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Thread Title: Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars [US] [ULUS-10273] CWCheats

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    Default Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars [US] [ULUS-10273] CWCheats

    _S ULUS-10273
    _G Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars [US]
    _C0 Disable Game Time
    _L 0x201E4598 0x00000000
    _L 0x20DE9D50 0x00000000
    _C0 Enable Game Time
    _L 0x201E4598 0x00000001
    _L 0x20DE9D50 0x00000001
    _C0 Disable Passenger Time
    _L 0x201E459C 0x00000000
    _L 0x20DE9D54 0x00000000
    _C0 Enable Passenger Time
    _L 0x20F4EF00 0xCFCCCCCC
    _L 0x20DE9D54 0x00000001
    _C0 Drive Through Cars
    _L 0x20F4EAAC 0xCFCCCCCC
    _L 0x20E22238 0xCFCCCCCC

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    Default Crazy Taxi Fare wars - [ULUS-10273]

    Cwcheat codes

    _C0 Infinite TIME
    _L 0x10DE9D62 0X00004506

    _C0 999999 Cash
    _L 0x201D2C5C 0X000F423F

    Cheatmaster codes

    Infinite TIME
    00DE9D62 0X00004506

    999999 CASH
    001D2C5C 0X000F423F

    I found that if u activate the code.. "_C1" there are no lockups with the codes. and the Money code is just a visual though. If possible is there any way to Trigger the Boost (Drive and Gas) with a code that maps it to a button? (joker command)

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  4. #3
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    Default Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars [US] [ULUS-10273] CWCheats

    Crazy Taxi 2 Codes

    Use the following key combinations while selecting your character in Crazy Taxi 2:

    Hold Triangle + Start while selecting your character Expert Mode
    Hold Start while selecting your character No arrows
    Hold Triangle while selecting your charcter

    Misc. Crazy Taxi 1 Codes

    Press R once, then press and hold R while selecting a character Another day (Start in a new location and new fare locations)
    Hit L+R 3 times (rapidly) at the character select screen. Drive the taxi bike (without having to beat Crazy Box)
    Press and hold L + R + Start while the character selection screen is loading Expert mode
    Hold R and Start while the character selection screen is loading No arrows
    Hold L and Start while the character selection screen is loading No destination marks

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  5. #4
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    Default Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars [US] [ULUS-10273] CWCheats

    # Another Day mode in Crazy Taxi

    While selecting a character, press R, then hold R. Another Day mode allows you to have new fare locations.
    # Drive the taxi bike in Crazy Taxi

    At the character selection screen, quickly press L + R, L + R, L + R.
    # Expert mode in Crazy Taxi

    While the character selection screen loads, hold L + R + Start.
    # No arrows in Crazy Taxi

    While the character selection screen loads, hold R + Start.
    # No destination marks in Crazy Taxi

    While the character selection screen loads, hold L + Start.
    # Expert mode in Crazy Taxi 2

    While selecting a character, hold Triangle + Start.
    # No arrows in Crazy Taxi 2

    While selecting a character, hold Start.
    # No destination marks in Crazy Taxi 2

    While selecting a character, hold Triangle.
    # Crazy Blur mode

    Get a "Class C" license or better on any map in any time mode in Crazy Taxi or Crazy Taxi 2 to unlock Crazy Blur mode.
    # Crazy Interview

    Successfully complete the Crazy Box mini-games in Crazy Taxi or the Crazy Pyramid mini-games in Crazy Taxi 2 to unlock an interview with the producer of the original Crazy Taxi.
    # Crazy Pick-Up mode

    Get a "Class S" license or better on any map in any time mode in Crazy Taxi or Crazy Taxi 2 to unlock Crazy Pick-Up mode. This mode allows you to pick up customers from knocked-over vehicles. Simply tip a vehicle over, and the driver will come out, ready to be picked up.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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