_S SCUS_94254
_G Legend of Legaia
_C0 Point Card Modifier
_L 800845B4 0000FA49 <No Glitch- change value for 1-99999
_L 800845B6 00000002 <No Glitch- change the 2 for values ranging 100000+
_C0 Vahn Exp Modifier LVL 35 <No Glitch- **Note 1**
_L 80084708 00015F23 <No Glitch- change value for 1-99999 exp
_L 8008470A 00000006 <No Glitch- change value for 100000 exp +
_C0 Noa Exp Modifier LVL 35 **Note 2**
_L 80084B1C 000155EB <No Glitch- change value for 1-99999 exp
_L 80084B1E 00000006 <No Glitch- change value for 100000 exp +
_C0 Gala Exp Modifier LVL 35 **Note 3**
_L 80084F30 0001685B <No Glitch- change value for 1-99999 exp
_L 80084F32 00000006 <No Glitch- change value for 100000 exp +
_C0 Vahn 100 AP Battle **Note 4**
_L 300ECB58 00000064
**Note 1** - having this code on will give you the exp you need to jump to level 35, of course, it is recommended that you only enable it once to get the exp and then disable it afterwards so that you can continue to get exp
**Note 2** - having this code on will give you the exp you need to jump to level 35, of course, it is recommended that you only enable it once to get the exp and then disable it afterwards so that you can continue to get exp
**Note 3** - having this code on will give you the exp you need to jump to level 35, of course, it is recommended that you only enable it once to get the exp and then disable it afterwards so that you can continue to get exp
**Note 4** - this will give Vahn 100 ap in battle, i have experienced glitches when using the Door of Wind though, so i recommend turning this code off before you use the door, or it will glitch and crash the game.... i will be making noa and gala's ap code tomorrow some time