 0x08802260
    _C0 Have Minigun - Heavy
    _L 0x2000230C 0x08B76CEC
    _L 0x20002310 0x01F403E8
    _L 0x20F829CC 0x08802300
    _C0 Have RPG - Heavy
    _L 0x2000230C 0x08B82564
    _L 0x20002310 0x00320064
    _L 0x20F829CC 0x08802300
    _C0 Inf Health
    _L 0x00F82B06 0xFF
    _C0 Inf Armor
    _L 0x00F82B07 0xFF
    _C0 Infinite Vehicle Health
    _L 0x000118D4 0X0E200442
    _L 0x00001100 0x0000008F
    _L 0x00001104 0x000000FF
    _L 0x00001108 0x3C0B08BD
    _L 0x0000110C 0x8D6B8220
    _L 0x00001110 0x8D6B0AC4
    _L 0x00001114 0x19600008
    _L 0x00001118 0x3C0C0880
    _L 0x0000111C 0x818D1104
    _L 0x00001120 0xA16D03E1
    _L 0x00001124 0x240E008F
    _L 0x00001128 0x8D8D1100
    _L 0x0000112C 0x11AE0002
    _L 0x00001130 0x00000000
    _L 0x00001134 0xA16D03E3
    _L 0x00001138 0x03E00008
    _L 0x0000113C 0x0E2046A9
    _C0 Auto Run(Give directions and it will walk itself)
    _L 0x00F82AFE 0x03
    _C0 One Hit Kill
    _L 0x20000050 0x3c0808c1
    _L 0x20000054 0x0a2664e0
    _L 0x20000058 0x8d08d160
    _L 0x20199378 0x0a200014
    _L 0x20199384 0x15050007
    _C0 Inf. Money(Comfirm working)
    _L 0x20F83774 0x77359400
    _L 0x20F83778 0x77359400
    _C0 Everyone Around You Dies
    _L 0x200513FC 0x0E200480
    _L 0x20001200 0x3C0B08BF
    _L 0x20001204 0x256B2048
    _L 0x20001208 0x3C0C0978
    _L 0x2000120C 0x8D8C2A0C
    _L 0x20001210 0x116C0004
    _L 0x00001214 0x00000000
    _L 0x20001218 0x8D8C0000
    _L 0x2000121C 0xA5800246
    _L 0x20001220 0xA18003E1
    _L 0x20001224 0x03E00008
    _L 0x20001228 0x0E213A5C
    _C0 ---MISC CHEAT---
    _C0 No Wanted level
    _L 0x202bd01c 0x34040000
    _C0 # Of times Cheated [0]
    _L 0x2023ac84 0x34050000
    _C0 Wanted Level 0
    _L 0x00F82B94 0x00000000
    _L 0x00F82B98 0x00000000
    _C0 Wanted Level 1
    _L 0x00F82B94 0x00000001
    _L 0x00F82B98 0x0000005D
    _C0 Wanted Level 2
    _L 0x00F82B94 0x00000002
    _L 0x00F82B98 0x0000016D
    _C0 Wanted Level 3
    _L 0x00F82B94 0x00000003
    _L 0x00F82B98 0x0000036B
    _C0 Wanted Level 4
    _L 0x00F82B94 0x00000004
    _L 0x00F82B98 0x00000708
    _C0 Wanted Level 5
    _L 0x00F82B94 0x00000005
    _L 0x00F82B98 0x00000E10
    _C0 Wanted Level 6
    _L 0x00F82B94 0x00000006
    _L 0x00F82B98 0x00001C20
    _C0 Times Cheated [0]
    _L 0x00554C9C 0x00000000
    _C0 Insane Driving
    _L 0x201E24AC 0x3C054590
    _C0 Always Daylight
    _L 0x204192A0 0x48CB0000
    _L 0x204192A8 0x48B96220
    _L 0x20419300 0x48666480
    _L 0x20419308 0x48666480
    _C0 Times Cheated [0]
    _L 0x00554C9C 0x00000000
    _C0 Gun Club Score [ON/OFF]
    _L 0x016A9750 0x00007530
    _L 0x016F5088 0x00007530
    _C0 # of Times Saved [0] [ON/OFF]
    _L 0x00554CA4 0x00000000
    _C0 All Drugs x999 [ON/OFF]
    _L 0x10410BF4 0x000003E7
    _L 0x10410BE4 0x000003E7
    _L 0x10410BD4 0x000003E7
    _L 0x10410BEC 0x000003E7
    _L 0x10410BFC 0x000003E7
    _L 0x10410BDC 0x000003E7
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    _L 0x00020001 0x0000095
    _C0 DUKES
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000002
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000003
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000004
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000005
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000006
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000008
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000009
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000000A
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000000B
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 ANGEL (BIKE)
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000000C
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 CABBIE
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000000D
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000000E
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 TANKER
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000000F
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000010
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 COMET
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000011
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000012
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 YANKEE
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000013
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000014
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000015
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 CHAVOS
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000016
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000017
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000018
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 BOBCAT
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000019
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000001A
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000001B
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000001C
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 MK GT9
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000001D
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 500 XLR8
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000001E
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000020
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000021
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000022
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 RHINO (TANK)
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000007
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 REEFER (SEA)
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000023
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000024
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000025
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000026
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 DINGHY (SEA)
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000027
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 BUS
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000028
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000029
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000002A
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 WET SKI (SEA)
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000002B
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000002C
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000002D
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000002E
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000002F
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000030
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000031
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000032
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 GO KART
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000033
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 YANKEE One
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000034
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 YANKEE Two
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000035
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 YANKEE Three
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000036
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 YANKEE Four
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000037
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 YANKEE Five
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000038
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x00000039
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000003A
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 SABRE GT
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000003B
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000003C
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 SULTAN
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000003D
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 PEYOTE
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000003E
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 INGOT
    _L 0x603C8220 0x0000003F
    _L 0x00020001 0x00000958
    _C0 Cars Never Blow Up
    _L 0xC02AF8A8 0x0A200410
    _L 0xC02AF8AC 0x00000000
    _L 0x20001040 0x240100FF
    _L 0x20001044 0xA20103E1
    _L 0x20001048 0x920403E1
    _L 0x2000104C 0x0A2ABE2C
    _L 0x20001050 0x2884001F
    _C0 Timer Stop
    _L 0xC028DDCC 0x00000000

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